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Joshua Maldonado

Period 7


Personal Statement
Experiences. What are they? Are they what make us who we are? Or are they just old lost
memories? Well, it all depends on who experiences them. Some of us take away from
experiences, good and bad, and we allow them to shape our persona for the better. Others prefer
to ignore them and hide them in the deepest part of their mind. I like to think of myself as the
first. I believe that my unique experiences and events I've gone through have helped me
transition from a child to adulthood.
It all happened this summer of 2016 when I got my first job/internship. I was applying
for two internships at the time, one at the California Science Center, and the other at KPMGs
LAX office, in downtown. Thankfully, both called me for an interview. Unlike the most students
in my grade, I didnt get the opportunity to do a mock interview, so, in a way, I wasnt truly
prepared for my interviews. I went to both and felt comfortable and confident with my
interviews. Sadly, the Science Center sent me a letter of denial. I was pretty down, but a couple
of days later I got a call. It was KPMG saying that I had gotten that job. I was so excited I was
telling everyone the good news, and they would mostly respond with Congratulations"! But my
mom was the exception. For some reason, she seemed blue and gloomy. I didnt understand her
attitude, so I confronted her about it. Her response was simple, Estas creciendo, y pronto ya no
vas a ser mi hijito. She feared I was growing up too quickly, and soon I wouldnt be her little
kid. And she was right.
I worked there for about six weeks and did different jobs. Conferencing, Mailroom,
Reception, even a little HR. I met new people. I saw new things. I experienced a whole different
world. The world of an adult. One day, another intern and I had lunch with someone who had

Joshua Maldonado

Period 7


been working for the company for ten years. They told us their story of struggle and how they
climbed the ranks of the company. After that lunch, something clicked inside me. Being part of
the working world came with an epiphany: I must give the best of myself in any situation,
whether I like it or not, because its the only way Ill make it in this cruel world filled with
When the internship finished, my family saw me as an adult, someone who understands
the struggle and value of earning money, someone who doesnt ignore his responsibilities. My
community and the people I know also saw that change. I felt it too; I wasnt that child who had
no cares in the world and was ignorant and annoying. I became a trustworthy member of society
who understands the struggles of the life itself and who is going to try their best to make it
despite the hardships of life and the world.

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