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St. Number

: Andreas Leo Kresnawan Putra

: 131214163

I washed the dish

I sweep the floor
I helped neighbor to dry the gerabah
I gave food to my dogs
I took my sister to school
I picked up my sister from school
I picked my mothers favorite films
I washed my dogs
I said hello to everyone I met around my
10. I did not forget to eat three time a day
11. I slept well last night
12. I did not forget to pray before sleep last
13. I put the garbage in the trash
14. I helped cleaning the bugs out of the
15. I cleaned my bedroom
16. I telephoned my cousin and my family
17. I took a bath twice a day
18. I washed my own clothes
19. I studied every two days
20. I prepared everything inside my bag
before go to campus
21. I washed my motorcycle
22. I washed my mothers motorcycle
23. I cooked my own dinner
24. I renewed my song lists
25. I took my younger brother to the hospital
26. I always keep my territory clean
27. I sewed my own pants
28. I keep my artworks and put it in my
29. I watched good movies to refresh my
30. I picked my brother at school
31. I keep my shoes in a save place
32. I never hide my wallet while it is in the

33. I make the situation of vacation more

34. I try to reduce the amount of eat food
lately in the night
35. I put my motorcycle to the repair shop
36. I worked on my task as a freelancer
37. I repaired my friends laptops
38. I repaired my own laptops
39. I repaired my mothers smartphone
40. I put the unused things into something
41. My mothers friends give us two
washing machines
42. I keep my smartphone in a good
43. I tried to keep my health
44. I filled the gas for my mothers
45. I replied the messages from everyone
46. I keep the secrets of the closest friends
47. I congratulated my friends who
graduated from Sanata Dharma
48. I tried to sharpen my fluency in speaking
English with friends
49. I helped my friends in making the
50. I gave my idea to support friends work
51. I praised my mothers cook
52. I greeted father in the morning
53. I asked mother to be hurried in opening a
laundry shop
54. I help mother lifting two washing
machines into my house
55. I put my dog in animal hospital
56. I tried to never late in every subject I
57. I never came late in SPD class

58. I always walk through stairs every

59. I drink enough water every day
60. I always drive carefully
61. I play music in my spare time
62. I give everything for my family
63. I gave present to my ex-girlfriend
64. I made a cup of tea for my mother
65. I rarely fight with friends
66. I gave information to friends who need it
67. I put friends notebook into repair shop
68. I brought some programs for my friends
69. I never absent in SPD class
70. I read some books every semester
71. I stopped and let another motorcycle
across first
72. I gave the information about SD card to
my friend
73. I helped my friend brought his artwork
74. I listened carefully to my General
Manager explanation
75. I chose 10 best artworks
76. I chose 10 worst artworks
77. I put my shoes in the proper place
78. I helped my friend picked his headset
79. I exercise every morning
80. I helped my brother did his homework
81. I gave compliment to my friend about
her hijab
82. I remind my friend to eat
83. I collected my work and tasks in time
84. I always drink until the last drop
85. I always reply my grandfathers
86. I always get up early in the morning
87. I finished my work in time
88. I put my artworks as displays in my
89. I played with my brother in home
90. I bought some beverages for my family
91. I reminded my brother to be neat
92. I washed my mothers clothes
93. I replaced my mothers tasks for the
whole day

94. I put things in its place while cleaning

the house
95. I drove my sister to her friend and
picked her up
96. I helped my brother painted his bicycle
97. I took care of my grandparents when
they still alive
98. I gave my grandfather food when he
could not eat by himself
99. I gave my grandmother attention when
she got ill
100. I gave my mom a birthday present
101. I keep the things that already given to
102. I accompanied my grandfather while
he was in hospital
103. I watched my step when walking
104. I abandoned some of my bad deeds
105. I accepted me as the way I am
106. I accompanied my brother to go to the
police station
107. I accomplish my tasks
108. I accomplish my jobs
109. I achieved the compliments from
people around me and I thanked them
110. I acted as the father in my house
111. I have tried to adapt my surroundings
112. I never addressed anyone without
113. I admitted all my faults
114. I did not talk peoples bad things
behind them
115. I affected my siblings to become a neat
116. I agreed to help my father looking for
an addition income
117. I analyzed my work carefully
118. I answered the questions carefully
119. I apologized to my ex-girlfriend for
anything I have done
120. I helped my mother washed the dogs
121. I picked up my friend
122. I brought my friend back home
123. I Helped my mother dried the clothes

