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1 Etymology

For other uses, see Bihar (disambiguation).

Bihar (/bhr/; Hindustani pronunciation: [bar]) is a
state in East India.[3][4] It is the 13th largest state, with
an area of 94,163 km2 (36,357 sq mi) and the 3rd largest
by population; its population is the fastest-growing of any
state. It is bounded by Uttar Pradesh to its west, Nepal to
the north, the northern part of West Bengal to the east,
and by Jharkhand to the south. The Bihar plain is divided into two parts by the river Ganges which ows from
west to east.[3] Bihar has forest area of 6,764.14 km2 ,[5]
which is 7.2% of its geographical area. In 2000, southern Bihar was separated from Bihar to form the new state
of Jharkhand.[6] Close to 85% of the population lives in
villages. Almost 58% of Biharis are below the age of
25,[7] which is the highest proportion in India. Hindi and
Urdu are the ocial languages of the State.[8][9] Other
languages of the state are Bhojpuri, Maithili, Magahi, Bajjika, and Angika, of which only Maithili is recognized by
the government of India.[10][11]
Bihar was a centre of power, learning and culture in ancient and classical India.[12] From Magadha arose Indias rst and greatest empire, the Maurya empire, as
well as one of the worlds most widely adhered-to religions, Buddhism.[13] Magadha empires, notably under the
Maurya and Gupta dynasties, unied large parts of South
Asia under a central rule.[14] Its capital Patna, earlier
known as Pataliputra, was an important centre of Indian
civilisation. Close to Patna, Nalanda and Vikramshila
were centres of learning which were established in the 5th
and 8th century respectively in Bihar, and are counted as
amongst the oldest international universities of the time.

The Mahabodhi Temple, among the four holy sites related to the
life of the Lord Buddha and UNESCO World Heritage Site

The name Bihar is derived from the Sanskrit and

Pali word, Vihara (Devanagari: ), which means
abode. The region roughly encompassing the present
state was dotted with Buddhist vihara, the abodes of
Buddhist monks in the ancient and medieval periods.
Medieval writer Minhaj al-Siraj Juzjani records in the
Tabakat-i-Nasiri that in 1198 AD, Bakhtiyar Khalji committed a massacre in a town now known as Bihar Sharif,
about 70 km away from Bodh Gaya.[28][29] Later, Bakhtiyar learned that the town was a college, and the word for
college is bihar.

Since the late 1970s, Bihar has lagged behind other

Indian states in terms of its social and economic
development.[15][16][17] Economists and social scientists
claimed that this is a direct result of the policies of the
central government, such as the Freight equalization policy,[18][19] its apathy towards Bihar,[7][20][21] lack of Bihari sub-nationalism (resulting in no spokesperson for the
state),[19][22][23] and the Permanent Settlement of 1793
by the British East India Company.[19] The state government has however made signicant strides in developing the state.[24] The improved governance has led to an
economic revival[25] in the state through increased invest- 2 History
ment in infrastructure, better health care facilities, greater
emphasis on education, and a diminution in crime and Main article: History of Bihar
See also: Timeline for Bihar, Magadha, History of
Buddhism in India and Decline of Buddhism in India




Dierent regions of Bihar like Magadha, Mithila, Anga,

Vaishali are mentioned in dierent religious texts and
epics of ancient India. The power centre of ancient Bihar was around the region of South-West Bihar called
Magadha, which remained the centre of power, learning,
and culture in India for 1000 years.
The Haryanka dynasty founded in 684 BC ruled Magadha
from the city of Rajgriha (modern Rajgir), two well
known kings were Bimbisara and his son Ajatashatru who
imprisoned his own father to get the throne. Ajatashatru
founded the city of Pataliputra which later became the
capital of Magadha. He declared war and conquered
Vajji another powerful Mahajanapada north of Ganges
with their capital at Vaishali. Vaishali was ruled by
Licchvi who had a republic form of government where
king was elected from the number of rajas. Based on the
information found in texts pertaining to both Jainism and
Buddhism, Vaishali was established as a republic by the
6th century BCE, prior to the birth of Gautama Buddha in
563 BCE, making it the worlds rst republic. Haryanka
Dynasty was followed by Shishunaga dynasty and later
Nanda Dynasty replaced them with a vast empire from
Bengal to Punjab.
The Nanda Empire was replaced by Maurya Empire.
India's rst empire, the Maurya empire as well as
Buddhism arose from the region that now makes up
modern Bihar. The Mauryan empire, which originated
from Magadha in 325 BC, was started by Chandragupta
Maurya who was born in Magadha, and had its capital
at Pataliputra (modern Patna). The Mauryan Emperor,
Ashoka, who was born in Pataliputra (Patna) is believed
to be one of the greatest rulers in the history of India and
the world.[30][31]
Bihar remained an important place of culture and education during the next 1000 years. The Gupta Empire that
originated from Magadha in 240 AD is referred as the
Golden Age of India in science, mathematics, astronomy,
commerce, religion and Indian philosophy.[32] Bihar and
Bengal was invaded by Rajendra Chola I of the Chola dynasty in the 11th century.[33][34]



The Buddhism in Magadha declined completely with

the invasion of Muhammad Bin Bakhtiar Khilji, during
which many of the viharas and the famed universities
of Nalanda and Vikramshila were destroyed, and thousands of Buddhist monks were massacred during 12th
century.[35][36][37] D. N. Jha suggests, instead, that these
incidents were the result of Buddhist-Brahmin skirmishes
in a ght for supremacy.[38] In 1540 the great Pathan of
Bihar, Sher Shah Suri, from Sasaram, Bihar, took the
reins of North-India. He was the rst person who defeated the Mughals and army of Humayun, making Delhi

Kalidasa's Sanskrit play Abhijnakuntalam

as his capital. The Mughals had to leave India during his

The tenth and the last Guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind
Singh was born in Patna. After the downfall of Mughal
Empire, Bihar came under Nawabs of Bengal.

2.3 Colonial Era

After the Battle of Buxar (1764), the British East India
Company obtained the diwani rights (rights to administer, and collect revenue or tax) for Bihar, Bengal and
Odisha. The rich resources of fertile land, water and
skilled labour had attracted the foreign imperialists, particularly the Dutch and British, in the 18th century. A
number of Agrio based industries had been started in Bihar by the foreign entrepreneurs. Bihar remained a part of
the Bengal Presidency of British India until 1912, when
the province of Bihar and Orissa was carved out as a separate province. Since 2010, Bihar has celebrated its birthday as Bihar Diwas on 22 March.[39] In 1935, certain portions of Bihar were reorganised into the separate province
of Orissa. According to Bihar Vibhuti Vol 111 published
by Bihar govt. archives, South Asian History & culture
published from London & Vision & Mission Manohar
Delhi independence activist Dr. Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi
vehemently opposed Two Nation theory of Jinnah & creation of Pakistan. All India Jamhur Muslim League was

formed parallel to Muslim league to oppose Jinnah, with ing the feudal zamindari system instituted by the British.
Raja of Mahmoodabad as president & Dr. Ajazi as gen- It was led by Saraswati and his followers Pandit Yamuna
eral secretary.
Karjee, Rahul Sankrityayan, Pandit Karyanand Sharma,
Baba Nagarjun and others. Pandit Yamuna Karjee along
with Rahul Sankritayan and a few others started publishing a Hindi weekly Hunkar from Bihar, in 1940. Hunkar
later became the mouthpiece of the peasant movement
and the agrarian movement in Bihar and was instrumental in spreading it.
Bihar played a very important and vital role in the
Independence of India. Much revolutionary activity took
place in Bihar during the movement for Indian independence, and Champaran, especially, gured largely in that
movement. MK Gandhi and many other leaders of the independence movement held marches and rallies in Bihar.
Babu Kunwar Singh of Jagdishpur is the most famous independence activist of Bihar.
Bihari migrant workers have faced violence and prejudice
in many parts of India, such as Maharashtra, Punjab and
Assam after independence.[43][44]
See also: 2008 attacks on North Indians in Maharashtra

3 Geography and climate

Main articles: Geography of Bihar and Climate of Bihar
Bihar has a diverse climate. Its temperature is subtrop(Sitting left to right) Rajendra Prasad and Anugrah Narayan
Sinha during Mahatma Gandhi's 1917 Champaran Satyagraha


