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These pages provide pointers to GIS companies, associations, and government web pages
as well as sources of software, data, publications, and services. Information does not
reflect use or endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Navigation. If a topic has an arrow, click on the arrow to select a subtopic (you can't
select the topic from the heading). If a topic does not have an arrow, simply click on the
name to move to the topic. To close a topic, click on the arrow again or click on another

General GIS
The sites listed in this section are good starting points for learning about GIS.

Geo FAQs
FAQs provide answers to Frequently Asked Questions about a topic. FAQ
Global Positioning System (GPS) FAQ (Coast Guard)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) FAQ (Federal Aviation Administration)

Megasites highlights sites that contain pointers to large numbers of other GIS sites., GeoCommunity,, and GIS Lounge all provide a good series of
resources and commentary.

Documentar Resurse SIG in INTERNET

Topographic Engineering Center, Alexandria, VA
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GIS Web Links Database - Geoinformatics (Glasgow)
GIS Lounge
The GIS Notebook - Bill Thoen

Mailing Lists/Newsgroups
Newsgroups provide on-line question and answer forums. comp.infosystems.gis is the
primary GIS newsgroup. Mailing lists let users stay in touch with other users with similar
interests via e-mail. The Directions Magazine On-Line GIS Discussion Archive lets users
search multiple GIS mailing lists.
On-Line GIS Discussion Archive (Directions Magazine)
CrimeMap Listserv
Map History-Related Discussion Lists
Archives of MAPS-L

Blogs are web pages that provide the latest information covering a variety of topics.
Planet Geospatial
All Points Blog
All Things Geography
Any Geo - Anything Geospatial
Creative Mapping
Free GIS Data and Imagery Geoblog
On Geoweb and Markup (Ron Lake)
GeoData Policy
Geography 2.0
Geography Matters
Geospatial Semantic Web Blog
GIS and Agent-Based Modelling
GIS Lounge

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Google Earth Blog
Google Maps Mania
Google Sightseeing
information aesthetics
Infonaut Blog
Information Aesthetics
James Fee GIS Blog
Making Maps: DIY Cartography
The Map Room
The Map GIS News Blog for UK, Europe, and World Maps
Mapping Center
Mapping Hacks
mapz: a gis librarian
Off the Map
Ogle Earth
O'Reilly Radar Geo
Smart Mobs (Howard Rheingold)
Spatial Law
Strange Maps
Surveying, Mapping, and GIS
Urban Cartography
Vector One
Very Spatial
What's Special About Geospatial?

Dictionaries and glossaries are helpful for sorting out terminology in the GIS community.
Abbreviations and Acronyms in GIS, Cartography, and RS
AGI GIS Dictionary
ESRI GIS Dictionary
GIS Glossary (GISLounge)
Glossary of Cartographic Terms (University of Texas)
Glossary for the Geographer's Craft Project (University of Colorado)
Glossary of Terms (Navtech GPS)
Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms (NGA) (PDF)
Glossary of Remote Sensing Terms (CCRS)

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Glossary of Toponymic Terminology (United Nations)
Ordnance Survey Glossary

Conference and seminar schedules are listed here.
Calendar of Events (Geospatial Solutions)
GIS and Remote Sensing Events (GIS Lounge)
GIS and Mapping Industry Conferences (GeoCommunity)

Web Mapping
The web-based mapping sites provide information on products and applications for
delivering maps and GIS services over the Internet.

The General web-mapping sites are meta sites with a wide variety of information on webmapping and pointers to other sites.
Web Mapping Channel (GeoCommunity)
ICA Commission on Maps and the Internet
Web Mapping Applications (GeoCommunity)
GIS Mapping with PHP
Web Map Gallery (Directions Magazine)
Web Mapping (FreeGIS)

Products sites point to specific software for delivering maps and images over the web.
This includes map servers, image servers, sites dealing with XML/GML/SVG, Flash, and
Web Hosting.
Map Servers
Autodesk MapGuide Family
Maptitude for the Web (Caliper)
Caris Spatial Fusion
Server GIS (ESRI)
FME Server Products
Full Circle Technologies

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GeoMicro AltaMap Server
Geomatica Web Server (PCI Geomatics)
GeoMedia WebMap (Intergraph)
IC Map (Collins Software)
idevio - Innovative Vector Storage and Delivery
Image Mapper (alta4)
Internet Application Server (GE Power Systems - Smallworld Technology)
Ionic Software
JMap (Kheops Technology)
MapExplorer (Triscape)
Map Server (University of Minnesota)
map-TV (Spatial Media) - Web Map Server
Map Manager (Compusult)
NAC Geographic Products, Inc.
Push.n.See (Korem)
SICAD Internet Suite - Web
SIS ASC (Cadcorp) - Web
SpatialAge Web Viewer (Byers Engineering)
TNT Server (MicroImages)
XMap Web (DeLorme)
Image Servers
ArcGIS Image Server (ESRI)
ImageConnect (GlobeXplorer)
Image Web Server (
Image Web Server (ERDAS)
3D View Servers
Virtual Globe (Wikipedia)
Google Earth (Download and install client application)
Map 24 (3D option available after selecting map)
Skyline Globe
Virtual Globe (Norkart)
World Wind (NASA)

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Geoprocessing Web Services
ArcWeb Services (ESRI)
MapPoint Web Service (Microsoft)
XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XML Specification (W3C)

Internet Mapping with XML (GeoCommunity)
XML Tutorial (W3Schools)
XML Tutorials (
GML (Geographic Markup Language)

GML Specifications (OpenGIS Consortium)

GML Technology (Galdos)
Top 10 Benefits of Using GML (GeoCommunity)
GML Viewer (Snowflake Software)
Ordnance Survey MasterMap Viewer (Snowflake Software)

KML Specification(Open Geospatial Consortium)

About KML(Google)
KML Documentation Introduction (Google)
KML Tutorial (Google)
KML (Wikipedia)
KML Validator (Galdos)
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

Scalable Vector Graphics Specification (W3C)

SVG Zone (Adobe Systems)
SVG Tutorial (KevLinDev)
DBx Geomatics (SVG Mapping)
EasySVG for ArcGIS (Qinetiq)
MapPublisher - SVG (Avenza)
MapView SVG - SVG for ArcGIS (UIS Media)
GeoTechnologies Web Mapping Demonstration Site

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MapBureau - Interactive Cartography for the Web (Flash Maps)
worldKit (linking Flash and RSS)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
TerraGo Technologies
GeoPDF - Blog
An Introduction to GeoRSS (OGC White Paper - PDF)
GeoRSS: Geographically Encoded Objects for RSS Feeds
Fun with GeoRSS (Directions Magazine)
RSS to GeoRSS Converter (
ACME GeoRSS MapViewer
worldKit GeoRSS
Yahoo! Maps GeoRSS
Mashups/Custom Maps
Google Maps API
Mapquest Developer Network
Virtual Earth Interactive SDK (Microsoft)
Windows Live Developer Center (Microsoft)
Yahoo! Maps APIs
Mapping Mashups Tag Search (ProgrammableWeb)
MapCruncher (Microsoft)
OS OpenSpace API (Ordnance Survey)
Pin In The Map

This section highlights web mapping sites by their application area.

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Atlases show sample applications for delivering general map information and data over
the Internet.
DEMIS World Map Server
Earth and Moon Viewer
Find a Map (Expedia)
Globalis (United Nations)
Interactive Atlas(Mapquest)
Locator Services (HUD)
MapStats (FedStats - US Government)
National Atlas of Canada On-Line
National Atlas of the United States of America
National Geographic Map Machine
publicprofiler/worldnames (atlas of surnames)
Toporama (Canadian Atlas)
Window to My Environment (EPA)
Geocoding sites use a street address as input and provide the latitude and longitude of the
address as output. (TeleAtlas)
Batch Geocoding (Phillip Holmstrand)
Free Geocoding Service (
Free Location Geocoding (ajm Software)
Imagery servers provide aerial photography and satellite imagery over the web.
TerraServer is one of the world's largest databases ever created.
GlobeXplorer - UK Imagery Server
Google Earth
Live Search (Microsoft)
NOAA Operational Significant Events Imagery
TerraServer - USA (Microsoft Image Server)
Seamless Data Distribution Delivery (USGS)
Global Visualization Viewer (USGS)

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Localized Search Engines
Localized search engines allow you to locate businesses by type and location.
Google Maps
Business Locator (MapQuest)
Live Local Search (Microsoft)
Yahoo! Local Maps
Route Planners
Route planners generate maps and directions given a start address to a stop address.
Expedia Driving Directions
Google Maps
MapQuest Directions
Map24 (Select Calculate Route)
Maporama-Europe, US, and Canada Maps and Routes
Rand McNally
ViaMichelin (European Driving Directions)
Yahoo! Driving Directions
Street Maps
Street Maps sites generate street-level maps when given a street address. Maps A9 is a
new site that incorporates video images with street maps.
Find a Map (Expedia)
Google Maps
Live Search (Microsoft)
Mapquest Maps
Rand McNally
ViaMichelin (European Street Maps)
Yahoo! Local Maps
Topographic Maps
Topographic maps show general landscape features with elevations as contours.
Real-Time Maps

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Real-time maps map data from sensors as the data is acquired. The most common form of
real-time maps today are traffic maps.
NextBus (NextBus)
Real-Time Ocean Sensor Data (OPENIOOS.ORG)
San Diego Real-Time Traffic (CalTrans)
Seattle Area Traffic (Washington State DOT)
Traveler Information (Minnesota Department of Transportation)
Flight Tracker (USA Today)
Zip Code-Based Look-Up
Location-based services are often by-passing the need for maps. Here are some zip-code
based services that provide information when given a specific zip code.
Community Tapestry Demographic Data (ESRI Business Information Solutions)
Canadian Post Code Information (
City/State Zip Code Associations (USPS)
Find Your Senator and Congressman by Zip
Free On-Line Look-Ups (MelissaDATA)
Free online address lookup tool with fuzzy matching
Free Zip Code Lookup ( Find county, area code, time zone, lat/lon.
Get a Map by Zip Code (MapQuest)
Local Harvest (Farmers' Markets, Family Farms, etc.)
National Address Server (University of Buffalo) Formats addresses, adds zip, and prints
bar code.
Language Map of the US by Zip Code (Modern Language Association)
Sunrise and Sunset by Zip
US Gazetteer (Census) Access to Demographic Data by Zip
US Postal Service Zip Code Look-Up (Claritas)
Scorecard (The Pollution Information Site)
Window to My Environment (EPA)
Zip Code Comparisons (Zipskinny)
Zipdecode (Ben Fry)
Zip Code Statistics (Census Bureau)
Zip Scribble
Zoomer - Local Environmental Resources (Sierra Club)

GIS Software
GIS software sites provide software for the creation, management, analysis, and display
of geographic data.


