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Wiping Over Socks



Khuffayn refer to a special type of socks that fulfil the following conditions:

1. They are waterproof.

2. Walking in them for three miles without the socks tearing is possible.

3. They remain in position, covering the feet, without being tied. Socks which have
elastic sewn into them (to keep them in position) will be regarded as being tied.

� Socks that fulfil these conditions are recognized as khuffayn in the Shari'ah. Hence
cotton, woollen and nylon socks are not khuffayn and masah cannot be made on them. They
must be removed and the feet must be washed.

� It is not permissible to make masah on a khuff that is torn to such an extent that an
area equal to the size of three small toes is exposed. It is permissible to make masah on the
sock if it is torn less than this.


1. Masah will be valid on the khuffayn if they are worn after having attained complete
taharah i.e. in the condition of wudu.

2. Masah is permissible for a musafir for a period of 72 hours. The period for a muqim is
24 hours.

3. This period is calculated from the first time the wudu breaks after having worn the

4. Upon expiry of the period the masah breaks. If the person wearing them was in a
condition of wudu prior to that he must simply remove the khuffayn and wash his feet. It is
not necessary to repeat the entire wudu.

5. The period is lengthened from 24 hours to 72 hours for a muqim who begins a journey
before the expiry of 24 hours.

6. Similarly the period is reduced from 72 hours to 24 hours for a musafir who becomes a


� Draw the fingers of the hand on the upper surface of the khuff starting from the toes
and ending above the ankle.
� The right hand is used for the right khuff and the left hand for the left khuff.

� Masah is done once on each sock.

It is Fard (Compulsory) to make masah on each sock to the extent of the full surface area of
three fingers.


The following factors nullify the masah:

1. All factors that nullify wudu. In this case the masah must be renewed when the wudu
is renewed.

2. Removing both the khuffs or one of them.

If the khuff is lowered to the extent that most of the foot is exposed then it will be regarded as
if the entire khuff was removed and the masah will be nullified.

3. Water entering the khuff and wetting more than half the foot.

4. Ghusl becoming obligatory.

5. Expiry of the valid masah period as stipulated above.

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