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The UK launch
Case story- Part 1

Launching a new nutraceutical

brand and creating a demand

Table of contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Naturvits - the Ayanda consumer brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ConCordix - a winning technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Naturvits four smarter choices for your health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

New game changing delivery format .

Zero sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Taste matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chewable simplicity . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loved by kids, preferred by mums . .






























Holland & Barrett - a strong strategic partner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Educating the staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Handouts to interested customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

PR strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Free Samples and launch event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Online elements and strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Make your brand online accessible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Social media platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
About Ayanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

In 2013 we decided to develop a range of products to be launched under our new brand, NaturVits. In this
case story we will describe why we initiated the project, how we planned it, why the timing was right and
how we executed the launch.
We will, of course, also walk you through the NaturVits product range and show the benefits the products offers the consumers. And we will briefly explain how ConCordix, our new game changing delivery
format, was a key factor in creating this product range.
The marketing decisions, the instruments and elements deployed to get maximum impact on the UK market will be outlined as well as the importance of a well thought out social media strategy.
When The Case Story - Part Two is released in Q1 2014 we will conclude on our process and findings as
well as revealing some of the interesting figures and numbers from the fist 3 month on the UK market.

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

NaturVits the Ayanda Consumer Brand

Ayanda is a Norwegian based leader in third-party contract manufacturing for the nutraceutical industry.
As such, we deliver a variety of capsules for the supplement retailers to package and sell as independent
branded products.
In early 2011 our research and development department completed a development project, which gave
us an exiting new delivery format ConCordix. With this new great tasting chewable format in hand
we began developing formulas. These were and still are a part of the products available for our clients in
bulks. We wanted to show our clients a success of our products, and by that share our excitement and
confidence in the technology. Hence, we created NaturVits
NaturVits has been developed with its own visual style. Logo, pictures and branding elements are all
designed for maximum recognition by the consumer and differentiation from competing brands and
Naturvits has now become the Ayanda consumer brand. Initially the range consists of 4 products, but we
will continue to develop the range with new products

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

ConCordix - a winning
Although ConCordix is a completely new and groundbreaking technology we knew instantly that we had
developed a winning technology - a game changer.
One of the key properties that separate ConCordix from other traditional delivery formats is the ability
to combine oil based and water based substances. This property is enabling us to deliver the EPA and
DHA omega-3 fatty acids both faster and in higher dosage than conventionally seen. From the long list of
benefits and advantages attached to ConCordix we list a few here:
Delivers both essential fatty acids and vitamins
Ensures better uptake of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids

Enhancesed compliance
No water required
No reflux
Great taste
Sugar free
Natural flavours

We recognized the uniqueness of ConCordix and wanted to make a case of our own to promote the potential of this new technology. So to convincingly claim that ConCordix truly is the next generation in
dietary supplements, we put our confidence to test. We decided to develop 4 specific NaturVits supplement products to be launch in the UK in December 2013.

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

NaturVits four smarter

choices for your health
The new smarter NaturVits supplement product line offers four vital health supplements: Omega-3 with
D3, D3, CoQ10 and the Omega-3 with vitamin D3 for kids. The omega-3 used in NaturVits products is
made 100% from freshly caught wild fish and contains only the purest and freshest ingredients. The 4
products are:

NaturVits Omega-3 with vitamin D3 for kids

This product is the smarter choice for keeping kids healthy. The tasty experience and the
appetizing looks make children love to eat NaturVits every day, which is exactly what
ensures the long term benefits of omega-3 and vitamin D3.

NaturVits Omega-3 with vitamin D3

NaturVits Omega-3 with vitamin D3 effectively contributes to protect skin against the
ageing effect of the suns UV radiation1 . The enhanced uptake via ConCordix superior
delivery format will also effectively contribute to the normal maintenance of the immune
system and boost health in general.

NaturVits Vitamin D3

NaturVits Vitamin D3 contributes to your health in a series of proven ways. Bones, muscles, teeth and blood all receives a measurable positive effect when you take Vitamin D3
as a daily food supplement.

NaturVits CoQ10

NaturVits CoQ10 with Coenzyme 10 is a science-based dietary supplement designed to

promote healthy heart function and cellular energy production. CoQ10 also helps stabilize
cell membranes, thus supporting their fluidity and protecting them from potentially damaging free radicals. Its often referred to as the biochemical spark plug.