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Topographic Engineering Center, Alexandria, VA
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These company sites sell and/or provide GIS software. The On-Line Product Sourcebook
and Geo Directory of Products and Services provide information on multiple products.
GIS Company Listing (
GIS and Mapping Software (GeoCommunity)
Ten-Year Industry Forecast (ASPRS/NASA)
1 Spatial (formerly Laser-Scan)
Mapping Solutions (Hitachi Software Engineering America, Ltd.)
Atlas GIS (Retail Profit management)
Bentley Systems, Inc.
Blue Marble Geographics
Byers Engineering (SpatialAge Solutions)
Cadcorp (Spatial Information System)
Caliper Corporation (Maptitude GIS, TransCAD, GIS +)
Caliper Corporation - UK (Maptitude GIS, TransCAD, GIS +)
Clark University (IDRISI)
DeLorme Mapping
Eagle Point Software Corporation
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ArcGIS)
Flowmap (Utrecht)
Geospatial Asset Management (GE)
Geodyssey Limited of Calgary
Golden Software (Surfer, Grapher, MapViewer, Voxler, and Didger)
Idelix (Pliable Display Technology)
Innogistic Software plc
Manifold GIS
MicroImages, Inc.(TNTmips, TNTlite)
Map Maker Pro (Map Maker, Ltd.)
MapWindow GIS
Microsoft MapPoint
Pitney Bowes MapInfo

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Object F/X
PCI Geomatics
Red Hen

.Net/COM Objects
.Net/COM objects allow developers to build Windows-based applications that
incorporate mapping and GIS capabilities. Component-based software lets developers
mix and match functionality.
Blue Marble Geographics
Carbon Tools Geospatial .NET development toolkit (The Carbon Project)
ArcGIS Engine (ESRI)
Luciad - Software Components for Networked GIS (COM and JAVA)
MapLink Pro(TENET Defence Ltd.)
MapOCX (UnderTow Software)

Java GIS
The appeal of Java is the ability to write software once and run it on different machines.
Java GIS products are just beginning to hit the marketplace. The GeoJava Corner is a
good place to look for the latest developments.
Luciad - Software Components for Networked GIS (COM and JAVA)
Object F/X (Java-based Geospatial Solutions)
SpatialAce and SpatialAce Lite Editions(Carmenta)

Data Viewers
Data viewers listed here are free software that can be used to look at geographic data.
Viewers (GeoCommunity)
Explorer Applications (ESRI)
CartoMap Viewer (Select Products -> Free Viewer)
Christine GIS Viewer

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dlgv32 DRG/DLG/SDTS Viewing Software (USGS)
ER Viewer (ER Mapper)
Gaia (The Carbon Project)
Geomatica FreeView
GML Viewer (Snowflake Software)
MapInfo ProViewer (MapInfo)
ShapeViz (Bashir Research) - Shapefile Visualization
TatukGIS Viewer (TatukGIS)
Thuban (Free Geographic Data Viewer)
tkgeomap (Tcl/Tk Mapping Routines)

Free (and almost free) Software

Look here for free GIS software and various utilities. The FreeGIS site provides pointers
to free GIS products.
Free Software, Scripts, Extensions, Demos (GeoCommunity)
Christine GIS
DIVA-GIS (For the analysis of biodiversity - USGS)
GeoDa (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis) Arizona State University
GeoTools (Codehaus)
GMT - The Generic Mapping Tools
LandSerf (surface visualization)
Map Maker Gratis
Mapping and Surveying Freeware (Softree)
MICRODEM (DEM software) US Naval Academy
Open Source
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
Open Source GIS
Cartographic Projections Library - PROJ.4
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)
GeoTools (Codehaus)
gvSIG (Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport)
The Jump Project
OpenMap (BBN) GIS
Portable GIS
Quantum GIS

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System for Automated Geographical Analysis
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

GIS and Archeology (Stanford University)
Business and GIS (Stanford University)
GIS and the Humanities (Stanford University)
Websites for GIS Health Data (Stanford University)

Crime Mapping
GIS software can be used to analyze patterns of crime. See the Department of Justice for
additional crime mapping links.
Crime Mapping and Analysis (GIS Lounge)
Criminal Justice Resources - Crime Mapping (Michigan State University)
Crime and Law Enforcement (
Law Enforcement (ESRI)
GIS for Crime Mapping (Maptitude)
Crime Mapping (Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science)
Crime Mapping: Improving Performance A good practice guide for front line officers
Crime Mapping and Analysis Program (National Law Enforcement and Corrections
Technology Center)
CASE The Crime Analysis Spatial Extension for ArcGIS
International Association of Crime Analysts
Crime Analysis Software
Crimestat Software
Jerry Ratcliffe's Home Page
Aoristic Signatures and the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of High Volume Crime Patterns
The Police Foundation
Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS) (USDOJ)
CrimeMap Listserv
Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice (PDF)


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Mapping Crime: Understanding Hot Spots (PDF)
Spatial Analysis of Crime (PDF)
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) (USDOJ)
Resource Information Center
Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers ... In 60 Small Steps (PDF)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)
GIS Resources at NACJD
Geographic Profiling
Geographic Profiling (Environmental Criminology Research, Inc.)
Geographic Profiling (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
Geographic Profiling Evaluation Methodology (ABT)(PDF)
Geographic Profiling Hype or Hope (PDF)
Dragnet (Center for Investigative Psychology/David Canter)
Rigel (ECRI)

Decision Support/Participatory Mapping

GIS software is increasingly being used for decision analysis in a collaborative
Collaborative Spatial Decision-Making (NCGIA)
Collaborative Spatial Decision Making on the Internet (Leeds)
Geocollaboration (Penn State)
Multi-Criteria Analysis
Participatory Mapping: A Review
Risk Assessment and Decision Support (Penn State)
Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development
Participatory Mapping Toolbox
Volunteered Geographic Information (Los Alamos, Vespucci Institute, Army Research
Office, NCGIA)
The Great Pop Versus Soda Controversy
The Neighborhood Project

Geocomputation/Spatial Analysis
GeoComputation involves the computational aspects of geographical analysis. It includes
research in exploratory spatial data analysis, geographic visualization, applications of
artificial intelligence to geography, distributed computing, and parallel computing.
Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS)
Spatial Tools Search Engine (CSISS)

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Spatial Tools Links to Portals (CSISS)
Centre for Computational Geography (University of Leeds)
Representation of Spatial Knowledge Tutorial
Spatial Reasoning Resources
Concepts and Techniques in Modern Geography (CATMOG)
The Data Mine
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery References
Fuzzy Logic
Geographically Weighted Regression
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing
Geometry Algorithms FAQ
Graph Theory Tutorial
AI-GEOSTATS Guide to Software
gstat Geostatistical Software
GeoVISTA Studio Software (Penn State)
PCRaster (Dynamic Raster Modeling)
Population Analysis Software Group
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance
SpatStat (Open Source Spatial Statistics)
TerraSeer (SpatioTemporal Pattern Analysis)
Variogram Estimation and Spatial Prediction plus Error (VESPER)
VisuMap (High Dimensional Data Visualization)

Geodemographics links demographic data with geography to develop profiles of people
living in a specific area. This section includes non-Government sites dealing with the
census as well as geodemographic vendors. See the Census Bureau listings for
Government sites related to the census and reapportionment/redistricting.
Social Explorer
Decision Making Information: Census 2000 (Proximity)
Census Watch (ESRI)
By the Numbers (USA Today)
GeoLytics Census Data
Local Census
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)


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Gerrymandering (Center for Voting and Democracy)
Spotting Bushmanders (University of Chicago Press)
Redistricting Software
Districting for ArcGIS (ESRI)
Maptitude for Redistricting (Caliper)
Geobalance (Corona Solutions)
Complete Solutions for Redistricting (DeskMap Systems, Inc.)
Geodemographic Data Vendors
PolicyMap (Pushpin)
Spatially Enabling the data: What is geocoding? (Tele Atlas)
Geocoding Applications (USC)
Geocoding Applications (Pitney Bowes Mapinfo)
iBegin Geocoder (
Map Your Own Data (Maptitude) (Free geocoder)

Geographic Text Analysis

Workshop on the Analysis of Geographic References (NAACL)
Toponym Resolution in Text (Jochen Leidner)
MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS Georeferencing Calculator
MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS Georeferencing Guidelines
Entity Extraction Systems
These systems extract persons, places, organizations, time, and other information from
free text.
Named Entity Recognition (Wikipedia)
Natural Language Toolkit

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Edinburgh-Stanford Link
Online Demo
General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) (University of Sheffield Natural
Language Processing)
Identifinder (BBN)
LingPipe (aliasi)
Rosette Entity Extractor (Basis Technology)
Smart Discovery Extraction Server (inxight)
Textmap - Entity Search Engine
Geotagging systems
These systems both extract names from text and assign coordinate values to the names.
AeroText (Lockheed Martin)
MetaCarta Labs
GeoXWalk (EDINA/UK Data Archive)
GeoLocator (Digital Reasoning Systems)
NetOwl (SRA)

Landscape Analysis
Landscape analysis attempts to understand the landscape by measuring the size, shape,
distribution, and relationships among features and on the terrain.
Bibliography of Terrain Modeling (Geomorphometry) (USGS)
ANUDEM (Australian National University)
IAN (University of Wisconsin)
Directional Statistics (Oriana)
Fragstats Home Page (University of Massachusetts)
Geomorphological Characterisation of Digital Elevation Models (University of Leicester)
Patch Analyst
Spatial Hydrology

Mobile Mapping
Mobile/field mapping applications are becoming increasingly popular as cellphone,
handheld, and palm top computers become cheaper and more powerful. Navigation and
map display applications typically link a GPS receiver with a map display for location
and/or routing applications.

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Handheld/Wireless GIS Software (GeoCommunity)
OziExplorer Web Site
Teletype GPS - Handheld Navigation Display
Location-Based Services
Mobile Wireless Services Channel (GeoCommunity)
Nav4All - Free GPS navigation on your mobile phone!

Data Collection
GIS systems require accurate feature and attribute information. This information can
come from existing maps, Global Positioning System (GPS) collection systems, or
imagery (using photogrammetry or remote sensing). Web cameras provide a handy
source of real-time imagery.

Digitizing Software
Digitizing software allows users to collect spatial data from maps.
CartaLinx (Idrisi)
Didger (Golden Software) - Digitizing Software
Image Series (Hitachi Software Global Technology)
R2V Raster to Vector Conversion Software (Able Software)
Vector Magic - Online Vectorization (Stanford University)
WinTopo - Raster to Vector Conversion

Digitizing Hardware
Digitizing hardware includes digitizing tablets and scanners.
GTCO CalComp

Global Positioning System (GPS)


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The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of satellites and ground stations
that are used for precise positioning. The technology is finding a role in navigation,
precision farming, and GIS data collection.
The general GPS web sites provide pointers to GPS and related technology overviews
and tutorials. Galileo (European) and GLONASS (Russian) are positioning system
alternatives to GPS.
GPS - The GPS Revolution
Global Positioning System Overview (Peter Dana)
Introduction to GPS Applications (John Beadle)
Global Positioning System (GPS) Resources - Sam Wormley
Guide to GPS Positiong (University of New Brunswick)
Useful GPS Information (
GPS Organizations
These sites provide pointers to Government sites with GPS missions.
National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee
Federal Aviation Administration Satellite Navigation
NASA GPS Applications Exchange
NAVSTAR GPS Joint Program Office
GPS Vendors
These sites provide pointers to commercial vendors of GPS products.
GPS Manufacturers
Garmin GPS
Magellan GPS
Navtech Seminars and GPS Supply
NovAtel (GPS solutions)
Sokkia (GPS solutions)
GPS Data Collection Software
GPS systems can be used to collect feature and attribute information in the field. The
sites listed below provide data collection software for GPS systems.


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GPS Data Collection Software (Windmill Software)
StarPal - Handheld GIS - mobile mapping solutions

Photogrammetry is the science of precise measurements of locations from imagery.
Typical photogrammetric products include feature data, Digital Elevation Models
(DEMs), and orthophotos.
inpho GmbH
KDSP (Boeing)
Orthorectification and Geometric Correction (PCI Geomatics)
Photogrammetric Software and Hardware (KLT Associates)
Geospatial eXploitation Products (BAE Systems)
Softplotter (Boeing)

Remote Sensing
Remote sensing analyzes the spectral information in imagery to extract features.
Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing (University of Colorado)
Remote Sensing Resources (American Museum of Natural History)
Remote Sensing (NASA)
Remote Sensing Data and Information (NASA)
Useful Remote Sensing Links (Furman)
Remote Sensing Resources (CIESEN)
GeoImaging - The Source for Earth Imaging Information (GeoCommunity)
Satellites (NOAA)
Data Fusion Server - Data Fusion in Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing Website Links and Other References (Comprehensive Everglades
Restoration Plan)
ENVI (ITT Visual Information Solutions)
ERDAS Imagine
ER Mapper

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MrSid Image Compression (LizardTech)
PCI Geomatics
RasDaMan (Active Knowledge)
Imagery Collection/Analysis
Aerial Data Service, Inc.
Applied Analysis, Inc.
Floatograph Technologies
Borstad Associates Ltd.
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
GeoDynamics Solutions, Inc.
Kite Aerial Photography

Sensor Web
Web Cameras or webcams are an excellent source of real-time geographic knowledge.
They have been used extensively for monitoring weather and traffic. GPS enabled
cameras have the ability to record locational information along with the images.
These sites contain pointers to general information on the sensor web and sensor webrelated projects.
Sensor Web (Wikipedia)
OPENIOOS.ORG (An Integrated Ocean observing System Testbed)
Sensor Web (NASA)
Volcano Sensor Web (JPL)
These sites contain pointers to specifications and documentation related to the Sensor
Web. The Sensor Web Enablement Working Group page contains links to individual
specifications in the family of specifications.
Sensor Web Enablement Working Group (OGC)
Sensor Model Language - SensorML (OGC)
Introduction to SensorML (UAH)
Sensor Observation Services - SOS (OGC)
Sensor Planning Service - SPS (OGC)
Transducer Markup Language (TML) (OGC)
Observations & Measurements - O&M (OGC)

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Web Cameras/GPS Cameras/GeoImages

Web Cameras or webcams are an excellent source of real-time geographic knowledge.
They have been used extensively for monitoring weather and traffic. GPS enabled
cameras have the ability to record locational information along with the images.
Web Cam Locators
These sites contain pointers to webcams.
EarthCam - Webcam Network
Webcams Around the World (Fox News)
Geology Webcams (
WebCam Central
GPS-Enabled Camera Systems
These sites contain pointers to digital cameras linked to GPS receivers, as well as
GeoMovie (Magic Instinct Software)
GeoRover (SAIC)
GeoSpatial Experts
Media Mapper
These sites contain images useful for understanding geography.
Cities and Buildings (University of Washington)
Earth From Space (NASA)
Earth Science Picture of the Day (Universities Space Research Consortium)
The Geo-Images Project (Berkeley)
Picture Library (Royal Geographical Society)

GIS Data
Data is the heart of any GIS system and often the bulk of the expense in developing a
working application.


