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Return to the Office of the Registrar

ID ____________ NAME ________________________________CLASS YR __________ DATE ___________
It is the responsibility of the student to plan an academic program that meets the requirements of the concentration and to
have the program approved by the concentration coordinator. If a student decides not to complete a concentration that
has been approved, he/she should inform the concentration coordinator and process a second form in order to drop the
concentration. Seniors who do not successfully complete concentration course requirements by the end of the twelfth
term are dropped from the concentration (may not transfer in remaining requirements). Signatures of the coordinator and
student are required to drop a concentration.

Coordinators Approval


Advisers Approval
Students Signature

Concentrations may be declared no later than the end of the students eighth term.

Return to the Office of the Registrar
ID ____________ NAME ________________________________CLASS YR __________ DATE ___________
It is the responsibility of the student to plan an academic program that meets the requirements of the concentration and to
have the program approved by the concentration coordinator. If a student decides not to complete a concentration that
has been approved, he/she should inform the concentration coordinator and process a second form in order to drop the
concentration. Seniors who do not successfully complete concentration course requirements by the end of the twelfth
term are dropped from the concentration (may not transfer in remaining requirements). Signatures of the coordinator and
student are required to drop a concentration.

Coordinators Approval


Advisers Approval
Students Signature

Concentrations may be declared no later than the end of the students eighth term.

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