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* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}

Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}

* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}

* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}

* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}

* {Third level with child}

* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}

* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}

* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}

* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format

HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}

* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}

* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}

* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}

* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}

* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview

* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}

* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}

* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}

* {Dynamic tree views}

* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}

* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}

* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}

* {More login info}

* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker

Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only

Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }

Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}

* {Layout 5 Coming soon}

* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}

* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}

* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}

* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}

* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}

* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}

* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Google Maps - Basic
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Google maps}
* Basic
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic map
* * * Example of simple google map with default options and center in Budapest,
Hungary. Zoom and center of the map is defined in chart settings. Google API loads
using default synchronous method when the page renders after the script is loaded.
Asynchronous method is optional and available for usage. Google Maps uses a close
variant of the Mercator projection, and therefore cannot accurately show areas around the
HTML5 geolocation
* * * The HTML5 geolocation returns a location and accuracy radius based on
information about cell towers and WiFi nodes that the mobile client can detect. This
document describes the protocol used to send this data to the server and to return a
response to the client. This example requires that you consent to location sharing when
prompted by your browser. If you see a blank space instead of the map, this is probably
because you have denied permission for location sharing.
Showing coordinates
* * * Example of showing pixel and tile coordinates. The following example
demonstrates latitude and longitude, world coordinates, pixel coordinates, tile coordinates
and zoom level for Chicago, displaying all this data in a simple info window. Try to
zoom in/zoom out the map to see how pixel and tile coordinates change according to the
center position. Zoom value also updates according to the current level.
Click event
* * * Example of a simple map click event. By default, the input map is centered and
zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the layer. Clicking on the marker sets the
zoom level of the map, zooming in increases the zoom level. On map drag there is a 3
seconds timeout after the center of the map has changed, the marker is paned back and
map is centered.
2015. {Limitless Web App Kit} by {Eugene Kopyov}{[logo_light.png]}
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements

Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event

Called as the input changes

Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago

* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}

* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}

* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}

* {Labels and badges}

* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}

* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}

* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}

* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}

* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}

* {Media with description}

* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class

to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.

.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>

<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->

<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements

Show initial color

Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format

HSL color format

Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured

Full featured flat picker

Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria

* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}

* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}

* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}

* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}

* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}

* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}

* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}

* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below

you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview

This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

<!-- /navbar placement -->

Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->

<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->

<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}

* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}

* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}

* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}

* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}

* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button

Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette

Keep track of selected colors

Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event

Called as the drag event stops

Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager

* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer

* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}

* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}

* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}

* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}

* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}

* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}

* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }

* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.

5. Dual double sidebar

Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.

.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't

connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.

.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">

<!-- Page container -->

<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}

* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}

* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}

* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}

* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}

* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}

* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}

* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}

Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial

Combining different elements

Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events

Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips

36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}

* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}

* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}

* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}

* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}

* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}

* {Bars and tornados}

* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}

* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}

* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}

* {Media with titles}

* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class

to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.

.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>

<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->

<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}

* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}

* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}

* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}

* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}

* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}

* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}

* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}

* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}

* {User search results}

* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class

Picker additions Show additional picker elements

Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format

Display colors in HEX3 format

HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing

Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...

* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}

* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}

* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}

* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}

* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}

* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}

* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}

* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,

buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes

* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:

<!-- Default sidebar layout -->

<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->

<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button

Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette

Keep track of selected colors

Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event

Called as the drag event stops

Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager

* {Hanna Walden} Project manager

* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}

* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}

* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}

* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}

* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}

* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}

* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}

* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}

* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides

the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.

.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If

opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:

<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}

* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}

* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}

* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}

* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions

* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits

* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}

* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}

* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}

* * {Fixed main navbar}

* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}

* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}

* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization

* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}

* {Data tables extensions}

* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}

* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Google Maps - Basic
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Google maps}
* Basic
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic map
* * * Example of simple google map with default options and center in Budapest,
Hungary. Zoom and center of the map is defined in chart settings. Google API loads
using default synchronous method when the page renders after the script is loaded.
Asynchronous method is optional and available for usage. Google Maps uses a close
variant of the Mercator projection, and therefore cannot accurately show areas around the
HTML5 geolocation
* * * The HTML5 geolocation returns a location and accuracy radius based on
information about cell towers and WiFi nodes that the mobile client can detect. This
document describes the protocol used to send this data to the server and to return a
response to the client. This example requires that you consent to location sharing when
prompted by your browser. If you see a blank space instead of the map, this is probably
because you have denied permission for location sharing.
Showing coordinates

