E Book PYS 108 Truth of Yoga of Enlightenment

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TRUTHS OF THE YOGA OF ENLIGHTENMENT sincmnaieaiak ilinmili tinci iil iiem iis pal clint in lial aia 108 Truotis oF THE YOGA OF ENLIGHTENMENT Talks on patanjali Gaga zutrag HIS HOLINESS PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA. @ ‘All meditation tecniques,practies and procedures desribed or recommended ia hs book, are suitable for prose only under the dee supervision of fn nsructoy,rcined ond erdained by Parersahorse Nihyenorda, Further, you sould consol with your personel physician ro detersne whether thse techniques, paces and procedures ar stable for youn relation Yo your own heath, ness and abilty Published by Q reves nent Al rigs rererved No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or sored ine retrieval system or ransnned by ony form er by ony means, lacronk, Imechanical, photocopying, cording or otherwise, without the witten permision ofthe publser. A pevton ofthe recaeds Frm te sale of ts Book ill {0 rewards sporting ow cherlable actives CONTENTS INTRODUCTION -1 18 Yoga for You? -2 4.1 Atha yoganusasanam-t 1. Enter into the Zone of NOW-5 2 Geate the Space for Miracles “8 3. Even our Fith& Business 10 4.2 Yogasettavrttinirodhah -13 4 Mindi an Action Stop! 24 5. You-don’t ned Mind to be Alive 47 6 Responsibility iPower 19 7. Yoga's Thoughe fie Awareness 20 41.3 Tada drastuh svarope’vasthanam -24 8 Relax into your Tue Nocure 25. 8. Complete Comolanen ithe Key 27 10, Thee kinds of Solutions 30 11, Powersand Miades of oga-32 4.4 Vit sOrdpyam iraratra-34 12. Suffering con nover touch You 38 13, YourPastand Present hove no Connection 27 1.5 -Vittoyoh pafcatoyyoh Kista oblstah 40 14. Never Drop the Feeling Connection 43, 1.5 Praméoa vpanaya vkopa nr smrteych 44 435. Understand Right and Wrong Knowledge 85 36. Scoking does not let you Rast 48 37. AGillzetion uit for Enlightenment 50 18, Moke Cognitive Sift 53 2. 20 21 Theres no such thing as Being Stuck -55. Sleeping with worenes is Scmadhi 58 Complete the Rost, Know the Future-61 1.7 Pratyoksa onumdna dgomah promandni-6# 2, 2. 24 2s. Catch the Right Guru 55 You ore not « Beogor 67 Three Sources of Right Knowledge -69 Master owalens You to You -72 1.8- Viporyoye mithyajAénamatad rapopratistbom 26, 2. 28 2 2. 31 22 2 234 3. 36 ‘Don't Run your Life through a Single Channel -74 (pen upto Higher Knowledge 76 ‘Ageing Gracefully -78 The Ultimate Retirement Plan 73 Medleation so Quality of ife-82 ‘Don’t kil the Present with the Pest-82 Every Moment New “84 Judging lifes Violence “86 Exponential and Experientil Logic 28 Your Weds corry Power -30 You just Love your Problems 92 41.9 SabdojAdndnupatt vostusdnyo vikatpab -94 a7. 38 », 40 41 a a “a Whatever you Experience is imagination 57 Imagination corrupts your Chakras 98 Fantasy blinds you to ety -100 Fear ofthe Other i Fear of Yourself -102 Don’t renounce for the wrong reason -i05 ‘re youtpe for renunciation? -107 Toke Responsibility for your Choices 109 Relox from Imaginetion 211 1110- Abhéva pratyaya Glomband wtb nidrd 114 4. 46 a 46 #, 50. ‘Ae you Sleepweiker?-115 Three kinds of Seep 118 This Life is Unique 120 ‘Aatiorsleep ond Thoughtsleep-122 !Meatation is Conscous Repair -125 Connect to Yoursl fist -227 4 ‘Don't Pause your ie -130 Working on reams 132 Yogi Life i more than Good ife-134 Going beyond the Three States 136 LAL Anubhdtovisoydsompramosah smytit -139 55. 55. 57 se 9. ©. 6h ‘Secrets of Memory -140 Three Levels of Memory 142 Psychologie! Problems ore @Lunury “148 Fighe Way t0 Uke Memory “148 Unclutching from Memory brings Grace 148 Why we forget 150 Do you have high-resolution memories? 152 1.12 - Abhyasavoirégyébhyérh tannirodhob -154 62. 3. 6 55 6 2 6s @. 7. The ue of Experience -155 ‘Awaken your Spontaneity 157 Technique to Boast your Memory 159 Words are nae Enough -162 Powers and Obstacles in Yogo-165 Intensity san Independent lteligence 167 ‘Ineensity alone is enough -163 Intensity n ction is Yoga 172 Intensity s the Master Key -173 1.13~ Tatra sthitau yatno'bhyasah -175 7m n 2. 7 B a2 eeeesen Problems can wosh awey problems! 175 ‘Stop respecting your problems = 178 Your habits create your body -180 Two ways to Restful Awareness -182 Fecicim your Inner Space 135 ‘Awareness meits down Addictions 287 You con reprogram your bioemory-189 Why do you need o sangha? 19% Enter into the vitwous ele 193 Your spirtul practice needs support 295. Running owey fram the Master -197 ‘Surive your daly cyclones -200 Incnsity isthe only technique -202 Master challenges your unconsciousness -204 ‘Awaken to the Truth of Your Existence- 208 Why do masters repeat the Truth? 208 Commitment means deciding for ever 211 How faraway s the present moment? 213 ‘Mind surives on Post and Future 205 Chronological and Psychological Time 217 Dissolution ofthe Mind 219, ast stop the miod-games 222 The Death: Experience -224 ‘Drop the desire for Change 226 Unctutch and Conquer 228 You ae learning fom the purest Source-231 geeeeesenage 1114-50 tu drghokéloncirontoryasatksrésevito drdhobhimib -233 97. Even one wrong understanding fs too much 234 98. choiceessness is the hey 236. 98. Don’ fight the wrong botie-238 4100. Give up for no reason 240 301 Nothing is ever token away from you 263 302 Chonge your mer blueprint 246 303, Twokinds of Weoth -248 108 The Cosmas runs on Dharma-251 305. ve ke God on Earth 255 41.15 Totporam purushokyote guna votishrinyom -259 108. Lookin and renounce-260 107. Three dimensions of Experience 263 308 Krowledge ofthe Self-265 etme take a few mints ta introduce this great book, Patanial Yoga Sus, and 10ca/'s sujet 10 ailof you You maybe aware that | ar ceiver 9 Series of estourses on Patani ne the father of ‘yoga tram this book al ye traditions orgnaec Tea sa nt ont al yogi ration, amest a relgone are influence recty or increcty from tse sare and secret each, aye, fwe thousine Year 6 these teachinasve romaarest master Pata) Who lve npr ealeg Cadambaram, In South nla nami Nag and ef th body a 2 pie cal Rameshwara i South nda. ust {oneerelinfew aphorss,nferinorts, nfewsutas eis tng tn exlainal the great rats, ust a see form e sharing althe great truths of Yoga ith is ‘her's Yors? Yoga forms one of the si systems of Incan pexonny. The wor Yoga comes Hom te Sanh ‘word 7 which means toon yoke. Whenever we taikabouta union we resume day The two ome together to Decora one Fist ets us understand the term union comecty so that Setore we commence the stu of yoga, we are sure abost ts goals ane ‘bjeativesYogarneanstheunion ofthe nd ult theasiolite By aurvery naturewetnnkofourseives toe separte iis. Yogsteaenes ux tt 99 ‘urvery nature we are fot separate as we tink. We arothe uate potentisity ve towhich al daltes ‘Come ina enstenceYogateaches us that we ae nat fone arang the mary aut he source from when the tnt anfestation of eutis has come nt being ‘We sre one wth the spelt ana itis cue to 057 {abe identfiston wth the oody ane the rind that rates us befeve that we ae spate Yoga means the union of ts seoarate entity, the inlaually Wh the absolute or Gad Inthe Book we tak about Yooosutas, 3 serture writen thovsanés of year INTRODUCTION ago by agreat Sage by the same Patan Pataiat was an eeraordinay scientst, areal W scientist of the Inner wore, He wae an enightenee masertrom [nent iia. he emerner himfr ns grt on, the neat at books, ad te ret for mili of Soak. He cresee a formu and sphovem for sprtial alosopny. [situalitersturecanbeclassifedniScstegerie: fone outninggoas of west youwishtoacseven ite, feath what happens after death, whats aman te books of phlosoany, shesres, These books speak Spout the truth ayend Ife and death, intelectual ‘material. icity s that this phlsopay isnot 2 ethan or teenique to transform youre Thay are perceations of indus plocoshers. Milions have Snivered te question of what nape after death and yeti vgn question. We eo net knew the answer. F303 peson who Wed to answer created ne schoo! of tought. These Books donot give any answersorsoluons they lust bul hypothess. There 'Sa scone leel of teratur: songs in prae of Goo, “hese ae for ertional peop ary tales. Tre ki of sptual iterate is for thase seokng Solutions, a secter at te being lve aig for cearcat exoanations of spritaly, These ae sutras, the aphorisms, the techniquesto provi slstons ‘A young man ass Socrates: shoule 1 mary. Soertes nae Terie wife, waousee robes nm, Soc ates sald: you should marry. Only neo tings can happen. You can have a good te ane ad a hap le Oryou wl eke mane become a philosopher sna t wil De good for other pean. Pendle w/0 3e not nappy, down to earth create philosophies. Pricsopny ie campicate trite, to make ae0p not uncerstand what they should undestand, Lie yehiatry ty to cure, but nt to eure, Phlesopners [Ast ate questions an sever awe; they away ‘ry t0 postpone answers. You will Be Rappy wth De phinsepnere anaes tl you reat another Dhiesopher Utimatey pi esophyleas to contusion. Piceophy ray appeal and he avery sal subuet ot ptople. But tenat guarantees solution al. Many ‘woul get bored with gi esapry cause philosophy ‘wll never gv ayeoiution wl ny buistaconcent tryingto explain the ui mate realty but never you what toca. Smiry devotional erature can be equally rleadng. Again it's a dora for the few who a essed with devotional quate | aluays say that ies very easy to lve God but t's diffi 1 ive ‘your wife. You can always Say tht I lve Gee or | Tove the wor but the ral prosiem cores hen {you have to love your ann wie, When You cannot Tove 3 parson whom you see every dy Row can You love God whem you have never seen. Once 2 peat Sage rom southern nda bythe name amano was asked 3 question bya bvohmocor’fovely defined means a eelate; a petson who abstain fom any Sense pleasures) “how to. develop love for goa Ramanuje replied to that person asking him wheter head flen nove wth any person before or has he ‘xperiened along lasting relationship with ambody belre That person was socked, He sad that Lam Pre Gramacor, 2 abate. How can fallin ive with nyboty? Ramarujaealamed that f you cannot fl Intove with people whom yousee everyday: how can You develop lve for God whom you have never sen. ‘our love of Gadi a untied fantasies You may fee hur Pleaze understand tat fr mest of you Ged Isonlva concep. Hew eanyaulovea coneeatthat yeu do not even know? Patrfal doesnot depend on any faith He proving clearcut techniques. He doce rotate you to sing paises For God He eves you ‘elution for experiencing i state Pterjis book sealed Yoga Sura: Aphorisms to schieve union in the bimate enerpy. Hs suas (oF apherism teach you how to acheve this union. (OF thousands of books Ihave rea, this isthe mort seine mst peace, There samen eed "Wha. ‘the Bleep de we know” and another book Fabri of Cosmos, eglaning Quantum Phys. Patanai_is ‘mote practal ae more scenic han any of these teller boks and moves A Sent has ht or tras he analyses data wthout prejudice; he has the eurage a elow the conclusion of hi reearch One who has el these qualifies and one who does not ompromizeon any ofthee parameters isa cent. Pataahiisanextraodnary scientist and isthe fer of all eastern pisophy ae religions, Patanj hos Inept al the who came after Wm, knowingly oF unknown When Galle sid tht arth i nt ft and that the Earth fallow: the Sun, thee was 20 much presae Under presse from religious lade’. He sad Ihave to change my views, but the Sun and earth wll ot change ther nature, Even in madern dy research, recearchers have to leten to thee fund prowders. In olden dys Kings and reigious leaders eontrclied them. But Patana doesnot bend, doesnot change Ie views is delratine were 0 fcipoe! that 0 ‘one could defy tem, ‘A scentst researces and provides 3 formula to reproduce ther resus inthe outer word. A mystic ‘reduces a formula to reproduce experiences inthe Inner wor, Patanjl'syogesutrasarevaldeven ater 15/000 eats; they are tl oo root atl produce Intended reste for hundreds of yop (racine ‘of yora) around the ward. Many sprtel masters produced formule that sited ony specie proupe Intec, emotional people, being lve peose ren, women ate. Thera lea Bonk Men ate rm Mare ‘lemen are fom Venus. Someone sad tat th rt eared, they cannot be fram same universe; thelr ‘Seance eto pest. Here ea Maser wh provided tectiqueet0 open all dors te a people. Patan ‘yogssutrasare forthe whol wold IS YOpa for Your, Teig 2e Yoga Sutras an intense experience rnoton for ao ot an intense experene even for me Because ta ste one book have heard dod sed rect rom 3 master, hvespken.on Imany sripres- Bhagat Gt, Bra Sate, the Upanthads, shiva Stas, 0 many books! Bit tie took hove studies ect For «wet rte, at ons Somanybeauttulmemariesandbeautfteeperences that had with him are ling my ner eae! Beore trverig int testa, let me marae oe eden that happened wih the mstr who aug me these You Stes, The fet sro le 3 beaut sata — othe yeoohcosnam, which means Now Bein the paren oF tors IMp wacners spin ear wos Yost Yostnands Dir ad pecple sad tcl in Raghu Yop You would have rad ad seen Mra ny Soy De meming dna yess proce, he ery tld rre-IUSTSI tes. Andie tld "Do me ‘anda ‘out he woud mate este fve minutes, ten rinaes, rearing my body and mind or taon 5 st Ten minutes went hy, half an hour wen by, ‘one hour went by, and wae ti siting {was smal boy, maybe ve or sk years of: nat roe han ve aster amet, hea wale fu, Ho went aay somewhere was sng there as jst stig. ‘Aer ten hours, sometime Ia the evening, he ‘ame back Aad he started the fist stra otha Josanushesanam, New the sien en Yoga start Now teexpenence of e90tars. ‘asked hi “hat do you mean by tis” Hesaid ‘Cueto Youneed aeertan qualfetion Tasked him wht the qualifications were. Hesaid 0 ft worry. Ihe aleady tered you. | have aresdy tested you Frer moring tl now, tasked you to st and you ust sat. That she uaiieaton. You donot have to bother bout quaifistion’. ‘He stared with thie word ~ otha yegonushasanom, Fach master has is our way of tranleune ths sur, but the exact tanslton ls ‘Now begs the ‘experience of Yoga. Let us undersand ths werd because Paranal wants to makeit very lear. These Pts i the Master of hese Yor Sr. Ne wants to make everthing ery dear ~ hat es o!ng 10 each, whom he's gong 1a teach, who tis ‘books going to work fer, for whom this scence is ‘expressed With thsene werd now’ he means alo. He's conveying man, many, many ings. Unies you understand ths "now, experi ‘ora may net haopen You may have an intelectual idea, but the experience may not happen. For the ‘experience to happen, you need co understand ts ‘wor now. ist, you Need to come to this moment, ‘now. ‘Second, you need to understand the depth of youn Selene. Yop net jst an eran therapy. snot jist te heal your knee pan or back pin. thea, tet iste, but that doesnot mean yor sony for the papose of therapy. Yoga realy transorms your ile. When yeur He is ‘reneformed, you ezape fom everything negnive, whether Iti poverty & abusive felatonshos oF seas of whatever. You escape fram itor move fejond it Gut that does not mean yoE9 i for ‘Ws, Yoga has a much deeper meaning, a deeper ‘experience. Understanding that yoga has det sa Besicrequrement to ener ina this experience ‘Tere are many ferent ways in whieh books star. In loa, there is one mere book eal Brame Sua ~ 2 book of aphorisms, the piilocoply of Superenacousness. Th bok starts with the words, athato Brahma jogos. means ‘Now let te enquire into Brateran. Now let us enquire into Entence, But here Prana i nt saying et us enquire nto yoga! Nol He say, otha yegeonushecsona. "Now let us eterience Yoga.’ $a, the moment you cuen ‘hs book, he conve‘ tke fr arte that you te a sincere seer. Let estar the work. 12m hot interested in wasting your ime cy tine Paton is very straightforward He puting things ross dreety He snot east in wasting tine Straignaway, he says, ‘Mow | know that you are Interested sneerely in experiencing the Voss. So let Uusemtr ite Yogs!. kis wonderful moment. th devotion every stra becomes ck Let us take few momen to remember and pay tur respects to al the gest masters -Sadshha and Patani and al he great masters who did rsearch and development. and expressed this great you2 Dhloscpy. remember al of them uit reverence before enteringint these great suas. ‘Many tires people ask me, “Why shold we have 50 much respect or devotion before entering inte tae tris of scplres? Su can erter bv te book in rany ways, You can pst enter i this back {caste reader, you can eter ito this book ‘with intelectual cariasty. There are many ways you an enter. But you eer with deep devotion snd urrender, every sta wil become 2 ick in you il side eek "have seen in my if that you approach hese gest serptares with deep devotion and respec, suey _very ord cles nie you. You know itis ue, and Youll experience, you wil ve SUTRA 1 Atha yogaanushaasanam (7.1) Now, let us enter into Yoga. 1. Enter into the Zone of NOW PotonjafstarstheYouaSutreswiththisaphorism~‘AthaYagaanushaasanam, ‘The exact translation of he ste le ‘Here, now, begins the instruction on Yous ‘ean sy, ‘Now, let us enter into Yous.” Potanjais great Master who does not use unnecessary words What does he mean when he says, "Now, let us enter into Yous’? Plecse understand, toenter intothe one of yoga, toenterintatheteachings cof yoRe, ou need to bein this moment - NOW. LUsuely, f your body ix here, know for sur that you are not haa That ie the state of mind we are Ivingin! In the morning the mement you get out cof bed and put your toothbrush into your mouth, you are already a office; you are aeeady thinking about offic. When you are siting inthe offic and ‘working, you are already on the beach nthe evening! In the evening, when vyouaresittingon the beach and enjoying the breeze, you are already back home, And when you ae at home, you are already thinking ofthe next day atoffice, {fyour body ishere, you are not here That is why Patarjali says, ‘Nol Come down. Come back to the present ‘omant, Be here snd nov” When youreveintothezone of NOW, Youu startshappeningto you. Patanall 125 ‘Come down from yourilusions, come dow from yourfantases; come straight to this moment, Yoga wilstart happening in you Yoga is not just moving your bedy. Yoga i not just focusing your mind. Youa ‘ethe utimata Happening. You first need to understand what yoga is NOT. Especaly inthe west, there Isa lot ofmiseonception about yora Inthe West, yogi often reduced to physical or mental exereses Yoga has ‘therapeutic effects, no doubt, but that does not mean that yoga is just 2 ‘therapy It hasa spiritual depth and sacredness. Yoga sa conscious uniting experience. We are ving continuously in sions, dreams and hopes. We cannot live without them. That is why, even when we donot have anything to do, we are constantly chewing on our dreams. We are constantly chewing on our sions. We are constantly chewing on our fantasies. That is what | call ‘Maya. Yo1me soo maya ~ Maya is that which ienot there, bt which we continuously feels there, We feel as fits Uhre and live witht, Thats whatis Maya, ‘See your life ~ itis full of hopes, fantasies, sions, dreamt None of them are actually there in the present mement. But you are constanty creating and ving with that which te not there. This is Maya Thetis why Patanal saying - come down, relax from your fantasies. Please understand, he is not ashing you to be hopeless! He snot teling youtobe depressed, No! Depressionisnothingbut negative hope. Positive hopes desire; negative hope fear or depression So isnot asking you tobe depressed. Alle fsayingis, ‘Come to this moment, and Yoga start’ Weare constantly chewing on our illusions. We are constantly chewing on our fantasies. That is what I call Maya ~ that which is not there, but which we continuously feel is there. ‘don't want to add any more words IFladd any more words, you may forget Patanjels words! So please understand this one message. The essence ‘of Yoga i in this one message: whenever you are in the present moment, Yoga is happening in you. You do not have to bond your body or stand Upside down ta be a Yogi you want to be a yog, be in this moment: ath yogoonushaosonam. Ifyou can remember and master this one truth, you don't need a second truth, You don’t need to go to the next sutra. Some ‘of you may be feeling, ‘Oh, today Swami has only introduce this book. ‘there are so many hundreds of sutras, but I cannot listen to all the other sutras, because he wil leave for India soon’ Don't bother about that = this ‘one sutea is enough to make you a you. You will see new doors to higher ‘consciousness open inside you. ‘Actuolly, even the idea, You will become 3 ‘yes can create one more fantasy in you. Nal You ARE a You. Come to this moment; you area yor already. Sometimes people ask me, ‘How ean such 2 small technique do so much?" When you apply it, you will understand. Ie takes only 2 ‘small ey to open a sicfoot door! When you apply this smal key of being in this moment, itopens the greatest doors of your life the doors to Consciousness. {Let you all experience the higher consciousness, the state of jeevanmukt, Living Enlightenment. GONTENPLATION Whats the NOW, the present moment that i constorty escoping me? How ean bring myself back to the present moment again and again today? 2. Create the Space for Miracles ‘A few days 260, @ devotee brought her child with her to Kalpataru Darshan, Kalpataru Darshan isthe time when people can speakto me ane directly ask ferwhatever they need, and their desires or wishes will be flfiled through recitation and the energy ofthe Divine So, when this child came for Kalpataru darshan, | asked her, What do you “Shedd not know what to askfor. Suddenly she saw the beset of chocolates hnextto me and asked, 1 want chacolates {sald Aight, hove it and ied her hands with chocolates. Then she sald, "I want chocolates avery day!" ‘ust laughed and blessed her, ‘aright! You wll have chocolates every day. ‘She sald, How wil you eve me chocolates every day?” {sald, am there n your home, Don't you know?” She aid, "Yes, yes, you are therein our home, We have your photograph, 2 big photograph! sald, 1 wil gve you chocolates every day through that photograph ‘And from tat day onwards, evary day this child goes and stands infront of the photograph inher home, and she just asks the photograph for chocolates and gets chocolates inher handst ‘know iis iffeut to belevel Not only for your it was dificult even forthe chiles own mother to believe. She thought the chid is stealing chocolates ‘rom somewhere, So she wanted to tast the chid. She called her ta the photograph and asked the child to show her what was happening. In front of ‘the mother the chi ached fora chocolate, and t immediately materialized In perhands. Please understand, it has not happaned just once or twice; she has raterialaed seventeen objects out of my photograph She asked for earrings; they ere theral She asked for ankles; thay were there! Sheasked fore chocolate itwastherel Yesterday, when her mother came and reported this to me, another devetee who was aso present there asked me, ‘Swami, fare you not surprised | sald, ‘No. Its not a miracle. Ihnow the selene.” The child has experienced what Patani says othe vogeenushoassnam. She isinthe zone of NOW. When you ae in that zone, the connection between you and the Master happens straightaway, It Is direct. tis straint. Today, create the space of Yoga Drop your selfloub Drop your doubts obout ie “Another funny thing happened. The rather thought to herself ‘| want @ cellphone. My childs getting althese things, why nat me?’ So she asked my When you are in the zone of NOW, the connection between you and the Master happens straightaway. ‘Photograph for meney to buy 2 callshone, Nothing happened! Then she tld her chi, ‘Please ask for money {fora cellphone. need to have the money When the hie asked, it immediately happened. You may ask why the chid was able to get wat she wanted, and why the mother wasn't Listen the child does not have the doubt that ‘the Master may tell ale. She does not even know that people can tells! She just knows very clearly, He isan enlightened Master, I He say, it will become colt!” That'll She isnot ellvingfor any reason, She Is just naturally inthe space of Advaita with the Master. So she has ‘ested the space for miracles to happen inher fe Just rust the possi for mioces to happen in your hfe 3. Even our Faith is Business [Most ofthe time, we havea hen motive for our belies (f we have a disease and we decide to take spiritual healing fort, we tl ourselves, ‘Only if believe in sprtual healing, | wil gt healed: so, let me belleve’ But if what we want does not happen, then we tell ourseves, think! should not have beloved!” Even our faith business Thats why Patanjliis nt asking yout believe. Hef very straight U7 ie 9 straight tuth, cannot even be called belief. Anything can be called a bef only fyou havea doubt in one corner of your mind! fthere is ro doubt, itcannot even be calle a beliefs the stralght truth,» straight experience, After hearing about the chill who wes receiving chocolates from my Photograph, someone asked me, Swami wy di you not ehe the mother what he wanted?” Pleate understand, tis nt that | decided not to give her It ie beesuse she could net connect, Please understand, for miracle to happen, you need 2 beautul space to be created, You need a strong feeling connection, only then the miracle can happen. If there isa strong feeling-connection between two persons, new spaces vil be awakened in both thee consciousness, For example, when you fl in love wth somebody, suddenly a dierent dimension of you, which was Unknown to you willbe awakened. You wll start sacrificing more, You wi start becoming more joyful. You wil start becoming more sensitive. Many Unknown dimensions of your awn being willbe awakened by the other person, The same way, you will ako awaken many new dimensions inthe other person, When the Feeling-conneetion happens between two ordinary human beings and unknown dimensions are awakened in bth, is ealled lave, Beloved is person ‘ho awakens you to the dimensions of Love which are inside you, but ‘unknown to you Same way, Master is 2 person who awakens the unknown lmension of Enlightenmentin you, which was inside you, But unknown to you. Iothat small child, the feeling connection has straightaway happened. She is In the level of Being, She is nether struggling with her intellect not with her truth, He needs dreams, fantasies, hopes, to lve his life, He cannot bear the present moment asi is too much, So he needs hopes. He needs iusions He needs stores, He needs fantasies. Me cannot be with the reality. Bur kids are notin that zone. They can experience the NOW. They ean have that connection if they are not yet spot. With the eid, that is what has happened. She di not aska second question, nor dd she have 2 second thoueht. Iti not that she had a doubt and suppressed it. Nol The moment you have a doubt and suppres tthe whole thing is over. Every time, she knows it will happen and straightaway connects ~ and it just happens. Ti today, every day she continues to get whatever she aks for. You may think, “How i this posible? One the one hand, you ae not able emotions, she is straight. She is connected, and the connection has happened at the Being level So miracles are automaticaly happening inher life. They are nt even being one by me, Anything done is works not @ miracle! Anything that happens isa miracle. What you are calling a miracle jst happened, because she is alo in the space of NOW and lam aso Anything can be called a belief only if you have a doubt in one corner of your mind! to believe it, On the other hand, you can see ‘that lam authentic. What todo? ‘know what is happening in your mind Some people are thinking ‘tis just a story!” Some people are thinking No, know him; he wll not tela le. I may not be able to accept it, but he cannot be hing. So how can this bo And there are some people who ae thinking, ‘Olay, s0 such things happen sometimes Inthe space of HOW. Understand, only when you come to the space of NOW, Yoss can happen Inside you, 1 am already in the space of NOW. If you can come to the space of NOW, Yess can happenin you this very moment Potanjalsays, ‘Here, Now, begins Yoga’ You need to come to this moment. Main ives on dreams, Nietzsche says beautifully - man cannot five withthe Why should we bother about too much?” Pleose understand, whether that child gets chocolates or nets not the issue, {am using that story to make you understand this truth: even our flth isa business tin the case of the cil shes not manipulating her faith, She is straight and simple, So she fs naturally isin the space of miracles CONTEMPLATION Today, expire this tuth honestly ~All amy bebefs carry ttle daub, in one comer of my mind. So what is that | ely belleve in? SUTRA2 Yogaha chitta vritti nirodhahal|}.2\| Withdrawal from mental patterns is Yoga. 4. Mind is an Action - Stop It! et us enter into the second sutra /!egeho eto its nredhaha! 