Wargal Limestone

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Stratigraphic Sequence in Nammal

Wargal Limestone:
Synoname: Noetling [1901] coined the term ,The Wargal
Group, to predominantly calcareous unit.The name wargal
limestone as approved by the stratigraphic committee of Pakistan
was introduced by teichert [1966].for the same rock unit the
name,Middle Product Limestone,was used by Waggen [1879].

Lithology: The lithology comprises limestone and dolomite of

light to medium grey,brownish-grey,and olive grey colors.Lower
pert comprises of limestone and upper part comprises of
dolomite.Limestone light to olive grey, argillaceous thin to
medium bedded,rubbly highily fossiliferous.limestone rich in
brachiopods.Dolomite pinkish grey and yellowish grey brecciated
and massive.sandstone greyish-orange fine-grained.

Contacts: Theupper contact of Wargal Limestone with

Chhidru formation and lower contact not conformble.

Fauna: The fauna consist of abundantbryozoans ,brachiopods,

bivalve,gastropods,nautiloids ,ammonoids, trilobites and crinoids.

Wargal Limestone

Chhidru Formation:
Synoname: The name chhidru beds was given by
Waggen[1891] and Chhidru Groupby noetling [1901] to the
topmost beds of commonly known Product Limestone and is
derived from Chhidru Nala.The name Chhidru formation was
introduced by Dunbar[1932].


Sandstone has white hard,ripple marks,med-fine

grained ,with cubordinate dark shale partings;sst
fossiliferous.sandstone,calcareous and with sandy limestone
fossiliferous.shale,pale-yellowish grey to grey ,contains small
phosphattic nodules ,at the basal part.


Upper contact with the Triassic rock terminated by

para conformity.Lower contact with Wargal lst transitional and


Fauna consist of
brachiopods,bellerophontids,ammonites etc.


Age of chhidru formation is Late Permian.

Chhidru Formation

Mianwali Formation:

The name Mainwali serieswas used by

Gee[in Pascoe,1959] and later modified by Kummel [1966] into a
formation.it has following three member.
1: Narmia Member
2: Mittiwali Member
3: Kathwai member

Lithology: Varied facies consisting of marl,lst,sst,siltstone

and dolomite.
Narmia member ,basal part limestone is dark grey to
brown,fragmentary,in part sandy.Upper part shale grey to black
with sst and lst and lst interbeds-the topmost bed is
dolomite,grey to brown,massive fossiliferous.

Mittiwali member limestone is grey,fine grained,nonglauconitic,fossiliferous.

Upper part shale greenish to greyish,silty,with some sst and
Kathwai member dolomite in lower part finely
crystalline,fossiliferous.Lower part limestone grey to brown
Upper contact is with Tredian formation and lower contact with
Chhidru formation is marked by a paraconformity.

Fauna: Fauna is consist of ammonites few

Crinoids and conodonts etc.

Age: Age of mainwali formation is lower trisssic.

Tredian Formation:
Synoname: The name Tredian Formation was introduction
by Gee[in Kummel,1966] to replace,in part,his earlier
nameKingriali sandstone[Gee,1945].


The formation comprise of two member; the

lower is Landa Member [Kummel 1966] and the upper the
Khuldana Member.
Khatkiara member comprise of sandstone,white,massive,thick
bedded,thickness 38 to 59m.
Landa Member comprise sandstone and shale;sandstone varicolor [reddish to greenish],micaceous,thin to thick bedded;ripple
marks,slump structure,thickness 19 to 29 m.
Upper contact with Kingriali formation gradational and
conformable.Lower contact with Mainwali formation sharp and
well defined.

Fauna: fauna of Tredian Formation comprise of plant

microfossile,calamospora landiana,cyciogranisporites,aronosus.

Age: age is mid-Triassic.

Kingriali Formation:

The name Kingriali Dolomite was used by

Gee(1945) and later amended as Kingriali Formation,because
several lithological facies are represented.


The formation comprise of dolomite and

dolomitict limestone interbeds of dolomite shale and
marl.dolomite thin to med-bedded, fine grained with interbeds of
dolomite shale and marl (in upper part); thick-bedded to massive,
fine to coarse texture,light grey, brown dolomite in lower part;

Contact: Upper contact with Datta Formation (Jurassic)

disconformable.lower contact with Tredian Formation gradational
and conformable.

Fauna : fossile are rare and poorly preserved.some

brachiopods,bivave and crinoidal remain have been reported.