* * * Example of showing pixel and tile coordinates. The following example

demonstrates latitude and longitude, world coordinates, pixel coordinates, tile coordinates
and zoom level for Chicago, displaying all this data in a simple info window. Try to
zoom in/zoom out the map to see how pixel and tile coordinates change according to the
center position. Zoom value also updates according to the current level.
Click event
* * * Example of a simple map click event. By default, the input map is centered and
zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the layer. Clicking on the marker sets the
zoom level of the map, zooming in increases the zoom level. On map drag there is a 3
seconds timeout after the center of the map has changed, the marker is paned back and
map is centered.
2015. {Limitless Web App Kit} by {Eugene Kopyov}
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}

* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}

* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}

* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}

* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}

* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}

* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}

* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options

Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette

Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts

Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer

* {Will Brason} Marketing manager

* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}

* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}

* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}

* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}

* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}

* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}

* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable

* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides

the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.

.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If

opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:

<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}

Have Carousel ignore keyboard events

Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}

* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}

* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}

* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}

* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}

* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}

* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}

* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}

* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection

Input and initial

Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events

Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago

* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}

* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}

* {Fixed secondary navbar}

* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}

* {Tooltips and popovers}

* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}

* {Opposite sidebar visible}

* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}

* {Lines and areas}

* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}

* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}

* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}

* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level

opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all

.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar

<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }

Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker

Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}

* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}

* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}

* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}

* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}

* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}

* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}

* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color

Custom replacer color class

Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format

HEX3 color format

Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field

Add input for free form typing

Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...

* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...

* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}

* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}

* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout

* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}

* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}

* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}

* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}

* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are css-

driven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid

and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.

Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->

<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}

{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}

* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}

* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}

* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}

* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}

* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}

* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker

Color picker with default options

Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only

Toggle picker next to the palette

Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event

Called as the drag event starts

Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online

* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}

* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}

* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}

* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}

* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}

* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}

* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}

* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}

* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and

pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Google Maps - Basic
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Google maps}
* Basic
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic map
* * * Example of simple google map with default options and center in Budapest,
Hungary. Zoom and center of the map is defined in chart settings. Google API loads
using default synchronous method when the page renders after the script is loaded.
Asynchronous method is optional and available for usage. Google Maps uses a close
variant of the Mercator projection, and therefore cannot accurately show areas around the
HTML5 geolocation
* * * The HTML5 geolocation returns a location and accuracy radius based on
information about cell towers and WiFi nodes that the mobile client can detect. This
document describes the protocol used to send this data to the server and to return a
response to the client. This example requires that you consent to location sharing when
prompted by your browser. If you see a blank space instead of the map, this is probably
because you have denied permission for location sharing.
Showing coordinates
* * * Example of showing pixel and tile coordinates. The following example
demonstrates latitude and longitude, world coordinates, pixel coordinates, tile coordinates
and zoom level for Chicago, displaying all this data in a simple info window. Try to
zoom in/zoom out the map to see how pixel and tile coordinates change according to the
center position. Zoom value also updates according to the current level.
Click event
* * * Example of a simple map click event. By default, the input map is centered and
zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the layer. Clicking on the marker sets the
zoom level of the map, zooming in increases the zoom level. On map drag there is a 3
seconds timeout after the center of the map has changed, the marker is paned back and
map is centered.
2015. {Limitless Web App Kit} by {Eugene Kopyov}
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}

* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}

* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}

* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}

* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}

* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}

* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}

* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}

* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}

* {User search results}

* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class

Picker additions Show additional picker elements

Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format

Display colors in HEX3 format

HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing

Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...

* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}

* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}

* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}

* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}

* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}

* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}

* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}

* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,

buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes

* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:

<!-- Default sidebar layout -->

<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->

<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}

* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}

* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}

* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}

* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}

* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button

Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette

Keep track of selected colors

Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event

Called as the drag event stops

Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager

* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer

* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}

* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}

* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}

* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}

* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}

* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}

* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }

* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.

5. Dual double sidebar

Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.

.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't

connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.

