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11 phrases youll only hear in Norfolk

To the rest of the world, these sayings probably wont make much sense, but residents of Norfolk
should be all too familiar with them.
Up the city
Translation: Im going into Norwich
Whether youre from Norwich or elsewhere in Norfolk, whenever you go into the city centre you
are said to be going up the city. Occasionally you may also hear going up Norwich and
sometimes down the city instead of up.
Ar yer orrite bor?
Translation: Hello, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, etc.
One of the most common phrases used across the county, ar yer orrite bor, (which can be
written in various other ways, such as ar yer reet bor) is a standard form of greeting and can be
used to mean any of the following: Hi/Hello/Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good
Evening/Howre you?
The word bor, often thought to mean neighbour or mate, is also added on the end of a lot of
other Norfolk phrases, so if you want to sound like a local just start throwing bor into your
sentences every now and then, e.g. hah ya got a loight bor or how yer gettin arn bor.
Thas a rummun
Translation: Thats strange
This phrase is used to describe situations which are a little out of the ordinary. The word
rummun can also be used to describe a strange fellow, Ees a rummun hint e?
What a load of ole squit
Translation: What a lot of nonsense
When someone thinks youre talking utter rubbish in Norfolk theyll probably let you know by
saying what a load of squit or yer talking squit.

Translation: Beautiful/great
We have Bernard Matthews to thank for this one, after the word was coined as a marketing
slogan by the company in the 1980s. Today its used as a way of signalling approval, if you tell
someone that you think something is bootiful then youre essentially giving something two
very enthusiastic thumbs up.
Translation: Carrow Road
If someone tells you theyre going to carra you can generally take that to mean they are off to
watch a match at Norwich City football ground. Sometimes they may also say Carra Rud.
On tha huh
Translation: Crooked, not level
This phrase is used to describe something that is askew. For example if you were to put a new
picture up in your house and it wasnt level, you would say it was on tha huh.
Hold yew hard
Translation: Wait a moment
If you wanted someone to hang on for a moment, this is what youd tell them. The phrase derives
from the practice of holding a horses rein hard to stop it from moving any further forward.
Keep yew a troshin
Translation: Look after yourself
Keep yew a troshin actually means carry on with the threshing, but is also commonly used in
Norfolk as a way of saying goodbye and telling someone to take care of themselves.
Puttin on their parts
Translation: Having a tantrum
When a child is acting up or sulking, they are often said to be putting on their parts, she is
puttin on her parts again. This phrase can be used to describe an adult who may be acting rather
childishly as well.

Slow you down

Translation: Slow down
If you live in Wiveton, this phrase will be a familiar sight as the parish council decided to add
gateway signs proclaiming just this back in 2008 as a nice reminder to drivers to reduce their
speed on the villages winding and narrow roads.

North folk Island

Two British attempts at establishing the island as a penal colony (1788-1814 and 182555) were ultimately abandoned. In 1856, the island was resettled by Pitcairn Islanders,
descendants of the Bounty mutineers and their Tahitian companions.
Oceania, island in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia
total: 36 sq km
land: 36 sq km
water: 0 sq km
country comparison to the world: 235
Natural resources:
Land use:
agricultural land: 25%
arable land 0%; permanent crops 0%; permanent pasture 25%
forest: 11.5%
other: 63.5% (2011 est.)
Geography - note:
Most of the 32 km coastline consists of almost inaccessible cliffs, but the land
slopes down to the sea in one small southern area on Sydney Bay, where the capital of
Kingston is situated

Norfolk Island
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Motto: "Inasmuch"
Anthem: "God Save the Queen"(official)
"Pitcairn Anthem"

External Territory
29.03S 167.95E
Largest city
Burnt Pine
Official languages
Norfolk Islander
Sovereign state
part of Australia
Elizabeth II
Gary Hardgrave
Norfolk Island Act
34.6 km2 (227th)
13.3 sq mi
Water (%)
July 2014 estimate
2,210 (231)
Norfolk Island a small island in the Pacific Ocean located between Australia, New Zealand, and
New Caledonia, 1,412 kilometres (877 mi) directly east of mainland Australia's Evans Head, and
about 900 kilometres (560 mi) from Lord Howe Island. The island is part of the Commonwealth
of Australia. Together with two neighbouring islands, it forms one of Australia's external
territories. It has 1,796 inhabitants living on a total area of about 35 km2 (14 sq mi). Its capital is
Norfolk Island was colonised by East Polynesians but was long unpopulated when it was settled
by Great Britain as part of its settlement of Australia from 1788. The island served as a convict
penal settlement from 6 March 1788 until 5 May 1855, except for an 11-year hiatus between 15

February 1814 and 6 June 1825, when it lay abandoned. On 8 June 1856, permanent civilian
residence on the island began when it was settled from Pitcairn Island. In 1913, the UK handed
Norfolk over to Australia to administer as an external territory.
The evergreen Norfolk Island pine is a symbol of the island and thus pictured on its flag. Native
to the island, the pine is a key export for Norfolk Island, being a popular ornamental tree on
mainland Australia, where two related species grow, and also worldwide.

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