1.2) The translation fi: "Withdrawal from mental patterns i Yoon. [Mony times, wiben these truth are expressed, a cudden click happens to people who come with deep devotion and respect. | keep expressing the same truth inthe same wards to diferent people, But when they receive t with deep devotion, suddenly the click happens, Suddenly the connection happens This is my favorite sutra. In thisone sutra, Patanjal has covered everything If you understand this one sutra, you dant need to go further. Nothing ese isneedes! The simple, straight understanding | want to ge youll is this: Mind isnot an object; mind isnt thing It isan ection! People always ask me, How to stop the mind? or ‘How to go beyond the ‘mind’? Wherever! go, almost everyday, somebody puts this question tome, Youcan say that this isthe most requenty asked question! "ell them that mind is not a thing to struggle with; mind i not 2 thingto suppress; mind is nota thing to destroy It san action. itis an action! Seo, est ke ths ‘Suppose yousre walking Iryoudont want to walk, what do youdo? Youlust sit down, right? Or, you are talking Ifyou don't want to talk, what do you 14a? You Just be in slencel Inthe same way, mind Is an action. Ifyou don't want to doit you can stopit That'll But wesay,'No,no, nol Ihave already tried this in many ways: Ihave tried so many times! Fspectlly the ‘professional seekers’ they come andtll me,“ have seen, Ihave red. Itdoesn’t werk’ 1 sympathize with your tying. sympathize with your practice. But please understand tis simple ction, tsa subtle action, You are doing is there anybody else doing itnside you? Nol Hfsomebody elses doing itinside you, then aot ust me, even God can't help you! tis you whois doing itl Mindi simple action. Whenever you donot want It just stop it that'll If you say, No, #0, have Wied, but after some time it comes back’ then be very clear itcame back because you wanted itto come back Now, at this very moment, fyou really don’t want it, you can juststop it. Aftera few ‘moments, if it is starting again, it is because you want i to come back Whenever you don’t want it switch it af; when you want, start it again! But you forget that its you who have started ‘again | you understand that you are starting it, at least you wl have respect for ‘your decision, for your wil You wil not fel powerlesin front of your mind. ove thssimple clarity. Look nse and understand, ‘When | want the mind, {am starting it When I dont want it, lam relaxing from it Fer now, don't bring inal the philosophies and ideas you have about the mind - ‘My mind 's fled wit thoughts and engrams, they are continuously erupting out, my ‘mind is 0 negative it con't be controlled. We are fed with so many poisonous thoughts about the mind. Now, relax {rom everything, Understand ths simple thing - mind isan action ust ke waking is your action, taking is your action, your md i also your ation. When you ean stop walking stop talking, hy not stop thinking? Ite your Mind isa simple action. Whenever you do not want it, just stop it- that’s all! action, Decide this moment itis my action. et me stop it. That's all, But you sa, ‘No, no, nol Its not that simple, | have tried for many years. See, even now Iam trying to stop it, but I not stopping,” Do not ereate that statement within you it set stopping it simply means you are not stopping, that'salll You may want to say something or do something, That is why it sstarting again. itis starting again, it means you are starting it If you approach this sutra witha litle devotion, with a tle openness, you vl have that click. Just bring ite shift in the approach, sy the attitude, in the understanding, Please understand, itis we who are stealing ur own things from ourselves. Nobody ese is stealing anything from us. Its simple. Let us take the whole responsibilty on ourselves. If you want, you can think; if you want, you can stop thinking, That fs what isthe estence of this whole Yous The essence of this whole Yoga Is only this fone sutra ~ yogohe chitta vet niradhahe. Yoga ie Cessation of Mind, Yoga is withdrawal ‘rom mental patterns. Mind isnot thing, it i an Acton! It an action which sin your hands. When you ar sitting down, do you ever ask yourself," Whathappeneeto my walking? {was waking just ten minutes ago! How eid it stop?" You den't ask that, because you know that you stopped your walking yourself by siting down, Whenever you ate silent, you don't think “Where did my talking go? was talking jst Five minutes ago! You jst know that you were talking earer and now you decided tobe sent, that’s. ‘Same way, you can use your mind when needed, and you can switch if off \when not needed, And you can start again when needed! ust knowing this makes you feels powerful enough to handle your mind inteligentty and fortes GONTEMPLATION Today, contemploteon this: Mind ison Action - ike anyother action if! dont want to dot, lean stop it That's ol 5. You don’t need Mind to be Alive ‘want you all to know an Important truth, which my vows euru, You! Yogonanda Purl, once told me. LUsten: you always thnk that mind fs bigger than bran. That i what you think [My yous guns gave me a vary deep insight into this subject, He told me ‘beautifully, The mind iust one action ofthe bran wos shocked! ‘Understand, you can perform many aetions with your legs, Walking one such action. You ca also Kick ot run or play using your legs. So many other things can ako be done with the lags, Walking ust one action, Same way, With the hand, eating is one action, So many other things can vith the hand, Same way, he sad very beautifully, ‘Mind is only one action cof your brant" We always think that brain is jst physical; mind is subtle, Because ofthat, ‘We think that the mind ¢ more powerful than the brain and the mind ie everything, When | started experimenting with what my master told me, understood that iis trual What you think oF as mind, what you experiance as minds only one action of your brain. lo be done 1f realize that moving is only one action of my hand, | can relax. If want, "can mave tf don't want, | can relax, Same way, thinking & only one action cf my brain, lean start twhen Iwant, [can relax when | don't want Understand this one truth. Thinking sone action of your brain iF you want, youtcan relax fromit,youcan rest from it When looked int this truth with deep respect and started analyzing it | realized that is rue! When I learnt how to besilent, | understood, Lsten: even when you are mentally silent, or even when you are in deep sleep, your whole body is functioning. t means, your mind i only one part of your brain. Even without your mind, your bran Is able to operate your day-torday fe, your brain is able to lve youre. Living your fa without what you ell ‘in! Now, whatever he says further are only going to be diffrent methods to experience the same space |¥you understand this one sutra, click happen with this one extra, you don’t need to go further, You don't need anyzhingelse, Just ths one sutra is enough ow, st with yourself and contemplate on iswhat calving Enlightenment! Thats the this “Mind Is action, Its my ov selon. 1 sence canstopit!™ Realizing that your mind Is only one part of a Your brain, nd living independent of that Linea voir x eae (Silent contempletion fora few minutes) part, is Living Enlightenment. When you what you call ‘mind! want, ou can switch on and use I; when Eee ene ell Alright. 1 you can have this awareness, you don’t want, you can switch It off and Living Enlightenment! nothing ee is needed! relax ving independent of that partis what Understand: Whenever action is performed, call Uving Enlightenment yeu wanted it. Whenever you want, sence Ifyou have the courage and clay to switch off your mind when needed it le your save; it is under your contro. not please understand that you sre 2 slave to! These are some of the important truths, the essence of what Patani expressing Potanjol Is not wasting time by gluing examples. He delivering the trth straightaway. In the very first sutra, he has delivered the whole book! (CONTEMPLATION What | experience as mind is only one action of my brain! can be create. if this one understanding ‘licks with you, you don't need anything further, You are qualified for Yous. But Fyou have objestions le, “have tried many methods | know inet ‘that easy, ‘My mind is filed with negativity, your mind is dfterent Swami’ tnd soon-then you need to read further, You need to reed further 6. Responsibility is Power Intermolae hs one ea continuously: Mind isan Action; fi want, lean stop Flam acting & ie because | want to act. Who is responsible For your actions? Only yout Ifyou are walking, you want it. Ifyou are talking, you ‘want it Same way, Ifyou are ‘minding youwant tl If you are thinking you want t Youare responsible for your action called mind, Lettie ht happen In your consciousness Pleose understoné, Patajali ls not putting the responsibly on enybody ‘ese. He Is not even putting the responsibilty on God! In all these 196 sutras, he speeks about God in only ene sutra, and even there, he Is not escrbing the nature of God, He is only saying swore pranicheancan- surrendering everthing unte God, i is described asa spiritual quality, He ls not even bothered about God: he Is bothered about the spirtusl quality called surender.Hesays youcan use God asa tool to surrender, asan object, cf surrender that'll He takes complete responsibilty. So take complete responsiblity even in your surrendering Understand, surrender with responsibilty is Lving Enlightenment Responsible surrender i Luingrlightenrent ‘have eensome people surrendering, or Yous. i the diferent formation taken by the mind are not haposning, then You is happening inside you, Yous is happening insde you. Tay, whenever you remember fall eek agen and again into the spoce ef thoughtfee awereness SUTRA 3 Tada drau svarape'vasthanam {\7.31\ This results in relaxation into one's true nature of limitlessness and total understanding. 8. Relax into your True Nature “Lavvs enterinto the net sot ‘nent ata throws light on enather th, ‘ad dap svarnpevashseae ||13 Tice another beef ea, Let me ge you the tranetion. Hee Pats cay, 1 tal anbraunig? rh x lc in ot me mati of Briss ad Liam hes the thoughts dasppess, shen the cviton happens, when the tour a0 oes, hen the metal actions fe 20 moe, i ie selinstion into one's oom te nt. Phas unceotnd: anything you can expesenos opin and aphin i patra day fexpedence you cin ener ino and some cut of i just a manta pattem. By this elton even your dep isa pate Even your sep ira pater, You gin sed one out you ginand come ovis puteen, When you cal cela om, hing you ace tablshadin yous own tue set Wave yo see and expsience is bacawe of your thought pattems, Whateves Jousse in the outer wodd—whather its your body anid, wl litionships ereathing ie Eecaue of your thought ptt, Eventing is your tught ate, Youc thought pata crate the fs hut you experienc, Asma ny shout how ou fe expences are changed unt by our thought pattems (once an ol vilager traveled toa nasty vile for some work Hestarted caling out toallthe gods... n India that isthe only S11! Cn his way back, from a distance he saw that Within afew minutes, his third son acved, his house was on fre, Ha started roling on saying ‘Don't worry father, just this morning! ‘the ground and crying, ‘My house is gone, my recelved the payment and deposited i inthe house is gone! bank The othersdon'tknow aboutityet. Sot Any experience isnot our house anymore, Than immediate you can enter into : x ‘the ilager setup agai, smiling, Thank God, Hearing the noise, his first son came running tom and sbi, ‘Father, don't worry, Don't you remember, you sld that house just two and come out of ‘everythings okay! Everything’ okay.’ days back? is just a mental pattern. The vilager suddenly sat up and wiped his Pleose undersend: The same skvation, ‘tear, saying, ‘Oh, yas! I remember He was same person - one moment he is feeling the completely relaned, deep suffering, but the next moment, he Is ‘Suddenly bls second son came up and sald, Father, its true we sold the completely relaxed, Just sae how your thought patterns can influence your house, but we have not yet got the payment! response even to critical stuations! Without your knowledee, your fe i= Again the vilager dropped down and started rolling on the ground and belng run by your thought patterns. wailing, Oh, my house son fie is there nobody to save R? ceri White down 3 situations in your Ife, where you ft pained or ur Now, write down the fact as it hoppened, without bringing your perception into it Compore te differences between the pereived situation andthe actual foc. 9. Complete Completion is the Key Peope ask me, ‘Swan, do yournean to say we should notry inthe critics situations of ourlfa? What about the death of our near and dear ones? How can we be insenstive even in suc stations?” There tsa very subtle truth you need to understand ‘Accepting the stuation is one thing. The other thing is, accepting the response happening in our inner space ‘Thore 2 beautiful story inthe Zen tration. Its @ very subtle truth, which \illhelp you understoné this sutra in a deeper way. ‘Once there was great Zen master. His aicple Was alo an enlightened ‘master known as Suzukl Whon Sutukls master passed away, he started eying, weeping, rolling on the ground, is dsciplesasked, Mester, what's ths? Youre an enlightened being, how can your ke this?” Suzuki si, ‘fan enlightened person should not cry, am not interested in your enlightenment! | can't be o inenslive to this stuaton, He can never leave mao lean neverleave him, because he became me and! becanve him ‘hati difarent, ut | mise his physical presence. | miss his graceful actions and hi beautiful conscious lees, consclous play. That ie wy Lam crying” The dsciplas are shackedl One of themasks, "Then what about the teachings which you ware giving us all these years: "Accept whatever is happening tathaata, tathaatal” What has happened t the teachings? Did you teach us without experiencingit yours” ‘Than Suzuki beautifully explains Thoreare tua lavas of acceptance Thefistlevelof acceptance is, acceptingthe outer situation, surrendering to ‘the moment, surrenderingtotathaata, surrendering towhat; surrendering tothe NOW. lstaught ass morlvalue tosllofusfromthe beginning. So wetytadathat, But internal acceptance snot needed. And youcan hide it! You can pay this gamewith others, ‘See hw calm lamin every stuaton! But enly whan you ‘accept internally alo, the unclutching happens the completion happens. Here, Suzuki is throwing new light on tathacto, complete completion. ‘Surrendering to the NOW means accepting But this does not mean you will become insenstvel When you surrender to the ‘the outer world os weilas the response which is happening in the inner word. He say,‘ riomer, can create sroneerotions in Surrendering to the NOW hve scented tat the mastr ha le the you. ‘rican aaceptaig the ter word body. Same way, | have also accepted the The next level of acceptance is, accepting as well as the response response that is happening in me; the pain, watevrls happening inside youas. which is happening the sufering, the feeling of seperation. | (eisavery beautfultruth, Just understanding thiscan give you a very strong click in the inner world, have accoptedthatalso’ This isthe completo completion. This what Patenall describes asyogoba chit watt nodhaho, hot do you usvaly do? You try to accapt ‘the stuation in the outer world, Then immediately you thnk - if / accept this sltuation Inthe outer werld, should be behouing in thie way inthe Inner world. You havea scale «if occep thi situation (shouldbe peaceful, collective, cal, restful inside So you accept the external situation, but you don’t have the samme acceptance forthe ations that are happening in your inner world! Just external acceptance i very easy, because youhave to accept anyway. It (CONTEMPLATION ‘then youre in compete completion, there sno ehitta vit and there sno action. Thethought patterns disappear. When youaccept both, suddenly you wil see that you are established in your svorupo, your true nature. Patanill says, “Ths results in relenation into one’s true nature of liitlessness and total understanding! (tis avery beautiful sutra, an amacing ruth, Tedey, | want yousllto internalize this one sutra, this one ruth \Write down S incidents in your life where you accepted the outer situation, but could not accept the inner emotions Now, complete with those incidents by accepting the nner emotions as. 10. Three kinds of Solutions et us lok again the third sutra: Tadi desta) evcopeantsisa ||1.3|| le means, when withdrawal from mental patterns happens, when you take the responsibilty for your mind, suddenly you will ee that you are able to have your mind under your control, Having that freedom, having that liberation, is what Patanal calls svardpe'vasthinam, being established in your own nature We need to understand the word ‘nature.’ Iisan important understanding ‘Usually what we calloue nature is our usual state, which confused, deluted and depressed. What we cll ‘normal i this statel This is because we are Using the standard given to us by people lke Sgmund Freud, who only worked with mentaly il patents as his specimens «never the beings who lve in completion, never with enlightened masters Sowe use that standard and think that this ie our normal tatel Nol When Patan sayeevardpe ‘h vour own nature’, he means ~ complete, sttled, pure Consciousness, which isactually yourtrue nature, When chitt vit nirodhah happens, when the state where there are no thoughts happans, that swhat is our natural tate, When you look at these sutras superficially, Patanallloks like 2 scientist straight tothe point. He isnot lost in poetry. For an enlightened master, talking in simple straight prose is very cifficlt, because in enlightenment, vow ar lost in ecstacy. You re lost in ecstay! Talking in plain prose saeme albnorra, too rude, too violent. But here, i you looka litle deep, you will understand the deep compaction of Patanjali inthe very stand e takes. He |snot interested in agreeing wth what youcallas younature with what you call as standard, From the very fist step, he is very clear about what our atures Through these first three sutras he is trying to give that svaightclckto the ‘st 338-tothe people who are watingtorthetruth, whore just watingtor theclk to heppen. He giving thema chance, Soin lone by one, He using more wards, lean say, he lecomnpassionate; he does not want to gve upon us. Latorin this book he startshandlingthe third category. Heisslonlytouching each category one by one, with tremendous patience! ‘Actuoy,wivenIfirstread the Yoga Sutras, thought, How can an enlightened aster be sa cry? because ha is nat aking any jakes, na stores or pastry. Nothing! He stalking lke an angry husband - rot @ ‘hase three sutras he gives the essence of whatever he wants to say. All You need to understand Is tis you ean stop the ming, becouse i an ection. This cone understanding s enough nthingelseis needed YYouste a you now. YOUARE a You. ‘ut when you don't understand, you think ‘No, Its ‘The state where no thoughts happen is our natural state! Single axtraword! ‘Now | understand, Fist, he i taking to the people who are ready to recelve yous: who are in the: ‘moment, who are ready to explode. He can't make ‘hem walt, So he straightaway delivers the truth to them. not tht easy! Yous cannot be that simple. fit was, iy does Swamlj have such 8 big Book infront of him? And why do people stud forso many years, so many hours, bendingthisway, that way, standing ‘upside down andallkinds of things"? When you have any of these questions you belong tothe second 33%. Now, Patanjalistalkingto you. He istaking the next step, He has started usingthe ngular words ofa teacher. The ist three sutras are spoken like a master, 3 straightZen master, Now heis goingto the second tone, Me tarts explaining, iN GQNTENPLATION ‘Once he is tinished with them he goes tothe second 33%, and here he fa litle more relaxed. He is using extra word, becouse ‘they need tobe convinced ‘And wien he touching the third 33%, you wll ee hes very poetic, very tempting- usngall posible words, methods techniguesto ge extraordinary ‘powers —gvngal possible bonusas, He ha allkinds of big sala boards when he s working ith the thid 33% Potanjaiis not ready to gve up on a single seakar—that is his greatness. Today, contemplate again and again on this What is my true nature, which has been described as Temitessness and total understanding? 81 11. Powers and Miracles of Yoga The other day, | had the opportunity to sit with great scholar who's doing some research on the sneentehlization which existed in India. The Indion cjullzation ithe worlds eldest Iningcvlaation ‘As we spoke, | was amazed to see the way in which this chilzation has ‘upressed ts iteligencel Nt stn the enlightenment sciences inaviation, acchtecure, cil engineering! This scholar was saying very clealy thatthe river Ganga is man-made. Nearly ten thousand years ago, this river was created, and mansmade bridges were but on the ocean. The understanding and clarity they experienced and expressed! Iwas amazed. How could they doco much, not justin the inner world, but inthe outer world ac well? Thea | understood: when you dive deep into yoga, into this consciousness, wen there sno thought, when youare established in yourtrue nature, you have limtiess energy and true understandingabout everything. Inwhichever direction youtur your consciousness, ou will have complete clarity in that dimension, about that truth. It ill be wating to reveal all its mysteries to you. All you need is to jest look into i. You will be able to connect with it and receive all the information and secrets and mytarias. You cn just ‘download all the information you need, Tiss what Patani means when he-sayelimilaseness and total underctanding” {Fyou are 2 you if you ae ina thoughtless zone, you can just direct your restful awareness in eny direction, nd you wil know completely, This is ‘the space of sommyama or complete completion that Patanjll describes. ‘have seen Indian you's do this during my days of spirtual wandering. | had the fortune of studying with many Indian yogis. They can jut master anything using the power of complete completion. once saw yoo wiose devotee brought himan electronic gadget | thinkit was. CD player or some such thing, He did aot even now Engish to read the signs on the buttons, but | could see very clearly that the moment he picked up the gadget, he started handing # perfay, ae ithe had been ving wah I! | asked him, “How can this be, Swami? How dié you learn how to handle ‘his gadget” He sai," may not know this particular ‘machine, but | know how the whole system works; how the whole thing Functions” 1 very ffi for us to understand, {have seen yogis playing with the fury, could do anythingus by creatings powerfulsaund wavel For example, ithe wanted to throw a stone ona tree to make the futsal he would just cceate 2 ponerful sound, and the sound wave would hit the tree and the In your true nature, you have limitless energy ‘and true understanding about everything. ‘power ofthe mind, with the power of anergy. Yo Yogananda Pus ny yous Kerwiry frult would fal. he wanted to break stone, he would take the stone In ‘thehand and create 2 sound wave a fithes been hit bby hammer. That sound wave would be so strong thatthe stone would break into plces! Sometimes be would reste a zound lke a dog, and fortyorfity ops from two or three kilometers around would come runing towards him, Different yous master diferent powers. They Wve In a diferent zone, They express diferent kinds of energy. When you are established in complete completion, svardpe'vasthénam, total understanding and llessness happen naturally When you ae ying to lean or understand someting new, fst relay, fll into the space of restful awereness ord then focus on egain. You wil se how ‘much more effortless thas become! Sutra4 Uti sarapyam itaratral|7.4|| Till that state is reached, there is clutching and identification with thought patterns. 