.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">

<!-- Page container -->

<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}

* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}

* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}

* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}

* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}

* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}

* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}

* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}

Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial

Combining different elements

Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events

Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips

36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}

* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}

* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}

* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}

* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}

* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}

* {Bars and tornados}

* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}

* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}

* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}

* {Media with titles}

* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class

to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.

.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>

<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->

<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}

* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}

* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}

* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}

* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}

* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}

* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}

* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}

* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}

* {User search results}

* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class

Picker additions Show additional picker elements

Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format

Display colors in HEX3 format

HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing

Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...

* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}

* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}

* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}

* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}

* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}

* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}

* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}

* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,

buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes

* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:

<!-- Default sidebar layout -->

<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->

<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button

Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette

Keep track of selected colors

Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event

Called as the drag event stops

Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager

* {Hanna Walden} Project manager

* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}

* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}

* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}

* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}

* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}

* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}

* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}

* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}

* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides

the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.

.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If

opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:

<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}

* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}

* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}

* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}

* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions

* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits

* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}

* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}

* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}

* * {Fixed main navbar}

* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}

* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}

* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization

* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}

* {Data tables extensions}

* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}

* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic options Examples with basic picker options

Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}

* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}

* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}

* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}

* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}

* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable

{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}

* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar

Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of

.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.

If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description

.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.

.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->

<!-- /default sidebar layout -->

Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches

Dec 18, 18:36

* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}

* {Boxed full width}

* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}

* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}

* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}

* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}

* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}

* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}

* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}

* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar

Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.

.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->

<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">

<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}

* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}

* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}

* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}

* {Dual double collapse}

* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}

* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}

* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}

* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}

* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats

HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}

* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}

* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}

* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}

* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}

* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}

* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}

* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.

Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar

Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.

.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>

<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }

* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}

* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}

* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}

* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}

* {Horizontal mega menu}

* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}

* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}

* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Google Maps - Basic
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Google maps}
* Basic
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}

Basic map
* * * Example of simple google map with default options and center in Budapest,
Hungary. Zoom and center of the map is defined in chart settings. Google API loads
using default synchronous method when the page renders after the script is loaded.
Asynchronous method is optional and available for usage. Google Maps uses a close
variant of the Mercator projection, and therefore cannot accurately show areas around the
HTML5 geolocation
* * * The HTML5 geolocation returns a location and accuracy radius based on
information about cell towers and WiFi nodes that the mobile client can detect. This
document describes the protocol used to send this data to the server and to return a
response to the client. This example requires that you consent to location sharing when
prompted by your browser. If you see a blank space instead of the map, this is probably
because you have denied permission for location sharing.
Showing coordinates
* * * Example of showing pixel and tile coordinates. The following example
demonstrates latitude and longitude, world coordinates, pixel coordinates, tile coordinates
and zoom level for Chicago, displaying all this data in a simple info window. Try to
zoom in/zoom out the map to see how pixel and tile coordinates change according to the
center position. Zoom value also updates according to the current level.
Click event
* * * Example of a simple map click event. By default, the input map is centered and
zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the layer. Clicking on the marker sets the
zoom level of the map, zooming in increases the zoom level. On map drag there is a 3
seconds timeout after the center of the map has changed, the marker is paned back and
map is centered.
2015. {Limitless Web App Kit} by {Eugene Kopyov}
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46

* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}

* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}

* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}

* {Panel heading elements}

* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}

* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}

* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}

* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}

* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}

Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial

Combining different elements

Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events

Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips

36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}

* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}

* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}

* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}

* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}

* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}

* {Bars and tornados}

* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}

* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}

* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}

* {Media with titles}

* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below
you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class

to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview
This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.

.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
<!-- /navbar placement -->
Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>

<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->

<!-- Main content -->

<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->
* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}

Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs

4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main

* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}

* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}

* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}

* {Fix default width}

* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}

* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}

* {Bubble & scatter charts}

* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}

* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}

* {Image search results}

* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text
Specify custom text for each button
Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements

Show initial color

Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette
Keep track of selected colors
Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format

HSL color format

Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event
Called as the drag event stops
Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured

Full featured flat picker

Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria

* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}
* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}

* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}
* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}

* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}
* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}

* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}
* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}

* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}

* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}
* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}

* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}
* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}

* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Sidebars - Mini Hideable
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Sidebars}
* Mini hideable
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Hideable mini sidebar
Main sidebar can be completely hidden. To use this option, just change button class to
.sidebar-main-hide and main sidebar will be hidden on button click.
Sidebars overview
* * * Sidebar - vertical area that displays onscreen and presents widget components
and website navigation menu in a text-based hierarchical form. All sidebars are cssdriven - just add one of css classes to the body tag and/or .sidebar container, and sidebar
will change its width and color. No js, css only. Although sidebar type is based on css,
buttons do their job with jQuery - they switch necessary classes in <body> tag. Below

you'll find summarized tables with all available button and sidebar container classes. By
default the template includes 6 different sidebar types and combinations:
1. Default sidebar
Default template sidebar has 260px width, aligned to the left (to the right in RTL version)
and has dark blue background color. All navigation levels are based on accordion or
collapsible functionality, open on click. Supports 2 versions: static and fixed. Fixed
version can be used with native or custom scrollbars.
2. Mini sidebar
Mini sidebar has 56px width, no text in parent level of menu items, aligned to the left (to
the right in RTL version) and has dark blue background color. Second navigation level
opens on parent level hover, absolute positioned, other children levels are based on
accordion or collapsible functionality, open on click. It is required to add .sidebar-xs class
to the <body> tag. This class is responsible for sidebar width and main navigation. By
default all components except main navigation are hidden in mini sidebar.
3. Dual sidebar
Main sidebar has 260px width or 56px (if .sidebar-xs class added). Secondary sidebar has
fixed width of 260px, which is identical to default and opposite sidebars, so different
sidebar components can be placed to all these sidebars. Main and secondary sidebars can
contain any content - menu, navigation, buttons, lists, tabs etc. In this type of sidebar only
main sidebar is collapsible.
4. Double sidebar
Double sidebar includes additional sidebar displayed on the opposite side of the main
sidebar. It has a static position, appears as an additional component with 100% height and
pushes content left/right. There are 2 different ways of displaying alternative sidebar: first
- when it collapses main sidebar from default to mini width and second - when it hides
the main sidebar. For these actions are responsible 2 different buttons - .sidebar-oppositetoggle and .sidebar-opposite-fix.
5. Dual double sidebar
Dual and Double sidebars can be used together, so basically it is a 4 column layout.
When opposite sidebar is shown, additional options are available: hide main sidebar, hide
secondary sidebar, hide all sidebars or collapse main sidebar width. Since opposite
sidebar is hidden by default, by manipulating classes you can display all 4 sidebars at
once. Options are accessible via proper button and/or body classes.
6. Detached sidebar
Sidebar usually is not a part of content and mainly used for navigation. Limitless allows
you to use sidebar outside and inside content area. Detached sidebar isn't based on grid
and has the same width as other sidebars, this means all sidebar components can be
placed inside detached sidebar. Supports left and right positioning.
Button classes
* * * Overview

This table displays all optional button classes, responsible for the sidebar appearance.
Depending on the sidebar type, add one of these classes to any button or link and this
element will handle sidebar control. Multiple controls are also available - add as many
sidebar controls as you wish. Pleas note: these classes don't change sidebar markup, only
its CSS.
Button class Action
.sidebar-main-toggle Collapsible sidebar. Changes main sidebar width from default to
mini. This button is added to all pages by default.
.sidebar-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar. Used mostly in dual sidebar type to
hide main sidebar. In other layouts this button does the same job as .sidebar-hide-all
.sidebar-all-hide Hideable sidebar. Hides and shows main sidebar. Works with all
sidebar types, except opposite sidebar.
.sidebar-opposite-fix Double sidebar with fixed width. If alt sidebar is shown, main
sidebar stays the same and doesn't change the width.
.sidebar-opposite-toggle Collapsible double sidebar. If opposite sidebar is shown, main
sidebar changes its width from default to mini. Works with all sidebar types - single and
.sidebar-opposite-main-hide Hides and shows main sidebar in dual sidebar layout. If
opposite sidebar is shown, main sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double sidebar
version of layout.
.sidebar-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
Secondary sidebar supports only toggle functionality and always has fixed width of
.sidebar-opposite-secondary-hide Hides/shows secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout.
If opposite sidebar is shown, secondary sidebar is hidden. This works only in dual double
sidebar version of layout.
.sidebar-opposite-hide Hides/shows all sidebars when opposite sidebar is shown. If
opposite sidebar is shown, all sidebars are hidden. This works in all layout types.
.sidebar-detached-hide Hides/shows detached sidebars. Detached sidebars aren't
connected with other sidebars, so this is the only button that controls its visibility.
Example Markup
Default placement of sidebar control buttons is top navbar:
<!-- Navbar placement -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<div class="navbar-header">...</div>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>