Contact between Tredian and Kingriali


Data Formation:

The name Datta Formation was introduced by

Danilchik(1961) and Danilchik and shah (1967) to replace the
name variegated stage of Gee (1945) and earlier workers.

Lithology: The formation is mainly of continental origins

and consist of variegated (red,maroon,grey,green and white)
sandstone, shale,siltstone and mudstone with irregularly
distributed calcareous,dolomitic,carbonaceous,ferruginous glass
sand and fireclay horizon.

Contact: Upper contact with shinawari formation

gradational.lower contact with kingriali formation disconformable
in salt range and trans indus range.

Age: No diagnostic fossile have reported from the formation

excepts some c orbonaceous remain.

Datta Formation

Samana Suk Formation:

Synoname: Davies (1930) introduced the name Samana
Suk for the Jurassic in Samana range.The name Samana Suk is
derived from the peak of this name in the Samana Range.

Lithology: The formation consist of grey to dark grey,medium

to thick-bedded limestone with subordinate marl and calcareous
shale intercalation.The limestone is oolitic and has some shelly
beds.In the Salt Range and Trans-indus range the limestone is
lighter in color,medium to thin-bedded and is marly and shaly in
the lower part.

Contact: Lower contact is transitional with the Shinawari

Formation and upper contact with the Hangu Formation.

Fauna: Fauna comprise of

brachiopods,bivalve,gastropods,ammonites and
crinoids.Ammonites are; reineckeia,cheffation,hubertoceras,
brachiopods etc.

Age: Age middle Jurassic.

Lumshival Formation:
Synoname: it was name lumshiwal sandstone by Gee in 1945;
Giumal sandstone by Middlemiss 1896 and name by Cotter Main
sandstone series in 1933.

Lithology: sandstone lightgrey,thick bedded to massive,

current bedding, feldspathic, ferruginons, contain carbonaceous
material in upper part; fossiliferous.shale, silty,sandy,and

contact: lower contact with samana suk formation and upper

contact with hangu formation.

Fauna: ammonites, gastropods, brachiopods, belemnites,

echinoides and bivalves.

Age: aptian to early albian.

Hangu Formation:
The Hangu Shale and Hangu Sandstone of Davies (1930)
from the Kohat area have been formalized by the stratigraphic
committee of Pakistan (1973) as Hangu Formation.
Sandstone with shale intercalation(in
kohat);elsewheresandstone,shale,carbona-ceous and argillaceous
limestone.Sandstone; white, light grey,reddish brown,weathers
dark rusty brown,fine to coarse grained, in place

conglomeratic,med to thick bedded,with shale intercalations,

Upper contact conformable and transitional with Lokhart
limestone.lower contact disconformable with samana suk
Fauna comprise of forams,corals,gastropods,a d
bivalve.operculina subsalsa,lokhartia haimei,epistominelladubia.
Age;Early Paleocene.

Samana suk , Lumshival and Hangu


lockhart Limestone:
synoname: it was name Nummulitic Series,Middlemiss in
1896, Hill limestone Wynne in 1873, cotter name it Khairabad
Limestone in 1933 and Gee name it Tarhobi Limestone.

Lithology: limestone grey to medium grey, medium to thick

bedded, massive rubbly and brecciated at place; basal part dark
grey to bluish grey and flaggy.

Contact: upper contact with patala formation and lower

contact with hangu formation.

Fauna: forams, corals, molluscs, echinoids, and algea.

Age: Paleocene.

Lockhart Limestone

Patala Formation:
Synoname: it was named Patala shale by Davies and Pinfold in
1937, Tarkhobi Shale by Eames in 1952 and Nummulitic series by
Waggen in 1896.

Lithology: shale and marl with subordinate limestone and

sandstone with coal seams. shale dark greenish grey,selenite
bearing in place carbonaceous and calcareous, also contain
marcasite nodules with interbeds of limestone, white to light grey
and nodular and sandstone interbeds, brown and calcareous, coal
upper contact with Nammal formation and lower contact with
Lockhart limestone.

Fauna: forams, mollusac, and ostracodes.

Age: Late Paleocene.

Contact between Nammal and Patala


Nammal Formation:

Synoname: Nammal limestone and shale name was given by

Gee in 1935,Nammal Marl by Danilchik and shah in 1967.

Lithology: shale grey to olivine green, fossiliferous.limestone

ligth grey to bluish, argilaceous, at place fossiliferous. marl light
grey to bluish grey,fossiliferous.

Contact: upper part exposed and lower contact with patala


Fauna: foarms and mollusca.

Age: Early Eocene.

Contact between Nammal and Patale


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