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These web sites provide pointers to data as well as sources of data, primarily within the
US. Additional information can be found for the individual agencies listed in the Federal
Government listings.
Search Engines
Data and Services (FGDC)
Finder (GeoCommons)
Geospatial One-Stop (
The Geography Network (ESRI)
Mapdex (A Geographic Data Search Engine)
Other Guides and Listings
A Comprehensive Guide to State and Nationwide GeoData Clearinghouses for the United
States (Directions Magazine)
American Digital Cartography, Inc.
CensusCD+Maps (GeoLytics)
DAYMET (Daily Surface Weather Data and Climatological Summaries)
earthguide.maps (UCSD)
East View Cartographic
Free GIS Data and Map Layers (
GeoData Information Sources (University of Iowa)
Geospatial Resources (Humboldt State University)
The GIS Data Depot (Geocommunity)
Alexandria Digital Library
Guide To On-line U.S. Geospatial and Attribute Data (CAST - University of Arkansas)
Land Info
Gridded Population of the World (SEDAC)
LandScan Global Population Database (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Libre Map Project (Free Data)
On-Line Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps
Postal Information Resources (
Population Density and Urbanization (United Nations)
Postal/Zip Codes (GeoCommunity)
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (Columbia University)
Zip Codes & Postal Codes of the World
Wild World Ecoregion Information (National Geographic/World Wild Life Fund)

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ISO/TC211 - Geographic information/Geomatics
Overview of some relevant standards from ISO/TC 211 (Solid Earth and Environmental
Open Geospatial Consortium
GIS Data Formats (GeoCommunity)
GIS File Formats
Location Resource Formats (
Digital Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG)
SDTS - The Spatial Data Transfer Standard (GeoCommunity)
SDTS - The Spatial Data Transfer Standard Information Site (USGS)
Synthetic Environment Data Representation & Interchange Specification (SEDRIS)
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats

Metadata is 'data about data.' It describes the contents, areal coverage, format, lineage,
and source of a spatial data set.
FGDC and USGS Metadata Sites
Geospatial Metadata (FGDC)
Frequently-asked questions on FGDC metadata
Metadata Publications
Metadata in Plain Language
National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Metadata Home Page
MetaMaker (NBII)
Find Metadata Records by Place
Geospatial Metadata Validation Service
Other Metadata Sites
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Metadata Training Resources
Geographic Information Metadata (INTA)
Sailing Through Coastal Metadata (NOAA Coastal Services Center) (PDF)
Metadata Primer (University of Wisconsin)
Metadata Tools for Geospatial Data (University of Wisconsin)
Metadata Workbook On-Line



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Geographic registration of HTML Documents
Microformats - Part 0: Introduction (Alex Faaborg)
Microformats - Part 1: Structured Data Chaos (Alex Faaborg)
Microformats - Part 2: The Fundamental Types (Alex Faaborg)
Microformats - Part 3: Introducing Operator (Alex Faaborg)
Tutorials on Microformats
Magical Microformat Maker
Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF)
The EXIF format can be used to geocode photographic images. It is a standard developed
by the Japan Electronics and Information Technologies Association. Coordinate
information can be added to EXIF files using GPS at the time the photo is taken, or can
be edited at a later time using software. (Unofficial EXIF site)
EXIF (Wikipedia)
Geocoded Photograph: Includes EXIF Software (Wikipedia)
Other Formats
ICBM (Wikipedia)
GeoURL ICBM Address Server
Basic Geo Vocabulary (W3C)
Adding Position Metatags to Your Site(A2B)
Geo Tag Elements
Wikipedia Template: Coord
GeoTagged Images
These sites link geotags to images.
Geotagging Flickr

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Geotagging Photos
SmugMug Maps
Geotagging Etiquette
Geo-Tag Validator
geo:truc (Outputs multiple formats)
Address Fix (Generates tags for address or location)

Elevation Data
Catalog of Digital Elevation Data (Bruce Gittings)
DEM Resources (GeoCommunity)

Bathymetry, Topography & Global Relief

Global Land One-km Base Elevation (GLOBE Project) NOAA
Global Topography (Scripps Institute)
GTOPO30 Elevation Data (EROS Data Center) USGS
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer - Aster (JPL)
ASTER DEMs (Land Processed Distributed Active Archive Center - USGS)
ASTER - Terra: The EOS Flagship (NASA)

Digital Elevation Models

National Elevation Database (NED)
USGS Elevation Data (NED, SRTM, etc.)
Web Resources Compiled for Terrain Modeling (USGS)
1:250,000-Scale DEM Data
1:24,000-Scale DEM Data
GTOPO30 Elevation Data (EROS Data Center)


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Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Updates (GeoCommunity)
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (NASA)
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (USGS)
Orthophoto Data
Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (USGS)
DOQ File Naming Conventions
A Primer on Working with DOQs (GeoCommunity)
Street Network Data
Street network data provides information on the road system.
Tele Atlas
UPS Logistics Technologies
Topographic Data
Topographic maps provide general information about the landscape and use contours to
portray the terrain. The primary producer of topographic maps in the United States is the
U.S. Geological Survey.
These sites provide general information about topographic maps.
Topographic Maps (
USGS Topographic Maps
Finding and Ordering USGS Topographic Maps
Status Graphics - Availability of USGS Geospatial Data
Introduction to Topographic Maps (Idaho State University)
Topo 101 - Topographic Maps, The Basics (Natural Resources Canada)
Landforms on Topographic Maps
Web-Based Indexes to Topographic Maps
Digital Data/Software
These sites provide digital versions of topographic maps. See Topographic Maps under
on-line mapping for on-line topographic maps.
ChartTIFF Geos - Scanned Topo Maps
TopoMaker from ChartTIFF (Fee-Based On-line Topo Map Printing)
Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) USGS Scanned Topographic Map

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MapTech Land - Digital Topographic Maps
Topo USA (DeLorme)
Electronic Charts
Electronic charts are rapidly replacing the traditional paper nautical chart.
Electronic Charting for Navigation (Corps of Engineers)
Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA)
Geospatial Information & Services Maritime Navigation Handbook
Imagery is an increasingly popular form of source data. The successful launches of a
series of high resolution satellites will increase the availability of imagery.
Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. (Field Spectral Radiometers)
European Space Agency
GeoEye (formerly Orbimage and Space Imaging)
ImageSat International
MDA - Radarsat Data
Red Hen Systems, Inc. - Video Mapping Systems
ResMap (Free Satellite Imagery)
SPOT Image (Toulouse, FR)
Gazetteers list place names along with their coodinates and descriptions.

Place Name Sites (Arizona State)

Geographic Names on the Internet (PCGN)
Gazetteer Development (Alexandria Digital Library)
Australian Geographic Place Names
Columbia Gazetteer of the World
U.S. Gazetteer (Census)
Geonames (
GEOnet Names Server (NGA)
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Global Gazetteer (Falling Rain Genomics, Inc.)
Canada's Geographical Names


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United Nations LOCODE
Mountain Peak Name Search (Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia)
Place Names (Ordnance Survey)
World Gazetteer

The United States Board on Geographic Names

Foreign Names
Domestic Names
Principles, Policies, and Procedures (PDF)
Geographical Names Board of Canada
Guiding principles for geographical naming
Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use
Committee for Geographical Names of Australasia
Guidelines for the Consistent Use of Place Names
International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS)
Toponomy Interest Group (American Name Society)
Council of Geographic Names Authorities (COGNA)
United Nations - Geographical Names
United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)
Manual for the national standardization of geographical names (UNGEGN)

Geographic Names and Toponyms (

A Selective Bibliography of International Web Sites Relating to Toponyms,
Anthroponyms and Miscellaneous Name Sites: For use in Conducting Onomastic
Research (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Geonames (Blog)
Digital Gazetteer Information Exchange (DGIE)
Toponymic Terminology Glossary (United Nations)
Toponomy Courses Site (University of Utrecht)

GIS data comes in many formats, including proprietary and public domain formats. Data
conversion is commonly required to make maximum use of available data.
SAFE Software
Geographic Translator
Zamzar (Online file format conversion)


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GIS Services
Consulting/Data Generation
These companies provide GIS consulting and/or data generation services.
American Roamer
Analytical Surveys, Inc.
Boss International (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
EarthData International of Maryland
Field Consulting & Services, Inc. (GE Smallworld Consulting & Services)
G-Squared, L.L.C. - Photogrammetric Services
Geotech Computer Systems
Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc.
HJW GeoSpatial, Inc.
James W. Sewall Company
Merrick & Co.
Nicol & Associates, Inc.
Orbis Directions Consulting Ltd.
Sanborn Map Company
Spatial Effects
Tetra Tech
VESTRA Resources, Inc.

GIS skills are increasingly in demand in the job market. These sites are for both
employees and employers.
The General job section includes a career brochure published by ACSM, as well as
various clearinghouses and job search companies. Geospatial 21, a joint
Government/Industry website, has video interviews with geospatial professionals.
Careers in Cartography (British Cartographic Society)
Careers in Cartography and GIS (ACSM)


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Careers in the Geospatial Sciences (ASPRS)
Geospatial Career Pathways (
Careers in Geography! Jobs in Geography! (AAG)
MapPros! Careers in Geospatial Technologies
GeoCommunity Career Center
Find a GIS Job (
GIS Job Clearinghouse
Working in the Map Industry (British Cartographic Society)
Many GIS specialists are employed as cartographers, geographers, and physical scientist
in the Federal Government. The Qualification Standards provide information on skills
and abilities required to qualify for positions, while the Position Classification Standards
are used to establish the working levels for the various positions. The FedScope site is an
interesting site which provides detailed information on the Federal Workforce broken
down by a large number of variables, such as job series, agency, sex, salary, age, etc.
Emerging Fields - Geospatial Technology (US Department of Labor)
Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions (Includes Geographer and
Position Classification Standard for Geography Series, GS-0150 (PDF)
Job Family Position Classification Standard for Professional Work in the Physical
Science Group, GS-1300 (Includes Cartographers) (PDF)
FedScope Employment Data Cubes

There are several certification options open to GIS professionals.
GIS Certification Institute (GISCI)
ASPRS Certification Program
Geospatial Intelligence (USGIF)

This section lists topics which may be of interest to GIS users.

These sites contain GIS bibliographies or collections of literature.


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GIS Literature Database (Spatial Odyssey - University of Maine/NCGIA)
Bibliographies (GIS Lounge)
Library (ESRI)
Geo-Spatial/GIS Library and White Papers (GeoCommunity)
Literature Search of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences (CSISS)
National Academies Board on Earth Science and Resources Reports

Print Publications
There are an increasing number of publications related to GIS. Key GIS journals with
web sites are GeoWorld and Geospatial Solutions.
GIS Journals (Fogler Library)
Research Guide: Spatial Information Science and Engineering (Fogler Library)
GIS Journals and Other Publications (NCSU)
Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications - Online Version of
Wiley Book
American Congress on Surveying & Mapping Publications
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Publications
Canadian Geographic
The Cartographic Journal
Current Geographical Publications
GIS Development
GPS World
Imaging Notes
Imago Mundi
Journal of Geographical Systems
Journal of the International Map Collector's Society
Journal of Spatial Science
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
Terrae Incognitae - Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries
Transactions in GIS

Electronic Publications/On-Line News

Electronic publications, with no print equivalent, are now appearing. Directions
Magazine and GIS Monitor provide commentary and news on the GIS industry.
Directions Magazine (Directions Media)

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Geography in the News (Royal Geographical Society)
GIS Monitor
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
Geospatial Solutions
The Journal of Maps
Location Intelligence (Directions Media)
MP2K. The Magazine for Microsoft MapPoint.NET

Television Programs
Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude (NOVA)
The VIking Deception (NOVA)

A Very Spatial Podcast
Directions Magazine
ESRI Speaker Series Podcasts
USGS CoreCast

Introductory videos/tapes.
GIS Video Library (A M Productions, Inc.)
Geospatial Video Stories (
The Impossible Map (National Film Board - Canada)

Cartography deals with the art and science of making maps. Cartography is moving
rapidly from the traditional paper map to on-line, interactive map displays.