Pre and post Independence

Farmers in Champaran had revolted against indigo cultivation in 1914 (at Pipra) and 1916 (Turkaulia). In April
1917, Mahatma Gandhi visited Champaran, where Raj
Kumar Shukla had drawn his attention to the exploitation of the peasants by European indigo planters. The
Champaran Satyagraha that followed received support River Map of Bihar
from many Bihari nationalists, such as Rajendra Prasad
and Anugrah Narayan Sinha.[40][41]
ical in general, with hot summers and cool winters. BiIn the northern and central regions of Bihar, the Kisan har is a vast stretch of fertile plain. It is drained by the
Sabha (peasant movement) was an important conse- Ganges River, including its northern tributaries Gandak
quence of the independence movement. It began in 1929 and Koshi, originating in the Nepal Himalayas and the
under the leadership of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati who Bagmati originating in the Kathmandu Valley that regformed the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS), to mo- ularly ood parts of the Bihar plains. The 2total area
bilize peasant grievances against the zamindari attacks covered by the state of Bihar is 94,163 km (36,357
on their occupancy rights. The movement intensied sq mi). the state is located between 2420'10 N ~
and spread from Bihar across the rest of India, culmi- 2731'15 N latitude and between 8319'50 E ~
nating in the formation of the All India Kisan Sabha 8817'40 E longitude. Its average elevation above
(AIKS) at the Lucknow session of the Indian National sea level is 173 feet (53 m).
Congress in April 1936, where Saraswati was elected as The Ganges divides Bihar into two unequal halves and
its rst president.[42] This movement aimed at overthrow- ows through the middle from west to east. Other Ganges


Mountain of Ashrams, near Sena Village, at Buddha Gaya

Bauhinia acuminata, locally known as Kachnaar

in) and thus promotes luxuriant Sal forests in the area.

The most important trees are Shorea Robusta, Sal Cedrela Toona, Khair, and Semal. Deciduous forests also
occur in the Saharsa and Purnia districts.[45] Shorea Robusta (sal), Diospyros melanoxylon (kendu), Boswellia
serrata (salai), Terminalia tomentose (Asan), Terminalia bellerica (Bahera), Terminalia Arjuna (Arjun), Pterocarpus Marsupium (Paisar), Madhuca indica (Mahua) are
the common ora across the forest of Bihar.

Flooded farmlands in northern Bihar during the 2008 Bihar


tributaries are the Son, Budhi Gandak, Chandan, Orhani

and Phalgu. Though the Himalayas begin at the foothills,
a short distance inside Nepal and to the north of Bihar,
the mountains inuence Bihars landforms, climate, hydrology and culture. Central parts of Bihar have some
small hills, for example the Rajgir hills. To the south is
the Chota Nagpur plateau, which was part of Bihar until
2000 but now is part of a separate state called Jharkhand.

The Ganges River dolphins, or sois are found in the

Ganges and Brahmaputra. This river dolphin is the national aquatic animal of India. It is now considered
amongst the most endangered mammals of the region.
The dolphins range from 2.3 to 2.6 meters in length. They
have impaired vision due to the muddy river water but use
sonar signals to navigate. Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin
Sanctuary, near Bhagalpur is set up to ensure the protection of this species.

Valmiki National Park, West Champaran district, covering about 800 km2 (309 sq mi) of forest, is the 18th Tiger
Reserve of India and is ranked fourth in terms of density
of tiger population.[46] It has a diverse landscape, sheltering rich wildlife habitats and oral and faunal composiBihar is very cold in the winter, with the lowest tempera- tion, along with the prime protected carnivores.
tures being in the range from 010 C (3250 F). Winter
months are December and January. It is hot in the summer, with average highs around 3540 C (95104 F). 4 Demographics


Flora and fauna

Main articles: Flora of Bihar and Fauna of Bihar

See also: Protected areas of Bihar
Bihar has notied forest area of 6,764.14 km2 (2,612 sq
mi), which is 7.2% of its geographical area.[5] The sub
Himalayan foothill of Someshwar and the Dun ranges
in the Champaran district are another belt of moist deciduous forests. These also consist of scrub, grass and
reeds. Here the rainfall is above 1,600 millimetres (63

Main article: Demographics of Bihar

See also: Bihari people
After the 2001 Census, Bihar was the third most populated state of India with total population of 82,998,509
(43,243,795 male and 39,754,714 female).[1][48] Nearly
85% of Bihars population lived in rural areas. Almost
58% of Biharis were below 25 years age, which is the
highest in India. The density was 881. The sex ratio
was 919 females per 1000 males. Mostly, Biharis belong to Indo-Aryan-speaking ethnic groups along with
few Dravidian-speaking and Austroasiatic-speaking peo-



ple mostly in Chhotanagpur Plateau (now part of Jharkhand). It also attracted Punjabi Hindu refugees during
the Partition of British India in 1947.[49] Bihar has a total
literacy rate of 63.82% (75.7% for males and 55.1% for
females), recording a growth of 20% in female literacy
over the period of a decade.[50][51]
At the 2011 census, the density has surpassed 1,000
per square kilometre, making Bihar Indias densestpopulated state, but is still lower than West Java or Banten
of Indonesia.

See also: Political parties in Bihar, Elections in
Bihar and List of politicians from Bihar

Government and administration

Main articles: Government of Bihar and Administration

in Bihar
See also: Divisions of Bihar and Districts of Bihar
The constitutional head of the Government of Bihar is

Krishna Sinha (right) with Anugrah Narayan Sinha during

swearing-in ceremony of independent Bihars rst government
on 15 August 1947

Vidhansabha Building, Patna

the Governor, who is appointed by the President of India. The real executive power rests with the Chief Minister and the cabinet. The political party or the coalition
of political parties having a majority in the Legislative
Assembly forms the Government.
The head of the bureaucracy of the State is the Chief
Secretary. Under this position, is a hierarchy of ocials
drawn from the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and dierent wings of the State Civil Services. The judiciary is headed by the Chief Justice. Bihar has a High Court which has been functioning since
1916. All the branches of the government are located in
the state capital, Patna.

The rst democratically elected Bihar ministry during British regime from 20 July 1937 to 1939 and
the rst, second Bihar governments after Independence
were led by Sri Krishna Sinha and Anugrah Narayan
Sinha. In later years, Subsequently, Bihar gained an antiestablishment image and it was often projected as prone
to low discipline and anarchy. Caste-based politics came
to the fore, with power initially being in the hands of
the Yadavs, Bhumihar Brahmin, Rajput, Kayastha and
Brahmin communities. For two decades, the Indian National Congress governed the state hand-in-glove with
the central government of Indira Gandhi. It was at this
time that Chandrashekhar Singh became chief minister
and politicians such as Satyendra Narain Sinha deserted
Congress for the Janata Party due to ideological dierences. There were occasional breaks in Congress governance, as in 1977. In between, the socialist movement
tried to break the stranglehold of the status quo under
the leadership of Mahamaya Prasad Sinha and Karpoori
Thakur. This did not ourish, partly due to the impractical idealism of these leaders and partly due to the machinations of the central leaders of the Congress Party who
felt threatened by a large politically aware state.

The state is divided into nine divisions and 38 districts,

Janata Dal came to power in the state in 1990 on the back
for administrative purposes.
of its victory at the national stage in 1989. Lalu Prasad
Yadav became Chief Minister after defeating Ram Sundar Das, a former chief minister from the Janata Party
5.1 Politics
and a protege of upper caste Janata stalwarts. Yadav
Main article: Politics of Bihar
gained support among the masses through a series of popular and populist measures. Socialists such as Nitish Ku-


mar disassociated themselves from Yadav, who by 1995

was both chief minister and president of his party, the
Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). Yadav was later subject to
various charges of corruption leading him to quit the post
of chief minister. Soon after his wife Rabri Devi was
elected in his place. The administration is believed to
have deteriorated during this period.
By 2004, 14 years after Yadavs victory, The Economist
magazine said that Bihar [had] become a byword
for the worst of India, of widespread and inescapable
poverty, of corrupt politicians indistinguishable from
maa-dons they patronize, caste-ridden social order that
has retained the worst feudal cruelties.[53] In 2005, the Bihar accounts for 71% of Indias annual litchi production.[59]
World Bank believed that issues faced by the state were
enormous because of persistent poverty, complex social stratication, unsatisfactory infrastructure and weak
In 2005, as disaection mounted, the RJD was voted out
of power and replaced by a coalition headed by his former
ally, Nitish Kumar.
Currently, there are two main political formations:
the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) which comprises Bharatiya Janata Party, Lok Janashakti Party,and
the Rashtriya Lok Samatha Party. RJD-led coalition
which includes Janata Dal United and Indian National
Congress. There are many other political formations.
The Communist Party of India had a strong presence in A village market
Bihar at one time, but is weakened now. The CPM and
Forward Bloc have a minor presence, along with the other
Industry = 5%
extreme Left.
Services = 73%.
In the 2010 state elections Bihars current Chief Minister
Nitish Kumar-led government won 206 seats out of 243
seats. In contrast to prior governments, which emphasised divisions of caste and religion, Kumars manifesto
was based on economic development, curbs on crime and
corruption and greater social equality for all sections of
society. This was the at the time of election and immediately afterwards. Since 2010, the government has conscated the properties of corrupt ocials and redeployed
them as schools buildings.[55] Simultaneously they introduced Bihar Special Court Act to curb crime.[56] It has
also legislated for a two-hour break on Fridays, including
lunch, to enable Muslim employees to pray and thus cut
down on post-lunch absenteeism by them.[57]

The economy of Bihar is largely service-oriented, but it

has a signicant agricultural base. The state also has a
small industrial sector. More recently, Bihars state GDP
recorded a very high growth (in the excess of 10%), making Bihar the fastest growing major state of India.

