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Lesson Plan: Phonics

Name:Amy Werner
Date:October 27th, 2014
Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by
producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each
Topic:Digraph: /th/th
Goal: For all students to have a better understanding of which words the /th/ sound
is found in. This is important because a child's ability to hear sounds will effect the
child's later ability to spell and decode.
Objective: Students will be able to independently identify 5 word with the sound
/th/ with 100% accuracy.
Attention Getter: Begin by reviewing the /ch/ sounds as in cheese. Have students
say the word cheese. Ask the students students what sound they hear. Explain
that just like the /ch/ has two letters but makes to sounds their are other digraphs
that do the same thing. Tell them that today we will be learning about the sound the
T and H make /th/.
Teach/Model: Next give each student a piece of candy. Ask them to say thank
you. Next prompt student to tell a partner what sound is at the beginning of thank
you. Ask for a volunteer to go to the board and write thank. Have the student
circle the two letters that make the th sound.
Guided Practice: In small group read aloud a variety of words (listed below) tell
students to quietly raise their hand when they hear the /th/ sound in the word such
as thank. Words:
Thermos thump tick thunder tree truck thin talk numb think tub
Independent Practice: Give students each a work sheet. (attached) Direct
students to complete the worksheet by completing the riddles. Use this time to
scaffold any students who do not understand. As students work walk around and
ask them to show you where the /th/ is in each word.
Lesson Closure: End by reviewing that sometimes two letters can have one sound
like /th/ the /th/ sounds is found in words like path, tooth, thorn, and both.

Assessment: Collect worksheets use this to asses immediate comprehension.

Students should have correctly placed each word and accurately told the teacher
where each /th/ sound was found during the independent practice time.

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