These are general cartographic web sites. The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping is
the largest and most comprehensive site on the subject. The Map-Related Web Sites from
the University of Texas has a large collection of on-line maps.
The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping (Odden)
Cartographic Reference Resources (Texas)

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Definitions of the Word 'Map' (University of Maine)
42 or 363 Definitions of Cartography
Making Sense of Maps
Map Making (Natural Resources Canada)
Map- and Chart-Making: The Art and Science of Cartography (Rice)
Maps and References (University of Iowa)
Map-Related Web Sites (University of Texas)
The Mathematics of Cartography (Rice)
Top 8 Atlases (
Yahoo Cartography Listings

Unusual Maps
This section highlights unusual maps and cartifacts, which are non-map objects with
maps printed on them.
A Guide to Unusual Maps on the Web (Bill Thoen)
Carto-Maine-ia: Puzzles and Wraps and Oddball Maps
A Phenomenology of Cartifacts
Cartifact Gallery of Jan Smits
Geographical Fun - Cartoon Maps
Humorous Maps - Cartoon Maps
City Size Comparison
How big is Afghanistan?
Google Maps Sounding Off - Sound Maps
Population, Density, Area Comparison
Mental Maps (JB Krygier)
Antipodes: The Other Side of the World
The Upside Down Map Page
opte project - Maps of the Internet
Radical Cartography
Map Fold-Outs
Where is China?
Google Maps: Wishing you a happy April Fools!
You'll Never Moonwalk Alone
The Shape of Flickr Nation
ZipScribble Maps

Maps and the Arts

This section highlights maps in the arts and literature.


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Literary Selections on Cartography
G.J. Demko's Landscapes of Crime
Mapping the Mystery (George Demko) (PDF)
Map Quotations (History of Cartography)
Maps in Literature - Quotations (Stanfords)
Maps in Literature (University of Bologna)
Maps in Movies and TV (University of Bologna)
Graphic Arts
The Use of Maps in Contemporary Art (Anna Oliver)
Flying Carpet - Public Art
Geospatial Art (Nikolas Schiller)
Mapographer (Scot J. Wittman)
Map Works (Susan Stockwell)
Maps (Heidi Neilson)
On the Map - Artists Inspired by Maps
Six Contemporary Artists Who Use Maps in their Work
L'Origine du Monde (Ruth Watson)
Uncharted Territory: Subjective Mapping by Artists and Cartographers
Val Britton
Paula Scher
Nancy Goodman Lawrence
Landon Mackenzie
Francesca Berrini

Primarily Paper Maps

This section highlights paper maps, providing information on outline maps, companies
that produce paper maps, and sites selling paper maps. Of course, many companies
providing paper products also offer digital products.
map and - Map Store
Map Link
Omni Resources
Treaty Oak Map Distributor
World of Maps

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DK Maps and Atlases
East View Cartographic
The George F. Cram Company
Hammond World Atlas
Jeppesen - Aeronautical Map Products (Specializing in 3D Urban Maps)
Map Graphics
Rand McNally
Raven Maps and Images
UniversalMAP Map Publisher
Outline Maps
Download blank outline maps for printing.
Outline Map Sites (Perry-Castenada Map Library Collection)
U.S. County Outline Maps
National Geographic Xpeditions Maps for Copying and Printing Free Blank Outline Maps
Countries and Continents of the World
Fifty States of the United States
Outline Maps - Houghton Mifflin Company
Outline Maps of Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
Blank Maps and World Maps
Maps for Printing (UCSD) - Scroll down page to locate.
Map Scale
Map scales relate the distance on the map to the distance on the earth's surface. They can
be tricky to understand. These sites will help you understand the concepts.
Map Scales (USGS)
Map Scales ... What are they really?? (USGS)
Map Scales (Natural Resources Canada)
Maps and Scales (San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Choose the right map (Ordnance Survey)
Mapping Scale
Mapping Scale Converter
Map Folding
Folding and unfolding maps is often a vexing problem for the map user. Here are some
tips and tricks to make help the paper map user.
How to Fold a Map (Catskills Hiking Shack)

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How to Refold a Road Map
In Search of a Practical Map Fold (PDF)
Map Folding
Map Folding (Wolfram Research)
Map Folding Activities (PDF)

Digital Maps
These companies sell digital maps that can be incorporated in presentations or on-line
web pages.
Map Resources
Digital Maps (
Digital Vector Maps (Illustrator and Editable PDF formats)
Digital Wisdom (Map Art Work)
Graphic Maps
Green Map System (Green mapping)

Globes have been around for since early Greece, but there are new versions for a digital
world. Eartha, from DeLorme, is the world's largest rotating and revolving globe.
Globes and Terrain Models (Library of Congress)
Globes and Other Special Formats (University of Georgia)
Eartha - World's Largest Rotating Globe
The Great Globe Gallery
Guide to Globe Makers
The Mapparium
James Wilson, America's First Globe Maker (Common-Place)
The History, Technology and Care of Globes (Smithsonian)
How to Care for Globes (Canadian Heritage)
Make Your Own Globe
Giant Paper Mache Globe
Paper Mache Globe (Enchanted Learning Software)
Science on a Sphere (NOAA)
Surface of the Earth Icosahedron Globe - Cutout (NOAA)
Manufacturers and Sellers
Educational Maps and Globes LLC
Eureka Globes

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George F. Cram
Greaves & Thomas (Commercial Globe Sellers)
National Geographic Globes
Nystrom Maps and Globes
Rand McNally Globes
Replogle Globes
Sabine Rethore Globes
Spherical Concepts, Inc.

Map Production
These sites provide information on software, tools, and information related to the
production of hardcopy maps.
These sites provide software for map production.
Avenza (Publishing Plug-Ins for Illustrator/Freehand)
Lorik Software - Map Publication Software
MapMaker Plus Historic Cartographic Fonts and Resources
Terrain Tools Freeware (Natural Resource Software)

Map Design
Map design is critical for producing maps that can be easily understood.
Map Design Process (JB Krygier)
Principles of Cartographic Design
Cartographic Communication (Map Design)
Cartographic Design Course (SDSU)
Layout Design Settings/Graphical Semiology (GITTA)
Gestalt Theory (Scroll down list)
Gestalt Laws (Scroll down list)
Color Use Guidelines for Mapping and Visualization
ColorBrewer Color Selection Tool
Map Coloring: The Big Picture
Map Content and Design for the Web (Natural Resources Canada)
Making Maps and Map Construction (GEOG321 Penn State)
Making Maps Easy to Read
Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design (Open
Society Institute Information Program)


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Names on Maps

The type chosen for maps enhances the readability of the map.
Typography (Wikipedia)
Typography in Maps
Type Design for Maps (Natural Resources Canada)
Map Typography
Type Legibility and Readability (
Choosing Fonts (
Cisalpin: The ideal typeface for cartography (Linotype)
Label Placement

The Map Labeling site includes and extensive bibliography on automated label
placement. MapText and Maplex are software packages that automatically place names
on maps. Imhof's paper, 'Positioning Names on Maps,' is a classic in the field.
Positioning Names on Maps - Eduard Imhof (Alpine Map Guild)
Maplex (ESRI)
MapText, Inc.
Map Generalization
Map generalization is the process of reducing detail, grouping features, and adjusting the
position of features to provide a more readily understandable map display.
Map Generalization and Classification (Making Maps)
Map Generalization (d'Alge)
ICA Commission on Map Generalization
ICA Commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation
Shaded Relief
The Natural Earth (World Physical Map at 1.24KM Resolution)
Shaded Relief
Relief Shading Website


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Cartogram Central (NCGIA)
Cartogram (Wikipedia)
The Advantage of Cartograms - Dr. Dorling (Requires Real Player)
Mapping Votes by County (
Images of the Social and Economic World (University of Michigan)
MAPresso - Free Cartogram Java Applet
ScapeToad - Free cartogram software
Tactile Maps and Accessibility
Tactile maps are maps for the blind and those with low vision. The map information is
conveyed by the textured surface of the map.
GIS and accessibility (RNIB)
Tactile Maps and Graphics
Best Practice Guidelines for the Design, Production, and Presentation of Vacuum-Formed
Tactile Maps
ICA Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Visually Impaired People
Research on Tactile Maps (Sheffield)
National Centre for Tactile Diagrams (University of Hertfordshire)
The MSU Tactile Mapping Project
Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System (University of North Carolina)

An understanding of the history of cartography will give you a better appreciation for the
dramatic changes taking place in cartography today.
Map History/History of Cartography Gateway
Journals and Newsletters Relating to the History of Cartography
Learning Mapping History (British Library)
Images of Early Maps on the Web
The History of Cartography Project
The History of Cartography Tutorial
GIS Timeline (UCL)
Building Blocks in Cartography
History of Geography
History of Surveying and Measurement (FIG)
Legendary Map Makers of the World (
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)
Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data
Visualization 1950-1974)

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100 Thematic Maps
Spatial Innovators and Innovations Before 1980 (CSISS)
MapHist Discussion Group Web Page
Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography
The History of Printing (University of Iowa Libraries)
Images of Early Maps on the Web
National and International Digital Projects Concerning Early Mapping
David Rumsey Historical Map Collections
Map Collecting
International Map Collectors Society (IMCOS)
Map Collecting (Map History / History of Cartography)
An Annotated List of Reference Books for the Antiquarian Map Collector (Joel
Web Resources for Map Collectors & Enthusiasts (Joel Kovarsky)
Ancient World Mapping Center (University of North Carolina)
Centennia Atlas - Digital Historical Boundaries (Clockwork Software, Inc.)
Eduard Imhof - Cartographer and Artist
Life and Times of the London Underground Map
Animals on the Underground
The London Underground Diagrams
A History of the London Tube Maps
The London Tube Map Archive
Tube Maps (Transport for London)
Underground Railway Maps
Panorama Maps
John Snow Archive and Research Companion (Michigan State University)
Dr. John Snow (UCLA)
Indian Spatial Concepts
Stories of the Dreaming (Indigenous Australia)
Spatial Innovators and Innovations Before 1980 (CSISS)
Road Map Bibliography (Road Map Collectors Association)
Road Maps: The American Way (University of Southern Maine)
Footpath to Freeway: The Evolution of Michigan Roadmaps
Petrol Maps
Traditional Navigation in the Western Pacific
Military Atlases (USMA History Department)
US Major Conflict Maps (Air Force)
U.S. Cloth Maps of World War II
Roy Military Survey of Scotland, 1745-1755

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The Maps (History of Australian Mapping)
Doncker Sea Atlas of 1659
Pathfinders & Passageways: The Exploration of Canada

Data Bases
GIS software is rapidly being integrated in a relational database environment, rather than
existing as a specialized piece of software. This trend will enable GIS applications to be
integrated with enterprise information systems.

These are some of the leading database companies.
IBM Informix
Microsoft SQL Server

Spatial Engines
Spatial engines are optimized for accessing and retrieving spatial data in a relational
database environment.
CubeWerx Spatial Data Warehousing
IBM DB2 Spatial Extender
IBM Informix Spatial DataBlade
Oracle Spatial
ArcGIS Server (ESRI)

Temporal GIS
Spatial engines are optimized for accessing and retrieving spatial data in a relational
database environment.
Temporal Database (Wikipedia)
Developing Time-Oriented Data Base Applications in SQL - Richard R. Snodgrass (PDF)
What are Temporal Databases (TimeConsult)
SaTScan (spatial, temporal, and space-time scan statistics)
Space-Time Analysis of Regional Systems (REGAL)


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Temporal Database Management
TerraSeer Space-Time Intelligence System
Time Geography Resources (University of Washington)
GeoTime Information Visualization (Oculus Info Inc)

Geodesy in the science of measuring the size and shape of the earth.

