Ravel-3 Chansons 1 Nicolette

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1 TROIS CHANSONS posece Traduction Angtaise Paroles et Musique de par MO SWAYNE SAINT RENE TAILLANDIER I MAURICE RAVEL NICOLETTE (NICOLET) 4 TRISTAN KLINOSOR Allegro moderato. d= 100 rn : sp = on es SOPRANOS oS = == Ni_co.1 Tete, 2 la ves.prée, |S’allait pro.me - Nico. let, at_| evening song, |went a - roaming CONTRALTOS SSS Ni-colette,a | la vesprée, |Sllait pro.me -|ner an pré, Nico. let, at_| evening song, |went a. roaming | in the field, TENORS SS SS SSS Sa Nicolette, a | Ia ves.prée, | Sallait pro_me -|ner au pré, Nico. leh at | evening song, |went a. roaming | inthe field, er se ve ~ BASSES =p === 7—¥ ¥ Ni-co.lette,a la vesprée, Sullait pro. me - ner au pré, Mico. let, at evening song, went a. roaming in. the Field, ——— _ rt ‘ ‘ Cueil tir | 1a pa.queret _ te la jonquille et Je mu .| guet, To “pick _|star. ry white de bright jonquils and May.ti "| ies: > SS = 3 : SSS j= Gueil-lir | 1a paqueret - te, la jonquilleet ee - guet. To _pick _|star. rywhitedaisies, | oright jonguils and May ti ~| Tice’ = pe ——— — = Ss Gueil . ir ia pa.queret _ te, Ia jonquille et le ma -| guet, Ze pick |star. rywhitedaisier, | bright jonguils and Moy. li | Suse: bye | pA Ref oe PSs | Cueil . lir la pa.queret - te, la jonguille et Ie mu guet. To pick star rywhitednisies, bright Jonguils and May - Ties Tous droits dinwéeution séverves Copyright by Durand & Cle 1916, D.&F9831@) Paris, 4, Place de la Madeleine, ——— ae ih Ss :: =F = 2 Tou-te sau-til_lan_te, | tou-te guil-le_rette, A_| Merri - ly was skipping. list less “ly wasirippingAR] Bae SSE Se == ee Toute sau-til_lonte, |tou-te guil-le.ret-te, [Lor-gnantci, IB, Merrily. wes hipping | st tess Ty was tripping, itaneing here, tere, Seta pi a) ee Se pbs_| sg i= Tou-te sau-til-lan.te, tou-te guil_le rette, A. Mer ri ly was skipping, list less ly iwasiripping ART 4 empo Poco rit. a a Temp a de tous les 6 -| 15. and e = ve. ry © |where. Ren_con-travieux loup grognant Growling old wolf came fo pass, Bristlinghat. Teilbrillant: «Hé la! ma Nicolette, _viens-tupas chez Mé_re-Grand?» sparklingeyed: +Slay! Slay! my Nicoletta, To Granmo.ther wiltthow come?+ D.& F 94310) dha- lei ne, stn . fait Ni _ co - Lette, A : quite “breath tess, fled” poor Ni > co. tet,” AR Ta ka ta ka ta kata kata ka ta ka $aptehtaieoaes Te ka ta ka ta ka ta ka ta ke ta ka ff £ Fa a > = = = A per- te dha lei ne, sen = fuit. Ni co - lette, A = tay fill quite “breath tess, fled poor Nt > co” tet,” AbD Senza rall. nuen - do. = pordentisi — = i ——— = SSS a= = “tating gate ob_7 | "hap ha S07 RP _ Panos. f pete ie fares. a — = f =: —= A & =e = =: =| Jo . - . Jo — - ki, Gen Gent 1 ae, a 2 Ke = ~— SSS SS wb = - oe - a Ren.con_tra pa _ ge, i be IChausses bleues et |pourpoint gr Gen tle page came "| hen Hereby, leith diue hose ond low. blet grey: P, = pe as dun doux a | mit» fo ver “| true? jo. ite page. Sa. ge, sen re.tour-na, Wise ram himturned_o . way, - = trés len-te - ment, re. lue_tant ly, oe a4 te coeur bien mar rat a = con. tha sei. Ren . con - tra si epee ha ~ Sm, gneur che - nu, "hai. red ~ lord, —s es Tors, laid, pu. ant o wry; vile, “He la! Stay! Stay! Tors, laid, pu-ant et Ven OT’. gly) wry, vile, cor. pw Vivo Vite fut en ses bras, Swiftly ran in his arms) Vi_te fut en ses bras, iy ran in his arms, i. rere Vi_te fut en ses bras, ly ran tn his arms, ma Nicolet_te, veux-tu tous ces € . cus?» Vite fut en ses bi mp Miclet-fo» wopecga pagtousona ~ sueze Sing fe 2 peebe a 2 Co Lento Ran, ———2 bonne Ni. co.tette, A ourrood Nico tet,”AAT. jon-ne Ni. co.lette, A our good Ni_ co tet, AAT a mane Nj. co. let > as Saami MA €0 eee ti, | ea = Drs = EE bonne Nicolette, Jamais an pré _nfstplus re. ve ~ nue, Durgud cco tets te! Auck to fhe Plea yt BMG oe Ye = Bue D.& F 9431 (1)

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