12. Suffering can never touch You “Lavos enter ito tod su Vie ssipyam iat | 14] | Let giethetarlations Til tha erated he ech ad oon ih she pairs “Tlyou rach he sae of yogy, these chiching andidenifcation with heught tems [Now Patani talking to the eon! S36 wh say No, gg not that op Vino how ffxii is [have been psctcing forthe past twenty peace, sd Lino? en you inst, hes Ptaial also say, ‘Algh it is nt that easy” cuhaveleady gotthe isk, f you aca il hee jot for tho joy of ering Patan ite pect aight. Butt ou ace hecenscause you hve not yee siete connect if you have been unubleto have tht fit click atest oi the scored group So Pataca np, "TL eat eats ie cached hea ie lang a derision ith though paras? .asee a BIG sgh on Pata fie! ean sce vy eleady what ae would have {ole then heed thie four sot ‘Alig! These gop ace nat geting it. Lat sue tal to them in theiclangunge? Thats what he means wher he ay il hat Lido there eno rch hinge «special tt it is smple sight clay. When ace notinteested in moving withthe Master when he holding yon hand snd tsking you, if you are saying, No, no, no, no,ne Al hiss not form itis fer inca songly? Then I ep, “Aleit Tei there Now practice completicn ant for yeu when you cate all Kinds of wasons, when you teow tan'ons then ‘elit? What todo? Somewhat, ether you harem cometa my level or The Pata sas “Might [il wait for you? Tati what ‘ne really means when e uses the woud, ‘Tl that state 1 coached dice ie ctshing ae ideatestion ith ‘hough pater? (Pe again aed again come back to one old though pate, When [use people hte to thei thoaght pattems, J feel eo bac, Unnecestnysuerng Se, all the deus you cay if ou have ruppaeoed something, ‘ouhaveto slave crif you wereabused, you have © ‘nal that woud though paste agression ~al thee gost nonsense. AeTIviTy ‘There is no such thing as suffering, and there is no such thing «as heating! te come to yourlera. {you hove no pistiem, you ty to crate someting 1 |v en the moment people ec shoutthe epmptnae of any cesee or mental otc, they stat mentally veins sheer they have those smaptonial And the payrhistic symptoms arealko writin ina verte ‘way "You mgyhave had some sige of ita a ast hos tance dug the let ix month? Who ie ein snd noting ail here date ina das? So eens zo hase eaperenceditonce ortwice, you stand mc, “Yes 5, 1 I member had an onto nose than tee ine in the lato mothe? ‘Phae undestund: Thue 2 nothing ike suing ther is nothing Wee heding, And you have eested a roder for ourself tha’ al Bur when Tsay this, pople ae shocked They say, ‘No, 1 tia thers We ecol ony one incident from your past that you belleve has a strong influence over your present ‘Now, reve the some incident withthe understanding that thas no contol over your iner space. Icon never touch you egain 6 13. Your Past and Present have no Connection A small story Ina sm ndion vilage hospital, « doctors elagnosing@ patient Hesays, This man's dead, ‘But the patient wokes up and soy, ‘No, 90, no, Jam not deed! fom ative.” The doctor says, ‘Se! (have become a doctor after studying IMBES ond spending so much money! S0.dorknow better or you?” Inthe same way, the psychiatrists have got their degrees after spending so ‘ruch money. So they neturally ask, ‘De | know better about your mind ot you’? They might have studied spending millions of dollars. But that does not meen they wll know what you cry, They may not even now what they acecatrying! ore, priests used to explo sacety using gui, saying, Youhave committed ‘sin, You ae # sinner, you have to confess, you have to do this, you have to 6o that’ Now, poychiatrists are exploiting socaty by saying that you are carrying something called an unconscious mind! LUnderstond, i usta gare. You are very strongly made to believe - by society, by paltcians, by educationists, by everyone - that you have an ‘unconscious mind, ou have a subconscious mind and what not. Thats the worst pat ofthe whole game. ‘am not being inenstive when | say, "There is no such thing as sufering, there Is no such thing as healing, and there Is nothing to be healed’ | am stating the simple truth straightaway. Lam seeing all the posible nonsense vou create outof your past! You don't understand it actually does nt have ‘ny contiol over your inner space. Any mental pattern, any incompletion, _any memory you are carrying from the pas, cannot touch your inner space. This is the Truth Youareconstanty made tobelievethatyourpasthasaverystrongconnection with your resent, You are constantly taught the idea that you are carrying an unconscious mind. You are taught that you cary so many engraved memories, ‘you are taught that you have committed sin, and youhave so much karma - everything ia pure le ‘Sometimes people ask me, ‘Swami, how can | heal ry past fe woud? thik, ‘Oh God Now I don’t know how to help these people. at less if you talk about this i's wounds, | can tell you that | will heal you, But now I have too into past fe regression with you, ten or twee lives, and release those karmas! Now the madness has gone tothe extreme. Nothing can be done! Aut tak in my awn language, then the disconnection happens, and ean'thelp them. So Ihave to come down. That is what Patanjlis doing. First he say, ‘Just stop your action called Mind and relax into your true nature’ ‘Actually, he wants to complete with this and get up and leave. He wants to sy, "Yoga Sutras ae over. You enjoy ile and let me also have a vacation.” ut these guys ate notable to relate with that The second 33% i iting with along face. The third 33% making Fun of the whole thing, ‘See, 1 You believe that your past has a very strong connection with your present. Itisa pure lie! told you, don't go there, He doesnt know anything, The moment I saw his Photograph, looking so young, knew he doesnt know much, And you are sing there and situingin front of him, wasting your time. The second 33% is just sitting, unable to connect: The third 23% 2 making fun, Now Patani ‘comes down and says, ‘Atleast let the connection with the Master nat be disturbed! Please understand thst the ultimate thing 2 man can have - feeling connected to 2 Ining Master. ‘Anything can be sacrificed for that, but that should not be sacrificed for anything | always tell people, ‘Aetually | am an uncompromising, Master, Any decision | take, 1don't compromise. There is only one spotwhere youcan bend me- that, when you send ‘mea signal thatiflstck to my own stand, the feeling connection maybe lost Nothing else canbend me, If yyouwantto bend the masters, this isthe onl thing you cand Youcan'tuse anything ele. This is the only point where you can blackmail them, because they eannot afford to let you lose the seeking. So Patanjalisbendinghere. The moment he says, Tilthat state isreached!, he has compromised, He has compromised, because there is no such thing 2s, Til hat state is reached, It isa pure ie, because you are in that state NOW. Nothing elses required ‘But now, the second 33% feels very comfortable, and they say, Yes, yes, yes! They ate able to conneet. The folowing sutras are for thom, a ACTIVITY Recall ary one incident from your post thet you believe ha strong influence over your present ‘Now, olive the some incident withthe understanding tat ithas na contre! over your inner space. ‘ean never touch you again » Sutra S Vttaya pakeatayya klia aklia |\7.51| The modifteations of your mind are five. They can be the source of anguish or of non- anguish. 14. Never Drop the Feeling-Connection In the last sutra, Patenel sey,‘ tht stote I reached, there ls clutching ‘and identifcaton wit thought potters Now he steling us, "let usstar let usfind outhow to clean that state, how to remove the idetifation with your thought patterns. owstarallthe taaries, philosaphias, diferent ideas ferent techniques Tho fh sutra ‘Vion patenga ist eta 15) Let me translate: ‘The medications of your mind are five, They canbe the source of enguith or of non-angukh He says, "The mental patterns are five-fold, They result in the alternation of anguish and non-anguis,sufferingand peace’ The mostlificut thingan the spiral path is making people trust that they face qualified for enlightenment! Nothing else isso dificult. Maklng them renounce thelr wealth, encunce thelr name and fame, renounce thelr power and prestige -al these things are nota bigjob at all. The most dificult thingto moke them renounce isthe sel-doubt, thelr selPhatred, their sei Genial. The most difcut thing is making them understana that they ace qualified for the experience, quale forthe Trath You are constantly creating strugle and suffering for yourself with your ‘des about your past, about your sins, about your karma. So Patanjal says, “alr. Atleast let metry to take care thatthe feelingconnection withthe ‘Master isnot dropped. As long asthe feeling-connection is there, atleast tomerrow he can belted up, Its ike this throw a rope fr you to em ups Ifyou don't come up, at least Lean come down holding onto the rope, waiting for you. Patanalis doing that job now. ‘We don't really want the tuth, We don’t want a straight solution for our suffering: we want support, we want sympathy. Here Patarials tying to ve hie support. is ke cliuting the medicine fr kids. have seen in indian villages, mothers feeding bitter neem paste to theirkids 2 medicine. When the kids refuse to take it, they make the paste into a bull and coat it with sugar and feditto the tds. This Ieexactly what Patanjal is doing, Hes sugaecoating Please understand, the mass is alvays mediocre. They can't straightaway ‘atch the uth, They need more words, words, words. I the book fs very big, they think its very valuable. When you have 2 lotof material, your ego feels satisfied and you fe! you have achieved something, you got something worthy for your money. There isa beautiful story about Bernard Shaw. He once wrote a book of a hundred pages. Somebody asked him, ‘What happened? Just a hundred pages!’ Bernard Shaw replied ‘Idia't have enough time. IfLhad some more time, | would have written only forty pages!” Peese understand the paradox if had some more time, I would have reduced it move, refined it more the truth and sharing it so that people wll receiveit. All answers But we always want more words, more theories, only divert you more answers. ‘When Patanjal says, "The five-fold thought patterns ‘from the question. result in the alteration of suffering and oy’, you Immediately accept it Yes, he knows about my suffering. Lean relate with him! Please understand, we don't really want the best things. Me want things with which we can relate, thats al, To have the best things, you may have to ‘move out of your comfort zone, But you don’t want that. So you choose ony ‘those things which you can relate to, which you are mentally comfortable wth ‘you want only the best things, the moment you see the Master, you will naturally drop everything and follow hrm, On ane side, you have the deste to follow him, but then you say, No, no, no, let me have the things with hic ean relate, which | can fight or ean resistor can love or I can pla. ‘Master too big a thing, Iknow he is the ultimate thing to have in fe, but cannot pay witht leannotrelate witht. cannot fight witht leannot have It When lean never possess it, why go afer et me tell you an honest truth All answers only divert you from the question, including the answers I give - because there is no question that can be answered, For example, you ask, What is worry?’ say, "The continuous inner chatter ‘which goes on inside you is worry.’ What have you understood? I can say ‘have not understood anything! But when you are given more and more ‘words, you are too tired to think further, so you relax! ‘Actully, any answer il oly create te further questions. Any answer will ‘reate more questions in you. Thats the nature of words But when famlior words are uttered to explain unfailar words, we understand that as an answer, that'll Youactasif you are ashing, lactasif| am answering: both are games, When you realize this, you don’t ried this game. Youstart siting insilence, justin the Presence. GONTENPLATION Tay, conterplte on thi, even fit i @ herd truth! “don't really want a straight solution for my suffering What relly want is support and sympathy. 6 Sutra 6 Pramaa viparyaya vikalpa nidra smtaya \I7.6l| 15. Understand Right and Wrong Knowledge “Lavus goo the next su, Promina eiparya vita ices stay | [1.6 Teche sath ut, Patanjl is expanding on the five modcations of the nd Te tnalation i gt ood, arog, dnc, ag eet memny these are the five medications hich may led to sffenng or jy, anguish or on anguish, iss al Master HeisnotlosinghisTrath, He ight hve ured ups cow, bat eis net eaducing the sumgth of his medcinl Tatis the ast you eed. What nsec tobe anemited should soma to happen Less understand ne by one gfe lmorledge. The fst ching which can ead to suffsing oc joy is = ight Iles Bren right hroledgrisbondags Bventhoogh iti ight noted, itis the mind Going bayend both, ger Inemledge and osorg acoledge, it living eighteenere, ‘This «beau story bythe get sine 94 Ramsksshas Iti alo a stoy dao thee thine ‘Arman is cought by three thieves in the forest. They rob him completely Thon the first thf sys, ‘Why should we leove him? Let us kl im” The second thief soys, Whats the need to kl him? Let us tie him to thet ree nd go oway.” So they do that ‘The thie thief wots. After the other two leave, he releases the man ond soys, ‘Came, | wil show you the woy to the nearest viloge” The man asks, Tven though you area thie, youre a goed man; you helped ‘me. Why don't you drop this Wfestyle and come with me? You con earn an hanes ving” The thie 5098, No. After Home thi ean only help you this much, Now, {unl go.on my enn pot, and you go on your path.’ In thie story, the three thieves represent the three unas or energies that we possess. The fist thet who said “Let us kl hin, i tame, the energy of inertia, the energy of depression. The second thief who said, ‘No, we don't have to kil, Let us just te hin s cos, the energy of restlessness. The third thief ho freed the man and took him to the nearest highway i sortie, the energy of inteligence, right knowledge Even though right knowledge can lead yout the space of freedom, tis stil thief! Thats why Patan als even right knowledge a modification af your mind ‘Second thing: Wrong knowledge. Wrong knowledge, all of us know! Its whatever we have. Whatever we have! Iti @ simple straight statement Whatever we have is nothing but wreng knowledge. Whatever name you may evel, tis wronghnowledge. Listen: even your emotions, even your moed swings, ate based on fst your ver function, Thats why your mood keeps changing during the day: i is Aitferent inthe morning, at noon and at ight. Your thought patterns, your Going beyond both, right knowledge and wrong knowledge, is living enlightenment, ‘moods, ae all are based on your liver function. Anything whichis based on just you lier function is wrong knowledge! Being influenced by your lver furetion is nothing better than being influenced by your drinking habit is justanother hind of addiction. Asmalstory: A fetheris teoching his son how to drink moderotely. ‘He thinks, | don't teach hi, his fiends wil teach hit. If1 teach him, at least | con tel him when to stop! At least he wil be incontol” After sometime the sn aks, ‘Father, how wild know when to stop?” The father saps, Do you see thot rable there, whore Jour people are sizing? When you star seeing them 1s eight people, ti the sign thot you should stop shinking” The son says, But Father! There are only two people ct thot table!” ‘So anything based on your pitt, our liver function, is wrong knowledge. That is wiy, when you are hungry, your idea bout food is diferent; after {you finish eating, suddenly your idea about food i ciferent! Same way with lust when you want the experience, aur idea about the other person, your idea about beauty, your idea about the act, everything ie diferent, When you are finished, suddenly, everything's tferent. Any knowledge based on your senses, your hormones, which changes rom time to time, i wrong knowledge. ONTENDLATION ‘my emetions, ny mood swings, my thought pattems ~ all are based on Just my ner function! v 16. Seeking does not let you Rest ‘Someone asked me, ‘Swami, when people knew that something is wrong, why do they choose i le # right question, Meny times, people enjoy wrong knowiedge, They chooee wrong knowledge. They don't want right knowledge, because eight knowledge sometimes hurts you It is constantly reminding you to get enlightened. tis he a constant nagging, ‘Get enlightened, Get enlightened Gat enlightened You just want to switch tof LUnderstond, that is why there ie so much of aleohol everywhere! Alcohol duls your mind; t makes you insensitive, lethargic. t makes sure that eight knowledge doesn’t enter into you ~ because right knowledge avakens splritualseekingin you, which svery costly! Your whole fe willbe different Vouhave to enterinte 2 new zone, 3 new space which srisky, unknown. So you wantto remain in yourolé, cozy zone, Yousay, ‘Nol Forget aboutit. This house isenough this wifes enough thiscaris enough this office s enough ‘hie life ie enough’ You ate afraid to enter the zone of seeking, because seeking i such tht it wil ust take away your whole life. ts an internal tsunami It just changes you. Nothing else is required. You are new. You are washed. You are fresh. Whatever needsto be taken away trom youleaves you. Only whatever needs tobe left islet. tis avery powerful internal tsunami Inthe worl, there are only two categories of people seekers and addts. That's all You can't be in-between. Either you are a seeker, or you haveto be addicted, because you have to escape fom right knowledge, You have to soitchit off. You have to divert youself, because right knowledge constantly asks youto sack further, sack further, seek further. It doesnt lt you rest t doesnt say, t's okay, you can sleep, | will come back tomerrow.” Nol tt i like a creditcard company -constantycaling you constantly calling you. Seeking doesnot let you rest Why do you think, al aver the worl, i all cuures, aeohol is such @ powerful hab? Alcohol i the most consumed produet next to food, because man Wants to be in wrong knowledge. He wants to Be in Gelusion, because he cannot handle Realy. ‘Almest all countries have laws about alcohol, but no county is abe to ban ONTENPLATION What adéction om Tain to ecate Rast? You are afraid to enter into seeking, because secking will take away your whole life. ” sleahol. The moment they ban it by law, even more alcohol s consumed ‘Megally, and that becomes a big problem! It becomes a big headache for ‘the government, the police, the law enforcement departments. Nothing can be done. So they Ift the ban, ‘And itis not just alcohol. Food has also become fan addiction; sex has also become an addiction; relationships have aso become an addiction; money has also become an addiction; entertainment has ko become an addiction, Anything that con make ‘men insenstve to Reality has become an adlction because they are tered of Realty, they cannot hale the demands of Realty. 17. A Civilization built for Enlightenment Theres only one thing which can lberote human beings rom addlion, and ‘thatis, encoureging spiritual seeking 4st ike so many other Insurances we have, we should create one more Insurance. If you are alive, practical and spiritually seeking, you can be insured. fa chlzation can gue the assurance that you will not lose anything byseeking, more people wiltur to seeking. In india, our solety was set up In that way. In Ila they tie, and the experiment wa realy succesful In my caze, during the exeam of my ie, between seventeen to twenty-five, I neither studied, nor worked For society. Iwas wandering siritalseaker, In anyother country, | would have been pu toa shelter forthe homeless, ‘ra mental asylum! They would have put me through al kinds of therapies and de-programing sessions. They would have put all possible medicines Into-me, But the great Indian cullzaion, the Indian society, dd not do that to ‘me. When Iwas on my own, when I started my journey of seeking, i had reverence it had respect, it had encouragement for me, It gave me food, shelter, clothes, everything with respec Not withthe idea of maintaining useless guy; notin the way homeless people are treated inthe socalled developed countries. Whoever gave me food would aso touch my feet and offer their respects, because they had the opportunity to serve 2 canvas, 2 monk! And that is the way lived, Can you imagine? Wer travel allover the word, l understand that his civilization was built {fa cuilztion wats Hberation from addiction of aloha, if it wants to for enlightenment. was bul to create enlightened beings save its ltizens from alcohol, the one and only way is encourage seeking. Encourage risht knowledge. ead people towards enlightenment lea therm ‘Many ties people ask me, ‘Why ae there so many enlightened masters towards conscious growth, Lead them towards superconscousness. Tati only in nia? Why ate they not spread allover the world? Godshould have the only way toiberate them from alcohol. Til then, alchol will continue sent them everywhere!” rule; actions wil continue to be there; drug abuse wil continue to east, Please understand, it is not an accident. It an either drety or indirectly legal orilegaly,openty incident. The chilastion itself is created, tained, or under cover. t wil continue to exist ~ because prepared for enlightened masters, It doesn’t have rman cannot lve without right owledge or wrong ‘many things which developed countries have, but Respect for the seeker knowledge. Right knowledge alwaysleads to seeking, it has some things which no other chilization can is in the blood and if that isnot encouraged by society, he has no produce. it has insurance for seekers, The whole of the Indian civilization. ‘ntion butt pursue wrong know. society i an insurance for seekers. The whole civization san insurance fr seekers Bios ad blions of rupes ae spent on creating Jn India, as a wandering seeker, Ihave seen that every thirty miles youhavea place for food and rest. | Infrastructure tomeet thebasicneedsofseekerswho have walked the length and breadth of dia, walking \wanderall over the country, The primary philanthvopicactiviyin India isnot thirty miles every day, Whenever |wanted test, always found a temple or creating education infastrecture or medical infastructur. Infastructure a monastery where Ieouldeatorrest-without paying any money ofcourse for seekers - thats the fst priority. Inthe developed counts, if any rich You willbe suprised -evenon trains, when the ticket checkers sae a swam ‘man i fed up with money, he will do charity. Only when hes fed up with one whois wearing this ochre eth, they wllask you only one thing, "Baba, the money, he wil do charity. He may create a hospital or a school But in have you eaten? Father, are you comfortable?’ Al ths, just because Iwasa Indi, ich man i fed up with money, the fist thing he will dos build a seeker. Nother qualifcaion, nother ID cardis required. monastery ora temple ~ infrastructure for seekers. The whole civilization is Please understand, in India there is no social security number. There is no ected towards seeking, towards enlightenment. In Indian vilages, even way to for anyane to get information about you. The only social security the entertainment is connected to seeking. The entertainment is going to number is this (oc robe)! That'll. ven If you ate a householder, asa temples! Thathas become their lifestyle Til recently, there were no theme seeker you have aspecial postion and special respect in saciety, tin their parks, there was no TV, there were no malls, Everything was rooted in blood, Respect forthe seeker, respect for enlightenment, i inthe blood of seeking, in te search for enlightenment, the tndian cvileation, TviFy Today, drop one wrong knowledge and choose one right knowledge for youself 2 18. Make a Cognitive Shift Tedoy’s subjects llumine your Comprehension. {can say ths isthe wholesubjectofPatanal This isthe ubjectwhichPataniali 's expressing through all these sutras. ‘llumining your Comprehension means seeing things inthe proper light, with ewaened vison Your mind lesés youto bondage, your mind leds youto freedom your mind ‘can make anything out of anything. Any stuation can be experienced in any ‘way. Mind con enjoya certain happeningorsufferdusto it. Rean experience Joy o suffering in the same station; can comprehend pleasure or pain in the same situation can make you experience anything out of anything. ‘have seen that the people wh come to me for healing are of two types -Atertwo day of healing one type of people come backwith so much of joy, saying, ‘Oh God, wamij, 50% ofthe disease has disappeared! 'msurprised how can this happen jest with touch!’ They are n ecstasy, And there are afew people who come back and say with long faces, SO%oF the disease is still not healed, Sarai” They don't even understand that # disease which has been there for twenty years has melted down 50% in jst two days! This sclled wrong comprehension - unable to see what is happening. See, both are helped ‘equally, butone guy iin ecstasy while the other guy isnot even abe to fea! ‘orenjoy the miracle of healing. Mind can make anything outof anything, Hore Patanali says, ‘Thece five modifications - right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination, sleepand memory-these five canbe thereasonsfor vour plescure organ, for yourangulsh ora, for your pence orrastessness” Youcan use these fve modifications towards anything Sometimes, peopleask me, "How can right knowledge People ask me one more question: ‘Hew can wrong knowledge create jy?” Wrong knowledge cn lead to joy fora shor period, but tis not permanent joy. tis joy that leads to bondage, to sufering, So even if it gives temporary be the reason for suffering, Swami? Why will weuse right knowledge for sutering” Please understand, many times | heve seen people creating guitout of right knowledge! (nthe small story about Surukl and his Masters death, the dlciples had an Kea that an enlightened patson should not ery: he is supposed ta be balanced. This Is & kind of right knowledge. But when you Your mind leads you to bondage, and your mind leads you to freedom. misunderstand and apply It in the wrong way, oF When you misuse &, you can create agony, guit and doubt inside you and other people. Inthe hands ofthe wrong person, even right knowledge can create sutfering ACTIVITY Todoy contemplate on thi: Joy, wrong knowledge isstil wrong knowledge! ‘Actully, what really needs to happen inside us is the COGNITIVE SHIFT, which means that your comprehension should be llumined. You should be able to straightaway ralate withthe truth, without dficukies or complications, without torturing ourself the straight ability to relate with the truth In may experience, people can neither resist the Joy, the ecstasy of belng in my presence, nor drop their arrogance and come out of thelr ego! So they continue to come, and then find fault with something. cricze something! They cannetherkeep themselves away, nor completely surrender and rele, "Means, they are struggling with wrong comprehension, The cognitive shift has not happened. Here, Ptaniallempheszes on cognitive shit ‘Wrong krowledge can lead me Jy fora short period, butt not permanent joy Iti joy that leods to bondoge, to curing. 