<!-- /navbar placement -->

Here is an example of button inside panel heading:
<!-- Panel heading placement -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h5 class="panel-title">Panel title</h5>
<div class="heading-elements">
<button type="button" class="sidebar-main-toggle">
<i class="icon-menu"></i>
Collapse sidebar
<div class="panel-body">...</div>
<!-- /panel heading placement -->
Sidebar classes
* * * Overview
This table demonstrates all classes for sidebar container, responsible for the sidebar width
and color. Almost all these classes are mandatory, some of them are responsible for
proper styling or have a specific code attached to this class (like .sidebar-main class,
which has collapsible functionality attached). All classes can be combined depending on
the type of sidebar:
Body class Description
.sidebar Default sidebar class, should be added in all layout types.
.sidebar-main Defines main sidebar. Mini sidebar .sidebar-xs class takes effect only if
class .sidebar-main specified. By default all components except main navigation are
hidden in mini sidebar.
.sidebar-secondary Defines secondary sidebar in dual sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
.sidebar-opposite Defines opposite sidebar in double sidebar layout. Has fixed 260px
width and appears on the opposite side from the main sidebar.
.sidebar-default Defines light sidebar. This class can be applied to all sidebar types and
positions.* Defines sidebar background color. According to the custom color system,
sidebar background color can be changed to one of the available colors by adding a
proper class to the main sidebar container.
.sidebar-detached Needs to be added to the parent container. Also requires .hasdetached-left or .has-detached-right added to the <body> tag.
.sidebar-separate Removes background and border from sidebar and displays categories
as separate widgets. Mainly used with detached sidebar.
Example Markup
Default left aligned sidebar markup:
<!-- Default sidebar layout -->

<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->
<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /default sidebar layout -->
Mini sidebar markup. The only difference is <body> class:
<!-- Mini sidebar layout -->
<body class="sidebar-xs">
<!-- Page container -->
<div class="page-container">
<!-- Page content -->
<div class="page-content">
<!-- Main sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar sidebar-main">
<div class="sidebar-content">...</div>
<!-- /main sidebar -->
<!-- Main content -->
<div class="content-wrapper">...</div>
<!-- /main content -->

<!-- /page content -->
<!-- /page container -->
<!-- /mini sidebar layout -->

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager
* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer
* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...

* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}
* Main
* {Dashboard}
* {Page layouts}
* {Fixed navbar}
* {Fixed navbar & sidebar}
* {Fixed sidebar native scroll}
* {Hideable navbar}
* {Hideable & fixed sidebar}
* {Fixed footer}
* * {Boxed with default sidebar}
* {Boxed with mini sidebar}
* {Boxed full width}
* {Layouts}
* {Layout 1 Current}
* {Layout 2}
* {Layout 3}
* {Layout 4}
* {Layout 5 Coming soon}
* {Color system}
* {Primary palette}
* {Danger palette}
* {Success palette}
* {Warning palette}
* {Info palette}
* * {Pink palette}
* {Violet palette}
* {Purple palette}
* {Indigo palette}
* {Blue palette}
* {Teal palette}
* {Green palette}
* {Orange palette}

* {Brown palette}
* {Grey palette}
* {Slate palette}
* {Starter kit}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {1 column}
* {2 columns}
* {3 columns}
* {Dual sidebars}
* {Double sidebars}
* {4 columns}
* {Detached layout}
* {Left sidebar}
* {Right sidebar}
* {Sticky sidebar}
* {Boxed layout}
* * {Fixed main navbar}
* {Fixed secondary navbar}
* {Both navbars fixed}
* {Fixed layout}
* {Changelog}
* Forms
* {Form components}
* {Basic inputs}
* {Checkboxes & radios}
* {Input groups}
* {Extended controls}
* {Selects}
* {Select2 selects}
* {Bootstrap multiselect}
* {SelectBoxIt selects}
* {Bootstrap selects}
* {Tag inputs}
* {Dual Listboxes}
* {Editable forms}
* {Validation}
* {Inputs grid}
* {Wizards}
* {Steps wizard}
* {Form wizard}
* {Stepy wizard}
* {Editors}
* {Summernote editor}
* {CKEditor}
* {WYSIHTML5 editor}
* {Code editor}

