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Name: Linda Reynoso

School Site: Bowling Green McCoy

Lesson Title/Subject: Lesson 9 Application Problem/Math

Grade: 1st
Content Standard(s): 1.OA.1Useadditionandsubtractionwithin20tosolvewordproblemsinvolving
List Measurable Objectives in this column.
Note: The objectives will match the standards.
Content Objective:
BTEOTL, SWBAT (A) interpret and solve the number story (B, DOK-2)
with 100% accuracy (D) by completing the application problem and the
exit ticket.

Social Skill Objective: Staying on Task

Describe Assessment Tool and Criteria

How will you CFU?
By asking questions before letting them do the
application problem in pairs/groups
Asking them to provide me with what strategies they
used to solve the problem
What and how will you assess during collaboration?
I will walk around making notes about who is
understanding and who is not understanding the lesson.
What and how will you assess during independent
The exit ticket is done independently as a test to see
who understands and who does not understand the
What and how will you assess the social skill during
By walking around during collaboration and making
note of students who are doing so

This is building on their knowledge of embedded numbers, previously they have used knowing the whole
and finding two hidden numbers (problems have used vague words such as some as opposed to an
exact number) This provides them with one number and the whole and they have to try to use the counting
on strategy in order to find what number is missing from the number bond or number sentence.
Application Problem written on Chart Paper
Math Journals
Linking Cubes (optional, based on students)

Lesson Implementation
Focus Lesson

I am replacing the name in the problem with a students name to hook them into the lesson

Objectives are stated in student friendly language

o I will use counting on to solve the application problem
Clear explanation of purpose and relevance
o My students have been having issues with the counting on strategy, this problem will test them
on their use of the strategy

Building Background
o Students can use strategies we have talked about to solve this problem drawing a picture,
using number bonds, and plugging into a number sentence
o Counting on is a useful skill for students to learn so that they can know how many more they
need of objects in any given situation
o Number bond, whole, part

Modeling of the new learning (think aloud and/or demonstration)

For the application problem there is no modeling. By this point students should have the concept of the
lesson (see previous days lesson for introduction of topic) as there is no new learning and so it is up to
them to figure out a strategy to use in teams.

Guided Instruction
When I give the signal word I need you to get your tool kit, and your math journal. I will count to 10 and I
need you sitting in rows on the carpet.
When they are all sitting I will have the Application problem written on the chart paper.
Anahi was making a number bracelet with a total of 10 beads on it. She has put on 3 red beads so far. How
many more beads does she need to add to the bracelet? Explain your thinking in a picture and number
I will have them copy down the words Application Problem and the date in their notebook.
We will talk about what information we have (How many beads does Anahi need altogether? Underline
word 10 How many beads does Anahi have? Underline 3)
We need to solve for how many beads Anahi needs to add to the bracelet to get to 10.
What strategies do we know that we can use for this problem (Number Bonds, Number Sentences,
Introduce Social Skill
Send them off to work in partners together pull my group (Jonathan, Jamayiawn, Davion, my students
who need a little help starting off).
Write down as many strategies as they used while circulating, note those students who need extra help.
Pull the class back together ask for a couple of students different strategies, they write it on the board I
write it on our chart to hang up
Send them off to gather offices and complete their exit ticket tests.

Explicit Teaching of Social Skill and Activity

Miss Reynoso has noticed that some of us get distracted when we go and work in groups. We forget about
what were supposed to be doing. What should we be talking about today when we work together? (Math,
how many beads they have, what numbers to use)

Students get to work together on the application problem around the room

Student Reflection
Who can tell me what being on task looks like?

Independent Learning
Students complete an exit ticket in order to show what they know aside from the collaborative group it is
done with offices up so nobody is copying from anybody else, and teachers do not help the students with

Student Reflection
How many beads did they have?
How many beads did they need altogether?
How many beads did they need to get to our sum?
How do we use counting on?
How does it help us?

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