19 There is no such thing as Being Stuck Let us look at these fhe modifications ognn: ight Knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination, sleep and memory. Yesterday, we understood right knowledge and wrong knowledge. Today we villenter int imsginstion. Imagination can also lead you to joy orto pain to suffering or to ecstasy. ‘Understand, almost al mediation techniques are based on imagination Except the initiations which are directly received from the Master, ll ther techniques use imagination The sience of unclutching the is technique whieh Patanel spoke about, ‘sa straight ination. "Your mind enota thing: Itisan action, sop it This ie ‘not something you need todo by using your imagination, Its astraight click (Other than afew techniques like thi al ther techniques use imagination When imagination is used to lead you to pleasure, to make you experience ecstasy, tis called meditation, When the sernelnagination is used to leed youtosulfering itis called min There are only two things your mind can do: k ean elther continuously condition you or t can continuously liberate you. Your imagination can ether go this way or that way it cannot stand sil. tannot stand stil, We reed to understand this one fact, We always think, "I maynot be progressing splrtually, but fam better off than wien I started, i jus that | am stuck somewhera,’ Please be very clear, there is no such thing 25 being stuck [ther you progress or you are going down. There no such thing as stuck Ether you are going up or going down, like sing. There is no such thing as stop, stand or stuck No, ft doesn't happen inthe nner fed 1f your imagination is used by you to liberate yourself, to de-condition yourself, itis called meditation, If your imagination ks used by you to bind you more and moe, to create more and more bondage fr you it i aled ‘mind, conditioning ‘have seen people using even the greatknowledge about yoga to create one ‘more conditioning! | have seen people reading the Yoga Sutras and getting depressed, because they misuse thisknowledge, they abuse it, they misinterpret it; they start imagining whatever they want using this knowledge, That is winy these great truths should be heard directly from an enlightened being. The enlightened being knows how to interpret Patana. He knows where Patanjli puta comma, where Potanalgavea strong ermphasis, where Patanjl gave a gap, He knows, The other day | was reading a beautifulline-‘God is awherel; somebody had put a comma next tow’, s0 thatit read as, ‘God is now, herel Sometimes, you need an enli person to put the comma, to create the gap in the right place, ‘Anotiver slogan read was, Thereis only one God.’ Someone had put comma next to ‘one’, so itread, There is only one, God’! The istline- There isonly fone God = more lke a moral science, uniting al the religions, creating tened peace. The second line -"Tere's only one, God! -is a spiritual experience, 3 spiritual truth. These two statements may look sila, but their significance ‘totaly diferent "There is only one God! can be uttered by anybody. Everybody utters the ‘same thing, but they say at the end: there senly one God, and that is my ou, not your Ged Thatis where the problem stats Everybody acceptsthat there is only one God, but everybody says that that Gad is my God, not your oii, nd my path to God isthe only path, nat your path. That is where the When imagination is used to make you experience ecstasy, is called meditation. problem starts. So, iF you put one comma, There Is only One, God - then its 2 spiritual ‘expetence. This statement means there is only ONE thing, nothing else. So, when you latent these grea truths fram an enlightened Master, you know ‘where to put the comma, you know where Patan gave the gap, you know ‘where he emphasized, you know where he is connecting or dsonneeting words. Imagination can ether lead you to hell or heaven. Imagination i ikea drug, lke (SO. Many people experience ecstasy when they takea drug. Many people experience suffocation and suffering also. Hf you are accustomed to nightmares, when you take ISD you will have a feeling of suffocation; your SO experience willbe nightmarish, Ifyou are accustomed to sweet dreams, if you take SD, you wil feel you are in heaven, thats all The drug experience is nothing but the intensification of your imagination. Your imagination can move either In this ection on that dtcetion 1 can give you thousands of examples, thousands of stores, because tam constantly working with people's imagination! I's my life. am working with the imaginations of milions of people, directly and indirectly eying ‘to remove their imagination, or lter their Imagination, of rediect their imagination! Many times, the imagination becomes so strong, they can ‘either move completely away from the spiritual path or completely get enlightened. Justtolay one ot my dsciples was telingme that whenever she used tocome to the ashram, her daughter would object, asking her, Why ae you going there? You don't eae about us, you dont are about the family!’ Recently her daughter attended a meditation program. Now she says, ‘How could you ‘come back fam the ashram? How were youable to come back home at all?” oth are her imagination! When she had the wrong imagination, she was ‘fighting wth her mather asking ‘Why are you gong?’ Now, when she has ‘the right imagination, shes fighting with her saying, "Wow could you come ‘back? That ithe mind Both are imagination People sometimes ask me, How can Imagination lead to enlightenment? ‘After al it isa mental activity, How can it lead to enlightenment, which is CONTEMPLATION ‘beyond the mind?" Understand, tis just ke somsahody taing pokon. Taking poison is an action, but that can lead them to death which is beyond all sctone! Ifthe right imagination i tain, will lead you beyond the mind, ‘Youwillbe beyond mind, youwill experience the no-ind stat of ecstasy. ‘There ino such thing as beng stuck inthe same place ifm not progressing, means lem going down 20. Sleeping with Awareness is Samadhi The next moslfication of the mind: Sleep, Patanjol says, sleep can lead youto joy orsufering, angush or non-anguish. Almost one-third of your lie spent in sleeping So, you understand the right technique for sleping, youan spend onethird of your fe in somes! ‘See, the only aference between your slep state and somadh state, the imate enlightened sate, is hi: samadhi minus awareness ie your sles vour sleep plus awareness is somadhy. Enlightenment is nothing but being ware when you ae asleep, thats al, When you ate In deep sleep, there ae no somskaras,engrars, which are ative; there are ro memories which are active youare complete sllent, relaxed, settled, Youare in thestate of samadhi, but with one difference - you ate not aware See inthe deep sleep, you are enteringinto the sare state inwhich Buddha Istvng. in which Sti Romakrishna is lving. In which Mia is dancing. In which CChatanya is singing You are entering into the same space In wich they are all living. Only one difference: you are not aware. Patajal is aware, Cchatanya i aware, Keishne is aware, Buddho is aware, Mia is aware. They Inthat space, if you krow howto be alive feu learn howto be aware, you have done everything Nothing ls needs to be done. Al you need to do learn how tobe alive when youare asleep, learn how to be aware when you are atleep. But now, our problem is forget about how to beaware when we re asleep, how to beawate when Weare awake? How tobe ave when we awake? That itself is big problem! Today, we will practice a technique to convert your sleep into samadhi Pease understand, when | sy, "being aware during your sleep, | don't ‘mean ‘sleeplessness am not tling you tobe sleepless; no, That Is sleep isorder. Thatisa disease fm not taking about being sleepless or having 2 sleep disorder. You willbe sleeping, but your whole awareness willbe alve- ‘means, there willbe no engrams, there willbe no thoughts, there wl be no ‘memories, but the pure willbe alive. That wil be radiating, That will exe. There is a very powerful technique called yoga nid - falling asleep consciously, fling into the deep sleep state with awareness. if you can rop into that state with awareness and come back, suddenly your whole stem willbe new, your whole system will be lfferent, your whole system wil respond tothe worldin a completely efferent way. Listen if you sleep very deeply, if you have a good sleep and come out, your system will be fresh, twill respond tothe world! ina different way. Ifyou are stuck in the dream state and come out, your sytem wil be efferent, andi will nat respond property to life, to the day Ifyou fall into samadhi and come out, If you fall into the state deeper than deep sleep and come out, you will eternally respond to the world only through joy, only through bss. That why we call that state aseteral bls, you experience that state and come out you wil se that vyouare radiating eterna bls, eternal oy Usueily you don't sleep for more than twenty or twentyfive minutes continuously Then you come back, continue to dream, play in the dream ‘world, then fll asleep again; after twenty or twenty-five minutes, you Enlightenment is nothing But being aware when you are asleep. come back and move in the dream state, have some dreams, then again fall asleep! That is why, when you wake up in the morning, you don’t feel asf you hada good rest-because you never rested you were contuoushy playing the game. Your body might have been resting, your body might have been relaxin, but you were natin a relaxed mood, you were nat aware, you were notin peace ‘Sleep can be used for suffering or joy, The state canbe manipulated to reach samadhi stat, orto ben the suffering. Human beings the only animal who ieticedafter resting! Any other animal, then he wakes upinthe morning wil be fresh, jumping, active, very alive. Human being isthe ony ani the wakes up inthe morning, just rolls ver and pulls the blanket over himselt; he is tred of resting! thave seen people using sleep to lead to suferng, Ether they oversleep or they continue to suffer without sleep, Sleepessness or oversleping. If they don’t seep in the night, the chronic fatigue wl be therein ther body twill eontine ta det thelr ereatvty. The whole day, they will be constantly disturbed; creativity wil not express in them. Or, if they sleep ‘the whole day, there is no time for creativity, there is no possibilty for creativity. Sometimes, people wake up only when the sun comes in through the window ~ unfortunatly isthe window hich it facing west! a, wien ‘Sormuch canbe said about steep! Today et us have the techniqueat the end ofthe session. Avery powerful technique: bow to relax with awareness, ow togo nto the deepest states of sleep with awareness. (ege Nidra mesitation flows) ACTIVITY Tonight, try to be aware as you fll oseep. o 21. Complete the Past, Know the Future The fRh modification ofthe mind s Memory ‘Memory is 2 very powerfulthing! [Memory means, the ideas, thoughts, imagination visualization, which you hove collected, and which are stil sve inside your system Pleose understand; mernory is what call ‘pin boa. ‘Memory i more powerful than the other modifications, With right knowledge, yourconnection witht can reste suferinzor oy only with your action, Right knowledge can eve you suffering o joy only you set upon & With wrong knowledge, only your response to can create oy or pain, With lmagination, only your Supporting the imagination can create joy or pain eth sleep, only when you support sleep, only when You area part of it, you will ave joy or ain. But with memory, you don’t need todo anything. ‘Your memories are ine pendent of you; they don't need your support or co- ‘operation to put you into joy or anguish ‘Memory is sucha powerful thing: ean come up by tselFand put youn joy corsuifering, put you in anguish or peace, put youn bls o suffering, It can lead youtoanythingonitsown.Byits own right, t doesn't need cooperation from your side, Right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination and sleep ‘eed co-operation from your body and mind. But memory can justerupt and vyoucant evan quastion it, butyouareinsuifering orjoy.Suddenlyamemory ‘comes up, occupies your whole inner space and puts you in sutferingor joy for no reason. You cantsay, ‘Why dd you come?’ Memories are uninvited guests, Why that memory came so strongly, you can either question nor Understand. Sometimes, suddenly you know the memory of the Master fs inside you, and for ten minutes, you are in ecstasy, you are in joy. ist soaked in is memory beng inhi presence! You can't ask your mind, "How Aid this memory come? Same way, some memories which you dont want to cherish may aise, and your whole day is gone, Aust one wrong memory awakening: your whole day wll be in depresion ina low mood, That the power of memory. (One important ting you need to understand about ‘memory: if your memory is complet, it won't lead you to suffering, i wll lead you only to joy. And, if your memory of your past is complete, you wil have the inowledge of your future! 1am not gving you a false promise; Iam stating the simple straight uth, IF your memory ofthe pasts ‘dean and pure and complete, you will have a clear ea about your future, because yourfuturetznothing but the reproduction of the past in a different dimension. Some of the ‘quantities may be diferent, but the basic structure willbe the reproduction ‘of your past. You might have hed one eat inthe pas, you may have a few carsin the future, but the future is gong tobe the reproduction of the past. ut the big problem i that we don't even have the right iden about our post We remember our past only after eitngitt ‘J you think that your whole life s suffering, as we usually tink, you edit If your memory ofthe past iscomplete, it will lead you only to joy. and connect only al! the past incidents where you had suffering, and think ‘that your whole pastlife was suffering, Youcreate ‘painshaft and connect ll your memories of suffering on that one sha, ke flowers strung on @ szatland. Just that idea is enough to fel, to think, ta imagine, to visualize, that your whole fe was suffering, This is nota rght memory, itis wrong memory ‘Some way, if you think that your whole ie joy, again you will eit, cut, fix, paste and see your whole life as joy. You will eonnect enya the joyful incidents and memories, and start feeling that your whole pst life was oy. We never comprehend realty ait s, we don't have the complete memory in our conte, we don't lack at the pastas it happened I you have a simple, straight, clear idea about the past, you willhave a simple, straight, clear ides about the future. Your miscomprehension, your wrong idea about the past, is responsible for the wrong ides bout the future. you think you ate nat able to plan your future, be very clear: you don't have a dear vision about the past. Any incident that happened inthe past adds some juice to your being, some understanding to your being, some awareness to ‘yur being, some knowledge to your being, some experience to your being So, ifyou are aware of all your memories, that knowledge, that essence is ‘added to your Being, twill continue to guide youin the future. But when you forget those incidents, when memory less happens, when selective memory happens - hich s happening in all of us -the juice ofthat experience, the knowledge born of that experience ll not expressitselfin the future. Look into your fe and see how you hove connected only the painful incidents ond decided thet ies sufering ‘Now, conslously let goof that incomplete perception. ® Sutra 7 Pratyaka anumana agama pramaani |\7.7\| Direct perception, inference and competent evidence constitute right knowledge. 22. Catch the Right Guru Rig lad, wang Inerledge, imagination, sleep and memory - there ase the Sve mockiatons tha nad. you to efesing ornen-anguith, Real these five can either be used or abused Just this knoe, ths undertanding thatit con be ued or sbusedthutitcanlasd athe jay crating i nough you wilt wing tha shy, ener ary of thee fives ending you to suing, rain at you am busing J qa aining hk Weeeaaladeyeta a, pang REE Whenever you ate in suffeing, undestund that one of thee five is being risncedy you. So, decide tat vurdertand that any or all oftheee Sv ane being ted by po inthe ight. se wiluseit prope: Whenever ou ex injoy “Lt enter inte the ex Pripoéss amma sgundh pasta Isa bemiful sora. Here Patra is descibing each ofthe five defitons ins degee aay - whit sight omg, ati woceg knead whut is Sgiatn, tat sli what smc Papi ace me, "Ces Seam, ve now thal ve ve ca lead eaeing o> jem but aon to ure them t lead joy? “le Patani ging us the ey to use tee mental modifications towards jog Phas undemtnd, all these five can be weed to incaeae your eneigy or reace oor anegy, They sin ether bing you mitaculove power and emcee comgis orthey can make you more andor: dul dead deposed, _Nowadoy seat ace sping that if yos constantly sl youre, Vou ace dl, ‘yous dl, yoo are dl, they wl became cll [F you constantly pit hem, saying ‘Yoo are bight, you are blgh, you ace bight, they oll become bnght! ‘hare i & bess incident in $3 Remalers's i ‘hens young dite Vivekananda ved to vst hin, Se Remakastna would conta peat to hi, Yon. tne the incarrtion of Shire and Viens, pow ate the Jncantion of Naat Nacigina, yoo asthe ineacrtion of Ged? The other dsiples used toa hin, Whats this he ijt young boy, college stadt, and you see tapagheis the inci mation of Gea! How sun tbe Sei Remabisho would say, Dont bother about tat jst by sxy weed he wll ‘becom that! Ha oil achieve ta stat Flew tc ing that eta? (Poe yo stengly beer, shatover they say ill meld your pencnaliy itll sald your personality: Thats why Talwape wl people, ‘Catch the ght Guns ‘neil constantly semind that you ace the Ultinat, you age God, yo ox ing ‘There ae tao states in you: ones the erga sate, the dvine sate; the other Carrying the right idea about you isa bventy-four hour meditation! ss the dud ofgnerance tht cores you [f yu catch the sght Gury, he wll cometary tel yo that you ate divine esate en the vine ate IF yo catch the wrong gon, Ie wal ent tell you tat ovmmtrarera fy craic goocerat Berenice covered by that cloud! So ath the gt person Caving the sight gars doce alost 809% of you ob ean ay jue BING Hank OM. no, not even SO, 16! f9e0 catch the ght Gur, andthe alo catches _yousnothing de ie aceded You wockia dona, becuse he wil constantly tindle your right imaginations be wll, constantly make you understand the th (ex you use your power of imagination inthe sight way, you dott need a vepacis tine for mediation, all twenty four house yoo ate in enedtation! ‘nthe eter eng. He wil cortatly ein you about your erg te? CONTEMPLATION Caren the ght ides about you ia twenty fourhour medion, Twenty Foue ‘hows, chat imagination ges stengthene in you; twenty-four hours, you ate soadtting; taunt fouchoue, po ae going towards the higher conssiowrnet, (ernie ths one tith today: whatever the Guru's doing, he's constantly reminding me about my orginal state co 23. You are not a Beggar ‘There are two kinds of teachings ‘One kind teaches you that you are a beggar, and only by begging every ay you can become a milionare. That means, every day, you should do cone hour of yoga and three hours of pranayama, and you can hope to get enlightened at some tim inthe Future! Usten: your ene hour of yoge or three hours of pranayara & nothing but begeing, Hove you ever seen» person begging, pent by penny, deler by olla, and becominga milionaie? No, it ean never happen, because he has to spend whatever he makes every day for his uv. So, thie one kindof situa practice, one kind of shone, practiced bythe ‘people who are taught that they are beggars you look a them, you will see that they ace very serious, The whole day, they will be closing thelr nose ‘and blowing in and blowing out and standing upside down, doing all kinds cf asanas, pranayama. They won't waste even ten minutes. Even when they talk they use measured words. When they get sometime, they close their eyes and st. Even those few minutes, they cannot afford to wast, because they fel they are beggrstryingta become milonsires; tis nat an eacy ob! ‘have sven such foolsh ideas being taught to seekers: ‘The more you keep your ayes open, the more energy youwillose.’ Hakahal ‘Ad thase poor guys, whenever they got two or three minutes’ brea, they cose their eyes and st with a morese, long face. Wrong megination|Thsis nothing but usingthe imagination to create more and more bandage (On the other hand, the right Guru teaches you that you are already enlightened; nothing else needs to be done. The moment this thought ‘= tilionalre and what nat! All you need I, remembering, reclaiming, Iving, strongly put inside person, be starts behaving Fhe Remembering, reclciming, Fung is all you need. that he tarts ling Ihe thet, he stats experencing The right Guru ‘ou are already eompltel Tats why, he more that courage, he starts experiencing that confidence teaches you and more youare conectd, the mote and more Even the few problems that come in hisway, he handles that you are you fel connected, the less sadhana you need, with tht confeence, ath that courage, wth that ailvady enlghisted the las sintual practices you nee. Because | brightness, with that knowledge with that ener, with amusingyourvery imagination, lam making your ‘that enthusizm- and helive elahtane, ‘wentyfour hous int practice youdon' needa Listen!Youareakeadya ullonareNotjutamilonare youareabilonare, separate pact. Seman Recall on incident where you used imagination to create bondage for yourself Now, complete with that incident and be free ofthe Bendege ow 24. Three Sources of Right Knowledge [Now Potaral expands beotiily onthe she owe oril Unrieed at igh nomads ve Prine amsmins sms prams iw perp infr ond cont wide cousins it howd (els abeautful sit. t means: perceptions received through the senses, conclusions arrived at through the cognition, and the words ofan enlightened Master ~these are the three ways to gein right knowledge. Direct perception, inference, and competent evidence constitute right knowledge, Tho frst of these the ways is perception through the senses Pleose understand: whatever is grasped with fresh, alive, pure senses, cen Itself bea proof. But your senses should be pure and fresh, not perverted, your senses are tired, overmorked, overwhelmed, they cannot eve you the right perception. if your senses are tired, the moment somebedly enters the room, youwillfeelhels goingto fight with you. fyouare tired, you wil alays be expecting enemies. you are alive, fresh, even your enemies wil ook lke challenges to you. They Won't look ike enemies; you wil fee itis lust if, let us ive it If youre ted, youare feeling dull even your fiend wil lok like an enemy; even if your friend enters your room, you wil be wondering how to get ri of him quick ‘The second way to gain right Knowledge fs - by the cognition that happens ‘rough the senses. tia very tricky thing, When you perceive through the senses, you analyze the data internally and come to a conclusion, That is what we call cognition. Receiving the information, processing it, coming to 2 conclusion and taking a dedsion i cognition. Cognition can bea sale to ‘measure whether what you have is right knowledge or wrong knowledge. For example, i you are secing me here - seeing sone proof; reeling this Information and internally coming tothe conclusion, ‘Yes, now him, have heard him, thave experienced him’ -thisis another proo itis also a source of right knowledge. The third way to gain right knowledge, Patanjal says, are the words of an enlightened Master. They are the third source of ight ‘when you get the expected soation, you know tha your orginal hypothesis was ight. But until you get tothe solution, you need to have the patience to trust your hypothesis, to trust your assumption. When your teacher says, “Let us assume xis equal to 2, f you tart asking - ‘Why not 3? Why nat 1? ‘why should it be 27 then you start fighting with the teacher, and you don't sive hima chance to take you through the steps to prove what he's saying The same way with the Master -you ned to have patience tlhe concludes, tlhe proves whathe ssaying. Instead, the momenthe stars the teaching, if ‘you start fighting with him, ifyu thnk that he is cheating you, mesmerizing ‘you, brainwashing you, then wio will be the loser? Only you - because he aleeady nous that xis equa to 21 He has akeady come te the conclusion, He has experiencedit! He's tying to teach you in the language which you wil Understand, so he has to say a few things like “let us assume, in the inital level And if you say, No, no | cannot assume; come knowledge. Mean, all the words ofan enlightened [Master - whether you perceive it with your senses The words that come out fn, prove it, only then | wil let you go to the next step! - you are like the foolish person who protests or not, whether you cgnize it through your mind ofan enlightened Master wen the math teacher sys, Let Us assume is Cr not - ae right howled tis a very powerful equalto21 Truth, | can say, the whole vadtion of urshiy aon eat right knowledge. ‘porompore, the master cisciple relationship, is built ‘on this one sutra, We wl lak a it more deeply. Transfer of knowledge, transfer of Truth, can never ‘The words that come out of an enlightened Master are straight, complete, right knowledge. Inthe modern day, people can understand that perception through the senses is right hnowledge, they can understand thatthe cognition arrived at through the senses is right knowledge, but they can't understand that the words of an enlightened master can be 2 source of right knowledge! ‘They always demand proof! But pease understand, all the traditions which accepted the words ofan enlightened mater as source of right knowledge lived ecstatcally they radiated enlightenment. ‘In mathematics, you start with 2 hypothesis and work on a problem, and happen if you don't have the patience to wait til he comes to the conclusion, till he gives you the ‘experience. Till you experience it, you need to have alte patience. That Patience s what we cll faith, Not even belie, ust the simple falth thatthe Master has no vested interest in ying to you. But f you say that he has to prove every statement immediately bofore he can go further, is there any possibilty? There is no way he can prove that statement immediately, You need to have pationce tlhe comes to the third statement and the fourth statement and reached the conclusion, Shere, when Patanjalisays, The words ofan enlightened Master area way to gzin right knowledge’, he means, ‘lax. Til you experience, respect his words; go wit them; they will become your experience.’ GONTENPLATION Whats stopping from accepting the words of the enlightened Master asthe straight, simple truth? 