6.1 Agriculture
Main article: Agriculture of Bihar

Bihar lies in the riverine plain of the Ganga basin area

and is endowed with fertile Gangetic alluvial soil with
abundant water resources, particularly ground water resources. This makes Bihars agriculture rich and diverse,
6 Economy
although it has never reached its full potential. Rice,
wheat, and maize are the major cereal crops of Bihar,
while turmeric/arhar, urad, moong, gram, peas, lentils,
Main article: Economy of Bihar
and khesaria are some of the pulses crop cultivated in
Bihar. Bihar is the largest producer of vegetables, espeGross state domestic product of Bihar for the year
cially potatoes, onions, brinjle/egg-plant, and cauliower.
2013/2014 has been around 3683.37 billion INR. By secIn fruit cultivation, it is the largest producer of litchi, the
tors, its composition is:
third largest producer of pineapples and a major producer
of mangoes, bananas, and guava. Sugarcane and jute are
Agriculture = 22%
the other two important cash crops of Bihar.



Income distribution: north-south divide


Bihar has a very small industrial base compared to the

other Indian states including neighbouring Jharkhand.
The state of Bihar accounts for nearly about 8.5% of Indias population and about 3% of its landmass. In percentage terms of industrial units, Bihar holds only around
1% of factories installed in India. In terms of output
value, less than 1% of Indias industrial output comes
from Bihar. The industrial sector contributes about 5%
to the GDP of Bihar, while the share of industrial sector
in Indias GDP is around 20%. Bihars industrial sector
is dominated by small household and cottage industries.
Agro-based industries are major constituents of industrial
sector in Bihar.

up in Bihar.[67]

6.3 Income distribution: north-south divide

In terms of income, the districts of Patna, Munger and
Begusarai were the three best-o out of a total of 38
districts in the state, recording the highest per capita
gross district domestic product of 31,441, 10,087 and
9,312, respectively in 200405.[65]

7 Culture

Bihar has emerged as brewery hub with major domes- Main article: Culture of Bihar
tic and foreign rms setting up production units in the
state. Three major rms United Breweries Group,
Danish Brewery Company Carlsberg Group and Cobra
Beer are to set up new units in Patna and Muzaarpur 7.1 Language and literature
in 2012.[60]
Bihar has signicant levels of production of mango, Main articles: Languages in Bihar and Literature in
guava, litchi, pineapple, brinjal, cauliower, bhindi, and Bihar
cabbage.[61] Despite the states leading role in food pro- See also: Angika, Bhojpuri, Magadhi, Maithili language,
duction, investment in irrigation and other agriculture fa- Magadhi Prakrit, Hindi in Bihar and Urdu Language in
cilities has been inadequate. Historically, the sugar and Bihar
vegetable oil industries were ourishing sectors of Bihar. Until the mid-1950s, 25% of Indias sugar output
was from Bihar. Dalmianagar was a large agro-industrial
town. There were attempts to industrialise the state between 1950 and 1980: an oil renery in Barauni, a motor
scooter plant at Fatuha, and a power plant at Muzaarpur.
However, these were forced to shut down due to certain
central government policies (like the Freight Settlement
Policy) which neutralised the strategic advantages of Bihar. Barauni is still one of the few old industrialised towns
in the state. Hajipur, near Patna, remains a major industrial town in the Bihar, linked to the capital city through
the Ganges bridge and good road infrastructure.
The states debt was estimated at 77% of GDP by
2007.[62] The Finance Ministry has given top priority to
create investment opportunities for big industrial houses
like Reliance Industries. Further developments have
taken place in the growth of small industries, improvements in IT infrastructure, the new software park in
Patna, and the completion of the expressway from the
Purvanchal border through Bihar to Jharkhand. In August 2008, a Patna registered company called the Security and Intelligence Services (SIS) India Limited[63]
took over the Australian guard and mobile patrol services
business of American conglomerate, United Technologies Corporation (UTC). SIS is registered and taxed in
Bihar.[64] The capital city, Patna, is one of the better-o
cities in India when measured by per capita income.[65] ^
The State Government is setting up an Information Technology (IT) City at Rajgir in Nalanda district.[66] Additionally, Indias rst Media Hub is also proposed to be set

Hindi and Urdu are the ocial languages of the

State.[8][9] Other languages of the state are Bhojpuri (38.5
million speakers), Maithili (25 million), Magahi (20 million), Bajjika (8.7 million), and Angika (0.7 million), of
which only Maithili is recognized by the government of
Urduwhich is the mother tongue of Muslims, who form
about 17% of the states populationis very much secondary to Hindi in ocial use, although nearly 25% people in Bihar read and write Urdu. It was only recently
that Maithili was also included as one of the states ocial
languages, although such use of it is negligible. Presently,
the Bihari languages are considered one of the ve subgroups of Hindi by the government of India, although
Maithili was declared a separate language. Bihari languages are considered to be derived from the language
of the erstwhile Magadha state, Magadhi Prakrit, along
with Assamese, Bengali, and Oriya. Surajpuri is spoken
in northeastern districts such as Kishanganj.

7.2 Arts and crafts

Mithila painting is a style of Indian painting practised in
the Mithila region of Bihar - especially Darbhanga and
Madhubani districts - where powdered rice is coloured
and used as a pigment. Tradition states that this style
of painting originated, according to the Ramayana, when
King Janak commissioned paintings to celebrate the marriage of his daughter, Sita, to Lord Ram. The painting

orated with (again, see video), paintings of gods, goddesses, snakes and other characters (dubbed snake paintings by foreigners) - are used in the Bihula-Bishahari
Puja, celebrated in Bhagalpur, usually in August, in remembrance of Bihulas tale of love and sacrice, and to
appease the snake goddess (Manasa or Bishahari) and
gods (Ngas).[68][69] A notable Manjusha artist is Jahar
Dasgupta, born in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand (formerly Bihar).

Madhubani painting by Bharti Dayal

was traditionally done on freshly plastered mud walls of

huts, but now it is also done on cloth, handmade paper and
canvas. Mithila painting mostly depicts men and their association with nature. There are scenes and deities from
ancient epics, including Krishna, Ram, Shiva, Durga,
Lakshmi, and Saraswati. Natural objects like the sun, the
moon, and religious plants like tulsi are much painted.
Finally, there are scenes of royal courts and social events,
such as weddings. Generally no space is left empty in
the composition. Traditionally, painting was one of the
skills that was passed down from generation to generation in the families of the Mithila region, mainly by
women. The painting was usually done on walls during
festivals, religious events, and other milestones in peoples lives, such as birth, Upanayanam (sacred thread ceremony), and marriage. There are many renowned Mithila
artists, such as Smt. Bharti Dayal, Mahasundari Devi,
the late Ganga Devi, the late Sita Devi, and others, who
have brought an intellectual element to their paintings.
Bharti Dayal is considered one of the greatest Madhubani
painters, as her art is a unique amalgamation of heritage
and modernity.
Not less in importance or expressiveness is the ancient
and historically signicant Manjusha Art, or Manjusha
Kala, or Angika Art, an art form of the Anga region of
Bihar, originating in the old Anga kingdom, which encompassed present-day Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal,
and the Terai area of Nepal. Manjushas - temple-shaped
boxes, with eight pillars (but see referenced video); made
of bamboo, jute-straw and paper; and containing, or dec-