Geodesy: Imagine the Possibilities (National Geodetic Survey)
What is Geodesy (Natural Resources Canada)
Map Locational Reference Systems (J.B. Krygier)
Coordinates, Datums, and Transformations (Ferris State University)
Geometric Aspects of Mapping (ITC)
Geodesy for the Layman (NGA)
Military Map Reading 201 (USN) (PDF)
All You Ever Wanted to Know and Couldn't Find Out About ... Precise Positioning (In
Plain English) (NGA)
Geodesy (James Q. Jacobs)
Index of On-Line Geodesy Publications (NGS)

Knowledge of the earth's ever changing magnetic field is essential to navigation. These
sites display the relationship between magnetic north and true north, as well as other
information on the earth's geomagnetic field.
National Geomagnetism Program (USGS)
A Brief Introduction to Geomagnetism
Frequently Asked Questions
Geomagnetic Charts
Geomagnetic Models
Geomagnetism (British Geological Survey)
Geomagnetism (Natural Resources Canada)
Magnetic Declination Calculator
North Magnetic Pole
Geomagnetism (Geoscience Australia)
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
Geomagnetism (NOAA)
Geomagnetism FAQ
Magnetic Declination


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Compute Full Magnetic Field
Compute Your Declination
Declination Map of the US
World Magnetic Model
Web Links
Geomagnetic Models and Software
DoD World Magnetic Model 2005 (NGA)
Magnetic Variation Charts (NGA)
International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network
Magnetic Declination Charts for Historical Epochs
The Road to the Magnetic North Pole (University of Tromso)

Geodetic Datum Overview (University of Colorado)
Datum Transformations (NGA)
Datums, Ellipsoids, Grids, and Grid Reference Systems (Defense Mapping Agency
Technical Manual 8358.1)
Faq on Datums (NOAA)
VDatum Transformation Tool (NOAA)
Grids and Datums (ASPRS)

Map Projection Essentials (daan Strebe)
Map Projection Overview (University of Colorado)
Map Projections (Natural Resources Canada)
Map Projections (USGS)
Map Projections - A Working Manual (USGS)
Decision Support System for Map Projections of Small Scale Data (USGS)
Cartographical Map Projections
Matching the Map Projection to the Need
Global Map Projector - Projection Software (NASA)
MicroCAM for Windows - Projection Software
Flex Projector - Free Projection Design Software
Map Projections
Picture Gallery of Map Projections - Hans Havlicek
Round Earth, Flat Maps (National Geographic)
Unusual Map Projections (Waldo Tobler)
Dymaxion Projection Animation
The Impossible Map (National Film Board - Canada)

Coordinate Systems/Coordinates


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Coordinate Systems (University of Colorado)
Coordinate Conversion Software - GeoCommunity
Geotrans - Geographic Translator Software (NGA)
Coordinate Conversion Tool Software (Bashir Research)
Transdat Software
US National Grid Conversion

Universal Transverse Mercator

Transverse Mercator Calculator
UTM Coordinate Conversion (NGS)
The Universal Grids: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and Universal Polar
Stereographic (UPS) - PDF (NGA)
The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid (USGS)
UTM Grid Zones of the World
UTM Resource Page (Sam Wormley)

State Plane Coordinate System

The State Plane Coordinate System
Understanding the State Plane Coordinate System (NGS) (PDF)
State Plane Coordinates (NGS)

GeoLocational Systems
Grids - including GEOREF (NGA)
Maidenhead Locator System (American Radio Relay League)
Maidenhead Grid Square Calculator
Microsoft Patent for Compact Text Encoding of Latitude/Longitude Coordinates
The Official Web Site of the Natural Area Coding System
On-Line NAC Converter
Street Address to NAC Geocoding Service (TravelGIS)
US National Grid
US National Grid Conversion Service (NOAA)
US National Grid Software (NOAA)
World Grid Reference System (PDF)

Aviation Formulary
Decimal Degrees/Degrees Minutes Seconds Conversions (FCC)
Decimal Degree/Degree Minute Second Conversions (North Carolina Geological Survey)
Distance Server (Bali Online)


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Great Circle Calculator
Interactive Units Converter
Mable-Geocorr Geographic Correspondence Engine
Nautical Calculators (NGA)
Martindale's Navigation/GPS Calculators
Nautical Calculators (NGA)
Online Conversion
Online Graphical Locator (Montana State University)
Online Scale Conversion Table

General, formerly The Mining Company, is an excellent site containing a wide variety
of information on geography. It is updated frequently and should be your first stop for
geographical information.
Geography (
Internet Resources for Geographers (University of Colorado)
Internet Resources for Geography and Geology (University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point)
Geo&Soft (Geosciences and Environmental Engineering Software)
GEOSOURCE - Geography Web Resources
The Virtual Geography Department (University of Colorado)
Nice Geography Sites (Utrecht)
One Geology - Mapping the Geology of the Planet
The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography
RockWare Inc.

Country Information
These travel sites are a useful source of country level and destination information. The
CIA 2002 World Factbook is the premier source of information on foreign countries,
followed closely by the Library of Congress Country Studies/ Area Handbooks.
Atlapedia Online
An Outline of American Geography (State Dept.)
CIA World Factbook
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Market Research (


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FIPS 10-3 Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and their Principal
Administrative Divisions (NIST)
Independent States in the World (State Dept.)
Library of Congress Country Studies/Area Handbooks
Travelers' Health (CDC)
Countries Maps and Satellite Images (
Countries (State Department)
International Travel Information (State Department)
Background Notes (State Department)
Travel Guides
Travel Guides (Travel Topics)
Travel Guidebook Series Reviews (Curious Cat)
Travel Books and Guidebooks (DTR Complete Travel)
Access Travel Guides
Bradt Travel Guides
DK Travel Guides
Insiders Travel Guides
Karen Brown's Travel Guides
Let's Go
Lonely Planet Publications
Michael Brein's Travel Guides - Focus on public transportation
Rough Guides

These sites have information on time, calendars, the positions of astronomical bodies, and
time zones.
Official US Time
Naval Oceanography Portal (USNO)
Time Service Department
Systems of Time
Astronomical and Navigational Almanacs
Naval Observatory Software Products
Data Services
World Time Zone Map
Time and Frequency Division (NIST)
A Walk Through Time
Calendar FAQ
Today's Clock and Calendar
Time and Time Zones (

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International Time Zones and Time Zone Data (GeoCommunity)
History of the International Date Line
International Date Line (
Time Zone Converter
World Time Server

Weather affects both human and natural activities. These sites provide the latest weather
forecasts, as well as other weather and climate related information.
Weather (
Intellicast US and World Weather
USA Today Weather
The Weather Channel

A knowledge of statistics and statistical software is helpful for performing spatial
Statistics on the Web
S+ (Insightful)
R Project for Statistical Computing
R Spatial Projects
SAS Institute, Inc.
HyperStat Online Statistics Textbook

Geographic Visualization deals with interactive and animated mapping in two and threedimensions.

The International Cartographic Association is leading the way in geographic


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The Carto Project (ACM SIGGRAPH)
Gallery of Data Visualization
International Cartographic Association Commission on GeoVisualization
Periodic Table of Visualization Methods

Data Visualization
These sites visualize non-geospatial data spatially.
Geography of Presidential Campaign Speeches (Axis Maps)
Many Eyes

These software packages specialize in two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphing.
Graph Software
DeltaGraph (Red Rock Software)
Grapher (Golden Software)
KaleidaGraph (Synergy Software)
NetCharts (Visual Mining)
Origin (OriginLab)
Prism (GraphPad Software)
SigmaPlot (System)
Graph Paper
Print Free Graph Paper
Plain Graph Paper Generator (IncompeTech)

These software packages specialize in the generation of timelines. Timeline is web-based
timeline similar to Google Maps for time.
SmartDraw (

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Timeline (Bee Docs)
Timeline Maker (Progeny)
TimelineXpress (inData)
Timeline (Simile)

Animated Maps
Animated maps show movement in space and time. They are useful tools for exploratory
spatial data analysis.
Here are some general sites dealing with animation.
Animation (
Here are some examples of animated maps.
Animated Map Links (Iowa)
Boundaries of the United States and the Several States
Globe Animations (Digital Wisdom)
Most software used for map animation is not specifically designed for that purpose. Here
are some software products which can be used to create animated maps.
After Effects (Adobe)
Director (Adobe)
Flash (Adobe)

3D Visualization
Softcopy visualization of the terrain is becoming increasingly accessible to GIS users.
Graphics Software (
Virtual Worlds Reference FAQ
3D Landscape/Terrain Software (3D Links)
Landscape Modeling: Digital Techniques for Landscape Visualization
Architectural Visualization

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Architectural Desktop (Autodesk)
AutoCAD Land Desktop (Autodesk)
SketchUp (Google)
Scientific Visualization
Advanced Visual Systems (AVS)
Open Visualization Data Explorer (IBM)
Lower Cost Fly-Through Systems
These sites have free or relatively low cost software for generating 3-D worlds and/or flythroughs.
3DEM Flythrough Freeware
ArcGIS 3D Analyst (ESRI)
Bryce (DAZ)
MICRODEM (Free DEM software)
Natural Graphics
Rapid Imaging Software (Topographic Viewers/VRML Models)
TerraVision (SRI)
Virtual Terrain Project - Free (VTP)
World Builder (Digital Element)
World Construction Set
World Wind - Free (NASA)
High-End Fly-Through Systems
These sites provide higher end visualization solutions. Some products, such as EDGE,
Fly!, and VirtualGIS come from traditional GIS/Remote Sensing Vendors. Others, such
as Compu-Scene, RapidSite, and TOPSCENE come from the visualization/simulation
Fly! (PCI Geomatics)
IT3D (3D Viewing of Smallworld Data)
Planet 9 Studios (Urban simulation and visualization)
Terrain Generation Systems
Terrain generation software is used to construct virtual worlds.


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MultiGen Creator (Multigen-Paradigm)
TerraTools (TerraSim)
Presagis (Formerly TerreX)
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and Web 3-D.
VRML is a three-dimensional modeling language that lets users share virtual worlds over
the web.
3D Visualization Systems
Web 3D Products (Parallel Graphics)
ETOPO VRML Map Generator
Interactive Maps - VRML (University of Iowa)

Holograms have been used to create 3-dimensional map images. The Spatial Imaging
Group at MIT conducts advanced research on hologram technology.
The Holography Link Page
Spatial Imaging Group (MIT)
Zebra Imaging

Physical Models
Physical models are tangible representations of terrain data constructed from wood,
paper, clay, styrofoam, or some other material. Although bulky to store, physical models
are one of the best and most easily understood methods for viewing the terrain.
These sites provide overviews and services for Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) for
model construction.
Rapid Prototyping Home Page
What is Rapid Prototyping (RP)
Solid Concepts (Rapid Prototyping)
Terrain Modelers
These sites list organizations that create physical models of the terrain.

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Midwest Model Makers, Inc.
Solid Terrain Modeling
Southern Model, Inc.
Topo Express
Raised Relief Maps
These sites list organizations the sell raised relief maps.
Raised Relief Map Sources (USGS)
Raised Relief Maps (American Educational Products)
Raised Relief Maps (Omni Resources)
These sites list companies that manufacture equipment for creating physical models. The
Manufacturing Advisory Service is an expert system for selecting the most appropriate
SFF technology.
3D Systems - Solid Object Printing
Cubic Technologies - Laminated Object Manufacturing
Solid Concepts
Stratasys - Fused Deposition Modeling
Vista Technologies - Stereolithography
Z Corporation 3D Printers
Sand Tables/Rock Drills
Sand tables provide an easy, yet crude way to visualize the terrain.
Sand Table (Wikipedia)
Sand Table Showroom
Physical Models have been around since ancient times.
Terrain Models
Allied Military Model Making during World War II
Musee des Plans Reliefs
Relief Models in History
Scale Model Archive - Cities (Tinselman)
The Terrain Model - A Miniature Battlefield (Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin)
Terrain models as battlefield visualization training tools (Military Intelligence

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Professional Bulletin)
Meet Toni Mair Terrain Artist Extraordinaire
Handmade Relief Models

There is no single association that represents all GIS users. Rather, GIS technology is a
part of many different organizations, including organizations concerned with mapping,
remote sensing, photogrammetry, global positioning, navigation, facilities management,
and urban planning.
Geographic Organizations (
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM)
American Geographical Society (AGS)
American Planning Association
American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Cartography Specialty Group
Geographic Information System and Science
Military Geography
Association for Geographic Information (AGI)
Consortium on International Earth Science Information Network
Consortium for Spatial Information (Consultative Group for International Agriculture
European Umbrella Organisation for Geographical Information
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
Geospatial Information & Technology Association
The Hakluyt Society
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
Institute of Navigation
International Antiquarian Mapsellers Association
International Association of Geodesy
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
International Cartographic Association (ICA)
ICA Commission on Education and Training
ICA Commission on Gender and Cartography
ICA Commission on GeoVisualization
ICA Commission on the History of Cartography
ICA Working Group on Incremental Updating and Versioning
ICA Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Visually Impaired People
ICA Commission on Maps and the Internet
ICA Commission on Marine Cartography
ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography
ICA Commission on National and Regional Atlases


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ICA Commission on Spatial Data Standards
ICA Commission on Theoretical Cartography
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
International Geographical Union (IGU)
International Hydrographic Association
International Map Collectors Society (IMCOS)
International Map Trade Association
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS)
Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia
Map Societies Around the World
National Academies
Earth Sciences
Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
National Association of GIS-Centric Software
National Geographic Society
North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS)
Open Geospatial Consortium
The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society
Road Map Collectors Association
Royal Geographic Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
Society of Cartographers
Society for the History of Discovery
Society of Women in GIS
United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation
Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA)

Map Libraries
Map libraries are an excellent source of information on maps and other geographic data.