1 EFSA claims database on authorized and unauthorized claims on vitamin D3

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

New game changing delivery format

We truly believe that ConCordix has changed the chewable supplement category. Not only does it taste
great and requires no water, but a clinical study comparing ConCordix to traditional soft-gel capsules also
shows that the uptake of omega-3 fatty acids is up to 44% faster and more complete2 with ConCordix.
ConCordix enables us to combine both omega-3 essential fatty acids and vitamins in one great tasting,
chewable soft drop. This opens up a wide and unique range of commercial opportunities.
100% sugar free
Our shared understanding of sugar and the health issues connected to consuming too much has come a
long way by now. Especially parents has a much higher awareness about how too much sugar can effect
their childrens health as well as a number of other factors including the ability to concentrate.
NaturVits has been developed to meet the needs to offer our children a safe and healthy supplement that
will guard them from an excessive sugar intake often seen in Gummy Bears and other vitamin products
targeted at our children.
The taste matters
Another feature descriptive of the entire NaturVits product range is the great taste. A natural human instinct is to avoid unpleasant experiences. Thats why it matters so much, that we have eliminated the any
unpleasant aftertaste sometimes found in dietary supplements with omega-3.
You dont avoid taking NaturVits you actually look forward to your daily dose of your great tasting health
The chewable simplicity
To secure a stable and consistent intake of any supplements it is an important strategy to take it every
day, and keep doing so. All of the 4 NaturVits products mentioned above is chewable for easy intake and
requires no water. The simplicity and easy of use of the chewable format greatly increases user consistency.
Loved by kids preferred by moms
NaturVits has been tested by both kids and adults and considered great tasting and delicious. We can
actually proudly announce that kids favor the NaturVits omega-3 with Vitamin D3.

2 Haug I J et al, Bioavailability of EPA and DHA delivered by gelled emulsions and soft gel capsules,
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2011, 113, 137-145

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

Holland & Barrett

A strong strategic partner
To successfully launch NaturVits in the UK we needed a strong strategic retail partner. We found our ideal
match in Holland & Barrett, a leading UK retailer of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements.
With more than 700 stores Holland & Barrett are present in almost every major city and town across the
U.K, we found them to be a perfect match. Their commitment to provide the customers with high quality
products at value for money prices made them an easy choice.

NaturVits product line health benefits:

The smart way to stay healthy - from only 50 pence a day

Educating the H&B staff

The main reasons

The staff is a very important part of creating a retail success.

These four high quality supplements are available in packages with

30 chewable tablets from just 14.99 a month or only 50 pence a day.

NaturVits Omega-3 with Vitamin D3
Chewable Omega-3

If the employees dont know your brand and products they will

Two vital nutrients in one easy-to-take package. NaturVits unique delivery

system ensures 44 per cent better absorption of fish oils than other types
of supplements. Flavour: Lemon and orange

be unable to effectively help customers and sell your products.

EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart

Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels

We chose to provide every Holland & Barrett store with manu-

NaturVits Vitamin D3

als giving the employees sufficient knowledge of NaturVits and

NaturVits Vitamin D3 is an easy, tasty way to ensure you get your daily dose
of vitamin D3. Bones, muscles, teeth and blood all receives a measurable
positive effect when you take Vitamin D3 as a daily food supplement.
Flavour: Lemon

the benefits attached to each product.

Contributes to:
normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus
normal blood calcium levels
the maintenance of normal bones
the maintenance of normal muscle function
the maintenance of normal teeth
the normal function of the immune system

To motivate everyone at Holland & Barrett working with

NaturVits CoQ10

Promotes a healthy heart

able acknowledgement in the form of a small competition for

Great taste with delicious flavours

NaturVits omega-3 with vitamin D3 for kids

NaturVits new chewable soft-drop vitamins deliver the nutrients we all

And they
Kids favourite
great tasting
shuffling and
choice for keeping your children healthy, NaturVits kids
will love
one of in
a bunch

it is to show appreciation in every part of the supply chain

provide the essential omega-3 fish oils with a daily dose of vitamin D3 that

and vitamins
All No
are using
health and
Lemon and orange
is required
likes new
to drink
gallon of
avoids anygelatine
fishy after-taste from
a handfuland
of traditional
omega-3 oils. You dont even need to take them
with water.
One easy daily dose

taste with
100% sugar free NaturVits offers great
taste without
any natural
added flavors
next As
step is to
to that
i.e. gummy
have tons And
to do
so, we
the wise owls. This guide is
a short easy
water you
No fishy aftertaste
introduction to NaturVits. AND we are also putting some excitement into
the NaturVits sales process.

and show that we know everyone has a share in a successful

A central part of our thinking is to not let go when a


NaturVits- the smarter

choice for your health
Chewable Omega-3 and Vitamins soft
drops with 44% improved effect*

potential customer have shown an interest. Therefore we

printed handouts offering all interested customer a free
sample if they registered on NaturVits website.


travel gift cards

30 chewable tablets
from just 11.99 a month
or only 40 pence pr. day

Get more health benefits from

a modern and advanced product.
NaturVits offers up to 44%
improved effect*

Dont worry about taking several

different supplements:
NaturVits offers omega-3
and vitamins in one


postcard_handout_HB_148x105_ARJ_v1.indd 1


* Compared to Soft gels

Handouts for interested customers

Holland & Barrett

100% Sugar
free 2013

In November Holland & Barrett
the first in No water required
Contributes to a normal blood pressure
UK to launch these game changing products

the best NaturVits ambassador. We recognize how important

launch of NaturVits.