A painting of the city of Patna, on the River Ganges, Patna School

of Painting

The Patna School of Painting or Patna Qalaam, some

times also called Company Painting, is an oshoot of the
well-known Mughal Miniature school of painting, which
ourished in Bihar during the early 18th to the mid-20th
centuries. The practitioners of this art form were descendants of Hindu artisans of Mughal painting who facing
persecution under the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and
who found refuge, via Murshidabad, in Patna during the
late 18th century. The Patna painters diered from the
Mughal painters, whose subjects included only royalty
and court scenes, in that they included as subjects bazaar
scenes, scenes of Indian daily life, local dignitaries, festivals and ceremonies, and nature scenes. The paintings
were executed in watercolours on paper and on mica, but
the style was generally of a hybrid and undistinguished
quality. It is this school of painting that inspired the formation of the College of Arts and Crafts, Patna, under the
leadership of Shri Radha Mohan, which is an important
centre of ne arts in Bihar.
In caning and weaving, artisans of Bihar are skilful in creating articles using local materials. Baskets, cups, and
saucers made from bamboo-strips or cane reed painted
in vivid colours are commonly found in Bihari homes. A
special container woven out of Sikki Grass in the north,
the pauti, is a sentimental gift that accompanies a bride
when she leaves her home after her wedding. The weavers
of Bihar have been practising their trade for centuries.
Among their products in common use are cotton dhurries
and curtains. These are produced by artisans in central
Bihar, particularly in the Patna and Biharsharif areas.
These colourful sheets, with motifs of Buddhist artefacts,
pictures of birds, animals, and/or owers, gently wafting


Performing arts

Artisans selling their work near GPO Patna.

Bharat Ratna Ustad Bismillah Khan, from Dumraon, Bihar

in the air through doors and windows, blown by a cool

summer breeze, used to be one of the most soothing sights
Govardhan Mishra - son of the Ram Prasad Mishra, himas one approached a home or an oce. Bhagalpur is well
self an accomplished singer - is perhaps the nest livknown for its sericulture, manufacture of tussar silk yarn,
ing exponent of Tappa singing in India today, according
and weaving it into lovely products.
to Padma Shri Gajendra Narayan Singh, founding secretary of the Sangeet Natak Academi of Bihar. Gajendra
Narayan Singh also writes, in his memoir, that Cham7.3 Performing arts
panagar, Banaili, was another major centre of classical
music. Rajkumar Shyamanand Sinha of Champanagar,
See also: Music of Bihar
Banaili princely state, was a great patron of music and
Bihar has contributed to Indian (Hindustani) classical
was himself one of the nest exponents of classical vocal music in Bihar in his time.[70] Singh, in another book
on Indian classical music, has written that Kumar Shyamanand Singh of Banaili estate had such expertise in
singing that many great singers including Kesarbai Kerkar
acknowledged his ability. After listening to bandishes
from Kumar Sahib, Pandit Jasraj was moved to tears and
lamented that, alas!, he did not have such ability himself.
[free translation of Hindi text].[71][72]
Bihar has a very old tradition of folk singing, sung during important family occasions, such as marriage, birth
ceremonies, festivals, etc. The songs are usually sung
by groups without the accompaniment of musical instruments, although Dholak, Bansuri and, occasionally, Tabla
and Harmonium are sometimes used. The most famous
folk singer has been Padma Shri Sharda Sinha. Bihar also
Magahi folk singers
has a tradition of lively Holi songs known as Phaguwa,
music and has produced musicians such as Bharat Ratna lled with fun rhythms.
Ustad Bismillah Khan, who, however, left Bihar at an During the 19th century, when the condition of Bihar
early age. Dhrupad singers like the Malliks (of the worsened under the British misrule, many Biharis had
Darbhanga Gharana), and the Mishras (of the Bettiah to emigrate as indentured labourers to the West Indies,
Gharana), who were patronised by the Zamindars of Fiji, and Mauritius. During this time many sad plays and
Darbhanga and Bettiah respectively, have produced mas- songs called birha became popular, in the Bhojpur area,
ters like Ram Chatur Mallik, Abhay Narayan Mallik, and thus Bhojpuri Birha. Dramas incorporating this theme
Indra Kishore Mishra. While perhaps not as well-known continue to be popular in the theatres of Patna.[73]
and commercially successful as those of the Dagar school Dance forms of Bihar are another expression of rich traof Dhrupad, these masters have kept the Dhrupad tradi- ditions and ethnic identity. There are many folk dance
tion in perhaps the purest form.
forms that can keep one enthralled, such as Dhobi Nach
Gaya is another centre of excellence in classical music, (nach meaning dance), Jhumarnach, Manjhi, Gondnach,
particularly of the Tappa and Thumri varieties. Pandit Jitiyanach, More Morni, Dom-Domin, Bhuiababa, Rah



Baba, Kathghorwa Nach, Jat Jatin, Launda Nach, Bamar lm industrys rise, both of these did much better busiNach, Jharni, Jhijhia, Natua Nach, Nat-Natin, Bidapad ness in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar than mainNach, Sohrai Nach, and Gond Nach.
stream Bollywood hits at the time, and both lms, made
earned back more than ten
Theatre is another form in which the Bihari culture ex- on extremely tight budgets, [80]
Sasura Bada Paisa Wala
presses itself. Some forms of theatre with rich tradialso
a well-loved folk
tions are Bidesia, Reshma-Chuharmal, Bihula-Bisahari,
cinema. In
Bahura-Gorin, Raja Salhesh, Sama Chakeva, and Dom
actors of
Kach. These theatre forms originate in the Anga region
Bhojpuri lms, and their fees increase with their fame.
of Bihar.
The success of their lms has led to a dramatic increase
in Bhojpuri cinemas visibility, and the industry now supports an awards show[81] and a trade magazine, Bhojpuri
7.4 Cinema
City,[82] which chronicles the production and release of
what are now over one hundred lms per year. Many
Main article: Cinema of Bihar
of the major stars of mainstream Bollywood cinema, inSee also: Bhojpuri Film Industry and List of Bhojpuri cluding Amitabh Bachchan, have also recently worked in
Bhojpuri lms.
Bihar has a robust Bhojpuri-language lm industry.
There is also a smaller production of Magadhi-, Maithili- 7.5 Religion
, as well as Angika-language lms. The rst lm
with Bhojpuri dialog was Ganga Jamuna, released in Main article: Religion in Bihar
1961.[74] Bhaiyaa, the rst Magadhi lm, was released in Gautam Buddha attained Enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, a
1961.[75] The rst Maithili movie was Kanyadan released
in 1965,[76] of which a signicant portion was made in the
Maithili language.
The history of lms entirely in Bhojpuri begins in 1962
with the well-received lm Ganga Maiyya Tohe Piyari
Chadhaibo (Mother Ganges, I will oer you a yellow sari), which was directed by Kundan Kumar.[77]
1963s Lagi nahin chute ram was the all-time hit Bhojpuri
lm, and had higher attendance than Mughal-e-Azam in
the eastern and northern regions of India. Bollywood's
Nadiya Ke Paar is another of the most famous Bhojpurilanguage movies. However, in the following years, lms
were produced only in ts and starts. Films such as
Bidesiya (Foreigner, 1963, directed by S. N. Tripathi)
and Ganga (Ganges, 1965, directed by Kundan Kumar)
Buddha's statue at Bodh Gaya's temple
were protable and popular, but in general Bhojpuri lms
were not commonly produced in the 1960s and 1970s.
town located in the modern day district of Gaya in Bihar.
In the 1980s, enough Bhojpuri lms were produced to Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th and the last Tirthankara
tentatively support a dedicated industry. Films such as of Jainism, was born in Vaishali around the 6th century
Mai (Mom, 1989, directed by Rajkumar Sharma) and BC.[83]
Hamar Bhauji (My Brothers Wife, 1983, directed by
Kalpataru) continued to have at least sporadic success at A typical Hindu Brahmin household would begin the day
the box oce. However, this trend faded out by the end with the blowing of a conch shell at dawn.
of the decade, and by 1990, the nascent industry seemed In rural Bihar, religion is the main component of popular
culture. Shrines are located everywhere at the foot of
to be completely nished.[78]
The Bhojpuri lm industry took o again in 2001 with trees, at roadsides, etc. Religious symbols or images of
the super hit Saiyyan Hamar (My Sweetheart, di- deities can be found in the most obscure or the most pubrected by Mohan Prasad), which vaulted the hero of that lic places. From the dashboard of a dilapidated taxi to
lm, Ravi Kissan, to superstardom.[79] This success was the plush oce of a top executive, holy symbols or idols
quickly followed by several other remarkably successful have their place. There are also a minority of villages also
lms, including Panditji Batai Na Biyah Kab Hoi (Priest, practising Islam in various districts.
tell me when I will marry, 2005, directed by Mohan There is a wide variety of religious festivals. While some
Prasad) and Sasura Bada Paisa Wala (My father-in- are celebrated all over the state, others are observed only
law, the rich guy, 2005). In a measure of the Bhojpuri in certain areas. Bihar is so diverse that dierent regions