1 25. Master awakens You to You The only diference between atheists and theists is ths: both agree that perception through the senses, and conclusions afrvad st through the cognition, can be sources of right knowledge, but atheists cannot accept the third source —the words ofthe enlightened Master! The third source is sccepted only bythe people who are really interestad in experiencing the Truth The other day someone asked me, ‘Swan elle what todo with my fe asked him “What do you want to do?" He said, Oh, want to bea sannyes with you? (sald, Then what's stopping vou? "No, no, | want tobe a gi alo, @ householder ako.” S01 told him,‘ lasttakea decision, only then ican support you. ‘eel thot should become ahouseholer, but went to be around you abo! When you are in such a mood, in sucha situation, ifyour heart believes that the words of anenlightened Master ithe way te rightknowledee, then there Isa possibility for you tobe guide, there sa possibilty for you to reach the ‘ruth, there i » possibilty for you to experience the higher consciousness But without that, f you belleve only the perception through the senses and the conclusion arsived at through the cognition, then youare na dilemma Dilemma Is the utimate punishment glen to people who don't have the rmaturty to handle el Whenever people are not interested in fsteing to me, all! do ijt sve ‘ham freedom. That isthe ultimate punishment! They wil die just because ofthe dilemma - what fo do, what ro do, what to do? See, when youhave freedom without maturty, wthout enlightenment, that everthing, What to do, what neads to be done, what isthe ultimate ~all this knowledge canbe gained just from the words ofan enlightened Master Respect for an enlightened master’s words will straightaway lead you to erlightenment ~ because he |s constantly reminding you that you are enlightened! Please understand, either you must be correct or| must be 's the ultimate suffering - because you do nat know what to do, you will Hep osclating, You wil keep. postponing making 2 decision, or repent any decision correct ~ and you know who wil be correct! So jst tell ourself, “His words can never be 8 le. He has no reason to tall ale, he doesn't have to. I may you make, You know only two spaces: postponing or Eheedoon withoes rot believe, | may not understand, but if he says repeating. You either continue to postpone due to Enlightenment is the something it must be true tis not asfallthe things ‘the fea of takings decision, or you take 2 decison ultimate punishment. "believe ate rig ac isnot a8 # lth thing ‘and repent thinkingthat you have made the wrong ecision - whatever the decision may bel Ths sie oF n't understand are wrone!” Just with this one authority, again and again ‘hat side, you willbe repertng So, freedom without enlightenment ithe ulinote punishment Veryrarely, avery ew inteligentpeople have espectforthisthirdstatement: the words ofan enlightened Master is one ofthe three ways to gain correct knovledee, Remember this one teuth; this one sutra is enough - you wl ave seoeht, tight knowledge about your life, about the purpose of your Me, about CONTEMPLATION remember, 'i he says something. must be tre, Let re remember, let me Ive, et me understand et me internaie. Atleast et sme try to understand why he is saying that! This can become a technique to constantly remind you that you sre enlightened, to constantly avaken your imagination to the truth that you se enlightened, to constantly lead youto the right knowledge that you are enlightened, and utimetely, to lead you tothe very enlightenment itself What ie stopping from accepting the words of the enlightened Master ae the croight, imple truth? 26. Don’t Run your Life through a Single Channel Patanjol beautifully describes the efferent levels of right knowledge. Perception trough the senses, conclusions arrived at through the cognition, ‘the words ofan enlightened Master - these are the fist, second and third levels ofknowledge. As youewolve, youwll start connectingwith he subtler and subtler levels cFknolacee Thore is & beautiful story in Vvekanands's Ife, When Ramakrishna gave ‘the experence of the Truth to Vivekananda that whatever enss is Dvin, ‘Vivekananda went and started hittinghishead onan iron rodtotest whether that Iron rod ie alio divine its right knowledge, but wrongly understood! Please understand, the ron rod fs different level of knowledge, and the truth that whatever est is Divine i afferent level of knowledge. You reed to understand that there ae different vel of knowledge The soclaty that has only the fist-lavel knowledge isa prime society - they don't know anything except what they perceive through their sense. They ether eat orate eeten. If yu ar living ot that level, even If you Ive vwithallthe wealth, name and fare, power, prestige, everything youwill be depressed, because youare running your life through one chanel The other day Iwas reading a beaut story ‘great king, who has precticoly conquered the whole worl, s searching for Immortcity He goes t9n enlightened master and ests, ‘Tell me 9 wey to become ‘mmoreal’ The master soys, ‘Why do you wort to become immortel? Understand that Ife and death are chonglng nature” The king says, 1am nat hereto listen to your teachings. am eskng for a soliton; canyou giv or nat?” Te master sos, fou irs, can tellyou. Its your misfortune tht you ar ating for til Anyhow, do you see that cove inthe distance? There ia streom ‘running through that cove; go inside and dink tht ‘ter, you wil Become immartt This kings 0 etated thot he des not even othe to eskthe ester, "fyou know the technigueto become Immorto how come you did net dink that water youre?” He shes to the eave, butjust a he about te drink the water ocr which {s sitng inthe cove starts shouting, ‘Stop, stop! Dont drink thot wote!” The king ls surprised. “Who are you, and why ore you stopping me from ‘aining immortaity?” lost three thousand years. ean neither die nor Ive! | hove seen everything that the wodl can offer, Ihave done eveything thet the world can offer. ll the people whom knew are dead. | am uttey depressed, but (con't even commit sulde! So declied that | wills bere and tl! my stor to whoever Seeking immortality is also just ‘one more game. comes here t ernk the water and warm them. Now, you wort, you con ctrink the water’ Thekingisshocked. Hereoluesthothe hos been saved {fromthe worst hel He ust dees onebignamaskor to the crow, thanks i, ond escapes from the cove; he Just uns ancy from that cove! Pleose understand, seeking immortality &s abo jst fone mare gama. Even if you become immortal, # YoU are Ining just through the perception of the senses, you wil be dead and depressed Iti ke having TV with only one The erow says,‘ drank tis water unknowingly, ond fam sitting here forthe Living ust trough the perception ofthe senses is lke running my ie through one channel! channel have seen people who have eveything butthey are lvingin deep ‘depression, because they do not know how to switch on the next channel: they donot know how to open up the next level of knowledge. 27. Open up to Higher Knowledge Unietondlifeis knowledge Expansion of nowledge is Lie, ab to expan in cee alr cei leel i deprssios it ic death, When you are urnbleto expand forthe, tis depesion; yo ae each Theis nothing ele ta be done Mary toner, people ho ace very sk, "We don’t know what to do with our life Swami [thie become a tig biden. We a jus daggng our hfe! We ater have the sourge to de nor ‘he enecgy to ive; we are just gsi, desing drgsing’ This mean you have pened oly et chaste - perception theough the teres ulin the outer world come to me an eprmei, people open the second channel, They are the people wins become scinto thinkem, ais, Thay open up the se leel of undeatending. For example if theres a tone, and yon paceive tony though the sere, yo wil seeitasa stone thas all Bor if you can stax invering, 6 semove thie pax, fT wemnove that put i] snows that pot can bacome a elec, tht ie the next ev of Kncoledge,Inferense i nothing bat coming to 4 eenchusion ‘heongh cogation, Gast acts, get restos gust acuptons gina poets all of them have ental the saranda of nomlerg he tid lve of knowledge ie wary case Only very satligentciiiatons cop, itemize and expen ta hid Lael of lnawledps — the wonde of Se awakened ones the words ofthe cnightenad ones Ph undestind, if you accept only the fist level of kneeled, ppatsa “ohseverinpeteeived throng the snes, aly the fit thyme year your ie il be joy There age many counts, many caltees, hase yoo can spend cly the fit Ehime years of your fel They are net wf they ane at ‘woth, forthe cecond thinythee yours The second thst thie yats you wll eehorad, depres, empty in that cilzation, bacrveit has nothing t oe ‘you ater Hat: All your if you have to accept te lise the enterinment ‘heh as been designe for the Rds ad youth - you have to go to the sane ‘eine pd hina been designed for then, you hme t joy te same mie sod dance and food hich hae been costed forthe. Remy seme covntice offer oppomutiee for the second thitythase pases ‘ohich means, appomuniin foc scence, oppomurities for at, opportune {or centvty cppoctunties for eaplsng the inference dimension, the snes dinenvon. They cen off ie mate for you, entaanent foc ow, al yo te sac, sendy to tive ftom your profession. Afr ht, there acting {or you in thote count in thoze cults. Tht ie why, all ever the odd, ete ie such a high sisde sate among the senior etinana No mada tle bout because there people arent diet sell ts seciety. But al over the ‘wodd it is happening, The other diy [seid news report wich sid that dhe CONTENDLATION Seies govenment allotting camgiver to every senior coer. They wil tke eile eae oF yan in 7a aera nL Hp aR cont mide, hall hey ae aking! Virgen ery mony ition give yo the oppo topics the did evel of edge the ams the word of the awakened nes, the ‘roads ofthe elightened one, Please understand the einization evolee Figher and higher lest stots accepting and encouraging he higher kinds of Imovedge, Only when t mores tothe very sublevery integer evel it tats accepting inna, tho vor of on enlightened Master. I sin ony that nly the Cliations which prehoed get people ike Patna can offer entersinment for you til you ace a ndued. When Tsay ‘cvization, I don us mean Inca ‘insin Bharat Bhatt i sot geegiphicllovtonyite a opal dirtnction, ‘Wherererte scence of Living lightenmentis pactcndwhereverthe spstaat Imnovledge ie kept ling ll hove ploose ae Bhat. Only euch a ciation keeps cen offeang you seething ne for yon ete ts, Living ust trough the perception ofthe senses i ke runing my Iie through one channel! 28. Ageing Gracefully {7 you move naturally from level to level in your Ife, you ae @ complete human being, youll a¢ fuliled being it alee ageing gracefully (fthe third parthasnot happened inyourlfe-feeling connected the words ofthe enlightened ones -the higher level ofthe knowledge has net opened Lp in your conscousnass, Please be very clear, this has not happened in you, you willbe in depression inthe thcd pat of your Ife. That isthe worst thingean happen to human being! When you are completely tired ofboth the lower lvels of knowledge, but have not found « way to open yoursefto the third Jevel, your Ife becomes living hell The Vedic cWilation has done a great service to humanity by awakening the highest level of knowledge in every human being, The Ved civilization Isstuctured in such vay that you go through the first and second levels, ‘the third level of knowledge will be automaticaly awakened in you. Tis happens Because the pratyaksa and the anumén are both relatedto gama, the words ofthe enlightened Master, so there sno confct anywhere. By ‘the time you cross sty:sx, you don't havea problem siting in meditation, Incontemplation, because you have been prepared for & duringthe fist and second parts of your Iie The first-level knowledge and second-level knowledge are constantly fuiding youto the third-level knowledge, so you lve wacefuly and you age acefuly (7;we want to avoid this serious problem af the elderly commiting suicide, the one and anly way is awaken thethird channel. Thisisthe greatest service youll do to yourself end to the world 29. The Ultimate Retirement Plan Somebedy once asked me, Please teach me some technique to stay heathy and ivefora hundred yess Pleese understand, you need to fist prepare your Beineto Ive or hundred yess, then youcan worry about our bod! Otherwise, youl be ving ke the immortal crown te story! Ayyoken the feeling-connection to the knowledge of the enlightened ones; otherwise, your let years will be hell for you. ‘cansay,thisisthebest retirement plan This: the ukimatereticement plan! ‘Now you ean relax. IF you have net done th, no matter what eetirement plans you crate, you may end up seeing those beautfulretiement scones only in advertisements, 1 am seeing inthis country (USA), all the retirement advertisements! ‘See how ten milion people ae traveling towards safe reticent’ They show a ‘photograph of beach home and en elderly couple just relaningand taking towach other, Please understand only in photographs tll be great Only in ‘Photographs itwille great. You may have money, you may have fod, you ‘ay have heath, you may have relationships, but whst will you de? You wil have nothing to da, You will not have expansion, You are not entertained, you are not engaged - hat will you do? Then you wil start brocding over your first thety-three your, The first thirty-three years ae all about fantasy, ‘ut no, even if your mind is ready, your body cannot cooperate, What do youds? (Oni if you open the third dimension, the rst subtle dimension of your being. you wil hve somethingto do. Youwilhaverorethan ustsomething ultimate gft you can gue your Kids - praparing them to consciously move +190; youll have ‘you'for you. away from wrongknowledge and receive right knowledge. ‘fyou have not prepared yoursel, you wil lve in hell before you enter the next birth $o, prepare yourself - this s the ultimate retirement plan which vyoucan eve youre. Share tis knowledge with your kids. This isthe best, CONTEMPLATION Teday contemplote ths deeply Unless J owoken the feeling canection tothe knowiedge ofthe enlightened nes, my lost years willbe hel for me Only if you open the third dimension, ‘you will have ‘you’ for you w SUTRA8 ripapratihan||?.8!| Interpreting based on past conditioning leads to misconception or wrong understanding. 30. Meditation is a Quality of Life Tedoy's subjects, Uncltch from the mind maze and de-stress instant! Todoy, we wll enter into the eighth sutra ofthe Somadhi Pod. Potanjal has given us 196 beautiful sutras, describing the whole sience of Yoga, the whole science of uniting the indivelel consciousness with the universal consciousness, and making youre faling In tune with the Uttimate. The enti selence of uncltehing Is explained in this one sutra, Patanal i such greet Master; I know for sure he would have worked with millions of Aicples, otherwice he eannot write such a highly myrtial, unimaginable work! He sso sure, he s puting everyting into just a few words. Vipcqu withysdansmatad sbpopestistine||13] | Insti on ar ending ads wane a ong nding The Upanishads, the Zen kosns, the pooms ofthe Sufi mystics - everthing exprested by enlightened Masters is nothing but agin and again repeating! whatever I is Reality The isha Vasya Upanishad bine withthe words, ‘ke vesyem idegm sorvam’ = Whatever Iss God.” The Zen Masters say, ‘Before enlightenment, mountain is @ mountain, tree Isa tree, rivera river. After enlightenment, mountain's mountain ree ie tree, river fe 8 river? Then what in heaven are we doing, working for enlightenment? Budde says beauttully,tathocte. The word needs to be understood. tt ‘means, IS-ness. I whatever is God, then whatis the problem? Where does ‘the problem stan? The prablem starts with our wrong understanding. ‘As Patanal puts there, viparyoya. Pleose understand, i an important word: | can sev itisthe key Just today morning, duting # the press mest, one of ‘he journalist asked me, ‘Swami you spank about ‘mediation, What are we supposed todo? Should we close our eyes and stand meutate? replied to hi, “Oniy inthe intial level you need a technique, you putting an end tothe misunderstanding s eal mediation You can say that itis the essence of spiritual fe! Puttingan end to the misunderstanding is real meditation. ‘may need to close your eyes and st for half an hour orfory fe minutes, is he ved youmay need todo something, But actually, the real essence of spiritual Fe 's not even meditation!’ This one sutra gives the complete understanding: Today, mote every moment into meditotion Let meditation be the quot of your He Unda, meitation isnot just an act you do for Aifn iene tapieaiaewdped tries shout forthe mat of the da. Nal Iisa quali of i Inthe inl level it may be necessny for you to cea s concmntniion and center yourel, co half an hour of eting with closed eyes i okay. Bat that snot the end Teles ate lke « bos Bar this teaching tht Patajalie ging isle tive Lift cnt the boat Lif 31. Don’t kill the Present with the Past Inthe elahth sutra, Patenallsays, “Interpreting based on past ncompletions leads to misconception or wrong understanding” Whatever problem you have can be solved with this one key, because allthe problems you are sufferingwith are just because of one incompletion from the past - one interpretation based on past conditioning - which leads to misconception or wrong understanding. Please understand, all you fear, all your greed, all our worries, whatever you think of as @ misfortune in youre, allthe things which you tink of es your Ment, can be sorted out with thisane understanding 17 you look towards the present moment with a lite sympathy and compassion, it wil completely open a new oor; you will have 8 new Understanding. When you don't have compassion towards the present ‘moment, youalways judge this moment with your past experience Pleate understand, lar guing you a new key: have compassion towards the We never have compassion towards prasant moment; we are always violent with the present mament, thats why we kilt withthe past. We il the present moment with the past. We are constantly waiting to destroy the present moment with the incompletons carried feruard from our past, ‘Abusing the present moment withthe incompletions from the past ls what call hel Pleate understand, Eternity present telftayouinthe present moment, You «an touch Eternity only by touching the present moment. You cant sirecty ‘touch the past, you cant directly touch the future; the present moment is ‘the only way youcan directly connect with Eternity. In the seventh sutra, Patanai talks about the three sources of right knowledge -pratyaks, anumna end agera, In the elgith utr, he speaks about wrong knowledge nthe seventh sutra, he falls about what should be done; inthe eighth sutra, he talks about what should NOT be dane you don't connect directly with the present moment, Ifyou are constantly ‘torturing # with your past, you ae creating incompletin, misconception, Rerwviry Today, constantly remember to bring owaroness to your thoughts. ‘wrong understanding. For example if you have been hurtin the past by somebody who was wearinga white dress, whenever you see a person in white dress, youwil aways have that fear, that sankato, that discomfort, without knowing why! That man and this man are in no way related, no way connected, but voucarry that. That memory becomes root pattern in you, you will aways carry that. You cary that incorpletion from your past, and try to constantly judge the present using that pes. Whenever you catch yourself with « negative feeling about a portculr situation - pause Lookin and see~ whats the incompletin or wrong understanding from the past, which you ore bringing int the present situation? Can you complete with thot post hoppening and ett leove your ie? Putting an end to the misunderstanding isreal meditation. 32. Every Moment is New 00k into yourself Look into all your suffering, (can say all your suffering, ALLyour suffering. s just with this one problems carrying the past into the present, leading to wrong understanding. You go on and on and on interpreting fe based on the past and cresting problems for yoursel, Your mind becomes chaotic, completely confused with the past engrams. This is how wrong understanding leads to wrong decisions, whieh leads to suffering. In any uation, you ae open, fresh, alive, without the past conditioning and words, you ean handle the situation dlectly, You ean lve that situation direct, you can experiment with that situation cect, you can experience Indirectly. But when you cary a preconceived idee about that skustion, you never éirecty face that situation; you jump toa certain conclusion and start ‘aking actions based on that. In your own Ife you ean see, how many times you create 8 whol preblem In your imagination and are ready with all the weapons to attack the other petson. But when he comes before you, when he starts talking to you, you suddenly realize that he isnot carrying any problem with you in hs mind Then you realize, Oh God, there's no problem ata He did not even think about i 2s a problem, and here you are waiting with high BP with allthe weapons thinking, "he utters that word Iwill utter this word; Fhetas that way, I wiltlithis way; ihe bring that argument wi bring this argument." You are ready wit ll the arguments, allthe weapons. That guy makes the whole thing simple, and suddenly you fel empty! Now you feel "What is thisl How can this be? | prepared so much, but all his preparation has becorne a waste ‘That's why your mind always carries the incorpletions from one stuaton, You start the fight simply because you don't want tofeelthat youwasted so from one experience, and extends & to all people, all situations and all ‘uch time preparing forthe fight and it id not happen! expariences. You need to understand an important truth: we Ive in # localized way, but Each skuetion Is dferent, but your mind always generalizes, always we thinkin a generalized way. exneralzes! a eriviry Recall ary situation where you judged another person bored one post experince, but let feud thet the person was net corying tht In h/her mind ate ‘Now would you ike to compete with that person, ether in your mind or by direct speaking to them? Remember completion i net jst epotegiting; tis correcting the wreng understanding and allowing if to flow age We live in a localized way, but we think in a generalized way! 33. Judging Life is Violence The more judgments you carry about Ife, the more you wil suffer with Unnecessary volenee, unnecessary ange. The big problem &, you are ¢o {quick to pass judgment on a particular person, based on one experience, reven on a particular race, based on one person! You ae just waiting, you are just watting! ‘And the worst partis, not only do we throw these emotions on others, in a Feu days we start internalizing them also, This is whet | call suffering wth Unnecessary emotions, I have seen s0 many people suffering with unnecessary emotions. Because | am travalling all over the worl, | arn seeing diferent races, afferent communes, diferent cultures, diferent religions, diferent nationalities, Afferent backgrounds, afferent Kinds of people suffering with these Unnecessary Incompletions about Ife The judgments you pass about @ particular race, the judgments you pass abouts particular celigon, the judgment you pass about a particular state, the prejudins and bases you cary, are all elated to this wrong knowledge, “Many times people alle, espaclly when they comet Inda, ‘Swami we thought the whole of india willbe alvays only mediating! But we don't see that!" They think all Indians are constantly siting with closed eyes, silently ‘mecitating! Sometimes we pass judgment on an entire country, an entire religon, an entire culture, based on our experience with one person or a few people from that country, that religion, that culture. We use the past experience to judge the present stuation. 1 always tell peopl, The worst crime you can commit against yourself is suffering with unnacessary emotion. ‘ein na way directly related to yourlife, tis just = jusernent you ae carving ‘am not asking you notte have emotions, For example, you can keep the about fe anger which you need to display in your day-to-day life, that is okay. But unnecessary anges going to only estoy you, Unnecessary anger means, ‘the anger which isin no way going to help you, or ‘the anger which you can in no way exhibitor use in your ie For example, you read some news about some countrys President, and you say, "This ew Ailing the eltizens oF his country!” So you esery @ strong anger against hir. But will you be able to do anything against him? Wo! You cant. You can’. , You are goingto carry the same mind, the sare wife, the same if, IF you are sitting and worrying in the house, it is called housework: ifyou able tocome.cutof it ate sitting and worrying in the office itis called business; if you are siting and worrying on the beach, it sclled a vacation, thats lll But when your Thot is what almost al he people who misunderstand yous start doing! Imagination is added to your greed, things look much greener and more have seen many people who think they are yas, who torture their bodies Joyful than they actually were when you experienced them, In the name of yoga vera smallaction, evena simplerote, startslooking ike asymbolofeternal Once, during my spiritual wandering, Isaw a guy wha had been standing on love, You see? She loves mel loveher! We illlove eachother forever and _oneleg for twelve years! loffered my respects tohim and asked, Whatisthe ever! purpose of your tapas, your spiritual practice?” The man didnot answer immediately After the crowd around him left and A small ston we were alone, he sai, ‘Saba ntally | started doing it just as an exercise ‘A mans watching his wife orange her foverite peces of madem ert around When so many people started ging me attention and respect, | started thei new home. enjoying it, and finaly it became my lifestyle. Now, ‘Thate this modern or, hesays, What apiece of junk after being worshipped by 40 many thousands of thot Don't you have better taste thon ths?” Projecting your people all these yeas, I cannot tolerate going back His wife says, How can you soy thot! That is 0 Plcoso.” ‘What about this one, with ell the eran lines? You ikea?” ‘She says, ‘Of course! That ia Kandinsky.” tobeing an ordinary man!” Pleose understand, he Is torturing himself just to full his fantasy of greatness. He i Justa crippled man, because his unuse legs practically dead ater al these years. He has sacrifice his leg to fil his ‘magnified expectation on reality is called fantasy. This guy says, Come on! lust look at thisone-0 uy fantasy! ‘ith a pene neck, a blb ofa nase and squnty eyes! You cal hot greot or?” ‘No! says his wife, Thot 0 iron” Sometimes; even too many unfulfile fantasies about ife can make you renounce everything, There are some people who go on fentasizng about When you are caught in greed, Ifyou are fantasizing about everything, you having billons of dollars and living a wealthy ife with al luxuries. But in Will nt have the awareness to see your own realty thet le, they are able to make only very Iie. Because of thei fantasy When youarecaughtin greed, notonly wilyou suffer with te other person, about wealth, they are not abe to tolerate the reality oftheir fe. After you wil suffer with yourselfalso. ‘many fallures, they decide, "lam not interested inthis anymore’ This &s Youll never face realty. not aut ofthe right understanding about thee fantasy itis just frustration, Pleose understand, if you ar fantasizing about somebody ese, youillhave Renunciation out of frustration snot renunciation! to wake up sometime, because fling your fantasy continuously willbe a Vigo needs tobe understood in avery deep sense, Not only imagination big headache for the other person, and they are going todrop itsometime. _related to others, even imagination related to yourself and if, will bring [At some point, you will realize that your fantasy just your fantasy. Butt endless suffering to you you create a fantasy about yourself and torture yourself, you will never be 103 xervire Aecol ony three Ineldents where you projected yeur mognified expectation on someone ele, causing suffering for them and for you: Now, complete with those incidents ond movecr. 