The nutrient co-enzyme Q10 boosts cellular energy production. Described

as the bodys biochemical spark plug, it can also contribute to a healthy
blood pressure, and studies showits
for male
Flavour: Orange
Launching in

NaturVits we decided to reward the staff with a fun and valu-

No more difficulties
swallowing large tablets or capsules:
NaturVits requires no water and you
only need one to get your daily dose

Chewable soft drops

100% Sugar free
No water required
Great taste
No reflux
Kids favourite
Omega-3 and vitamins in one

17/10/13 11.12


For more product detail visit:

postcard_handout_HB_148x105_ARJ_v1.indd 2

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

17/10/13 11.12

PR strategy
Our strategy was to combine traditional PR with online advertising, e-commerce and a focus on social
media as well. We wanted to create some basic awareness of the products and the brand and make the
news of NaturVits spread by word of mouth and on social platforms. We had some channels available via
Holland & Barrett but we knew we wanted to push the demand with additional channels and media.
Free Samples and launch event
As mentioned above we new we had a winning product if we just could get people to try it out. The logical
conclusion from this fact was to give out free samples. The strategy is to create an army of ambassadors
from whom the message will spread. We will launch a country wide campaign with distribution of free
product samples, events and competitions in order to attract an interested audience.
PR targeted the different consumer segments
We invited the press to The Holland & Barrett yearly show case, where they introduce new products from
their stores. We have furthermore sent out approximately 150 samples to different medias together with a
targeted press release for the different media profiles (health, kids, beauty etc.) for maximum relevance to
the editors and journalists. The strategy was to inspire the health magazines to take up the health benefits and for the beauty magazines to write about the positive effects relevant NaturVits products will have
on your skin etc.
Dedicated press website
For the convenience of the journalists and editors we developed a website exclusively handling distribution
of press kits, with pictures, product information, launch strategy and other details. The press website also
acted as hub for signing up to the show case and for requesting product samples for reviewing the
product and so forth.

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

Online elements and strategy

Most customers use the Internet when collecting information about products and potential purchases. We
are convinced that consumers in the dietary supplement market are behaving in much the same way.
Make your brand online accessible
To provide the audience with information and means for involvement we developed a campaign website to
handle the traffic coming from both Adwords and from our other online advertising activities, as well as
from the handouts and in-store elements. We wanted to make sure that all interested parties could find
everything they needed to know about NaturVits online.
On the campaign website the consumers were able to read about the products and order samples. Furthermore, a newsletter signup feature ensures that we could engage in a future dialog with those who
wished to.
Drive traffic through incentive
To direct as much traffic as possible to the NaturVits campaign website we used online banner advertising
as one of many available tools. But online, you only have a fraction of a split second to attract attention
to your message. Experience shows that you increase your ability to penetrate the noise and complexity
with an easy to understand incentive to trigger attention. Hence, we added an attractive competition with
a high relevance to our target audience in order to give the consumers an incentive to get involved.
Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand

Onlne banner ads


Social media platforms

We wanted to use social media platforms to identify our strongest brand ambassadors whether they are
fans, followers or frequent commenters. We wanted to give this audience a sneak peek of the product and
a place to be involved. The strategy included help with testing, user panel and so forth. But the most important component was the ability to spread the word and create an early buzz. We found that Facebook
was an ideal platform to create that early news buzz and engage in dialog with our audience.
We continuously coordinate the social medial strategy with the offline elements of our campaign in order
to get the synergy advantage available from communicating you brand messages consistently

Naturvits on Facebook

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand


Conclusion part one

Rome wasnt built in a day and a successful nutraceutical brand isnt either.
But we are proud to say that the NaturVits launch has been a success up till now.
We look forward to reveal more hard facts about NaturVits in The Case story - Part Two, expected
ultimo Q1 2014.

The NaturVitsTM
Case Story - Part Two
Expected ultimo Q1 2014.

Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand


About Ayanda
We are a Norwegian based leader in third-party contract manufacturing for the nutraceutical industry with
a cutting edge high quality profile.
Using state-of-the-art production facilities, and only the freshest ingredients we produce turnkey products
and customized dietary supplements of the highest quality.
Flexible formula design and a proactive 360 support, from initial research to sales and marketing, give our
customers a head start.

Please contact us for further information and sales opportunities

stensjveien 36, 3rd floor
0667 Oslo, Norway

Anita Moe Larsen

PR and Marketing

Telephone +47 77 75 99 00

Marc Van Maris


Launching a new nutraceutical brand and creating a customer demand


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