more popular because winters are the usual festive season in North India, and Chhath, being an arduous observance requiring the worshippers to fast without water for
more than 24 hours, is easier to do in the Indian winters.
Chhath is the worship of the Sun God. Wherever people
from Bihar have migrated, they have taken with them the
tradition of Chhath. This is a ritual bathing festival that
follows a period of abstinence and ritual segregation of
the worshiper from the main household for two days. On
the eve of Chhath, houses are scrupulously cleaned and
so are the surroundings. The ritual bathing and worship
of the Sun God takes place, performed twice: once in
the evening and once at the crack of dawn, usually on the
banks of a owing river, or a common large body of water. The occasion is almost a carnival, and besides every
worshipper, usually women, who are mostly the senior
ladies of the household, there are numerous participants
and onlookers, all willing to help and receive the blessings of the worshiper. Ritual rendition of regional folk
songs, carried on through oral transmission from mothers and mothers-in-law to daughters and daughters-inlaw, are sung on this occasion for several days running.
These songs are a great mirror of the culture, social structure, mythology and history of Bihar and eastern Uttar
Pradesh. Chhath being celebrated at the crack of dawn
is a beautiful, elating spiritual experience connecting the
Vishnupadh Temple, Gaya, Bihar
modern Indian to his ancient cultural roots. Chhath is believed to have been initiated by Karna, the king of Anga
and religions have something to celebrate at some time or Desh (modern Bhagalpur region of Bihar).
other during the year. So festivals take place round the
Among ritual observances, the month-long Shravani
year. Many of these are ocially recognised by the days
Mela, held along a 108-kilometre route linking the towns
on which they take place being proclaimed as government
of Sultanganj and Deoghar (now in Jharkhand state), is
of great signicance. Shravani Mela is organised every
year in the Hindu month of Shravan, that is the lunar
month of JulyAugust. Pilgrims, known as Kanwarias,
7.6 Festivals
wear saron coloured clothes and collect water from a
sacred Ghat (river bank) at Sultanganj, then walk bareSee also: Chhath
Chhath, also called Dala Chhath, is an ancient and major footed 108 km (67 mi) to the town of Deoghar, there
to bathe a sacred ShivaLingam. The observance draws
thousands of people to Deoghar from all over India.
Teej and Chitragupta Puja are other local festivals celebrated with fervor in Bihar. Bihula-Bishari Puja is celebrated in the Anga region of Bihar. The Sonepur cattle
fair is a month-long event starting approximately half a
month after Deepawali and is considered the largest cattle fair in Asia. It is held on the banks of the Gandak River
in the town of Sonepur. The constraints of the changing
times, and new laws governing the sale of animals and
prohibiting the tracking in exotic birds and beasts, have
eroded the once-upon-a-time magic of the fair.
Besides Chhath (mostly celebrated in Bihar), all major festivals of India are celebrated in Bihar, such
as Makar Sankranti, Saraswati Puja, Holi, Eid-ul-Fitr,
The Morning Worship Dala Chhath.
Eid-ul-Adha (often called Eid-ul-Zuha in the Indian
festival in Bihar. It is celebrated twice a year: once in the Subcontinent), Muharram, Ram Navami, Rath yatra,
summer, called the Chaiti Chhath, and once about a week Rakshabandhan, Maha Shivaratri, Durga Puja (celeafter Deepawali, called the Kartik Chhath. The latter is brated with a grandeur akin to the neighbouring state of



Bengal), Diwali, Kali Puja/Shyama Puja/Nisha Puja (celebrated in the Mithilanchal region of the north), Kojagra (also celebrated in the Mithilanchal region), Laxmi
Puja, Christmas, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Purnima,
Jivitputrika, Chitragupta Puja, Gurpurab, Bhai Dooj, and
several other local festivals, as well.

journals were shelved even in the planning stages.[85] But

once Hindi had the support of being an ocial language,
it started making inroads, even into the remote areas of
Bihar. Hindi journalism acquired wisdom and maturity,
and its longevity was assured. Hindi was introduced in
the law courts in Bihar in 1880.[84][86]

Urdu journalism and poetry has a glorious past in Bihar. Many poets belong to Bihar, such as Shaad Az7.7 Cuisine
imabadi, Kaif Azimabadi, and Kalim Ajiz. Shanurahman, a world famous radio announcer, is from Bihar.
Main article: Cuisine of Bihar
Many Urdu dailies such as Qomi Tanzim and Sahara
are published in Bihar. There is a monthly Urdu magazine
Bihari cuisine (Hindi: , Urdu: ) called Voice of Bihar which is the rst of its kind and is
is eaten in Bihar, Jharkhand, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, becoming popular among the Urdu speaking people.
Bangladesh, and Nepal, as well as Mauritius, Fiji, some The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a numcities of Pakistan, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago, as ber of notable new publications. A monthly magazine
these last are destinations of large Bihari emigration. Bi- named Bharat Ratna was started in Patna, in 1901. It
hari cuisine is predominantly vegetarian because tradi- was followed by Ksahtriya Hitaishi, Aryavarta from Dinational Bihar society - inuenced by Buddhist and Hindu pure, Udyoga, and Chaitanya Chandrika.[87] Udyog was
values of non-violence - did not eat eggs, chicken, sh edited by Vijyaanand Tripathy, a famous poet of the
and other animal products. However, meat and sea food time, and Chaitanya Chandrika by Krishna Chaitanya
are also common, the latter due to the number of rivers Goswami, a literary gure of that time. The literary acin Bihar.
tivity was not conned to Patna alone but to other districts
Dairy products are consumed frequently throughout the
year, including yogurt (dahi), buttermilk (mattha), lassi,
ghee, chanch and butter. The cuisine of Bihar is similar in
large extent to North Indian cuisine but is inuenced by
other East Indian cuisines, such as Bengali. Bihari cuisine is seasonal; with watery foods such as watermelon,
and sherbet made of the pulp of the wood-apple fruit,
being consumed mainly in the summer months; and dry
foods, prepared with sesame and poppy seeds, in the winter months.

of Bihar.[84][88]
The Magahi Parishad organization, established in Patna,
in 1952, pioneered Magadhi journalism in Bihar. It
started the monthly journal, Magadhi, which was later renamed Bihan.
Hindustan, Dainik Jagran, Aaj, Nayee Baat and Prabhat
Khabar are some of the popular Hindi newspapers of Bihar. National English dailies like The Times of India,
Hindustan Times, Navbharat Times, The Telegraph, and
The Economic Times have readers in the urban regions.

Some dishes which Bihar is famous for include Sattu

Paratha, which are parathas stued with fried chickpea
our, chokha (spicy mashed potatoes and/or brinjal ), sh
curry, Bihari kebab, and Posta-dana ka Halwa (or Khas- 9 Transportation
khas ka Halwa [ ], a sweet poppy seed
pudding). Litti chokha is a year-round food prepared by Main article: Transport in Bihar
cooking the litti (sattu stued in atta [a mixture of our
and water]) over an open re. When prepared, the litti is
dipped in ghee and eaten with chokha. The food is best
eaten while hot.


Main article: Media in Bihar

Biharbandhu was the rst Hindi newspaper published in
Bihar. It was started in 1872 by Madan Mohan Bhatta,
a Maharashtrian Brahman who settled in Biharsharif.[84]
Hindi journalism in Bihar, and specially Patna, could
make little headway initially, because of a lack of respect Map showing national inland waterways-1 and various river
for Hindi among the people at large. Many Hindi jour- ports or terminals along its stretch.
nals were born and, after a lapse of time, vanished. Many




9.3 Roadways
The state has a vast network of National and State highways. East-West corridor goes through the cities of Bihar (Muzaarpur-Darbhanga-Purnia NH57) and has between 46 lanes.