* {Pickers}
* {Date & time pickers}
* {Color pickers}
* {Location pickers}
* {Form layouts}
* {Vertical form}
* {Horizontal form}
* Appearance
* {Components}
* {Modals}
* {Dropdown menus}
* {Tabs component}
* {Pills component}
* {Accordion and navs}
* {Buttons}
* {PNotify notifications}
* {Other notifications}
* {Tooltips and popovers}
* {Alerts}
* {Pagination}
* {Labels and badges}
* {Loaders and bars}
* {Thumbnails}
* {Page header}
* {Breadcrumbs}
* {Media objects}
* {Slider components}
* {Content appearance}
* {Content panels}
* {Panel heading elements}
* {Draggable panels}
* {Text styling}
* {Typography}
* {Helper classes}
* {Syntax highlighter}
* {Grid system}
* {CSS3 animations}
* {Extra components}
* {Affix and Scrollspy}
* {Session timeout}
* {Idle timeout}
* {Dynamic tree views}
* {Context menu}
* {Icons}
* {Glyphicons}
* {Icomoon}

* {Font awesome}
* Layout
* {Sidebars}
* {Default collapsible}
* {Default hideable}
* {Mini collapsible}
* {Mini hideable}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual sidebar}
* {Dual double collapse}
* {Dual double hide}
* {Swap sidebars}
* {Double sidebar}
* {Collapse main sidebar}
* {Hide main sidebar}
* {Fix default width}
* {Fix mini width}
* {Opposite sidebar visible}
* {Detached sidebar}
* {Left position}
* {Right position}
* {Sticky (custom scroll)}
* {Sticky (native scroll)}
* {Separate categories}
* {Hidden sidebar}
* {Light sidebar}
* {Sidebar components}
* {Vertical navigation}
* {Collapsible menu}
* {Accordion menu}
* {Navigation sizing}
* {Bordered navigation}
* {Right icons}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal navigation}
* {Submenu on click}
* {Submenu on hover}
* {With custom elements}
* {Tabbed navigation}
* {Disabled navigation links}
* {Horizontal mega menu}
* {Navbars}
* {Single navbar}
* {Multiple navbars}
* {Navbar + navbar}
* {Navbar + header}

* {Header + navbar}
* {Top + bottom}
* {Color options}
* {Sizing options}
* {Hide on scroll}
* {Navbar components}
* {Menu levels}
* {Second level}
* {Second level with child}
* {Third level}
* {Third level with child}
* {Fourth level}
* {Fourth level}
* {Third level}
* {Second level}
* Data visualization
* {Echarts library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Columns and waterfalls}
* {Bars and tornados}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Pies and donuts}
* {Funnels and chords}
* {Candlesticks and others}
* {Chart combinations}
* {D3 library}
* {Simple lines}
* {Advanced lines}
* {Simple bars}
* {Advanced bars}
* {Pie charts}
* {Circle diagrams}
* {Tree layout}
* {Other charts}
* {Dimple library}
* {Line charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Bar charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Area charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}
* {Vertical orientation}
* {Step charts}
* {Horizontal orientation}

* {Vertical orientation}
* {Pie charts}
* {Ring charts}
* {Scatter charts}
* {Bubble charts}
* {C3 library}
* {Lines and areas}
* {Bars and pies}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Chart axis}
* {Grid options}
* {Google visualization}
* {Line charts}
* {Bar charts}
* {Pie charts}
* {Bubble & scatter charts}
* {Other charts}
* {Maps integration}
* {Google maps}
* {Basics}
* {Controls}
* {Markers}
* {Map drawings}
* {Layers}
* {Vector maps}
* Extensions
* {Velocity animations}
* {Basic usage}
* {UI pack effects}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Block UI}
* {File uploaders}
* {Plupload}
* {Bootstrap file uploader}
* {Dropzone}
* {Image cropper}
* {Event calendars}
* {Basic views}
* {Event styling}
* {Language and time}
* {Advanced usage}
* {Internationalization}
* {Direct translation}
* {Querystring parameter}
* {Set language on init}
* {Set language after init}