Here are some map library associations and organizations.
Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
Australian Map Circle
Cartographic Users Advisory Council
Geography and Map Libraries Section (International Federation of Library Associations
and Institutions)
Ligue des Bibliotheques Europeennes de Recherche Groupe des Cartothecaires de LIBER
MAGERT (American Library Association Map and Geography Roundtable)
Map Curator's Group (British Cartographic Society)


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Special Libraries Association
Western Association of Map Libraries

Map Libraries
The Other Map Libraries and Related Organizations site contains a comprehensive listing
of on-line map libraries. A few selected individual libraries are also listed. The PerryCastaneda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas is well-known for its
extensive collection of digitized maps.
Berkeley Earth Sciences & Map Library
Bodleian Library Map Room (Oxford University)
British Library Maps
Lie of the Land: The Secret Life of Maps
Clark University Map Library
Scholars' Lab (University of Virginia)
Harvard Map Collection
National Defense University
Newberry Library Maps and History of Cartography Collections
Slide Sets
New York Public Library Map Division
Norman B. Leventhal Map Center (Boston Public Library)
Osher Map Library (University of Southern Maine)
Penn State Map Library
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection (University of Texas)
University of Connecticut Map and Geographic Information Center
US Army Command and General Staff College
Yale Map Collection
Other Map Libraries and Related Organizations (University of Minnesota)

Library of Congress
The Geography and Map Division (G&M) has custody of the largest and most
comprehensive cartographic collection in the world with collections numbering over 4.5
million maps, 60,000 atlases, 6,000 reference works, numerous globes and plastic relief
models, and a large number of cartographic material in other formats.
Library of Congress
Geography and Map Reading Room
Geography and Maps: An Illustrated Guide
Map Collections: 1500-1999 (General Maps, Cities and Towns, Conservation and
Environment, Cultural Landscapes, Military Battles and Campaigns, Transportation and
Maps in Our Lives
Digital Libraries Initiative

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Here are some general resources related to map libraries. The Map Librarians Toolbox
contains pointers to information on cataloging and processing, equipment, map vendors,
reference resources, and supplies.
Coordinates (MAGERT On-Line Journal)
Journal of Map & Geography Libraries (Haworth Press)
Distributed Geolibraries Web Site (National Academy of Sciences)
Map Librarians Toolbox (WAML)
Map Curator's Toolbox (British Cartographic Society)
Mathematical data for Bibliographic Descriptions of Cartographic Materials and Spatial
On-Line Map Catalogs in North America and Europe (SUNY Stony Brook)
Publications (MAGERT)
On-Line WAML Scanning Projects Clearinghouse
Registry of U.S. Government Publication Digitization Projects
Images of Early Maps on the Web
National and International Digital Projects Concerning Early Mapping

With a technology changing as rapidly as GIS, staying current is a real challenge.

The Virtual Geography Department has pointers to geography departments.
GeoEducation (geocommunity)
Geo-Spatial Education - Graduate and Undergrad Programs (GeoCommunity)
GIS for Higher Education (ESRI)
Education and Outreach - Rocky Mountain Mapping Center (USGS)
Virtual Geography Department (Pointers to Geography Depts)

K-12 Geography Education

Here are resources aimed at educators for grades K through 12. The Electronic Resources
for Geography is a a comprehensive site with pointers to sites containing mailing lists,
lesson plans, and games. The National Standards for Geography can be found at the
Geography for Life site. Activities and Readings in the Geography of the United States
has an interesting collection of interactive learning materials on spatial analysis directed
at the high school level.
General Resources

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Geography Educational Materials (USGS)
The Five Themes of Geography (National Geographic)
The National Geography Standards (NCGE)
Digital Library for Earth Science Education
Activities and Readings in the Geography of the United States (CSISS)
Geography Lesson Plans (The Educator's Refererence Desk)
Geography Ideas
GIS for Schools (ESRI)
Internet Geography (Staffordshire Learning Net)
Kids Corner - American Factfinder (Census Bureau)
Learning to Think Spatially: GIS as a Support System in the K-12 Curriculum (National
Academies Press)
Lesson Plans (National Geographic)
My World GIS (GEODE Initiative)
Science on a Sphere (NOAA)
Teaching with Topographic Maps - 25 Ideas for Educational Lessons (USGS)
Teaching Resources (Ordnance Survey)
MapZone (Ordnance Survey)
Playground Maps
Ed Bonne: The Playground Map Guy
Lesson Plans and Activities
Gymnasium Geography Playground Maps
U.S. Map Stencil, Inc. (Playground-sized maps)
US and World Map Stencils
Ursa Major Map Stencils
Giant Traveling Maps (National Geographic)

Navigation Fun
Orienteering is a sport which focuses on map navigation skills.
Orienteering Associations
Here are several Associations which promote orienteering.
International Orienteering Federation
British Orienteering Federation
Canadian Orienteering Federation
U.S. Orienteering Federation
Orienteering Techniques


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These sites explain the ins and outs of compass use and orienteering techniques. See
Geomagnetism for additional information on magnetism and declination.
Compass Faqs (The Compass Store)
The Silva System: It's As Easy as 1,2,3 (Silva)
How to Use Your Declination Value (The Compass Store)
Riddles and Rhymes to Help You Remember Declination
The Little Book of Orienteering Techniques
Orienteering Equipment
These sites sell orienteering and navigation equipment, including compasses, altimeters,
clinometers, etc.
Brunton Company
Harvey Maps
Mobile Games
Mobile games take advantage of cellular phones and positioning technology to create
games played in the real world.
Mobile Games (Wikipedia)
Mobile Games Blog (INTRO-duce)
Locative Technology Blog
Your World Games
GPS/Other Location-Based Activities
These sites list some fun, orienteering-like to test your navigation skills. Geocachers find
'treasures' using a GPS receiver. Fox Hunters employ Radio Direction Finding equipment
to locate transmitters. Letterboxing uses clues (but no GPS) to find hidden treasure. Road
rallies test driver and navigators skills at following a specified route.
Geocaching (Wikipedia)
Geocaching (
GPS Drawing
Drop Spots
Degree Confluence Project
Letterboxing North America

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Amateur Radio Direction Finding (International Amateur Radio Union - IARU)
Fox Hunt Links
Introduction to Road Rallying (CMU)
Rally (North American Motorsports)
Rally Central (Rally America)
Road Rally (Sports Car Club of America)

Tutorials/On-Line Notes
Various on-line course materials are available for self-study.
GIS Education (GeoCommunity)
Geography Resources: On-Line Course Materials
GIS and the Geographer's Craft
Overview of Learning Resources (Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science)
Course Syllabi (CSISS)
Introductory GIS
What Is GIS? (ESRI)
What Is GIS? (GISLounge)
The GIS Files (Ordnance Survey)
Geographic Information Systems (USGS)
Ten Tips for Learning More About GIS (ESRI focus)
GIS for the Curious (University of New Brunswick)
GIS Guide to Good Practices (AHDS)
GIS Self Learning Tool (University of Melbourne)
Map Making (Natural Resources Canada)
The GIS Primer (Innovative GIS Solutions, Inc.)
Map Interpretation (San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Choose the Right Map (Ordnance Survey)
Introduction to Maps (Ordnance Survey) (PDF)
Map Reading Made Easy Peasy (Ordnance Survey) (PDF)
Advanced GIS
NCGIA GIScience Core Curriculum in GIScience
NCGIA GIS Original Core Curriculum (1990)
NCGIS GIS Core Curriculum for Technical Programs
Map Making and Visualization of Spatial Data - Video Clips (CSISS)
Beyond Mapping (Joseph Berry)


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Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences (Carleton College)
Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations (Carleton College)
What is GPS (Garmin)
GPS: A New Constellation (Smithsonian)
GPS Primer (The Aerospace Corporation)
GPS Tutorial (Tri-Service CADD/GIS Center)
GPS Tutorial (Trimble)
Remote Sensing
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Tutorial (Canada Centre for Remote Sensing)
Dr. Nicholas Short's Remote Sensing Tutorial (NASA)
Remote Sensing Tutorial
Remote Sensing Guide for Teachers
Learning Zone (Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society)
An Introductory Landsat Tutorial

Distance Learning
Distance learning is becoming increasingly popular and universities are coming on-line
with more programs each month.
Distance Education in GIS, LBS, and Geo-Spatial Sciences
Institute for Advanced Education in Geospatial Sciences (University of Mississippi)
MSc in GISc (Birkbeck College)
Professional Development Certificate (Penn State)
UNIGIS (International Distance Learning for Diploma/MSc)
USC GIS Distance Learning Certificate Program


The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis and the University
Consortium on Geographic Information Systems are two leading research organizations
in the United States.
National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
Spatial Information Science and Engineering (Maine)
University Consortium for Geographic Information Science

US Universities


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Here are a few selected universities in the United States.
Colleges and Universities with Certificate Programs (URISA)
University of Arkansas Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
University of California at Berkeley
Department of Geography
University of Connecticut Map and Geographic Information Center
MIT GIS Laboratory
Michigan State Department of Geography
University of Nebraska (CALMIT)
Ohio State University
Department of Geography
Center for Mapping
Penn State Department of Geography
United States Military Academy Geography and Environmental Engineering
Geospatial Information Science
U. of South Carolina Department of Geography
University of Washington Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin Department of Geography

Foreign Universities
Here are a few selected universities outside the United States.
College of Geographic Sciences (Nova Scotia)
Institute of Cartography (Zurich, Switzerland)
International Boundaries Research Unit, University of Durham
University of Edinburgh Institute of Geography
Kingston Centre for GIS
University of New Brunswick Geodesy and Geomatics
University of Sydney School of Geosciences

USA Federal Government

The Federal Government in the United States is extensively involved in the generation,
maintenance, analysis, and distribution of spatial data. This responsibility is spread across
numerous agencies. Here are some general sites with information on the Federal
Goverment. is an excellent portal to information about the Federal



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FedStats (Links to over 100 U.S. Federal Agencies' Statistics)
MapStats (FedStats)

Multi-Agency Consortia
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium

Department of Agriculture
The USDA enhances the quality of life for the American people by supporting production
of agriculture.
Map Servers
USDA Geospatial Gateway

Farm Service
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) supports American farmers through commodity
programs, farmer operating and emergency loans, conservation, domestic and overseas
food assistance and disaster programs that improve the economic stability of agriculture
and the environment. These programs help farmers produce an adequate food supply,
assist farmers to compete for export sales of commodities in the world marketplace, and
keep consumer prices reasonable while caring for the environment and natural resources.
USDA Aerial Photography Field Office

Foreign Agricultural Service

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
works to improve foreign market access for U.S. products. FAS operates programs
designed to build new markets and improve the competitive position of U.S. agriculture
in the global marketplace.
Production Estimates & Crop Assessment Division

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Crop Explorer

Forest Service
The Forest Service manages land under the sustainable multiple-use management concept
to meet the diverse needs of the people.
Geospatial Service and Technology Center
Map Servers
Maps and Brochures
Modeling & Software

Natural Resources Conservation Service

The Natural Resources Conservation Service is a Federal agency that works in
partnership with the American people to conserve and sustain our natural resources. The
NRCS maintains soils databases for the United States.
Technical Resources
Soil Geography
World Soil Resources
National Cartography and Geospatial Center
Conservation Programs
National Resources Inventory