9.4 Inland Waterways

Patna river port on national inland waterways-1 at Gai Ghat

The Ganges navigable throughout the year was

the principal river highway across the vast north IndoGangetic Plain. Vessels capable of accommodating ve
hundred merchants were known to ply this river in the
ancient period; it served as a conduit for overseas trade,
as goods were carried from Pataliputra (later Patna) and
Champa (later Bhagalpur) out to the seas and to ports in
Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. The role of the Ganges as
a channel for trade was enhanced by its natural links it
embraces all the major rivers and streams in both north
and south Bihar.[89]
In recent times, Inland Waterways Authority of India has
declared the Ganges between Allahabad and Haldia to be
a national inland waterway and has taken steps to restore
its navigability.

Steamers and dredgers at Gai Ghat, Patna


10 Tourism


Bihar is very well-connected by railway lines to the rest of

India. Most of the towns are interconnected, and they are
also connected directly to Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai (as
well as most other major cities in India). Daily or weekly
trains connect major cities in India.
Nepal Railways operates two railway lines: a 6 km broad
gauge line from Raxaul in India to Sirsiya Inland Container Depot or Dry Port near Birganj in Nepal and a 53
km 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge line from Jaynagar in
India to Bijalpura in Nepal. The latter line is composed of Trolley ride in Rajgir
two sections: 32 km between Jaynagar and Janakpur and
21 km from Janakpur to Bijalpura. The Janakpur line is Main article: Tourism in Bihar
used largely for passengers and the Sirsiya (Birganj) line
only for cargo freight.
Bihar is one of the oldest inhabited places in the world,
with a history spanning 3,000 years. The historically rich
culture and heritage of Bihar can be observed from the
large number of ancient monuments spread throughout
9.2 Airways
the state. Bihar is visited by many tourists from around
(24 million) tourists
Bihar has three operational airports at Patna, Gaya Air- the world, with about 24,000,000
port, and Purnea Airport. The Patna airport is categorised as a restricted international airport, with customs facilities to receive international chartered ights.
The Gaya Airport is an international airport connected to
Colombo, Singapore, Bangkok, Paro and more.

In earlier days, tourism in the region was purely based

on educational tourism, as Bihar was home of some
prominent ancient universities like Nalanda University &
Vikramala University.[91][92]



Remains of the ancient city of Vaishali

Bihar is a sacred place for religions such as Hinduism,

Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Islam. Mahabodhi
Temple, a Buddhist shrine and UNESCO World Heritage
Site is also situated in Bihar. Mahatma Gandhi Setu,
Patna, was one of the longest river bridges in the world
in early 80s.

The tomb of Sher Shah Suri is in the Sasaram town of Bihar state,



Main articles: Education in Bihar and Literacy in Bihar

See also: List of educational institutions in Bihar
Historically, Bihar has been a major centre of learning, home to the ancient universities of Nalanda (established in 450 CE), Odantapur (established in 550CE) and
Vikramshila (established in 783 AD).[93] This tradition of
learning may have been had stultied by the period of
Turkic invasions c. 1000 CE at which point it is believed major education centres (now maintained by reclusive communities of Buddhist monks removed from the
local populace) were put out of operation during the Turkic raids originating from central Asia .[94] The current
state of education and research is not satisfactory though
the current state government claims big achievements in
school education.


IIT Patna Students carrying the Institute Flag at the annual Inter
IIT Sports Meet

Bihar saw a revival of its education system during the later

part of the British rule when they established Patna University (established in 1917) which is the seventh oldest
university of the Indian subcontinent.[95] Some other centres of high learning established by the British rule are
Patna College (established in 1839), Bihar School of Engineering (established in 1900; now known as National
Institute of Technology, Patna), Prince of Wales Medical
College (1925; now Patna Medical College and Hospital),
Science College, Patna (1928) among others.
After independence Bihar lost the pace in terms of establishing a centre of education. Modern Bihar has a
grossly inadequate educational infrastructure creating a
huge mismatch between demand and supply. This problem further gets compounded by the growing aspirations
of the people and an increase in population. The craving for higher education among the general population of
Bihar has led to a massive migration of the student community from the state.
Bihar, with female literacy at 53.3%, is striving to climb
as the government has established educational institutions. At the time of independence, womens literacy in
Bihar was 4.22%. Bihar has a National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Patna and an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Patna. A recent survey by Pratham[97]
rated the absorption of their teaching by the Bihar children better than those in other states. The best talent pool
of engineers is in Delhi, Bihar and Jharkhand says the National Employability Report of Engineering Graduates,
2014 [98] by Aspiring Minds, which makes Bihar one of
the top three states producing best Engineering Graduates
in terms of Quality and Employability [99]
As of December 2013, there are 7 government engineering colleges in public sector and 12 engineering colleges in the private sector in Bihar, besides government
aided BIT Patna and Womens Institute of Technology,
Darbhanga. The overall annual intake of these technical institutes oering engineering education to students in Bihar is merely 6,200.[100][101] [102] In Bihar, the


Loknayak Jai Prakash Institute Of Technology

ogy Act, 2007. Bihar established several new education

institutes between 2006 and 2008. BIT Mesra started its
Patna extension center in September 2006. On 8 August
2008, IIT was inaugurated in Patna with students from
all over India these are also prominent engineering colleges in Bihar.[107] NSIT opened its new college in Bihta,
which is now emerging as a new education hub in Bihar,
in 2008.[108][109] BCE, Bhagalpur and MIT, Muzaarpur
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)[110] is being set up in Hajipur. On 4
August 2008, National Institute of Fashion Technology
Patna was established as ninth such institute in India.[111]
Chanakya National Law University a law university and
Chandragupt Institute of Management was established in
later half of 2008. Steps to revive the ancient Nalanda
University as Nalanda International University is being
taken; countries like Japan, Korea and China have also
taken initiatives. The Aryabhatt Knowledge University
in Patna is framed to which all the engineering as well
medical colleges are aliated in Bihar. The A.N. Sinha
Institute[112] of Social Studies is a premier research institute in the state.

government colleges are located at Muzaarpur, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Darbhanga, Motihari, Nalanda and Saran
(Chhapra). All institutes are recognized by All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE) aliated with
Aryabhatta Knowledge University (AKU). As it is, the
foundation stone of eighth engineering college of the
state government, named Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Engineering College was laid on 22 December 2013 at
Begusarai,[103][104] while the process to create infrastruc- Bihar is pioneer in the eld of yoga with its internationally
ture for two new engineering colleges one each at renowned institute Bihar School of Yoga in Munger.
Madhepura and Sitamarhi has started.[105][106]
Bihar e-Governance Services & Technologies (BeST) and
the Government of Bihar have initiated a unique program
to establish a center of excellence called Bihar Knowledge Center, a nishing school to equip students with the
latest skills and customised short-term training programs
at an aordable cost. The center aims to attract every
youth of the state to hone up their technical, professional
and soft skills and prepare them for the present industry
requirement/job market.[113]
Bihar also has Central Institute of Plastic Engineering &
Technology (CIPET) and Institute of Hotel Management
(a Central govt Unit) in Hajipur.

NIT Patna Main building

NIT Patna is the sixth oldest engineering college of India.

Its origin can be traced to 1886 with the establishment of
a survey training school and subsequent renaming it to
Bihar college of Engineering in 1900. A graduate level
curriculum was introduced in 1924. It was renamed Bihar College of Engineering in 1932. In 2004 the government of India upgraded the college to National Institute
of Technology (NIT) status, as the state of Bihar had lost
its only Regional Engineering College (REC), located at
Jamshedpur, when Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar in
2000. By 2002, the Indian government decided to upgrade all RECs to NITs, with the aim of having at least
one NIT per state. Bihar College of Engineering was the
rst institute to be directly upgraded to NIT status. In
2007, it was granted Institute of National Importance status in accordance with the National Institutes of Technol-

Bihar also has Munshi Singh College in Motihari, East Champaran, Bihar.
Website is
Tarachand College (KCTC) College in Raxaul, its
website is
The Central University of Bihar (CUB) is one of the sixteen newly established Central Universities by the Government of India under the Central Universities Act, 2009
(Section 25 of 2009).[1] The university is located at the
premises of Birla Institute of Technology, Patna (BIT
Campus, P.O.- B.V. College, Patna 800 014).[2] The
university is likely to be relocated to Panchanpur, approximately 10 km from Gaya on Defence land to be transferred soon. Keeping in view of the permanent location
of the university at Gaya, it has been decided to launch
new academic programmes at Gaya. It operates from
a temporary campus on the grounds of Birla Institute
of Technology, Patna. The university will now have its
own campus in Gaya. On 28 February 2014, Lok Sabha
Speaker Meira Kumar laid the foundation stone of the



Central University of Bihar at Gaya.[3] It will be spread

in 300 acre campus One of Indias premier medical institute AIIMS Patna started functioning in Patna. It is in
line with AIIMS, New Delhi.
Nalanda University was re-established in 2014.