124. I bought a mosquito spray for my

125. I sweep my house
126. I cleaned the house
127. I applied for a job vacancy
128. I never asked the things that already
129. I folded my own clothes
130. I cooked for my own breakfast
131. I cooked for my own dinner
132. I gave charity to the beggar
133. Help a friend in need
134. I saved electricity by unplugging
your devices when not in use
135. I Bought a gift for mother
136. Allow a fellow driver to merge into
your lane
137. I wrote a thank-you note to someone
who wont expect it
138. I found unneeded items in my house
and remake them into usable things
139. I planted a tree
140. I do my work to help adding the
income for the whole family
141. I taught an elderly person to use a
computer to surf the Internet or write emails
142. I organized a family meal and
appreciate being together
143. I stopped and looked around to take
the time to appreciate nature
144. I donated an old cell phone for my
145. I always try to be environmentally
146. I used both sides of the paper before
throwing it away
147. I offered to cook or clean for my
148. I thought of at least three things you
should be thankful for in your life
149. I picked up trash from the sidewalk
150. I conserve the energy

151. I always turn off the lights in the

152. I always turn off the lights in the
unused place
153. I saved articles about people
performing acts of kindness as a source
of inspiration and motivation for me and
my family
154. I decided to make one change in
yourself that will make you a better
155. I often swallow my pride and
apologize for something I have done
whether big or small
156. I took food to a new neighbor
157. I treated a friend to lunch
158. I returned a phone call I have been
putting off
159. I answered the phone in a cheerful
160. I recycled whatever paper, bottles
and plastic items possible.
161. I turned the tap off when, because
every drop counts
162. I adopted a homeless dog
163. I made a double-batch of something
delicious and freezable and give it to an
older neighbor who doesn't cook for
him or herself as much anymore
164. I switched my light bulbs to the
energy-efficient variety
165. I asked a loved one about their day
166. I hold the door open for a stranger
167. I praised some colleagues good
168. I do the meditate
169. When I am out to buy food,
sometimes I buy some extra for a
homeless person
170. I drove my grandparents or my
parents to the church
171. I often take my neighbors trash to the

172. I let someone behind me to go first to

pay her stuffs because she is holding a
173. I helped someone who looks lost
with directions
174. I helped an elderly person to across
the road
175. I wrote a letter or e-mail to a good
friend or family member to let them
know how much I value them
31. Volunteer yourself to
walk an elderly neighbour's dog once
a week. Getting out for a walk isn't
overly easy for many elderly folk, so
they'd most likely appreciate this
32. Instead of dropping your
head and pretending you don't notice
(like the rest of the rush-hour crowd)
someone struggling to get a stroller
down the stairs, take a second and
offer to help.
33. Offer an elderly person, a
pregnant woman, a physically
disabled person - or just someone
who looks tired - your seat on the
34. Help keep your city
clean. Pick up plastic bottles and
other trash you see around your
neighbourhood and deposit it in its
appropriate place. Click here to read's Green Living
35. Visit a nursing home just
to chat with some of the residents, as

many of them don't get regular

36. They say that smiling is
contagious. Pick a day to smile at
everyone you pass on the street.
37. Pass on your books after
you've read them for someone else to
enjoy. Take them to a local shelter or
give them to friends.
38. Next time you read an
article about an author you know
your book-loving friend would
enjoy, pass it on to them. It will
make them feel good that you think
about them.
39. If you've discovered a
great little restaurant or store, spread
the word. The business and whoever
you tell will both benefit.
Page 3 of 4 - Read page four
for more great good deed ideas!
40. Being angry at someone
requires a lot of energy from both
people involved, so go ahead and let
go of an old grudge. Forgiving
someone who hurt you will open the
door for a friendship to be rekindled.
41. A few days before the
holidays or a family member's
birthday, head over to your parents'
or grandparents' home to wrap their
gifts for them. They'll appreciate
your help and the company.
42. On a random weekend,
surprise your unsuspecting spouse

with breakfast in bed. It will make

their day.
43. When you come across a
two for one deal (which are popular
at book and movie stores), donate
your free product to a local shelter or
youth group.
44. Allot yourself a set
amount of compliments to dole out a
day. Your co-worker will love
hearing that she looks great in her
new skirt.
45. Getting out and about
isn't so easy for some. Volunteer to
do your grandparents' grocery
shopping for them ever two weeks.
Is it that much trouble to shop for
someone else when you're already
making a trip to the grocery store for
46. Next time you're at your
favourite local pub or breakfast
diner, leave your server a very
generous tip.

47. Everyone knows how
annoying it is to rush back to your
car only to find a parking ticket
sitting on your windshield. To make
sure someone else doesn't suffer the
same fate, feed parking metres that
you notice are about to expire.
48. Next time you do your
grocery shopping, pick up a large
bag of cat or dog food to donate to a
local animal shelter.
49. Host a movie night for 10
of your closet friends. Charge $10
admission, provide the popcorn,
candy and drinks, and donate the
$100 to a charity you all decide on.
It's a perfect way to feel good about
having fun.
50. After you complete your
49 days worth of good deeds, treat
yourself to a mani-pedi, dinner at
your favourite restaurant or those
fabulous shoes you've been eyeing.
And no matter what, don't suffer
from buyers remorse. After all your
selfless acts, you deserve a little

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