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Map Room
GIS Coverages
National Soil Survey
National Water and Climate Center
Maps, Imagery, Data and Analysis
Data Resources
National Geospatial Datasets
National Resources Inventory Map Room
Soil Data Mart
U.S. General Soils Map (STATSGO)
Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database
Map Servers
Web Soil Survey

National Agricultural Statistical Service

The National Agricultural Statistical Service collects and provides statistics on
agricultural production.
Research and Development Division
Agricultural Charts & Maps
Census of Agriculture

U.S. Board on Geographic Names

The United States Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is the interagency board
established by public law to standardize geographic name spellings for use in U.S.
Government publications.
Principles, Policies, and Procedures: Domestic Geographic Names


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Foreign Names
Domestic Names
Records of the Board on Geographic Names (NARA)

The CIA supports US national security policy by providing accurate, evidence-based,
comprehensive, and timely foreign intelligence related to security and by conducting
counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to foreigh
The World Factbook
Maps & Publications

Department of Commerce
The Census Bureau collects and provides timely, relevant, and quality data about the
people and the economy of the United States. They are known for their production of
TIGER street data used in the decennial census. See the Geodemographics listings for
non-Government sites related to the census and reapportionment/redistricting.
Question and Answer Center
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Maps and Cartographic Resources
US. Congressional Apportionment
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
International Statistical Agencies
Understanding Census Geography
Census Redistricting Data Program
Tiger Home Page


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Map Servers
Reference Maps
Thematic Maps
Maps and Cartographic Resources
American Community Survey
American Factfinder
American Factfinder Data Sets
Cartographic Boundary Files
International Data Base (IDB)
MapStats (FedStats) - Census Information
The Population Profile of the United States: 1999 (Census Bureau)
State and Metropolitan Area Data Book
State and County Quickfacts
Tiger/Line Files
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA's)
Data Access Tools

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is an agency of the U.S. Department
of Commerce's Technology Administration. Established in 1901, NIST strengthens the
U.S. economy and improves the quality of life by working with industry to develop and
apply technology, measurements, and standards.
Standard Services Division

NOAA warns of dangerous weather, charts United States seas and skies, guides our use
and protection of ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to improve our
understanding and stewardship of the environment. The organization provides weather,
climatalogical, geophysical, and oceanographic information, in addition to producing
nautical and aeronautical charts for the United States.

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Aerial Photography and Shoreline Mapping
Charting and Geodesy
Drought Information Center
Global Positioning
Marine Navigation
Organizations and Programs
NOAA Env Sat, Data, and Information Services (NESDIS)
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
National Climatic Data Center
National Oceanographic Data Center
National Geophysical Data Center
National Snow and Ice Data Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
Fisheries Statistics & Economics
National Ocean Service
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)
Coastal Services Center
Coastal Geospatial Data Project
Coastal Remote Sensing
Marine Protected Areas of the United States
Coastal Elevation Mapping
National Geodetic Survey
Products and Services
Office of Coast Survey
&Other Products
Research and Development
Estuarine Bathymetry (Special Projects Office)
National Weather Service
Climate Prediction Center
National Data Buoy Center
National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC)
GIS Data Sets
Science and Technology

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Oceanic & Atmospheric Research
PMEL Virtual Reality
PMEL Visualizations
Map Servers
Interactive Map Services (National Geophysical Data Center)
Alaska Maps and Images (NMF)
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Discovery Portal
Legislative Atlas
Historical Hurricane Tracks
On-Line Chart Viewer
NOAA Shoreline Data Explorer
nowCoast (Real-time access to observing stations)
Terrain of Your State
Data Explorer
Bathymetry and Topography
Aeronautical Survey Program (NGS)
Control Point Data Sheets
Shoreline Data
Topographic Data and Images (MGG)
Global Land One-KM Base Elevation (GLOBE Project)
Historical Hurricane Tracks (CSC)
Historical Map and Chart Collection
Marine Geology and Geophysics(NGDC)
Near Real Time Spatial Data Products for GIS (NESDIS)
Operational Significant Event Imagery
Planetary Maps
Watch, Warning, and Advisory Display
Marine Weather Charts on the Net
Shoreline/Coastline Data
Tides Online
Coastal Services Center Tools
National Geodetic Survey Geodetic Toolkit
National Geodetic Survey PC Software


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with great pleasure
NOAA Grants Page
Funding Opportunities for Coastal Managers

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), an agency of
the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the Executive Branch's principal voice on domestic
and international telecommunications and information technology issues. NTIA works to
spur innovation, encourage competition, help create jobs and provide consumers with
more choices and better quality telecommunications products and services at lower
Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications

Department of Defense
The Department of Defense provides for the security of the United States. It includes the
services (Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines) as well as the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program

Air Force
The mission of the U.S. Air Force is to defend the United States and protect its interests
through air and space power. To achieve that mission, the Air Force has a vision of global
vigilance, reach and power.

The U.S. Army is the Department of Defense military department responsible for land
combat. They work to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, addressing the
problems of human suffering, and when required, engaging in combat.


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Army Mapper
Terrain Visualization Center
TRADOC Program Integration Office for Terrain Data
Corps of Engineers (COE)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages and executes engineering, construction, and
real estate programs for the Army and Air Force. In addition, they investigate, develop,
and maintain the nation's water and related environmental resources. The major GIS
activities are the Tri-Service CADD/GIS Center and the Remote Sensing/GIS Center.
Engineer Research and Development Center
Coastal and Hydraulics Lab (CHL)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL)
Environmental Lab (EL)
Geotechnical and Structures Lab (GSL)
Information Technology Lab (ITL)
Topographic Engineering Center (TEC)
Institute for Water Resources
Navigation Data Center - GIS
COE Districts and Divisions
Louisville District Navigation Information
Memphis District - GIS Data
Mobile District Geographic Information Systems
New Orleans District - Geospatial Data
New York District - Geospatial Data and Systems
Rock Island District - GIS
Walla Walla District - GIS
Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Node (Corps of Engineers)
Navigation Data Center Publications
Index to Navigation Charts by Corps District
United States Waterway Data
Port and Waterways Facilities Data

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The Navy maintains numerous resources of interest to the GIS researchers. The US Naval
Observatory manages high precision clocks and navigation information. The Master
Environmental Library (MEL) has an extensive base of environmental information.
Navigator of the Navy
Geospatial Information and Services
US Naval Observatory
Time Service Department
National Earth Orientation Services
NAVSTAR GPS Timing Operations
Naval Research Laboratory Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Branch
Digital Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Analysis Program Team

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

The DARPA mission is to develop imaginative, innovative and often high-risk research
ideas offering a significant technological impact that will go well beyond the normal
evolutionary developmental approaches; and, to pursue these ideas from the
demonstration of technical feasibility through the development of prototype systems.

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), formerly the National Imagery and
Mapping Agency (NIMA) is responsible for mapping and charting non-United States
territories. They produce a number of products including imagery (Controlled Image
Base), scanned maps (ARC Digitized Raster Graphics and Compressed ARC Digitized
Raster Graphics), elevation data (Digital Terrain Elevation Data), and feature data
(Vector Map and Digital Feature Analysis Data).
Geospatial Sciences Publications
Datum Transformations


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Geospatial Sciences Center
Marine Safety Information
Map Servers/Data Download
Nautical Calculators (NGA)
Geospatial Engine - Raster Roam
Commercial Joint Mapping Tool Kit (NGA/DISA)

Department of Energy
The Department of Energy is a leading science and technology agency whose research
supports our nation's energy security, national security, environmental quality, and
contributes to a better quality of life for all Americans.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory GIS
ORNL Geographic Information Science and Technology
Data and Analysis Tools (NREL)
Maps ( NREL)
Landscan (ORNL)
Landscan USA (ORNL)

Environmental Protection Agency

The mission of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and
to safeguard the natural environment, including air, water, and land, upon which life
depends. The organization has a an innovative on-line web mapping initiative in the
Envirofacts Warehouse Maps on Demand and has placed significant amounts of data online in the MAIA Geographic Reference Data Base.
Geographic Information Systems
Climate Change


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Office of Air and Radiation
Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
Office of Research and Development
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
National Geospatial Data Program
Policies and Standards
Grants and Agreements
Programs with a Geographic Focus
Green Communities
American Heritage Rivers
Community Assistance
Regional Geographic Initiatives
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)
Geographic/Ecosystems Initiatives (GEI)
Locational Data Improvement Project
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium
National Estuary Program
Science Inventory
Ultraviolet Monitoring Program (UV-NET)
Wetlands Program
EPA Regions
EPA - Region 2 Geographic Information Systems
EPA - Region 3 Databases Searchable by Location
EPA - Region 4 Geographic Information Systemsn
EPA - Region 5 Geographic Information Systems
EPA - Region 6 Geographic Information System
EPA - Region 7 GIS in Region 7
EPA - Region 8 GIS & Spatial Data
EPA - Region 9 Environmental Justice
Map Servers


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Queries, Maps & Reports
EnviroMapper for Envirofacts
Surf Your Watershed
Web Services
Window to My Environment
Envirofacts Data Warehouse
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Non-Point Sources (BASINS)
Data Registry Services
Environmental Information Management System
Environmental Modeling for Public Access and Community Tracking (EMPACT)
Geospatial Data Access Project
Reach File References
STORET (Storage and Retrieval) Water Quality Database
Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds Databases and Mapping

Federal Communications Commission

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States
government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was established by the
Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international
communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction
covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions.
Mapping Resources
FCC Areas
US County to FCC Area Cross-Reference Search

Federal Elections Commission

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) administers and enforces the Federal Election
Campaign Act (FECA) - the statute that governs the financing of federal elections. The
duties of the FEC, which is an independent regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign
finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and
prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections.


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Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

The Council is a formal interagency body empowered to prescribe uniform principles,
standards, and report forms for the federal examination of financial institutions by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and
to make recommendations to promote uniformity in the supervision of financial
Map Servers
FFIEC Geocoding System

Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)

The Federal Geographic Data Committee coordinates the development of the National
Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The NSDI encompasses policies, standards, and
procedures for organizations to cooperatively produce and share geographic data. They
have major initiatives in the areas of metadata, standards, framework data, and
clearinghouse activities.
National Geospatial Advisory Committee
Data and Services
Geospatial Metadata
Geospatial Line of Business
Positional Accuracy Handbook - Minnesota Planning (Large PDF)

Department of Health and Human Services


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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Center for Disease Control promotes health and quality of life by preventing and
controlling disease, injury, and disability.
GIS at the CDC
GIS and Public Health
GIS in Public Health
Visualizing Health Statistics (NCHS)
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
Map Servers
Heart Disease and Stroke Maps
Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS)
Surveys and Data Collection Systems (NCHS)
FastStats A-Z (NCHS)
Data Warehouse (NCHS)
Atlas of United States Mortality (NCHS)
Epi Info/Epi Map (CDC)
Geographic Analysis Tool for Health & Environmental Research-GATHER (CDC)

Agency for Toxic Subtances and Disease Registry

The mission of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), as an
agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is to prevent exposure and
adverse human health effects and diminished quality of life associated with exposure to
hazardous substances from waste sites, unplanned releases, and other sources of pollution
present in the environment.
WONDER - Numerical and Textual Databases


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Geographic Analysis Tool for Health & Environmental Research-GATHER (CDC)

National Cancer Institute (NIH)

Geographic Information Systems
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
Cancer Mortality Maps & Graphs

Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security's first priority is to protect the nation against
further terrorist attacks. Component agencies analyze threats and intelligence, guard
borders and airports, protect critical infrastructure, and coordinate the response of our
nation for future emergencies. DHS is also dedicated to protecting the rights of American
citizens and enhancing public services, such as natural disaster assistance and citizenship

U.S. Coast Guard

The United States Coast Guard has moved from the Department of Transportation to the
Department of Homeland Security. Their mission is to patrol shores, save lives, protect
property, and enhance the flow of commerce. The Navigation Center (NAVCEN)
provides quality navigation services, including GPS and LORAN-C.
Navigation Information Center (GPS)

Federal Emergency Management Agency


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FEMA has a mission to reduce loss of life and property and protect our nation's critical
infrastructure from all types of hazards through a comprehensive, risk-based, emergency
management program of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. The FEMA
Map Service Center maintains and distributes flood map and insurance products.
Get Disaster Information
National Flood Insurance Program
Remote Sensing Information and Data
Map Service Center
Mapping and Analysis Center
FEMA Library
HAZUS Multi-Hazard Program
Flood Hazard Mapping

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

The HUD mission is assure that every American has a decent, safe, and sanitary home
and suitable living environment.
Consolidated Planning
Map Servers
HUD Locator Services
GIS Boundary Files
HUD User Data Sets

Department of the Interior

The U.S. Department of the Interior is the nation's principal conservation agency and has
responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources.

