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Draft: Trigger warnings

Did you know that some students are complaining about receiving
potentially danger information in some courses? Do you think instructors
are really teaching inappropriate material to students? Have you noticed
students feeling uncomfortable or discomfort?

It is appropriate if

students skip some courses` content? The article The Coddling of the
American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt is describing this
tendency as trigger warnings, defined primarily as a procedure to
support survivors of trauma or abuse, but also being use by some
students as an excuse to avoid some courses. It has influenced strongly
in instructors who dont support trigger warnings;

In fact, some

instructors believe that this movement could limit students to reach their
intellectual potential, but also could foster an unhealthy student`s
behavior. Instructors are concert about how they will prepare student to
real life situations outside the campus by avoiding material that can
probably be helpful in the future. Unfortunately, this concern involve all
students population; therefore, the proper role of avert trigger warnings
must be students responsibility; they must be prepared and informed
before taking any course, or also they can look for specialize medical
health. Thus, the statement Universities should officially and strongly
discourage trigger warnings (Greg Luckianoff and Jonathan Haidt) is
transparent and with a clear purpose; the entire responsibility of colleges

and universities should be to teach students how to overcome obstacles

and barriers in courses` material to get a successful achievement of the
course. FALTA
Trigger Warnings is not the best method to educate a student in a
proper form. Both students and instructors have consequences that
vaporize the didactic process of education and its future impact in world.
Day by day, instructors have the commitment to provide students with
enough information to build student knowledge. When an instructor has
to trigger warning a course; fitting information in that system becomes
in a poor material. There is much information that cannot be replaced in
courses because sometimes they get the main idea easily and complete.
Otherwise, students knowledge is relevant to create a constructive
future. If we focus in the past we can figure out how not keep
information openly can impact our evolution. For example, Middle Ages
was a period were religious people used to avoid many things, that they
consider people were not prepared. In music was prohibited to used
instruments, and only men have the privilege to sing because people
didnt have a complete knowledge of the bible. When the society got
knowledge, everything changed. Just image, how would be music now
without all those musical` components as instruments, people and so
On the other hand, it is not appropriate to forget that trigger
warning could be an influential topic when a student is affronting some

psychological problem related to unborn problem or past experience, but

it is still a student` responsibility. Even though, it is true that a student
feels more comfortable in a class where they have some support, or they
feel part of the class, it is never instructor responsibility to solve this
situation. Student must avoid fears and learning how to create a tolerant
manner of receiving new messages. As an example, A worker would not
be encourage or support to change a task that is not comfortable, he
simply wouldnt receive a task recompense. In real life we dont have
many choices. A student will be ready before a course could be
triggering or should not take that course.
If a course has been filtered by trigger warnings, its content could
probably have lost value information; there is not any information that
doesnt be influential. Students are risking their own voices and critical
thinking; next generation is responsible to create an even more powerful
society and be prepared to react in a world that is becoming worse
outside the campus.

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