40. Fear of the Other is Fear of Yourself ‘The second energy center isthe Belngcenterorswadishthone chokra. your lrmaginatin ie added ttt osu ea distortion of your Fare about Ife LUsten: when imagination is added to your greed, it becomes fantasy. When Imagination is added to your fear, itbecomes phobia, When your swadishthana chokraiscortupted by your imagination, you stat constantly feeling frightened for no reason {your imagination takes the form a fear, youl be Ivingin fer of others ‘and sometimes, even yourself. fyouheve fear about others, a least you wil be free whenever the other person isnot there Youll not have that Fear 1 youstart creating fear about yourself you can never escape from that. You can never telax When imagination is added to your greed, you start having too much of ‘expectation fom the other person, You se him assomething much beyon ‘what he reallys. When imagination fs added to your fer, you start Ivingin fear ofthe other prson. But the cther parson isthe sarel The athar person ‘ssame here alg, but yousee him as something much worse than what he really is When emaginationisaddedto your greed, averythinglocks swest. Everything looks fantastic. You feel the other person is an angel, But when a shift happens in the energy center, when the same imagination rises two inches above tothe swadhishtene chakra, the same person suddenly starts locking like a devil ston: whether we ee the other personas an angeler devil, weare suffering with vitae, imagination. The realty ofthe ather persons nether angelnor devil he's a man, she's a woman thats all fyouare seeing anything other ‘than reality, you are suffering with vlog, A beautiful tony {an enightened master and his young disciple were waiking near @ smal stream which was flowing fost. Thay sow 0 young girl standing near the sreom end Please understand, the disciple has deep fears about himself. That why he cannct tolerate the outer reality; he isso afrald ofthe outer realty. He can't relate withthe other person Inthe same way, the enlightened master Si Ramakrishna lived with his wife Sarada Devi untithe end. They ved such2 wonderful fe. The relationship between them was indescribable; a real yog! relationship. Sri Remakrishna was criticized by many people fr living with Sarada looking at the water anxiously When they came nee, the girlasked the master, Can you please help me cross this stream? It isnot very sleep, but 1am afrald of the current” The master sold, ‘No problem.’ He just crred the gl! and woded through the water et heron he other bank ond come back When imagination is added to your greed, it becomes fantasy. When imagination is added 4o your fear, it becomes phobia. Dev in the temple. He ahvays used to respond to ‘them that they are afraid of themselves, and that is why they are afraid of the person outside Sometimes these so-called yoal etcize me, ‘What isthe Swami? Being » sannyac, you ae siting on such a bigthrone and so many disciples are serving you I tel them, don't have the fear that wil get His young dice could not tolerote this! How could the master; Being o monk, touch @ young woman? How could eit her anc conry her aeoss the verze cesuelly? He was not abe to tolerate this, but somehow he kept quiet out of respect forthe master When they reached the monastery, e fnolly could not old itany longer. He asked the master, ‘Master, being o mont, how can you touch thot young woman and cary her aeress the rive? iit not wrong?” The master was surprised He smiled at the discipleand sold, Tift heron the opposite bank long ago. Are you sil carving her? acre sttached to these things. You have that fear-that is why you are afald to have them in your Ife” When you re not afraid oF enouncing, youll not be afraid of having. (7 youare ara ofthe other, at least when the other person isnt there, you will not have the fear. Ifyou are afraid of youre, of your own patterns and emotions tke the fear of # ghost, tll continue to haunt you, shake vou frighten you. Ths is what Patanal calls vest shunya—the imagination ferwhich there isno corresponding object n realty. Aecal an incident where you projected your magnified feor on someone else, seeing them os much werse thon they reoly are Complete with that nesents and move beyond the feor 41. Don’t renounce for the wrong reason LUsten:Renouncing out of fentasy or fear isnot renunciation, Many thes, people practice renunciation jst because they don't know how to handle the responsibilties of fe. have seen in the Himalayas, some so-called yog’s who leave behind leveything andl come and settle dawn ina emalltemple and ve an Baksh, ‘begaing alms for food. t looks like ie of true renunciation. Each of them has their own comer inthe termple, thelr own ‘spot where they sit and beg alms. But the funny thing is they become attached to that spot! Nobody ve cansitin their spot, They starting ightingfor that spo; they never alow anyone ele to st in that spot ‘These people have let behind thelr weak thelr property their house thelr family everything. But now they ae fighting for 252" spot! What does this show? They di not renaunce the worldly things because they didn't want them: they tenounced them out ofthe far of responsibilty. Samevny,ltomembera sadhucaled Karandaly Baba’ who had eonounced tevenythingand come waytothe Himalayas with ust one copper kamondalu {ater pol. But then he got so attached to thet water pot! He would wash, ‘wash, wash the water potthe whole day and keep shining. The Komendau had become his brand This ls perverted ownership and perverted renunciation ~ owning without taking ownership and renouncing without practicing renunciation, There ate two kinds of fear Which lead to renunciation: ane, you ae afraid ‘that ifyou have something you need to maintain lt second, you are afraid ‘that you may got attached to itand start suffering f you lose it someday. Renouncing for both reasons isnot renunciation. tocay.” ‘The bartenders shocked. He thinks something bad has happened. He asks, ‘What happened? Did something hezpen to ‘have one more story for you ebout this Kind of one your brates renuncition 10h, no, the guy soy, They are choy. is just {A guy goer into o bar ond ardor thee soporte shot Renouncing out of that decid tau dking” loses of ksh wih, fantasy or fear He places theglosses side by side onthe counter end isnot renunciation. Understand all our esuneistion is more or less ke drinks oi hee hinse this! He does ths doy ofter oy after dy. {7 you renounce someting forthe wrone reason, (One doy the bartender finaly seys, You krow, lean put all the of those shots Into one alas for you" The guy says, ‘No. | proferit ths way See, have two brothers abroad whom Lave very much. The other wa glosses here mokes mefeelthat om drinking one for each of them. feel three of us are sting here together” [And the guy continues to come in day after day, cn he does the seme thing. The bartender also continues to setup three giosses for him ‘One doy, the guy comes witha lang foce and says, “lve me Just two shote CONTEMPLATION please he very clear that youwillsurelyb enjoying Insome other way. That swhatSrikrshna cals beautifully calls mityachoryo =the hypoctsy of renouncing something physically but enjoying the same ‘thingin some other form. Please understand, renunciation that has happened because of vikolpa isnot voge. Even though they ie asi they are yous, such people never achieve vows. hot desices have given up because fet (did net know howto handle the fulfilment of the desire? 42. Are you ripe for renunciation? ‘youate renouncing because of fear of attachment or fea of malntenance, itis better you drop the renunciation and enjoy your Ife, because you are ‘et yet ripe fr enunciation, Dont take that big tea, Don't be so arrogant ‘sto renounce, Don't renounce ou of arrogance! Asma store A new disciple entered a monastery ‘Hefound that humbleness was hight valued inthe monastery, sohe started acting very humble. ‘One day his guru asked him to massage his fet, The disciple immediately said, "No, no, nol lama fool lama sinner. How can Itouch your feet?” Another day, a devotee brought some feuts as an offering forthe gu ‘Tho guru just touched it as a blessing. Immediately, the disciple ate the vole thing ‘The guru asked, What happened?” ‘The disciple answered, "You touched the ruts, so they became sacred, they ‘became prasad. How can suth sacred fruts go to waste? Somebedy has to feat ther, $01 ate ther Then the guru sid beautifully, Relax! There sno need to behave so humbly You have nct yet bacome so great as to be humble ‘Even humbleness needs to happen with the right understanding, for the right reason. Without the right context, even your humity is arogance, leven your renunciation is arrogance, The real renunciztion Is not renunciation because of fantasy or fear it Is imaginationInallseven chakras canbe called true renunciation. the renunciation ofthe fantasy and fear itself. Oy the renunciation of the AcriviTy Make a list of 5 desives that you have renounced, or considered renouncing (eg, a lucrative job, 2 material possession, a relationship, 2 vacation plan, ete.) Contemplate: Did you renounce the desite because of fantasy or feat? Without the right context, even your renunciation isarrogance. 0 43. Take Responsibility for your Choices ‘Mony times, we feelthet weare not gettingwhetwe want from life. We want wealth, but we are forced tole with poverty. Or we want to renounce, but le have too many bonds, too many obstaces on the path but Ifyou look lite «litle deeply into your ie, you will understand that whatever you have in your Ife is exactly what you asked for, Because you are not aware of your true desires, you carry the imagination that life has cheated you. But Ue is nothing but big ttheestul Life is shvays saying, ‘So bet So belt Youdon'ttake responsibilty for whateveris happening your ie, Because you ate not aware thet itisa result of your own deeisions, your own cholees A small tory about decisions and consequences: Bed and Tony are out on a morning run Suddenly Tony asks Bob, Hey Bab, rervember when you and I went fishing Lp north nine months age? And the ear broke down in the thunderstorm and we ended up spending the night at that farm owned by that gorgeous widow, You remember? Bob say, "Yas, ys, Tony, remember that Tony says, You remember we met that widow?” Bob says, "Yes, cf course remember her. Teny says, ’She had that bg febulous house, and we slept Inthe guest wing. and she was over in her wing. And the next morning we got in our car and headed north, we went fishing. Do you remember” Bob says, "Yes, yes, lremember eveything” Tony says, "Well today gota letter from her attorney: ‘obs shaken. Why...what happened?” he asks. Tony ast, ‘Dé you happen to getup in the middle ofthe night and go pay ‘the widow a viet” Bob slowly says, "Yes did” ‘And did you happen to use my name instead of tlingher your name? asks Tone ob puts hishead down and says, “lary sory | did, Now what to do? Why CONTEMPLATION e Jeary the imagination thet ife has chected me? Caules his be beccuse lam not oware of my tue desires? fo youasi” Tony says, Well she just died and let me everythingin her wil” ‘hen you know that you are responsible forthe happenings Inyour fe, you wil spontaneously rencunce the imagination that life has cheated you, Whatever you have in your life isexactly what ‘you asked for. 44. Relax from Imagination Vitae the ubimatesofeng larng from vitae the timate elartion, Swern poop au ne, Sos Ica sa frm wha coniiouly, bat hat stout the unsanacins ad subneci ala? Igive ou one imposant sce sore leat fem my teacher When asked bhi thi same quston,hateld en, Tf yoo antinscotycontamlata on aniden fos davan days, it wil sink into your subconscious mind ‘Tf you continuously conteiplate on fo omenty-one dys til spl ik into your uaconssoas? Sodonit very abet haw yo can get out af bapa Dott Fight mith Dont sek fors technique Frain dip, ot semembes thi ideo, contemplat on inconulgoe Let it sinkivia you. Pres you ace consciously entertaining imagination just emember. nation id nig Jt comer and cela Soe it that [Do is for deve days: Saal, you wil ee that even in your daca, you minember the see de. {yeu corstery remember some dea sucegly in the waking site, inthe dean, flea you will member the same ide strongly. orexanpa, yppors you have a fusca ghows and you delde that whenever the feachappens, ou wll mene God or Gus ae pay tothe, [fy emer the contimieny inthe waking safe, after eleven des, even if youlavea dream ofa ghost, you wil meme God or Gum in you dea! “lor any of you have expend this -the ideas ha you cay in your waking shale penetating your dona eae? [¢happene fou contatly remember it for snore tha en ys Sodon'torenhuve the ans, low vl pasiyeny unconscious Jost romambec- Gaba js anupats att Sono walpah Imagintion beings ‘using Imugition as eppened to the say isthe Myyog masters nameie Yogi Yoummanca Post Whe inroscing ms, hese “Inthe frac, he will express thousands of concepts, ‘sont mere vend, Thisisknownse bapa ane, nd milions of pape wl ste te him. Et [want to ae eee Scene | tetera | Sent Gr uupinmen’ ie yundacandng iopeyen | forelevendays, twill sink | nec guct aa patos peach tan achieve niga Letgu dlexpeceneeninikepa | tte your subconscious mittd, | srderpntnd | mmanber Voginj Yogurands Path Aoep respect and revetence and oy for his foneiht in 2 eesti. tt shase th ge ait ts apt thing this ete ist eject | poe on inthis incematicn on planet aah At ‘he age of deven, after my yoga mater tught ne the Ygs Sua thoceughly, he called ingegthesing ofall his ples and Sllowers an asked me to speak to the gathering Ian sey thie was my fist public ecard Aeriviry Continuously contemplate on this idea for eleven days ‘ringing the nooedge to th whole weed by shacng this inowisig oth me, [offer and ciate thi whole Yous Sit exe, anc specially toc’ cour, andthe whole inowledge whic [am chasing wth ou ats fst, with ny eavernce and expect, Leryou all epecience ninth by his grace andl by Paarl’ gel bless you Alt yon all expesenoowibaba stats, Lag enlightenment ‘ei peretcate your dream state and your deep sleep state, and you wil be out of vklpe. im 45. Are you a Sleepwalker? Potonjo is taking ws beautiful, step by ste, to the deeper and deeper sources ~ or frees — which ae inside us, which can lead us to either joy (or pain, to anguish or non-anguish He is describing the subtler and subtler ‘modficetions ofthe mind one by one. The purpose of the description i: how to use each modification to lead us to joy to lead us to bls. can say ican lead only to joy - then bls suddenly happens, es beautitlly aiding us, tepby step Fist, he described right knowledge; second, wrong knowledge; third, vikapa, imagination; fourth, he is now talking about sleep. Deeper than imagination, there i something, That ie ati slap, Sleep! Wf you understand the word ‘sleep’ in an ordinary way, what you understands sleep, you may ask, How can sleep leadto pain? Sleep always leads only to pence, How can it ad to pain? 50, ‘sleep! should not be understood as we understand, In a very normal way. Let us understand what Patajal has to say bout sleep. Abhiva patyaya larnband wtih nis Tho subtle state where thoughts ore rot vsualied i sleep or ride. (One important thing: there is no being which does not spend part of life In sleep. You can be without right knowledge, without wrong knowledge, without imagination, but you can never be without sleep. You may be able to avoid those three, but you can never avoid slap. Its almost ike your breathing its your life. Onethed of your if is spent in sleeping, Ifyou understand Patanjals views aboutsleeping and use that knowledge in our day-to-day ie, lean say the whole quality of your life can be transformed. very singe sutra in these Yoga Surasisa complete tectnique by itself 1can sy every single sutra can create one religion ths created! There are some religions which work only on sleep. One sect of Buddhism, they dont teach ‘you anything ese except the ideas and concepts about sleep They help you work on sleep, thats al Inthe daytime, you ean do whatever you want They do all the spiritual practices and exercises for spiritual growth during sleep, and use the daytime forsome other purpose! ‘one crosses the border of that town! You will be shocked! It just a ten bHlometer area. They take birt, they live, they mary, they gve birth tolds, they dle — all inside that tow of Chidambaram. They don't move out ofthat town. They have a strong commitment to Patanjali and to Nataraa (Shiva, the presiding deity of Cidambaram’s temple. Patanjak became enlightened ‘hough the darshan of Shiva, This community has committed itself to hold and spread this knowledge. Whoever comes to thelr place, they teach them, they share ths knowledge, they make tis knowledge available, they run the temple, and they have taken the vow they wll not cross the boundary ofthe town, Sometime eel surprised even in this ime and age! Tipoe tamioees Can you imagine - education i aalable to them, | saw an advertisement the other day ~ Earn more your-sleep, wealth and sueces in the outer world are available and more money during your sleep, and keep your your whole life to them; everthing is available to them| But they ‘days to spend with your loved ones!” A financial fire's advertisement This practice is ke that! This. Buddhist adiion helps you with ONLY how to work fon your consciousness during leap. Ofcourse, the source ofthis technique fs the Yoga Sutras of Patanjal, ‘No wonder Patanaliis stil such an inspiration to milins! You can imagine how great his Chidambaram would have been! Chidambaram isthe place in southem India where he was born, ved, taught and ra his university. He established a great traditional university and founded a community called “Dikshitars”. That community stil alive; afew thousand! families ate there in Chidambaram. Patanal is their guru. They still don't take ination from anybody ese; ony Patanjli's teachings are stil repeated and remembered ‘And one important thing | want you all to know: in that community, no can be transformed, have decided to spend ther ife there imagine the dedication, the sacrifice! There are very few, | can say 0.1%, who have come: ‘out for some purpose. And even they goout ony to run Nataraa temples in ‘other places asked some youngsters frm that community ‘Don't you guys feel any desire to move out ofthis town? They said, ‘No! Nataraja is enough for us They fe! that he s the father of the whole community, and when the father ishere, what the need to go anywhere else? There is such a strong feeling:connection, such 2 deep commitment. tis they who preserved this whole knowledge, There ae 0 many seriptures which sulered interpolations, but can assure ‘you, guarantee you ~ this book is pure, because this community took care ‘of that. tcan say its their sacrifice which has kept this knowledge alive and unplluted for us, What ethe greatest act of serie I have done, and what ithe jy realy got fom it? 7 46. Three kinds of Sleep ‘Abhi pratyays lamiband tind The subtle state where thoughts are not visualized i slegpe nia Inehsoute,Potajalilanottalkingonlyaboutthe sleep which youexperience Bt night -youlie down, theres na dream theres nathought and you wake Lupin the morning, You know onlythat sleep, You remember only that sleep, That clo one kind of sleep you go through. But you go through two other sleeps aso, You go through theee kinds of sleep: the sleep whieh you experience during the waking state, the sleep which you experience during the dream state and the sleep which you experience during deep sleep state You gothroush three kinds of sleep -waking-sleep, drear-sloep, sleep-lep. Understond, we experience sleep during the woking state alo! You would have experienced tis many times in your Ife - you would have started the car and driven to office for halfan hour, but only when you park your carat the office and get ut, you wil suddenly remember that you have driven for halfan hour! You drove forhalfan hour, turned right, turned left, stopped at ‘signal, stopped fora cop - you did so many things, You did 0 many things! But you don't remember, Means, you were sleeping even when you were make ‘am nottalkingonlyaboutthe people who have disorders, ike sleepvaikers, | am saying the whole of humanity is sleepwalking! Except 2 man who i= awakened, enlightened, the whole of humanity sseepwalking, Sometimes, ry disiplesand the pecple who lve around me anfind thatclear differance = they are not able to Keep pace with my clay, with my awareness, te ‘themsomany things: Thisthisthsthisthis!~and they cant raspeverything ‘together Sometimes struggle with them. Then sudenly | remerber this ‘Many tres you can see - especially when you are watching TV, or when vouare reading bock- suddenly, for few minutes-a gzp. Suddenly there (5. few minutes’ gap; 6 as fa pause” has happened! At leas, with 3 ‘book, you can wake up and go back! That is why, stil, no other medium is able to outdate books. So many madera media have come, where ouneed sutra Til you are enlightened, there Is relly no cther way -you wil go through part of your waking state, seeping! What we ell abeentmindedness’ fs one side-effect cr by-product of this sleep ~ wiich Patanjali calls nidra. Pease understand: not being alive In the state in which you are, ewhat | eal sleep. Not being You go through three kinds of sleep: waking-sleep, drearm-sleep and sleep-sleep. lesser effort then reading @ book ~ Ike TV. But you can't outdate a book, because people know that in between, they will have @pauselIFitis a book, they can go back. Thats why people rely on books more ‘thanany other source, Icansay even ‘absentmindednesslea very superficial avalabe inthe state which you are, is what I call seep, fyoucan ust be availabe inthe state in which you ate, you will have solutions forall the problems you fac. | really mean ‘his there sno problem which cant be solved Only one thing you need tobe avaiable there, All problems are created when youre net available, ‘When youare not avatabe, you mess up the whole thing, word, Even that can’ be the right description. You are there, but youre not there; you ae there, but youare not there Your boty i maving ou arewalking your talking. you are doing things. ou are showingallthe dlincl symptoms of being awake but you are asleep! You are not there! The reflection of Conscousness ie notthere! {con jut be oveilelo nthe tote in which fam, | wll hove solution for al the problems I fece 47. This Life is Unique ste: the human body fs the only mcror whlch has abit to reflect the superconselous state. Superconsciousnessis the Sun, The human body ithe only body which i polshed and directed towards that Sun. The ceflection of Superconsciousnesson the body is what we call sul indbvidual soul. All other bodies may be alive, but they are not that polished, they are not that sophisticated, that they can reflect that pure Consciousness, the Sun. The reflection ofthe Sun itself eannot happen on therm, That is why the human bodys so highly respected inthe Vedictradition ven f the devas, the anges or the demigods, want enlightenment, they have to tate a human body, Please understand, you ae in blessed zone, because the possibility lsthere for you, IFsomeone diesafterhavinga hurman body without becoming enlightened, that is the utimate stupdty he can commie! Sorry forthe strong wards! Gut | am not saying this ~ the great Hind incarnation Adi Shankara is saying this, In Vivekachuda ran), he say that after having these three qualifications, ‘Manushyatva, mumukshatva, ‘makapurusha samsayah, if you stil dacde to waste time, i ithe ultimate stupa. Monushyatva ~ means, being human. He does not even mean having a human body; he mesne humannese! There ie 2 big difference. He f not saying, manushya shareera (human body); he is saying manushyatia (huranness). Murnukshatva ~ means, seking beyond, seeking the truth, seeking the ultimate Mobepurusha sarsayah—means, the nearness ofan enlightened being the nearness of parson who has achieved, Pleose understand, olf of you have allthese three qualifications thats why youarehere! ‘Manushyatva no doubt about allofyou have it ‘Mumukshotva ~The moment you declied to get Into your car and travel her, driv in this LA trafic and sit hee, be clear that you have mumutshatval You hove mumukshatval The moment you decide to come here, what i the pull? That is mumukshatva Fromthe moment you wake upin the morning, fou are spending the whole day thinking about when ft ill esi o'clock and you can com tothe satsang, be very lar, you have strong mumukshatva Quore Bven if the devas or the demi-gods want enlightenment, they have to take human body. nothing seis needed, ‘Mahopurusha samsayah- you have the nezrness of anenlightened being! Beoutfuly Shankare says, ‘Even ater havingallthese ‘three ifyou sil aste time, itis utter stupidity. The whole thing bolls down to this one sutra: be available Don’ be in nda Don't slow absentmindedness. ‘Avoigndra atleast when you are withthe master someone dies after having human body without becoming enlightened, that i the ultimate stupidity he can comrat! mi 48. Action-sleep and Thought-sleep Absentmindedness! Becouse of absentmindedness, people miss many things ~ relationships, decisions, fe sl When you ate absentminded i your outer etities, you may lose the things ofthe outer world ike success and wealth, But f you are absentmnded during your inner planning, inner visualztion, inner thinking you wll miss the links in your fel That ie the wort thing Forexample, you nay be thinking. "should start seeking sincerely, | should read this book.” ~ and suddenly, there wil be» pausel And ater a few ‘minutes, you willbe thinking think shoul watch this TV shom The flow hich was happening inside youis missing! tis gonel Pleate understand, the nidra which f happening in your Internal flow of consciousness, few of thoughts, s worse than the nidra which s happening In your outer acthites, you ae abeentmindedness in the outer weld, you ‘may have only afew problems in the outer word ‘havea story about thet | will read itout. [An cbsentminded professor wos moving toa new house further olong the some street. His wife knew that he was prone to forgetting things, s0 she wrote down the new address ona plece of poper. Before he went to colege, she handed him the paper and the key to the new house, ond reminded him not to go back tothe some old addres, That morning one of his stadents caked him @ complex question, ond the professor wrote the answer don onthe back of the ap ofthat same poper The student osked if he could keep the paper. Forgetting whet wes on the other side, professor sci, Cotcinly” Inthe evening he returned out of habit to the old hous, tried the key ond could not get in Realizing his mstote, he searched in his pockets forthe sip of poper with the new odess. But ofcourse, there wes no sgn oft when the doctor says they have to exercise, they go and bu allkinds of gym {equipment