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Minutes of Numeracy PLT

July 19th, 2016

Present: Teacher 1, Sarah Anning, Teacher 2, Teacher 3

Ideas Discussed:
Maths presentation for Tuesday 26th We decided on the things to be
covered in this PD.

Sarah presented the problem solving poster which was designed

during our last meeting. Teacher 2 offered to laminate them. These
will be presented and modelled to staff. The idea is that there will be
consistent application across the school.
Discussed some practical tasks to share with staff to promote
problem solving strategies
Need to investigate Di Siemons resources and how to assess
student understanding more easily within the class setting (Teacher
Thelma Perso book: Numeracy What classroom teachers should
know. We purchased enough copies for all staff to use so need to
introduce this and go through key points (all staff to bring to
Ensure staff are also using the Good Teaching Guides discuss
Look at Top Drawer Maths and Numeracy Central great resources
on each
Authentic task design using content descriptors in grade teams
share back at end

Maths Aps We looked at some of these and shared thoughts on what

should be on the iPads, Sarah to oversee and work with ICT support.
Fractions Ideas for activities and resources to teach this aspect of
mathematics were shared as it is a current focus for some of us and we
agreed that there is a lot of student misunderstanding around this
Ways of grouping students We had lots of discussion around
addressing individual need and how best to group students combination
of mixed and same ability, depending on the concept being taught. Also
how to use technology with groups.

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