See also

Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Behar". Encyclopdia

Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Timeline of Bihar
Bihari languages
Bihari people
Bihari culture
List of people from Bihar
Bihar Sthapana Diwas


[9] Benedikter, Thomas (2009). Language Policy and Linguistic Minorities in India: An Appraisal of the Linguistic
Rights of Minorities in India. Mnster: LIT Verlag. p. 89.
ISBN 9783643102317. Retrieved 10 April 2015.
[10] Chitransh, Anugya (1 September 2012). Bhojpuri is not
the only language in Bihar. Hill Post. Retrieved 10 April
[11] Cardona, George; Jain, Dhanesh, eds. (11 September
2003). The Indo-Aryan Languages. Routledge Language Family Series. Routledge. p. 500. ISBN 9780415772945. ...the number of speakers of Bihari languages are dicult to indicate because of unreliable
sources. In the urban region most educated speakers of
the language name Hindi as their language because this is
what they use in formal contexts and believe it to be the
appropriate response because of lack of awareness. The
uneducated and the urban population of the region return
Hindi as the generic name for their language.
[12] Bihar, Past & Present: souvenir, 13th Annual Congress of
Epigraphica by P. N. Ojha, Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute

Anti-Bihari sentiment

[13] Mishra Pankaj, The Problem, Seminar 450 February


India Wikipedia book

[14] The History of Bihar. Bihar Government.


[15] Bihars 'rst' Economic Survey Report tabled. The

Times of India. 7 March 2007. Retrieved 22 August

Outline of India
Index of India-related articles
Bibliography of India
History of India



[1] census of india. Census of India 2001. Government of

India. 27 May 2002. Archived from the original on 3
April 2007. Retrieved 14 April 2007.
[2] Bihar. Retrieved 27 February 2015.
[3] State Prole. Government of Bihar. Retrieved 17 April
[4] Food riots, anger as oods swamp South Asia. Reuters
India. 22 August 2008.
[5] Natural Resources. Government of Bihar. Retrieved 17
April 2015.
[6] Jharkhand, Encyclopdia Britannica on-line
[7] Guruswamy, Mohan; Kaul, Abhishek (15 December
2003). The Economic Strangulation of Bihar (PDF).
Centre for Policy Alternatives, New Delhi, India.
[8] The Bihar Ocial Language Act, 1950 (PDF). Cabinet Secretariat Department, Government of Bihar. 1950.
Retrieved 9 April 2015.

[16] Bal Thackeray (5 March 2008). Biharis an unwanted

lot. The Times of India. Retrieved 5 March 2008.
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Further reading

Sinha, Udai Prakash; Kumar, Swargesh (2012).

Bihar Tourism: Retrospect and Prospect. New
Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.
9788180697999. Retrieved 18 April 2015.

Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Rachnawali (Selected

works of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati), Prakashan
Sansthan, Delhi, 2003.

Nand Kishore Shukla, The Trial of Baikunth Sukul:

A Revolutionary Patriot, Har-Anand, 1999, 403
pages, ISBN 81-241-0143-4.

Christopher Alan Bayly, Rulers, Townsmen, and

Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of
British Expansion, 17701870, Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Shramikon Ke Hitaishi Neta, Itihas Purush: Basawon

Singh published by the Bihar Hindi Granth Academy
(1st Edition, April 2000).

Anand A. Yang, Bazaar India: Markets, Society, and

the Colonial State in Bihar, University of California
Press, 1999.
Acharya Hazari Prasad Dwivedi Rachnawali,
Rajkamal Prakashan, Delhi.
Swami Sahajanand and the Peasants of Jharkhand: A View from 1941 translated and edited by
Walter Hauser along with the unedited Hindi original (Manohar Publishers, paperback, 2005).
Sahajanand on Agricultural Labour and the Rural Poor translated and edited by Walter Hauser
(Manohar Publishers, paperback, 2005).
Religion, Politics, and the Peasants: A Memoir of
Indias Freedom Movement translated and edited
by Walter Hauser (Manohar Publishers, hardbound,
Pandit Yadunandan (Jadunandan) Sharma, 1947,
Bakasht Mahamari Aur Uska Achook Ilaaz (Bakasht
Epidemic and its Infalliable Remedy) in Hindi, Allahabad.
Jagannath Sarkar, Many Streams Selected Essays
by Jagannath Sarkar and Reminiscing Sketches
Compiled by Gautam Sarkar Edited by Mitali
Sarkar, First Published May 2010, Navakarnataka
Publications Private Limited, Bangalore.
Indradeep Sinha, 1969, Sathi ke Kisanon ka Aitihasic
Sangharsha (Historic Struggle of Sathi Peasants), in
Hindi, Patna.

Ramchandra Prasad, Ashok Kumar Sinha, Sri Krishna Singh in Adhunik Bharat ke Nirmata Series,
Publications Division, Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, Government of India.
Walter Hauser, 1961, Peasant Organisation in India:
A Case Study of the Bihar Kisan Sabha, 19291942,
PhD Thesis, University of Chicago, (Forthcoming
Rai, Algu, 1946, A Move for the Formation of an
All-Indian Organisation for the Kisans, Azamgrah.
N. G. Ranga, 1949, Revolutionary Peasants, New
N. G. Ranga, 1968, Fight For Freedom, New Delhi.
Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, 1943, Naye Bharet
ke Naye Neta (New Leaders of New India), in Hindi,
Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, 1957, Dimagi Gulami (Mental Slavery), in Hindi, Allahabad.
Manmath Nath Gupta, Apane samaya ka surya
Dinkar, Alekha Prakasana (1981).
Khagendra Thakur, Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar':
Vyaktitva aur Krititva, Publications Division,
2008 Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India.
Vijendra Narayan Singh, Bharatiya Sahitya ke Nirmata: Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar, Sahitya Akademi,
New Delhi, 2005, ISBN 81-260-2142-X.

Indradeep Sinha, Real face of JPs total revolution,

Communist Party of India (1974).

Kumar Vimal, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Rachna

Sanchayan, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, 2008,
ISBN 978-81-260-2627-2.

Indradeep Sinha, Some features of current agrarian

situation in India, All India Kisan Sabha, (1987).

Mishra Shree Govind, History Of Bihar 17401772,

Munshiram Manoharlal, 1970




Verma B S, Socio-religious Economic And Literary

Condition Of Bihar (From ca. 319 A.D. to 1000
A.D.), Munshiram Manoharlal, 1962

Askari S. H., Mediaeval Bihar: Sultante and Mughal

Period, Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library,
Patna, 1990

Maitra A,Magahi Culture, Cosmo Publications, New

Delhi, 1983

Tayler William, Three Months at Patna during the

Insurrection of 1857, Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public
Library, Patna, 2007

Naipaul V S, India: A Wounded Civilization, Picador, 1977

Trevithick Alan, The Revival Of Buddhist Pilgrimage
At Bodh Gaya (18111949): Anagarika Dharmapala And The Mahabodhi Temple
Jannuzi F. Tomasson, Agrarian Crisis In India: The
Case Of Bihar, University of Texas Press, 1974,
ISBN 0-292-76414-6, ISBN 978-0-292-76414-9
Omalley L S S, History of Magadh, Veena Publication, 2005, ISBN 81-89224-01-8
Shukla Prabhat Kumar, Indigo And The Raj: Peasant Protests In Bihar 17801917, Pragati Publications, 1993, ISBN 81-7307-004-0
Ahmad Qeyamuddin, Patna Through The Ages:
Glimpses of History, Society & Economy, Commonwealth Publishers, 1988
Jain B D, Ardha Magadhi Reader, Sri Satguru Publications, Lahore, 1923
Patra C, Life in Ancient India: As Depicted In
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Hazra Kanai Lal, Buddhism In India As Described
By The Chinese Pilgrims AD 399689, Munshiram
Manoharlal, 1983, ISBN 81-215-0132-6
McCrindle John W., Ancient India As Described By
Megasthenes And Arrian, Munshiram Manoharlal
McCrindle John W., Ancient India As Described By
Ptolemy, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1927, ISBN 81215-0945-9
Sastry Harprasad, Magadhan Literature, Sri Satguru
Publications, Calcutta, 1923
Rai Alok, Hindi Nationalism, Orient Longman,
2000, ISBN 81-250-1979-0
Waddell Austine L., Report On The Excavations At
Pataliputra (Patna) The Palibothra Of The Greeks,
Asian Publicational Services, Calcutta, 1903
Das Arvind N., The State of Bihar: an economic history without footnotes, Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992
Brass Paul R., The politics of India since Independence, Cambridge University Press, 1990