anda kinds of books, and everything willbe ling in the garage for the next sic months til hey se the doctor again, and he says they have toexercse! This means, there is absentmindedness in your very thinking, in your very planning for your hf, Pleose understand, whenever I put 2 ire inside you, you decide, Yes! From teday | am going te live what Swamy says | think S0 he wandered olong that street ond stopped the os | aleady wasted too much of time” You take all {is persanabeloking ld whom he so posible vows! Sut by the time you are back home, He asked the lod, Excise me, 1 om Professor When nldra happens that mental setup slowly, slowly, slowly. its at Golbigh. You would not hopoen to krow where | in your thought flow, ‘there! dra ha happened in your ener ow, in five, woul you? itkills your passion your thought flow. You can see very dearly, how The lod rep. Sure Dod know” _for life. ‘many times you take vows ~ what happens to a that? After ll itis your mind, you took the vou This is too much! But even with absentmindedness In the outer word, you lose anly the things of the outer world, Fargetting to take your handbag, forgetting to take your glasses — these are simple ‘mistakes. Youlose only simple tings. But forgetting to keep the things which you really need in your life - that f= where you lose too many big things. Forgetting to keep the seeking alive fone of ther, Many times | have seen, whenever I come here to the USA, 2 big group tgathers, and they all gt terily inspired about seckng, They pick up ll the DVDs, al the books, everything. And then what? They wl be lying in the cupboard tl Icome back again! Itreally happens tis ike how, when people ead some book about fitness, or when they watch some show on TY, oF Then what happens to your integrity? The other day somebody told me, ‘Swami, in the ast six months, | quit smoking twenty times’ it means that nineteen ies you started again! It Ie not that you want to break the vow. If you want to break it, perfectly alright; you have the freedom. tis your choice! But here, something oe is happening. kind of asleep is happening in your thought flow, which does not alow you to keep the passion alive, to keeping the vow alive, The sleep which you experience during the thought flow or the ation flow Is what leads you to anguish. Ifyou experience sleep during the ation flow, you vl isthe things ofthe auter world you experience thesleep during the thought flow, you will miss too many things ofthe inner wold xervire How many vous have you taken end broken inthe ast one yeer? Can youtrace the absantmindedness which lad to breaking each vow? 49. Meditation is Conscious Repair Usten: te slep which youexoerlence at nights in no way goingto lead you toanguieh or pain ‘ean sy tsa power, tisan energy. You go backto the source from which you created this body. Seo, this body was created when your mother was fast sleep, That is why, in nia there isa tradition - if «pregnant lady is sleeping she will nt be lsturbed under any ereumstonces, They say that Brahms i eesting the baby's body while she is sleeping The energy which was there inside your mother’s womb when she was fast sslonp—inthat womb, in that space, you were created very night, you go beck to thet same energy. Your bed, your plow, the ark room ~ allthis is nothing but trying to create the same energy, the same space, the same mood, of te wombs Everything is trying to recreate the same ambience, the same experience, which you had in the wor. You can see that even yoursleeping pasture will be just ike how a baby sin the ‘womb. Just go back to that same posture; you wil fall asleep within a fow seconds! When you sleep, you go back tothe same energy, and recreate your body and come back to lve the nest day That sleep wil in no way lead youto pain or angush ‘There ate twa kinds of repaiework that happenin our system. Every night, when you fall asleep, so much repair work happens inside your system. t ents rajuvenated. That i one kind of repair. The other kind of repair has 10 be done when you are awale. It cannot be done when you ate seeping Physical repair can happen by making you sleep. For example, tiredness ~if vyouare tired, youcan be madeto sleep andthe tiredness will go away; the repair can be done. Irmportant hing you nead ta know! the moment you know you ae sleeping, you willbe out of sleep. This the trth. The moment you know that your ‘thought low ie breaking, youwill tar connecting again. Fyou know that vouare breeking you wll start repalrng it Its an Physical cepa is ike 2n auto-nechaniccepsiring 2 car; hewillinply turnoff the engine and then rept It, Butthe other kind of repair =the conscious repair is kes doctor doing» bypass surgery. You can't be put to sleep! You can't stop the heart an pesform the surgery The repair work has to happen when youarealve The moment you know you are sleeping, ‘yore will be out of sleep. automatic process Sometimes peoples, ‘Swami how much ever| try ‘the technique of unclutching, my rind sometimes wanders here and there: |am notable to unclutcht | tell them, ‘The moment you remember, ome beck again, unclutch agin, that’s enough! Don't bother Conscious repair is what call meditation, Sleep and mediation are both almost the same, but not the samel The ‘ference between them is Ike the difference Between the work done by on auto-mechonie and» surgeon. A surgeon always gets paid mare than on auto-mechanie, because he has to do the repair work while the machine is running. Understand, youneedto repair whilethe inerchatteris happening, while the very thought flow i happening, Sometimes people ask me how to repair this breeking of the thought flow: tell you, the awareness itself wil heal half of the problems. One big envi Todo, try to catch yoursof ever sme there is 0 breakin your thought flow Come back agin and again. 16 bout few moments which you lost. When you come. back again and again without creating elk, the moments Which are lst wi be drastically reduced. but if you miss the awareness two or theee times, you love confidence yourself. No needl As Patanalisays beautifully, you slip even while you are ‘wake; you slp even inthe conscious low. ft notonly happens duringsleep~ sleep, happens during waking slep alo. Be aware of the different kinds of sleep, that's enough; then you can start being awake, then you can start bengalive 50. Connect to Yourself first ‘have one more story for you about absentmindedness eis my favor subject, because I euffer with thle problern with all my lsciplest | can say that ths is one ofthe obvious, visible gaps between the intoany houseand ext anywhere and sleep anysthere. Once ina week, on Friday, when they areallsupposed to goto the temple, they take attendance and find out whois where, that’ all o,in India, they cannot relate to jokes like the professor missing his house con the same street £venin this joke the moment Isay, ‘eldery widow and widower, dating for five years’ ~ they can't understand This itslf wil be 2 joke for them! They don’t need any other punchline! In India, only in modern times they even think ofemarriage~and tattoo ony ifthey are below forty! Anybou, heres the story! ‘An elderly widow ond e widower had been dating fr five years. He finellyasked hero mary him, and she immediatly sod yes, but the next ‘morning, be could not remember what her answer it away~this i oporigroh, Jnthatcase, you uillhave to ghe many pars of your housel Itmeans,absent- mindedness about your surroundings. Forget about parts of your house, you may even need to give away parts ‘of your body. No, really! Mast ofthe time, yau don’t fee that you are lve inside your complete body, Iie al just ying there because you cannot lisconnectit Becauseits already connected, itis coming with you wherever you gol Otherwise you yourself are not aware. Many times, you are nat avare of your hands. You are not aware of your legs. tis there because tis there, thatsall. ho been Your breathing you ate not sare! Your digestion — In desperation, he decided tocol her. Any action youarenotaware He sid, This is aly embarrassing, butwhen asked ‘performed repeatedly [Many times, people come and ask me to give them you to marry me yesterday wel this morning, just aeshout avaneuess suggestions for their det. tell them, “YOUare eating, could not remember whet your enswer wes.” ‘She suddenly sei, ‘Oh, | om s0 olad you colle! | remembered saying yes to someone, but | could rot isan addiction! YOU are digesting; you are asking about ME about Your det? Whats going on? Iean't understand the remember who it woe!" | think that would have been the ultimate marriage! Different levels of absent mindedness! When you are absentminded internally, you are caught in addition. | don't mean only the addiction to alcohol or drs or smoking. Any action performed repeatedly without awareness isan addition, even fit snot Visibly dangerous adeiction, For example, youcan see in your whole life, you walkin the same way inside your house! You it on the same sofa every dy. When you come downstais, you comein the same way. Sometimes, maybe for si months, you don’t even use many parts of your house If you ty to lve for afew days wth awareness, you will notice this, ‘The spiritual term oparigraho means, ving with minimum things. Whatever you have not used forthe last sie months, donating itt some charity; giving 8 conceptof asking somebody else about YOUR diet. It ‘meansthatyouarenoteven aware of your digestion! ‘Be awarel For the next ten days, whenever yoU eat, be aware of how you Feelin the stomach, how you feel with the whole process of digestion and leaning, Just be aware of your whole digestion system, You can very clearly understand what makes you feel uncomfortable and what makes you fee ‘relaxed. Suddenly your body wll el you the ight quantity, right quality, ‘everything Just create your det based on that. That's all That is why Patani never speaks about a particular det. He only gives you simple suggestions to bring more awareness to what is happening inside ‘yeu. Unfortunately, now, the moment you ate done with your meal, you are lisconnected, You forget ll about what is happening inside your stomach til the next meal. You are completely unaware of whats happering inside you. Yoga nothing but the process of bringing your awarenees to You. 0f course, sometimes people cannot even practice yoga because they are ‘toa unawarel A person once came and told me, ‘Swami | can't practice want youto remember ths ~nidr! means 'sconnect vows. Can you suggest something else Isaid, ‘Why? He sai, They say, to There are so many defnitions of dra. Teday, carry this one definition with practice yoga, there shouldbe 2 gap of three hours after the last meal!” you. Just internalize this one idea letthis oneidea ing inside you. ntaralz, We have become so insensitive, so dlsconnected! Internalze internalize, til vou come back tomorrow. Aeriviry For the nxt ten doys, whenever you eat, be aware of how you fool inthe stomach, how you feel with the whole procets of digestion ond cleaning Just be ‘aware of your whole digestion system 51. Don’t Pause your Life As | sald earlier, absentmindedness In the outer world Is responsible for vour planning not becoming realty, Absentmindedness is the inner word is responsible for alladeictions, But bth are connected! |Mony times, you decide something, but you don't execute ft ft means thet the vow, the sankalpa, which has happened in your system, sdsconnected before even it spreads through your whole body! For example, you decide, ‘Let me stop smoking” That sankslpe, thet strong resolution, travels through your nervous system. But even before even it ecules your whole body and brings it under your contol and becomes an action, ts broken! Nida has happened. The pause has happened. Your system has gone into power-saver made, Even before it penetrates your whole system, youhave gone into ‘pause’ mode. Tie Is responsible for addiction, indecision and the Inablity to Keep the intensity alive in your Ie. Howto comecout ofthis nea? Whenever the pause is happening, ramembar and try to be more aware that’s enough! ust be Iti more intelligent! This ithe astonce of what lam saying, nothing else Patarjalisleo saying the same thingin deaper and dasper ways Fist he exoressed about right knowledge. With right knowledge, nothing ‘much needs to be changed. You don't have to work so much on right knowledge. Its practically not 2 problem at all. Then, wrong knowledge, Youneed towork onitalttle, corec it, correct the direction, Then comes vilalpa, imagination, Here, nt ony do you neee to correct the ‘ection, the very CONTENT has tobe changed. Whh wrangknowlede, tis conly the direction thats wrong, With imagination, the very vehicle in hich You are sting is wrong! With wrong knowledge, you ‘only need rghit navigstion. With imagination, the very vehicle is wrong, ‘havea story about imagination ‘A guy brings hi brother tothe hospital ond says, Sir he hase problem, He thinks heis@ lawnmower” The doctor asks, How lng has he had tis problem?” The guy says, For the lost eight months” QUOTE Nidra is responsible Jor addiction, indecision and the inability to keep the intensity alive Thedoctoris shocked. Hesays, ‘Then what were you doing al this ime? Why Reni When you toke a rescution, be aware. Don't tthe nidra happenin your system! i dn you bring him hare carker?” The guyssoys, would have, but my neighbor hod borrowed him and retumed im only yesterday!” With imagination, the very content needs to be changed, not ust the direction “Subtierthan imagination is the next level~slep. Hore, the very road needs to be changed! That nid. These are the subtler and subtler modiiation of ‘the mind on which you need to work. 52 . Working on Dreams So far we looked a the ist lvelof ald, wakingseep. The second-level idee deaamsloep Please understand, in the dream tate, you experience completely confused Identities tis not chronologically clear. For example, you may havea dream ‘that you are going to school with your wife! Means, the mined identity, ‘the confused identity. n the seme way, you may mix twa incidents, which happened when you were twenty yearscld and ffty years of, andsee them ‘together in yourdream. tt shows that in the dreamsleep also, you mis the continuity (7 you are abe to be aware even while the dream continues, you will use our dream to ensch your fe. Please understand: if you can master this art, your whole Ife willbe totally diferent You can straightaway achieve whetever you want, Mastering your dream means being aware even While vouare dreaming, not letting the dlsconnection or the pause happen while you dream, There ie great spiritual tedtion in Inca which works only on dreams, Just ‘on dreams! One tradi of Vedanta they are called Aghors. They master dreame, They use the dream state to salve all their problems to find out the mysteries ofthe planet Earth and the universe. There nalso# branch of Tibetan Buddhism which works on dreams. They call tdrearn cretion. Of course, Buddhism self» branch of Hindu, ‘Aghor means compassionate sot’. "Ghor! means ‘wld olen’. "Wehave 2 wrong understanding about Aghoris. We thik 'Aghor! means ‘violont, will! Nol ‘Aghor' means ‘soft, compassionate In Madhya Pradesh In India, there I village which belongs to the Aghor! sampredays, the Aghori tradition. The Aghori monks and householders live there. They havea tradition ~ i they have a dream in which they have lsrespected somebody, of abused somebody, the daytime they wil gto ‘that person's house and ask forgvenesl Evan # they disrespect somebody in their dream, they go and apologize ta that person hours, your dreams and yoursleep will aso be continucus. fyouare able to ‘maintain the continuousflow of awareness during the wakingstate, you will be able to maintain that continuity inthe drezmstate also, You may ath ‘Howto master dreams?” ‘There ia beautiful technique, very powerful technique from Tanta, which Patanall speaks about in Sadhans Pada and Vibhootl Pada in this book “Whotavermakes you feel very pleasant- something, ‘They believe that dreams are an extension of the some person ~ just remember that, alive, inside, waking state, while you fll asleep." Mastery over drearas ‘you fea very pleasant by reremberingyour master, The great mathematician Ramanujam from South imeans being aware corby remembering your beloved, orby remembering India had mastery over dreams. Any mathematical even while some scene like a beach, just remember that when problem he was unable to solve, he would just ‘post ase drmannings you lie down in your bed - alive, vivid, visually, in Contemplate on it in the night and fall asleep, and ‘multi-color, foursdimension — remember it and hhe would have the solution in the dream. The naxt continue to be with itil youfall sep, ‘morning. he would just repeat the solution. But he ‘wouldnt know the steps! He wouldn't now the method, but he would know the result, He was a great devotee of the dey Solingapurem Mahelakshen Sof somebody asked him, ‘How dl you arrwe at this answer?, he woulé jus ay, ‘Solingapurern Mahalakehm tld me, tha’ ll? That's why come people started suspecting that he may be steslng the answers from others Listen: f you are not daydreaming or fling asleep during your waking ACTIVITY Forthe neat ten days tr thistechnigue: Tey this ust for ten day. You wil see that that vivid picture, that vivid visualization, that vivid experience, will penetrate your pain ry ew Ha note, on Khe imageaton a ans, Seep ant Helstaingusste by ste th deeper zane, tthe sb an she 200 Fado i bok he hod aton: meme let usenet in thera Anubihdtovisayasampramesah smrtih oto of ment neem of po wens from te avons wink meman Menor an adit ring oy ince do today, depending how eure, Sandu we have beaut wg Boone mea tsease of bet Lath eis ‘wenoeysresponsil for everthing you eno nthe utr va alsa he sis yougotheomphin themes we en me caer ws us mem benscomints Mayall he Susy need Rat gleturbaneas yau go through are because ofthe constantsng oom. ot sig memory bigs alin, sbsertmindedness Stetbans sg menor om mony, ys emendousine ya eae (the ne vor ware mere ings al nds options and suffering. All the tis @ paradox! | will expan thie are deeply inthe further azsione ONTENDLATION ‘Memory s responsible for anything experience in my ier word and outer works Memory can lead to either suffering or joy inour day-to-day life M1 56. Three Levels of Memory In Sanskrt we haves beautful word, trobhaova’ It means hiding castings veil making you forget. Thivis describad ae one ofthe action of Gad, Making youfargetissuppoced tobe one ofthe actions of God! The Divine Ie responsible for Five actions: creating, sustaining, destroying, ‘makingyou forget and giving you enlightenment. You may think, Why does God make me forget things? Why should he take aay memory from me? et me shore an incident The other dey @ mam come to me during the Kelpotaru program and asked, ‘Sworn please give mea tecinique to remember oll my post ves! Kelootory is @ progrem where people otk for and receive whatever they desire to experience, but stil! wonted to worn him! lashed, Deyeu krow the side-effects oraftereffects ofwhotyou are cshing?” He soid, Whtever iti, {want to know oll about my past births Swamy. want to know who! was, where was, what wa doing - everything,” csked him, “Why did you come fortis meditation progrom? He sold, To find peace asked him, "What i your age?” He sole, Forty-two, Swami. Thea | fold him, ‘The memories of jst these lst forty-two yeors are not letting you remain n peoce! You are not cble to handle ust forty tno years’ memories! Ifthe memories of al your past ves are suddenty awokened Insite you, wat do you think wi happen! You wil ga mad” Thiet the reason we have an automatic mechanism inside forforgettingthe past After lit the memory automatically uncluches ise from you; isconnect itself and goes and sitsin your archives. tis not availabe to you slcecty. can bringther othe table you want, because thay are right therein your cupboard Tho thied-lavel memories are like files which are inthe office archives or storage room, which you cannot access directly It requires @ special Key hich isnot with you. Paslife memories are in this category The special ay to open the archives are the madiation techniques or intiation by an enlightened master You have three levels of memories, nd each of your memories is stored at one of these three level, Wahkavwan ‘Once the load becomes too much on the table, pending on how often yous it. We can compare automatic mechanism there an automatic system to move thefilesto the ‘hase memories to files thet you use in your office inside for cupboard. Inthe same way, once the load becomes The stlevel memories are ike the files which you Gar tia pant {100 much in the cupboard, there fs an automatic hhave right on your table, which you need to handle forgetting ta past, system to move the files to the archives, That is every day™the relationships which you maintain, the what we call tbhoave - reducing the load on your place where you live, the setions you repest every ay these are files which are directly connactedto your day-to-day routing The second-level memories are ike the files whic are inside your cupboard In your offie, You are net usingthem avery day, but you ean reteleve them ‘whenever you want. The memories of you carry of people and happenings from a few years ego are inthis category - ke the lends with whom you spent your time ten yeas ago, or thevacation which you wanton fie years ago. These files may not be continuously avaiable on your table, but you ONTENPLATION Forgetting soso an action of God, to reduce the load an my consciousness. Mas conselousness Plecse understand, modern-day psychology and psychotherapy are too small infront of Patanalls depth, clarity and vison. Thousands of years ago, he has penetrated the depths ofthe modern mind and glven precise solution for al our modern-day problems. Thats why the techniques given by Patan are being used successfully even today to solve our day-to-day problems 57. Psychological Problems are a Luxury Usten: psychologkcal problems are @ luxury that only a sophisticated ciullzotion an afordl (Only whena society or cvization reaches a certain levelof sophistication do people stertfacing psychological problems, the cvlzaton has not evolved to that level they will be stk with the physologleal problems, the basic necessities for survival. Thats why isthe evolved or developed cvlizations that are suffering from psychological problems today. When you don’ have food fo your family, where the time and enerey to 2 end stand brood ebout psychologeal problems? am surprised that. fve thousand years ago Patajaliwas able to look into the problems of developed civilttions | don't think Indie hed all these problemsfwvethousand yearsago, eventhough twasa developed cvilzation ina different way. But he was able to penetrate the human consciousness and see the possible problems othe Future. eansay thie the most ancient scripture which ist planet Earth, Please understand, this ithe oldest book which is relovantto the largest number of people inthe cviled word elvan othe largest number of modern men onthe The other day was readinga Time magazine report which says that 25% of Americans pr have thousands offorms of yoga now: power yoga, five-minute yous, super deluxe kundalini yoga! So many variates of yor, 0 many brands of yous. Anyhow, Patanalis the father ofall these brands. But fortunately, he isnot secingallthese brands! ce some form of yoga, directly or indirectly. Ofcourse, we ‘The most practiced spirtual master is Patanall There are many religous he Is very straight, very practical very scentife, and he can soWe moder leaders and spiritual masters on the planet Earth. People read about them, men’s problems. Meisthe right master forthe sophisticated civilizations and listen about them, but never practice what they say. But Patanjll isthe complex minds of today, ‘most followed, most practiced spiritual master on the planet Earth, because INTEMPLATION Psychologial problems oreo lunuy thot only 0 sophisticated eilizetion con affer Five thousand years ago, Patanjali was able 10 look into the problems of developed civilizations. Ms 58. Right Way to Use Memory Inthe earlier sessions we looked a Pataniall' definition of memory {cansay, memory isthe source ofl good thingsand bed things! All scientific research con happen only based on rernary. Younes a memory to doa the analysis and achieve results and do further REO based on the results. LWihether inthe medical Fld, or inthe Fel of construction, on the fe of aviation, oF in the field of administration, or in the field of execution, memory the base, ‘mrt or memory i responsible for what you are, how you talk, how you behave the way you ve The difference between you and another person, the difference between 8 doctor and a lawyer, a lawyer end en engineer, an engineer and an accountant, s only memory, nothing else. Who You ae, what you are, why vouare,iall because cf memory. can say memory is responsible fr both, rememberingand forgetting. Sometimes, people have a large quantity of memory, but they can't retrieve it with a sharp quality. Sometimes, people have a sharp quality of cetrieving memory, bt they don’t have acces toa lege quantity ef memory. When vou are able to access large storehouse of memory and retrieve prectely what you need, you area leader. lesder isa person who can a handle a lacge quantty of mamnory with avery sharp quay of remembrance {fit used property, itis etrieved property, if its lved property, memory brings so much of joy and comfort not used propery, team become the source ofthe greatest suffering for you. A smal story about how to use memory Three accountants and two engineers are traveling on a train The accountents star tolking about how the tala tckets are very expensive The engineers soy, ‘Becouse the tickets are too expenive and we alway? travel on this train we buy ony one ticket and al of ow areyou going to manage?” The engineers again just wink ond soy, Wat and watch!’ When the ticket checker comes, both the accountents run nto the restroom, The engineers walt fora few seconds. Then one engineer goes and knocks on the door, saying Ticket, please! (One hand comes out of the door and gives the ticket usshore it” totheengineer The accourtonts, being accountants, ask, ‘How do vou manage when the tcke-checker comes? What A leader can handle Nowyou know the rest ofthe story! do you do?” alarge quantity of memory | sma is not just remembrance; Is the ability te ‘The engineers just wink and say, ‘Weit and watch’ with a very sharp quality hhandle the memory to arrive at a solution. Solutions When the icket checker comes, athe engineers get of remembrance can never be memorized and repeated they have to Into the restroom, bbe spontanecus. Many times, people get into trouble The ticket checker goes over to the restroom ond Anocks onthe doc, soying eke, please!” ‘ne hand comes out ofthe door and gives the ticket, and the teketchecker tokes it ond moves on The two accountants are very Impressed by the whole scene ‘The next doy, they also decide to do the some thing. They buy only one ticket ond walt for thetcket-checker to come, Then they find that the three engineers hove not even bought one tket! The accountarés warn them, ‘Hey, not hoving even one ticket is dangerous. aetiry Today, tohethe fst step tov free of memory inthe ner wor bytryingto repeat or re-enact others’ solutions. Inthe outer world, the best way to use memory Isto use it more and more and more. Inthe inner world, the best way to use memory isto uncutch from it more and more and more! This the sutr, this she thumb rule for sing memory. Inthe outer word, when you handle mare and mara memories inteligence ‘and power wil start heppening in you. In the inner world, when you telex from memories, the tremendous energy of spontaneity wil start happening Inyou Whenever you find that your mind is caught in a meme, ust uncutch with awereness,clsconnect, eax from it w 59. Unclutching from Memory brings Grace ‘Sanskrit there sa beautiful word called mahima, Mobime means eace. Mebimaappensto you when youhave unclutched from merry. When you Lncluth from memory, wherever you go, whatever you do, a tremendous feeling of security starts happening inside you and radiating around you Please understand, only @ person who feels completely secure can unelutch from hismemoryl Only person who ea unelute from his memory can fea completely secure amcontinuously giving dtcoursesall over the world, IFyousee our website, you will find that lam speaking every day, somewhere or other - and all! have in fron of me i ths book of sutras, nothing eel The ether day a university professor told ma, ‘Swami, takes me vee: houtsto prepare a forty-five minute lecture, an even after that | am always stressed when lam presenting the lecture to my students. | keep wondering whether | have remembered all the points or not: How do you speak without any preparation or reference material or notes? All| sale to him is this: ‘Fortunately, | have leened how to uneluteh from ‘memories, so can simply be spontaneous! Ihave a stor for you A populr speaker gives long pubic discourse ot an event. When he retums home, his wife asks him, ‘Wow was the discourse? How did you fool” ‘The speoker replies, Which dscourse ore you talking about?” is wifeis suprised. ‘What do you mecn? You gave only one dsccurse” Thespeaterrepis, No, threore threediscourses =the onewhich prepared, ‘theone which delivered, and theone! wos thinking | should have delvered.” Being too dependent on memory makes you sterl, dead. Le is lost. Our regular colleges and universitis teach you how to gather more and more ‘memory, but they don’t teach you how to unciutch from it wien you ont need it, and how to handle correctly when you realy need it. That LUnderstend, when you 2renot able to unclutch from semory, you will be constantly suffering with these ‘three problems. Not only in your public discourses, but even when you relate with your friends, you will, be preparing your speecht ven ifthey are close fiends, while you ae drvingto 10 and meet them, you tart preparing your lecture; \whatyoushould ay, and the other person responds TE Only a person who ‘feels completely secure can unclutch from his memory! In ths way, how you should respond to that, andi she tals in that way, what you should say in responsel You have prepared some thity statements with the right response, but when youmest her, she |ust changes her thir statement, and you areata loss! You expected the conversation to happen ina different direction, but che taking the whole conversation ina diferent direction. Now youre at ales. How often co you use memary to make up for lock of spontaneity? Become aware knowledge isnever delivered to you. Pleose understand, that isthe worst thing done to YoU: It slike this: you are taught how to eat, but you are not taught hows to clean your stomach, or how to be away from food whenever needed. So such of memory is put inside your system ti lke stow potion. Sometimes you cant retrieve the Information when you vant it, and sometimes you fare overcrowded by it when you don't want i! | feel 20 fortunate | did not go to a proper school: | could retain my natural intelligence! {can sy, leaning to handle memory inthe correct way isthe formila for suceestfulinnerword and cuter world Me. 60. Why we forget ‘your sees llyour stances, hater ok of as peoblemsin oe, have the saurcein memory Tisindadesyour phys pblems beau most of er psa ae mer. Constr wa tg with memory; we ae sing wth emery Whenitcomesto ‘hele wid you eed ein het anthers adore ion emery! memory ot on ates prolensh your yours, trates very compa prebiems ou sit an lepers he tts 99962 whe asi the ae ca I because fs ode wth memories is ner space sled ith th, an he is ern, What oe he a do? Unfortunately, cod there ten Ned ete tolisan Yordon' toh to hae shatetr gah on nde you yu dor tevenknow hat sang one yu! Anche pata thg Ym eto und: en cat memos come othe xt o te pa othe Teg 50 much at you SeonBy sansa dedde not eg you andup wlth tener diese Pease understand, Aunenerisveydosey ‘enoy sary compat phamenn Tat hy Pala oes an saing about os meals of eates Fr eampie youre hart We pas in apart ace by smebody wearing a Mack ess you wi remember the me pln ener you ese ‘hate, ev thaugh you tnow tat parson sot thee. Or whenever You see a pesca slack des you il ae tat same psi you, ven Beg you hn alist ‘ate ith excess memo, ate ays fel hate dota eotgh meen xeriviry What ore the poinful memories you hove subconsciously deided to forget? Wou'd you He to become aware of them now, and complete with the poin? When you leara the technique of uneutching, the quantity of memory available to you, andthe capacity to retrieve them both ust explode afew hundred times. if you understand this siance, you will understand much eeply what | am trying to express. Whatever you think of ‘as problems int your life, have their source in memory. 61. Do you have high-resolution memories? {can say this from my own exoerience: the more you unclutc, the more ‘memories wil become avaiable to you, without diturbing you. Let me ge youan example: in your computer, youstorea large number of high resolution pictures, you cen store only» few pictures. Retrieving them slso takes too much of time - you will have to be siting and watching the hourglass symbol and waiting! But you store only Word documents on your hard dis, you can store lot more files, and retrieving ther will ako bevery easy Howto make yourhigh resolution pletures into Word documents thatthe whole techniquel Wht are the high-resolution pltures inside your hard die? The petures Uihich are affecting you too much, whieh ate disturbing you emotionally, hich arestored inside youwstha lt ofemotionalconnectionsandemotional charge ~ those are high-resolution pictures, High-resolution pictures take tea much of your inner space. For example, your relationships - even by st remembering once a person with sshom you have a strang emotional onnestion of love or hatred, so much of your inner space is occupied by that person's picture, The moment you remember the perso, youcan see ‘thats thousand thoughts about that person will come up, whether love or hatred. fa thousand thoughts come up, it means that it isa heawy file you are carying about the person lhe high-resolution picture. {7 you an store files without emotional attachment, the abllty to store and ‘the ablityo retrieve ae both tremendously increased. Ifyouare constantly cltched te your memories, even Ward documents becom high-resolution pictures, Your hard disc is full with just afew files. Even a litle memory 's enough to bring pain, suffering, torture, into your life. Ifyou constantly Lnclutch from memories, your high-resolution pictures will be automatically converted into Word documents A normal parson gets tired just by handling ten or ‘twelve relationships. Youcan se, at nine o'ock you 0 and sit In your office; by eleven o'lock you are treated ou just by interacting with ten or twee people! Moreover, we carry allthese negative words Inside us as strong high-resclution pictures, ‘lam buent out Ihave too much ‘on my plate, | can't do anything more! | feel Blessed that | was born and ‘The more you unclutch, the more memories will become available to you. ‘brought up in an Indan vile; | didnot lesen all hese words! Once such Words pop up in you, your whole day gone Kerwiry Koop on unclutehing ‘es possible and tw The question i: how to convert the high-resolution pictures into Word documents? The sacret isto unclutch! Whenever high-retoitionpicturar ‘are getting downloaded into you and flooding your system, use those moments of stress to unclutch again and again. Whanevar the pain or plescures related to memories is happening inside you Lnclutch, unclutch, uncutch The fist few times you may find i tle cic, you may be lost, wil realy take sore effort, You say sn, Ibe not happening!" elon happen! Today, pick any five ‘high-resolution’ memories and unclutch from them with awareness. SUTRA 12 Abhyasavairagyabhyan tannirodha\\12\| Relaxing from these thought patterns through constant and intensive practice of unelutching. 62. The Juice of Experience ‘The next sures very powerful sutra Here Petonai ges the solution - relexing from these thought patterns through constant and intensive practice of unclutching Sometimes people ack me, “we don't remember anything In the inner worl, how are we ging to maintain our relationships, how are we going to lie ourlife? If we don't remember our past mistakes, how are We going to evelop ourselves?” Pleose understand, f you actualy unclutch more and more from the memories inside, the essence or juce of those memories will become part ‘of you. By constantly remembering your past mistakes, you will only create uit; youwil not develop yourself, By unclutchingfom your past memories, you wil assienlate the essence the experience gained from those mista. Experience is ot about the number of incidents you go through in your Me; is about the number of lessons you lescned from those ineldents! ‘That learning, that assimilation, happens only when you uneutch from the emotions connected with that experience. Otherwise you willbe only arying self-doubt from that experience you are only going tolote tut in yourself because of your past mistakes, ‘Thot ule whlch you neeito learn from thatinedent i digested, bacomes part of your life, by unclutching, You don't have to remernter the incident ‘se, the only thing that neds to happen i updating yourself using those lessons, upgrading yourself using thoselessons, an! that happens onl you can look nto the memory face to face (Many time you dan't want to look ito 2 past incident or mistake because it ereates so much of pain. You try to remember the A small stony A guy cals the mento! hosltatond ass, Helo, this the Stote Mental Hospital?” The telephone operator onswer, Yes itis” The guy asks, ‘Con | speak to Mr. Joseph in Room ra The operotorsays, ‘One moment, wil connect you" incidents that youl nt mae the eae mistake Apa aaa, but unconscousty rou are ving to free the same inden, Because oo painful or ou is struggles with his Ttruge ea stage Apenon vot cought memory isa this struggle with his memory is @ split personality. split personality. men you remember te nese wth Joyo in There i @ pause, and then she soy, 0m sory, Me Joseph is not answering.” The guy soy, ‘Greot! Thot means must have realy escoped!” CONTEMPLATION youcannot learn fom it Yeu wil just be lost in the fantacy or the pain associated with the incident. When you wneluteh fram ‘the emotional charge associated with each memory, when you relax fom what needs to happen automatically happen inside you. (Many times, I don't want to Sook ino @ past Inclent or mistake becouse it ereates so much of pain 63. Awaken your Spontaneity ‘smal story which [toll many times, bt which fam alwayshappyto repeat Ths happened when | was young boy in my native place, | was born and brought up in a very smal but spi thousand population in those days, in Indie hundred thousand population reansit's nothing but smal ullagy itl bigger vilagetha’s all. Hundred thousand populations bigger village, there'll be usualy in India uh vilages corettiesortovns, inthe center therewillbe huge temple, Aroundthe temple there willbe few streetsct houses, that's al That's typical vilage or ety in Indla, especialy South India, Al almost alll can sey ninety nie percent of ‘the South india villages and towne are built around the temple. That wae ‘ur university thatwas the university of urcultureand ourtradtion. Althe knowledge, life selence, everything is protected, preserved, promoted ané spread from that unlversities, The Ingian communities, indian enlation, 's basically temple-based community, temple:based community, thats why wherever they go ist thing they do isthe temple, fist thingthey dos the temple Inds tomple-based community. Iwasalsobornand brought upina temple ‘based community and every year they will hava one ceremony of repeating Mahabharat you know the Mahabharata story you can understand this story, otherwise you may fel itl dificult to ralte withthe story, sory for |. Mahabharata, they wil repeat morning they wil repeat verbally, evening they will enact as a drama, smal group of old people. Not professional artists, small group ofold people. Some cd men and oneortwasmall tables, they wil gtintothestageand shout there willbe no microphone, there wil net beany microphones. They wilshoutand t's, ub, sometime they wil not ual town; which is less than @ hundred set female artists so male they themselves will have the female dress and rmake-upand everything and they wil at. That day the story was Draupadi was Travagana, means uh they pled the cloth of Draupadt inthe court to abuse her, disrespect her. That’ a story, as per the story the man was reseed as a Draupadi, wearlng seven saris, very thin sai, in nia you wil get saris which you ean flit and Keep it inside a matehbox, not Americane sized matchbox, Indiansied matchbox. You can keep it inside matchbox; ‘that kindof sar. This guy willbe wearing seven saris and the Dushasana the character, the visi character, who is supported to pull the sre; by the time he pulls the sth sai, he should actasif he's tied. And the Draupadi she was A person who the backside, Krishna is slowly looking through the screen and wating ‘Why Stil am not called smoking his ble. Smoking his bid he i just looking through the seen. Why stil 1am not called, what happened?” And this Draupadi ako got litle messed up, she shouting "Hey lave me, hey leave iat” and she started fighting withthe villain. And the whole mess finally, this vlan fellow, the Dushasana pled thesari, Now in he stage, Oraupadi {standing above the hipall female dressed; below the hip with the trouser, ale dressed, (Laughter) Above the hip ll the female dress Below fall the ‘male cress is standing inthe stage, the whole crowd islaughing. The whole crowd slauzhing but his uy Isso spontaneous, he is not operating from memory. supposed to shout ‘Krishna came’ then behind the struggles with his He's a village guy, beautifully managed the scene, screen the Krishna will jump into the stage and say memory isa ‘Oh Krishna, because you are notable to come, you “Ihave come, what do you want? And the vlan is split personality. changed me from female to male and saved my supposed to fal, saying that ‘Oh am too tired, too ‘much floth is coming By the Krishna's grace, ths was the whole scene supposed to be, Ifyou know the story, ouknaw the scene. Tat day, the story started, his old man was decorated as a Draupadl. He came, the story went on, The guy, the vlan was pulling the sari, suddenly he forgot the count. (Laughter) Suddenly he forgot the count. This guy is wearing seven saris, he i supposed to pull ‘only sith, sik. This fellow forgot the count, and he i pling the seventh sari also. That Draupadi she also lost the coolness, she was supposed to shout ‘Krishna’ and Krishna is supposed to come from behind the scene. She started shouting to that villain Hey leave me, hey leave met” And ‘wae sitting there | couldnt understand what is going on. Morning the story ‘they told something ese and now something else Is happening. And slowly rider” He is not operating from memory, he is operating from spontaneity, An educated man ean never do ‘this, because our university will nat teach youths. Our universito, calles, the education system, everything teaches you only how to ad memory. Please understand, till human beings are taught how to unclutch from ‘memory when needed, psychosomatic problems and psychiatric disorders are not gong to leave planet Earth, The Vedic education system starts with 1 beautiful concept - the Gayatri initiation ~ where the frst thing you are taughtis unclutcing At the age of seven youare nt taught how to acquire ‘more and more memories. Fst awaken your sper consclousness, and then vyeutare ready to start acquiring more and more memories. 64. Technique to Boost your Memory A small story When Aletondor come to invade ado, he was tol by his teocher, When you come back, please bring the Vedas from India” So when Alexander come to Indi, he storted collecting, colectng,colleting clthe Ved he could fin, {After fling more than two hundred ships, he came to know that he has frished collecting ony ane tenth ofthe Vedes! 2 Brchmin priest who sow hk started loughing and sald, Fool, you should ave told me that you need fo take buck the Vedas! | would have just sent ‘10 of my lscipls with you they would have repeated the whole thing for your teacher! Thot isthe power ofthe Vedie education system, Becouse of the madern ‘memory collection’ education system, people are becoming more and more specialized in every profession, because they aad that they cannot handle a large amount of information; a large ‘number of memories, Specialisation fs nathing but lining the information youneed to handle ‘have started sharing ths Vedic technology withthe children studyingin our Gurukul You wil be surprised atthe memory power ofthe kids ~Aliitelthem i "Undlutch after studying? ‘looks paradoxical! People think, Fl uncluch ater studying, won't forget whatever| studied? 1, you won't When youstudy, whenyou collect memory, itis tea higrvesolution picture, goin and again, come back to that lence whichis inside you. The fist ime. because your memories, your emotions, are attached to them. When you you unclutch, you will be silent fortwo seconds, and then again a thought unlutch romitit-getscompressedand becomes ikea Worddocumentand wal raise Just unclutch again, 0es into your system. 4s you practice unclutching, the gap between your thoughts will increase Not onl that, the mind avalable to you to retrieve the memory willalsobe to ten or twenty seconds. Relaxing into that gap Is what | cll Living very sharp. Enlightenment ‘ts tke applying ol on your hands before cutting open 2 jackfruit! Ifyou Living Enlightenment means resting into that gap, ling inside that gap; not don't apply the ol, the gum from the Jackfult Is being affected by memory; not being disturbed with going to stick to your whole hand, and you wll not the good news and the bad news which are brought beabletoretrieve exactly what you wantto retrieve! into your inner space. Your chitte, your memory fle that ike the jae Your Wife ts nothing but a chain of good news and =o, tisike a Pandora's box; when you open it. ou bad news that you receive fram your memory. So Specialization is nothing bout limiting the information don’t know what will come out! You open it for some you need to handle. lunclutch from the good news and bad news which purpose and something else comes out and you are caught with that! constanty come up in you. ‘havea story about ths good news and bad news. ‘When you vill apply the ol of conscousness, you wll ‘An ors ets cel from the gollery thats exhibiting not be stuck; you wil eveve the right le, Highly, without getting affected hit work byit without getting attached toi, without bringing suffering with it The gilery owner sey, hove some good news and some bad news” The pointer says, ‘rst tll me the good news." Wem it comes tothe external worl, memory is perfectly alight it pays Thegolleyyowner soy, fellow came inthis morning ond asked if your work your bls, itbrings you your paycheck, it makes youpreductiveitmakes you isthe kind that would increase in volue after the ortis’s death. 1 sod “Yos" part of civilization, it makes you fee comfortable with the outer work. But ond that guy bought al fifteen of your paintings.” when it comes othe inner word, constantly try touncutch.Trytobe in the The pointer asks, Thot’s great news! Whet ithe bod news?” zone beyond memory. The gollery owner Soys, The vis your doctr.” Please understand 1am not asking you to be absentminded, Lam not asking youtogotothelevelbelow memory eingabsentmindedisnatuncutching! Constantly, gaod news and bad news ace given to you by your memory. ‘Uncluching wil put you above the mand For the next eleven days, unlutch from both; you will see the ultimate Experiment with hides forthe nexteleven days:constanty ry tounelutch, _intligence gets awakened in your system, The ultimate pure energy starts Unclutching means, not connecting with your memory. Whenever thoughts flowinginside you inner consciousness. rise, remember to uneluteh and relax, Aer some time, your mind will This sutra gves you the essence of whatever Ihave expressed. naturally say, 'I am uncutching, uncutching, unclutching Unclutch from that idea also and relax. You may say, Then what should | do?” Uncutch from that dea alo. You may feel bored unclutch from that aso! aernir Forthe nxt el 3 days, through uneutching again and agin come back to that sllence which I inside you 11 65. Words are not Enough ‘seme yo ath myo anceps od carte espa the 2h Ablydsovairdgyably ars tannirodtoh elo from tose pres rou constant ond mens prose of cic Pana exon tice bokin chun at even fever ting ilo eee arte sua you can become een fach cos elfen al epee apa of adiayou the tina uth The moment tansate it fel that on ane part hasbeen expres. You cat express the complete denon of th sur When We st fexpeened deme, Fr san oeateonty apie ‘Peover san etch can crete he same ptr ch in th i bee. ean neverepeic the experienc, ck, is fced wee hat ease He os opto deb, you se the ora? Rswate, water aat afwatr a oT ate ‘eras abet tony aks Four blind people were asked to study an elephant and give a report. (One guy goes end touches the trunk ofthe elephant, enothar guy goes and touches the tai, another guy goes and touches the leg ord the lost guy touches the er. quiet, hes not enlightened” The fellow who touched theleg comes back and sys, Elephantise pillar!’ The dsclle wos puraled. He asked, You say he neither speaks nor keeps ‘The guy who touched theta says, ‘Elephant ise broomstick” ‘quiet What does he do? The guy who touched the tusk sos, Elephant io big spoon” The master replied, "He sing! His being sings. He nether speaks, nor keeps The guy who touched the ear says, lephant i 0 big fon!” (quiet. His very being sings." och person can only give the picture of your experience. The experience is _alnays tell people, “The words which lam expressing areonlyone dimension lhe a huge godown of cotton, while the expression {slike a small thread being woven out ofthat cotton ‘ofthat experiance. But the courage, confidence and ‘energy which | am expressing ae the complete 360, ‘The thread thats coming cut can never do justice to The multiple dimensions gree picture ofthat experience’ the amount of catton avaliable inside, ofthe truth You can see in your own life: even an ordinary can never be expressed Fortunately, Patanjal is blessed with one thousand experience like love loses its power when it i dn worda hoods. Patan supposed to be the incanation verbilized. Then how can spcitual experiences and of the snake Adesho, with one thousand hoods. truths be verbalized? IF explain it mystically, it means that he had one The multiple dimensions of the uth can never be thousand dedicated disciples who are strongly ‘expressed in words, That fs why techniques are needed, Only techniques connected with hisinner space, whacan just pan down whatheis expressing, can reproduce the experiences which are happeningincurinner space and each in thelr dimension. Fach dizcple had imbibed and represents one transmitit to you, dimension of the master. toma just goes into the high ecstasy and connects with all the thousand When you know the truth, you can’t possess the truth; the ruth will possess people, No words are shared, no teachings are given. He just puts the whole you. It will be oozing out - nat just through your words; your very body roomin high energy. il the thousand start downloading and transcribing! It language wil adiate that grace. is practically ke lightning landing ona body and geting transcribed through ‘Asma stony the hands into words! A dacile asked @ en mester, Does on enlightened moster speak?” The literature which has been produced by Patan in this extraordinary The master sid, No, on enlightoned person never speaks. Onlya person who way scalled Yoga Sutras. doesn krow enlightenment speaks.” ach suas independently inteligent to lead you to enlightenment, to lead Then the disciple eked, Sodoes on enlightened master keep quiet?” you to completion, The master sai, No, on enlightened master never keeps quiet. If he keeps CONTEMPLATION ven an ordinary experience hike love loses its power when tis verolized. Then how can spintual experiences and truths be verbalzed? 66. Powers and Obstacles in Yoga ‘This sutro was the fevourte sutra of my own teacher, Yor! Youanands Purl He would continuovsl repeat thi one sutra. For anybody who comes with any problem, from knee pain to some experiences of Samadhi, he had 2 standard answer, He would sy, abysaveirgysbhiat tannrodhab. Sometimes they would talk about the problem and say, ‘We know your answer, you don't have to answer, we just want to tell you cur problem, that’s al ‘Means, this sutra ithe ulimate solution for allthe problems and obstacles vyourace onthe path of Yor. ‘tisvery easy to start the path of Yoga, because itis very inviting. But when you ster working on your Inner spece, you wil face so many enemies. So ‘many enemies | am not talkingabout the enemies ofthe cuter world. am talking about the enemies ofthe inner world Patanjai goes tothe extreme of saying that even extraordinary powers are cbstacies on the path. He explains the whole science. | myself have seen iy teacher, Yog Yogananda Puri, expressing different kinds of powers. As | told you, just through sound, he would playin whatever way he wanted. He eo knew howto createa kind ofa sound which would get converted into smell Justthrough scund, he would crete a smell and allthe snakes inthat 2 will start crawling around him, He had extraordinary powers, but he lived a very ordinary life as a householder, with fourteen kids, ie atypical Indian vilager of those times! Sometimes, | weed to atk him, when | saw im expressing these kinds of

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