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Expectations and guidelines

You have been placed into a group of three people you each of you have your
own objectives and jobs in this group. If you check your email you should see
an email I have sent each of you giving each of you a job title. The duties of
the job title you have been assigned are listed below:
Researcher: your job is to research copyright laws (Fair use) and what
they are used for. When you have found this information you will make
a google slides presentation to share with your groupmates.
Fact checker: you are to research MLA formatted citation for and create
a google slides presentation on how to cite within text and how to
create a work cited page think of this as your own mini lesson you will
be teaching your group members.
Reviser: You are to review the other students research papers on their
chosen authors you are to revise and look for places in which students
can place research to help increase the effectiveness of their papers.
(See rubric for further instruction)
After each of you have finished your jobs from step one, you will teach the
material you have learned to each other:
The researcher will spend his or her time teaching the other two
students in your group about the copyright laws and why they are
important for us to know when conducting our own research. This will
be presented via google slides
The fact checker will explain how to correctly cite information in our
research papers and as a work sited page. The fact checker will also
have created a google slide presentation to explain to the other two
students how to cite MLA style.
The reviser does not have a presentation to teach but he or she will
review the papers of the other students and his own work describing
what places in all of your papers that could use research to support
your thinking. This should be largely discussion based and the reviser
should have made visible marks on each paper to display his or her

Finally you will begin researching the authors you have chosen on your own
and revising your individual author research papers. Your final drafts of your
chosen author research papers should include:

Correct MLA format in text citations

A complete and correctly formatted work sited page
Your revised drafts should be attached to your final draft
Your research should help substantiate your paper

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