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Projectile Motion
A projectile was fired from atop an elevation and an angle. The initial velocity for each
firing was likely to be the same. The distance traveled in the horizontal direction was measured
for multiple firings of each trial, and the values were averaged. When the initial velocity for
each of these averages was calculated it was proved that the initial velocity was relatively
constant. These measurements had many possible sources of error including air resistance and
firing position. This lab increased understanding of projectile motion.
Projectile motion occurs when an object in a two dimensional plane experiences motion
only due to gravity. Kinematic equations can be used to describe the components of projectile
motion. This allows us to analyze the motion. In this lab measurements will be taken to
determine the initial velocity of objects experiencing projectile motion. This will first be done
for objects that are starting from a set elevation above the landing area. Then the initial velocity
will be found for objects that are launched from the floor at an angle to a landing area of the
same elevation. This will teach the concepts of projectile motion for objects that start from
horizontal and objects that start at angles. Familiarity with kinematic equations will be increased
through there repeated use in this lab. Also, this lab will create an understanding between the
measure of the initial angle, and the distance a projectile travels in the x direction. Because the
same instrument will be used to fire the projectile each time, and the projectile used will be
constant, the initial velocity will likely be the same for all situations tested.

The pendulum of a ballistic pendulum was moved back so that it would not get in the
way of the firing mechanism. This became the instrument that would be used to fire the
projectile for this lab. This was initially place on a table where it would be fired from initially.
A long piece of bulletin board paper was spread across the floor. The projectile was test fired by
pulling the piston back one notch and then pushing down on the trigger. After the position of the
test fire was noted the paper was moved accordingly. A table was laid on its side to act as a
backstop for the projectile. The projectile was then fired five times to the paper, and a mark was
made where the projectile landed on the paper. The horizontal distance from the end of the firing
mechanism to the mark on the paper was measured. Also, the vertical distance from the end of
the firing mechanism to the floor was measured. The average of the horizontal distances was
found, and will be used for calculations.
After the distances from a horizontal start were measured the firing mechanism was
moved to the floor, and the paper was turned over. Text books were used to prop the end of the
firing mechanism up to an angle of twenty degrees. This angle was verified using a protractor.
The projectile was fired from this position three times. Each time the landing spot was marked
and the horizontal distance measured. The average of these measurements was recorded. This
was repeated for angles of thirty degrees, forty degrees, forty-five degrees, fifty degrees, sixty
degrees, and seventy degrees.
The value of the initial velocity for each trial was found to be relatively constant. The

initial velocity was found by applying the kinematic equations to the measurement s taken in the
lab. In the first set of trials, where the projectile was fired from a horizontal position, the initial
elevation of the projectile was 84.9 cm or .849 m. The horizontal distance for the trials is shown

Horizontal Distance (cm)

234.0 cm
235.6 cm
254.0 cm
258.7 cm
253.1 cm
247.1 cm

Horizontal Distance (m)

0.2340 m
0.2356 m
0.2540 m
0.2587 m
0.2531 m
0.2471 m

Using the initial elevation as the distance traveled in the y direction the time was found
using the following equation:


Where dy is the distance in the y direction and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.80

s2 ).


gave a time of 0.416 s. The average horizontal distance (0.2471 m) was divided by the time
(0.416 s) to give an initial velocity of 5.94


The average horizontal distance traveled was found for each set of three trials for a given
angle measure. This data is recorded in the following table:

Average Horizontal Distance

259.1 cm
296.3 cm
338.5 cm
337.0 cm
332.2 cm
286.3 cm
215.2 cm

Average Horizontal Distance

0.2591 m
0.2963 m
0.3385 m
0.3370 m
0.3322 m
0.2863 m
0.2152 m

These values show that the optimum angle is between 40 and 45; 45 is theoretically the
optimum angle, but error could alter this. On either side of 45 the average distance is relatively
equal for distances at an equal difference in angle measure from forty five. This is shown by the
values for 40 and 50, and 30 and 60.
Using these values the initial velocity for each angle was found using these values for
horizontal velocity and the following equation:
dx =

V 2i sin 2

Where dx is horizontal velocity, Vi is initial velocity, is the angle measure, and g is acceleration
due to gravity. This equation was solved for initial velocity to be:
Vi =

sin 2

The initial velocity at each angle is shown in the following table:


Initial Velocity
6.29 ms
5.79 ms
5.80 ms
5.75 ms
5.75 ms
5.69 ms
5.73 ms

These values, along with the initial velocity of for the projectile starting at horizontal (5.94


show a fairly constant initial velocity. The percent difference between the two most extreme
values (6.29


and 5.69


) is 10.0%.

The values for the initial velocities of each trail are relatively constant throughout the
trials. This is because the percent difference between the highest and lowest values is only
10.0%. This is even including the initial velocity for 20, which is an outlier to the data set. The
reason for this consistency is that the same firing mechanism was used for each trial. With the
same firing mechanism the force applied to the projectile is essentially the same each time the
projectile is fired. Also, the projectile was the same for all trials, which meant that there was no
difference in mass. Considering this it is only logical that the initial velocity would be close to
the same for each trial.
When measuring the horizontal velocity of the object the force of gravity has no effect.
This is because motion in the horizontal and vertical direction is only related by time, and gravity
is acceleration in the vertical direction. Therefor gravity has no effect on velocity in the
horizontal direction.
There are a few possible sources of error in this lab. One major source is the effect of air
resistance on the projectile. This could slow the projectile as it moves through the air and cause
the measurements for horizontal distance to be less than they would be in an idea world. Also,
the base for the firing mechanism was warped. This caused the projectile to land slightly off
center from the firing position indication motion in the z direction. A final source of error in the
angled measurements is that the firing mechanism is above the level of the ground, and this in
not accounted for in the measurements.
This lab taught the concepts of projectile motion. It taught that horizontal motion and

vertical motion are independent of each other except for time. Using this common factor of time
allows for the calculation of many different values. The lab also taught how to use the kinematic
equations for two dimension motion, especially when the motion has a velocity at an angle.

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