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Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
BLM is an agency in the Department of Interior that manages public lands which are
located in the Western States. In addition, they manage below ground minerals
throughout the country. They make extensive use of GIS technology to manage their
BLM Internet GIS Sites
Terrain Modeling
Resource Services
National Interagency Fire Center
Cadastral Survey
Land Survey Information System
National Landscape Conservation System
National Integrated Land System (BLM/USFS)
Map Servers
Aerial Photography Archive
Geographic Coordinate Data Base
Map Standards

Bureau of Reclamation
The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and
related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of
the American public.
Map Servers


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Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) works with others to conserve, protect, and
enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American
people. FWS is actively involved in the National Wetlands Inventory.
Geographic Information Systems & Spatial Data
National Wetlands Inventory
Map Servers
Wetlands Mapper

Minerals Management Service

The mission of the MMS is: to manage the mineral resources on the Nation's Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) in an environmentally sound and safe manner; and to collect,
verify, and distribute, in a timely fashion, mineral revenues generated from Federal
(onshore and offshore) and Indian lands.
GIS Data and Maps

National Park Service

The National Park Service promotes and regulates the use of the national parks.
Currently, there are over 200 national parks with operational GIS systems.
Find a Park
Mapping the National Parks (Library of Congress)


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Geography and Mapping Technologies
GIS Program
Remote Sensing and Technology
Heritage Documentation Programs
Map Servers
Interactive Map Center
Nationwide Rivers Inventory Map Server
Data Clearinghouse
NPS Maps
The National Karst Map
The Natural Earth (World Physical Map at 1.24KM Resolution)

Office of Surface Mining

The Office of Surface Mining is a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior with
responsibility, in cooperation with the states and Indian Tribes, to protect citizens and the
environment during coal mining and reclamation, and to reclaim mines abandoned before
Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System (AMLIS)

US Geological Survey
The U.S. Geological Survey provides the Nation with reliable, impartial information to
describe and understand the Earth. This information is used to: minimize loss of life and
property from natural disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources;
enhance and protect the quality of life; and contribute to wise economic and physical
Although well-known for the production of topographic maps, USGS produces the
National Atlas of the United States and a variety of digital products. These include
imagery (Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles), scanned maps (Digital Raster Graphics),


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elevation data (Digital Elevation Models), feature data (Digital Line Graphs), hydrologic
data, and geographic names.
USGS World Wide Web Information
Biological Resources
Water Resources of the United States
Biological Resources Division
Center for Biological Informatics
Geospatial Technologies at the Center for Biological Informatics
Land Cover Institute
National Earthquake Information Center
Eastern Geographic Science Center
Rolla USGS Center
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center
Western Region Geography
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)
Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy
Earthquake Hazards Program
Geomagnetism Program
Global GIS (USGS/American Geological Institute)
National GAP Analysis Program
National Geospatial Program Office
Geospatial One-Stop
Federal Geographic Data Committee
The National Map
GISDATA Map Studio
Map Servers
Public Web Map and Geoprocessing Services
Hazards Data Distribution System
National Atlas
Wildfire Information Server (GEOMAC)

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Finding USGS Data
Availability of USGS Geospatial Data
Geospatial One-Stop
Earth Observing System Data Gateway
How Can I Find Digital Map Data?
USGS Store
USGS Map Dealers
USGS Geography Products
USGS Map Locator (Download PDFs)
USGS Water Resources of the United States
Data Delivery Sites
National Map Seamless Data Distribution System
Earth Explorer
Global Visualization Viewer
Center for LIDAR Information Coordination and Knowledge
Digital Elevation Models
National Elevation Database (NED)
Web Resources Compiled for Terrain Mapping (USGS)
1:250,000-Scale DEM Data
1:24,000-Scale DEM Data
GTOPO30 Elevation Data (EROS Data Center)
1:2,000,000 DLG Data
1:100,000 DLG Data
1:24,000 DLG Data
Digital Raster Graphics
Digital Orthoquads (DOQ)


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National Digital Orthophoto Program
Orthoimagery at the USGS EROS (Info on viewers/downloads)
Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles
Geology Data
USGS Minerals Information Publications and Data Products
USGS Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data
National Geologic Map Database
Digital Geologic Map Techniques Clearinghouse (USGS)
A Tapestry of Time and Terrain
Geographic Names Data
On-Line Access
Land Cover/Global Land Cover
Get Land Cover Data
Global Land Cover Characterization Data Sets
National Land Cover Data (1992)
Hydrology/Water Resource Data/Maps
Water Resources of the United States
Water Resources Maps and GIS Information
Water Watch
NWISWeb Water Data
The National Hydrography Dataset
Hydrologic Unit Maps
1:250,000 Data
Land Use / Land Cover Data
1:100,000 and 1:250,000-Scale Land Use Land Cover
National Atlas
National Atlas of the United States
Raw Data Download - National Atlas
Satellite Imagery


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Satellite Products
Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change
The LANDSAT Program
Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Large Rivers Monitoring
Network (LRMN)
Land-Sea Mask
General Software
DIVA-GIS (For the analysis of biodiversity)

Department of Justice
The Office of Administration Geographic Information Systems provides GIS services to
the Criminal Division and other U.S. Department of Justice agencies. They produce
crime maps and have developed the Spatial Crime Analysis System (SCAS), a strategic
and tactical tool for crime analysis.
Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety
Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety
Justice Technology Information Network
Crime Mapping
Crime Mapping and Analysis Program (CMAP)
Bureau of Justice Statistics


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Library of Congress
See Library of Congress listing under Libraries heading

National Archives and Records Administration

NARA is an independent Federal agency that helps preserve our nation's history by
overseeing the management of all Federal records.
Geographical Information
Cartographic and Architectural Records Leaflet
Cartographic and Architectural Records

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) conducts research and
development in aero-space technology, earth science, the human exploration and
development of space, and space science. The organization is actively involved in remote
sensing and global change detection.
Our Earth as Art (NASA/USGS)
Remote Sensing/GIS and Human Health: A Partial Bibliography
Scientific Visualization Studio
Visualization of Remote Sensing Data
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Space Geodesy BranchBR> Earth Sciences Division

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Earth Science Data and Information System Project (ESDIS)
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (NASA/NGA)
Terra: The EOS Flagship
Map Servers
LANDSAT Map Server
Earth System Science Data and Services
The Blue Marble
Earth at Night
Earth from Space
Earth in True Color
Geomorphology from Space
Multimedia Gallery
Remote Sensing Data and Information
Global Change Master Directory
The Visible Earth (Imagery)
World Wind - 3D Viewer

National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes the progress of science; advances the
national health, prosperity, and welfare; and secures the national defense.
Geography and Regional Science


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Postal Service
The Postal Service provices quality postal products and services. It's zip code geography
is frequently used in demographic analysis.
Address Quality
Zip Code Lookup
City/State/Zip Code Associations

Tennessee Valley Authority

TVA is a unique federal corporation that is America's largest public power company, the
steward of the Tennessee River system, and a regional economic development agency.
Energy and Environmental Services and Technologies
TVA Map and Photo Records

Department of Transportation
DOT serves the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and
convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the
quality of life of the American people, today and into the future.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics Office of Geographic Information Services is a
national resource for transportation spatial data and GIS in transportation (GIS-T)
Geographic Information Services


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Transportation Analysis and Simulation System
TransStats Data Library
American Travel Survey

Federal Aviation Administration

The FAA is responsible for the safety and certification of aircraft and pilots, for the
security of our airports, and for the around-the-clock operation of our nation's air traffic
control. FAA is also responsible for guiding and helping develop commercial space
National Aeronautical Charting Office
Satellite Navigation Product Teams

Federal Highway Administration

The FHA mission is to create the best transportation system in the world for the
American people through proactive leadership, innovation, and excellence in service.
Planning, Environment, and Realty
GIS in Transportation
National Highway System Intermodal Connectors
National Highway System Maps
National Traffic and Road Closure Information (FHA)

Federal Transit Administration

The Federal Transit Administration is the principal source of Federal financial assistance
to communities for the planning, development, and improvement of public transportation


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Federal Transit Administration (FTA) National Transit GIS

Research and Innovative Technology Administration

The Research and Innovative Technology Administration. RITA is dedicated solely to the
advancement of DOT priorities for innovation and research in transportation technologies
and concepts. Innovations that will improve our mobility, promote economic growth, and
ultimately deliver a better integrated transportation system.
Pipeline Safety Community
Pipeline Integrity Management Mapping Application

Department of State
The Department of State has a mission to create a more secure, democratic, and
prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international
community. This is accomplished by 1) striving to build and maintain strong bilateral and
multilateral relationships, 2) protecting the United States, its allies, and its friends against
the transnational dangers and enduring threats arising from tyranny, poverty, and disease;
and 3) confronting the intersection of traditional and transnational challenges.
International Boundary & Water Commission GIS Program
Humanitarian Information Unit
Countries and Regions
Travel and Business

Tribal, indigenous, and aboriginal GIS applications are found here.
Aboriginal Mapping Network
Indigenous Mapping Network
Tribal and Indigenous GIS (ESRI)
Arctic Circle
Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board
Alaska Community Database Online
American Indians of the Pacific Northwest Digital Collection

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Colville Indian Reservation (Colville Reservation Lakes)
Drake Forestry Services Ltd. (First Nations owned and operated company)
Inforain (Canada & NW U.S.)
MAPS: GIS Windows on Native Lands, Current Places, and History
National Park Service Tribal Preservation Program
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
Wisconsin Indian Lands

Non-Governmental Organizations
Conservation Program Site (ESRI)
Conservation Geography Groups (ESRI)
Friends of Earth
The Unhappy Planet Index (PDF)
The Nature Conservancy GIS Website
World Bank
Development Data and Statistics
World Wildlife Fund
WildFinder (species mapping)

Here are some pointers to GIS-related organizations in Canada and the United Kingdom.

Government Cartography (Odden)
National Mapping Agencies (UNESCO)
Tourism Offices Worldwide
European National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (Eurogeographics)
Caribbean GIS
African Geo Information Research Network

GeoConnections - Canada's Geographic Information on the Internet
BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management GIS


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Census Geography (Statistics Canada)
Canadian Spatial Reference System (Natural Resources Canada)
Geomatics Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
Centre for Topographic Information (Natural Resources Canada)
GeoGratis (Free Canadian Data) (Natural Resources Canada)
Natural Resources Canada (Energy, Mines, and Resources)
Statistics Canada
Geography Network Canada

Mexico - El Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Inform tica (INEGI)
Mexico - GIS Resources (GeoGRAFX World)

United Kingdom
Go-Geo! Geospatial Gateway (University of Edinburgh)
British Geological Survey
Hydrographic Office
UK Statistics Authority
Ordnance Survey

United Nations
Cartographic Section
United Nations Geographical Information Working Group
United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)
Map Library
Country Names, Capitals, and ISO Abbreviations (PDF)
Food and Agricultural Organization
Climate Data and Maps
Download FAOCLIM (Zip)
New_LocClim (Climate Interpolation)
Population Density and Urbanization
Poverty Mapping
Public Health Mapping (WHO)
ReliefWeb Map Centre
United Nations Environment Programme
Environmental Knowledge for Change- Arendal
Global Resource Information Database (GRID) - Sioux Falls
GRID Global Population Data Sets

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GRID Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)
One Planet, Many People Atlas
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
United Nations Statistics Division

States/Local Governments
State governments are increasingly involved with GIS activities. The National States
Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) coordinates these activities.
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)
State Information
National Association of Counties (NACo)
State, County, and National GIS Links (
State Transportation Web Sites (DOT)
A Comprehensive Guide to State and Nationwide GeoData Clearinghouses for the United
States (Directions Magazine)
Webmapping & State GIS Data Directory (geocommunity)
State Tourism Sites
State and County Quick Facts (Census)
States and Capitals (
States Map Collections(
Doyle's GIS Info Page (Good state resources)
GIS Around the World (MassGIS) (Good state resources)
Site URL:
Links last checked on February 11, 2009
New links added on February 11, 2009


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