* {Language fallback}
* {Callbacks}
* Tables
* {Basic tables}
* {Basic examples}
* {Table sizing}
* {Table borders}
* {Table styling}
* {Table elements}
* {Data tables}
* {Basic initialization}
* {Basic styling}
* {Advanced examples}
* {Sorting options}
* {Using API}
* {Data sources}
* {Data tables extensions}
* {Columns reorder}
* {Fixed columns}
* {Columns visibility}
* {Table tools}
* {Scroller}
* {Responsive options}
* {Responsive basic tables}
* {Responsive data tables}
* Page kits
* {Task manager}
* {Task grid}
* {Task list}
* {Task detailed}
* {Invoicing}
* {Invoice template}
* {Invoice grid}
* {Invoice archive}
* {User pages}
* {User cards}
* {User list}
* {Simple profile}
* {Profile with cover}
* {Login & registration}
* {Simple login}
* {More login info}
* {Simple registration}
* {More registration info}
* {Unlock user}
* {Reset password}

* {Hide navbar}
* {Transparent box}
* {Background option}
* {Timelines}
* {Left timeline}
* {Right timeline}
* {Centered timeline}
* {Support}
* {Conversation layouts}
* {Conversation options}
* {Knowledgebase}
* {FAQ page}
* {Search}
* {Basic search results}
* {User search results}
* {Image search results}
* {Video search results}
* {Gallery}
* {Media grid}
* {Media with titles}
* {Media with description}
* {Media library}
* {Error pages}
* {Error 403}
* {Error 404}
* {Error 405}
* {Error 500}
* {Error 503}
* {Offline page}
Pickers - Color
{Statistics} { Invoices} { Schedule}
* {Home}
* {Pickers}
* Color
* {Support}
* {Settings }
* {Account security}
* {Analytics}
* {Accessibility}
* * {All settings}
Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker
Color picker with default options
Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button

Hide picker buttons
Display only color picker area
Disable color picker
Enable or disable color picker
Container color
Custom container color class
Replacer color
Custom replacer color class
Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color
Show color that was initially set
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Show alpha channel
Allow alpha transparency selection
Clear selection
Reset current color selection
Input and initial
Combining different elements
Full leatured
Full featured picker example
Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette
Display recently used colors
Show palette only
Show palette and nothing else
Toggle palette only
Toggle picker next to the palette
Selection palette

Keep track of selected colors

Limit selections
Palette colors are limited to 3
Hide after select
Hide picker after color select
Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format
Display colors in HEX format
HEX3 color format
Display colors in HEX3 format
HSL color format
Display colors in HSL format
RGB color format
Display colors in RGB format
HTML color names
HTML color names support
Mix color formats
Change formats in the input
Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event
Called as the input changes
Move event
Called as the user moves around
Hide event
Called after the picker is hidden
Show event
Called after the picker is opened
Dragstart event
Called as the drag event starts
Dragstop event

Called as the drag event stops

Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker
Basic full size color picker
Flat color palette
Display both palette and picker
Set picker color
Custom flat color picker color
Show input field
Add input for free form typing
Full featured
Full featured flat picker
Show initial color

* * * * {Git updates 9 }
Git updates
* {}
* {}
Drop the IE {specific hacks} for temporal inputs
4 minutes ago
* {}
Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips
36 minutes ago
* {}
{Chris Arney} created a new Design branch
2 hours ago
* {}
{Eugene Kopyov} merged Master and Dev branches
Dec 18, 18:36
* {}
Have Carousel ignore keyboard events
Dec 12, 05:46
* {Users }
Users online
* {}
* {Jordana Ansley} Lead web developer
* {Will Brason} Marketing manager
* {Hanna Walden} Project manager

* {Dori Laperriere} Business developer

* {Vanessa Aurelius} UX expert
* {Messages 2 }
* {}
{James Alexander 04:58 } who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...
{Margo Baker 12:16 } That was something he was unable to do because...
* {Jeremy Victorino 22:48 } But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...
* {Beatrix Diaz Tue } What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...
* {Richard Vango Mon } Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury...
* Victoria
* {My profile}
* {My balance}
* {58 Messages}
* * {Account settings}
* {Logout}
Victoria Baker
Santa Ana, CA
* {}

ERROR: syntaxerror
OFFENDING COMMAND: %ztokenexec_continue

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