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Making Connections Graphic Organizer

ELA.3.5.7 or ELA.3.6.10
Book title, page


What I read today

Connections I made
It reminded me of a time when











Advanced Proficient


A fully developed, relevant

response elaborates upon multiple
connections made to a given text.
The response tends to include
more than personal connections,
indicating that the reader
understands the importance of
connecting to broader contexts and
other texts.

The response includes a

relevant connection to the
text, but may not be as
developed as an advanced
response and may be limited
to one aspect of making
connections, such as just textto-self.

Developing Proficiency
The response includes a
single connection indicating
that the reader understands
how to make a connection;
however, the response lacks
elaboration on the
significance of the

The response may include a
connection, but it is not
relevant to the text.

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