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1. Rationale and Research Question
As social creatures, people always interact with others. we need language as the
media to interact with other members of the community because the main function of
language is as a communication in TST Kuala simpang. Language is used by people to
express their feelings. we study the work problem in my TST. Where friend ask about
vacancy work exist in Kuala simpang, because my friend is want work to defray its own
tuition. so that my friend also explain the place of is existence of job vacancy. I and other
friend listen the information from that work. In sociolinguistic study, language is not only
sign system, but it is also used as a social system. They used it when they communicated each
other in their group in the same ages and talk differently to people in different ages. my friend
ask about work problem by speaker is Ianguage indonesian, last of friend the other one reply
by talking with padang Ianguage. The information of words and meaning of register are very
diverse and depend on the creativity of the user. Language variation that is relaled to the field
of work or social group and situational speech varieties is known a register. There are actualy
other ways that can be used communicate each other such as gestures and picture in
communicating than others.

2. Body
Context :
a. When
b. Where
c. Who
d. Age
e. Occupation

: sunday, May 15 2016

: at Tst Kuala simpang
: 3 my friend in Tst
: 21-24 years old.
: at problem in language Indonesia to Padang

3. Conclusion
I hear their discussion about vacancy problem, where my friend ask with the have
Ianguage to of my indonesia friend and is other dissimilar replying with the Padang
Ianguage, so that they discussion with the Ianguage indonesia with the Padang.
friend replying by using Padang Ianguage, but friend which say of have Ianguage to
indonesian, they are is of equal is of equal knowing Ianguage indonesia with the
Padang, but friend replying this accustomed hence Ianguage of Padang and friend
enquiring this often use the Ianguage indonesian. their discussion use the Ianguage
indonesian with the Padang language, so that they study the information problem of
about vacancy by using language indonesian with replying hence Padang Ianguage.
in this speaker is I listen my friend enquire with the Ianguage of indonesian and friend
replying with the Padang Ianguage, so that the happening of discussion in Ianguage
indonesian and reply with the Padang Ianguage.
4. Appendix
The conversation between the friend
Friend 1 : kapan ada pendaftaran masuk kerja !
Friend 2 : den ndak tau menyaboit kapan!
Friend 1 : kalau ada dengar pendaftaran, bilang ya?
Friend 2 : iyo, tapi tampeknya jaoh-jaoh, amo kenapo
Friend 3 : kenapa ngak mau
Friend 1 : ya, justru itu la aku mau, banyak pengalaman yang kita lalui
Friend 2 : akusuko, susah-susah dahulu, sanang-sanang kemudian
Friend 1 : yaudah cepat cari info nya ya
Friend 2 : ya, beres tu

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