Taylor P.J.O., What really happened during the

Mutiny: A day by day account of the major events
of 18571859 in India, Oxford University Press,
1997, ISBN 0-19-564182-5
Pathak Prabhu Nath, Society and Culture in Early Bihar (C.A.D. 200 600), Commonwealth Publishers,
Basham A. L., The Wonder that was India, Picador,
1954, ISBN 0-330-43909-X
Nambisan Vijay, Bihar in the eye of the beholder,
Penguin Books, 2000, ISBN 978-0-14-029449-1
Pathak Mohan, Flood plains and Agricultural occupance, Deep & Deep Publication, 1991, ISBN 817100-289-7
D'Souza Rohan, Drowned and Dammed:Colonial
Capitalism and Flood Control in Eastern India, Oxford University Press, 2006,
Radhakanta Barik - Land & Caste Politics in Bihar
(Shipra Publications, Delhi, 2006)

15 External links
Ocial website
Bihar at DMOZ
Bihar State Trouism Development Corporation, Ltd.



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File:Asia_(orthographic_projection).svg Source:

projection%29.svg License: ? Contributors: Map by Ssolbergj
Original artist:Koyos + Ssolbergj (<a href='//' title='User talk:Ssolbergj'>talk</a>)
File:Bauhinia_Acuminata.jpg Source: License: PD Contributors:
Own work
Original artist:
Sugatabanerji (talk) (Uploads)
File:Bihar_Kesari_Sri_Babu_&_Bihar_Vibhuti_Anugrah_Babu.jpg Source:
Bihar_Kesari_Sri_Babu_%26_Bihar_Vibhuti_Anugrah_Babu.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Original artist:
File:Bihar_Village_Bazaar.JPG Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Liftarn using CommonsHelper.
Original artist: Manoj nav (talk). Original uploader was Manoj nav at en.wikipedia
File:Bihar_locator_map.svg Source:
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work License:


International Borders: University of Texas map library - India Political map 2001
Disputed Borders: University of Texas map library - China-India Borders - Eastern Sector 1988 & Western Sector 1988 - Kashmir
Region 2004 - Kashmir Maps.
State and District boundaries: Census of India - 2001 Census State Maps - Survey of India Maps.
Other sources: US Army Map Service, Survey of India Map Explorer, Columbia University
Original artist: <a href='//' class='internal' title='Bihar locator
map.svg'>This Image</a> was created by User:PlaneMad.
File:Biharimap.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Self-made; base map from Original artist: Zakuragi
File:Biskoman_Bhawan_,patna.jpg Source:
jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
type=1 Original artist: Sauravanuraj
File:Bismillah_at_Concert1_(edited).jpg Source:
%28edited%29.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Edited version of Bismillah at Concert1.jpg; cropped, adjusted exposure and
contrast Original artist: Robert Garas
File:Buddha_Mahabodhi_temple.JPG Source:
JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: (WT-shared) Manoj nav at wts wikivoyage
File:City_of_Patna_19th_century.jpg Source: License: PD Contributors:
Victoria and Albert Museum [1] Original artist:
Thomas Daniell
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?




File:Compass_rose_pale.svg Source: License: CC-BYSA-3.0 Contributors: svg version of Image:Compass-rose-pale.png, made to look similar to Image:Reinel compass rose.svg. Original artist:
File:Dr_Rajendra_Pd._DR.Anugrah_Narayan_Sinha.jpg Source:
Rajendra_Pd._DR.Anugrah_Narayan_Sinha.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own workPicture of the eminent public gures
taken during 1917 MK Gandhis Satyagraha movement in Bihar Original artist: Bn bt ec01
File:East.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil. Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Emblem_of_India.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Dened by the Indian government as national emblem
File:Flag_of_India.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Nepal.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Constitution of The Kingdom of Nepal, Article 5, Schedule 1 [1] Original artist: Drawn by User:Pumbaa80, User:Achim1999
File:Flooded_Bihar.JPG Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Anonymous101 using CommonsHelper. Original artist: Original
uploader was Manoj nav at en.wikipedia
File:Gai_Ghat_Patna.JPG Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia by Ronhjones Original artist: Manoj nav at en.wikipedia
File:IITPatinterIIT.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Steelharsha7
File:Increase2.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Sarang
File:India_78.40398E_20.74980N.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:India_Bihar_locator_map.svg Source:
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work

International Borders: University of Texas map library - India Political map 2001
Disputed Borders: University of Texas map library - China-India Borders - Eastern Sector 1988 & Western Sector 1988 - Kashmir
Region 2004 - Kashmir Maps.
State and District boundaries: Census of India - 2001 Census State Maps - Survey of India Maps.
Other sources: US Army Map Service, Survey of India Map Explorer, Columbia University
Original artist: <a href='//' class='internal' title='India Bihar
locator map.svg'>This Image</a> was created by User:PlaneMad.
File:Lychee.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Image
uploaded rst to English Wikipedia by Ellmist on September 2, 2002 who took it from
k2296-2.htm. Original artist: Barry Fitzgerald, USDA
File:Magahi_folk_singers.JPG Source: License: PD Contributors:
I created this work entirely by myself.
Original artist:
Manoj nav (talk)
File:Mahabodhitemple.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA
2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Bpilgrim
File:Mountain_of_Ashram.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: originally posted to Flickr as Mountain of Ashram Original artist: Hideyuki KAMON
File:Mpbhartidayal.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-2.5 Contributors:
? Original artist: ?
File:Muzzafarpur_.jpg Source: License: PD Contributors:
created this work entirely by Harsh Chaudhary.
Original artist:
Rohit Kumar
File:NITPMainBuilding.jpg Source: License: CC BYSA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Vishu9219
File:National_Inland_waterways_1.png Source:
License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

File:North.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.

Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Patna_river_port1.JPG Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Manoj nav (talk)




File:People_Celebrating_Chhath_on_2nd_Day_Morning_Around_the_Pond.jpg Source:

commons/d/d5/People_Celebrating_Chhath_on_2nd_Day_Morning_Around_the_Pond.jpg License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: Abhishek jsr2 at English Wikipedia
File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Potters_Patna1.JPG Source: License: PD Contributors:
I created this work entirely by myself.
Original artist:
Manoj nav (talk)
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
Varma-Shakuntala_columbia.jpg License:
Public domain Contributors:
Downloaded from Columbia University
South Asian Studies web site by <a href='//' class='extiw' title='en:User:
Fowler,<span>,&,</span>,fowler'>Fowler&fowler</a><a href='//' class='extiw'
title='en:User talk:Fowler,<span>,&,</span>,fowler'>Talk</a> 12:24, 21 October 2007 (UTC) Original artist: Raja Ravi Varma
File:Seal_of_Bihar.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia Original artist: Original uploader was Dn9ahx at en.wikipedia. Later version(s) were uploaded by
Before My Ken at en.wikipedia.
File:Seal_of_Bihar.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Behar Government ocal seal website page Original artist: Fred the Oyster
File:Secretariat_Building_patna.JPG Source:
JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Jeroen using CommonsHelper.
Original artist: Original uploader was Manoj nav at en.wikipedia
File:Sher_Shah_Suri_Tomb.jpg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Nandanupadhyay
File:South.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.
Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Terrestrial_globe.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
Technology.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Photo Taken Myself.
Previously published: Original artist: Robinindian
File:Trolly_ride_in_Rajgri.JPG Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: (WT-shared) Manoj nav at wts wikivoyage
File:Vaishali_remainings.JPG Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work (Original text: I (Manoj nav (talk)) created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Manoj nav
File:Vishnupadh_Temple.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Vanshidhar singh
File:West.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.
Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Bastique, User:Ramac et al.
File:Wikinews-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Simon 01:05, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
Updated by Time3000 17 April 2007 to use ocial Wikinews colours and appear correctly on dark backgrounds. Originally uploaded by
File:Wikiquote-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Original artist:Nicholas Moreau
File:Wikiversity-logo-Snorky.svg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Snorky
File:Wikivoyage-Logo-v3-icon.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: AleXXw
File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs),
based on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber

16.3 Content license

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