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Name: Bryan Andrei Fajardo Quezada

Date: october,05,2016
The sugar is an element of cook. It is used to sweet foods. It can be elaborated
of the sugar cane or by the beet. The sugar cane is original of New Guinea. The
ancient navigators took her to India, from where it spread to China and to other regions
of East. This happened about 4,500 B.C. The sugar belongs to the group of the simple
carbohydrates. The main producers of sugar in the world son: Brazil, India, Europe,
China, USA, Thailand, Mexico, Australia, Pakistan and Russia. 70% of sugar is
achieved World sugar cane and 30% of beet. The sugar has several important features
among them are, the sugar is use for food processing, also, it is used for cosmetic and
for natural medicine.
All the people in the world use sugar because it is need for the process of the
preparation of different types of food item such as cakes on the birthdays family, pies,
cookies and so on. Some people tend to use the sugar to make candies, and goodies
and also for sweeting beverages for instance coffee, chocolate and juices as well. Even
when there are many processes to get liquor using sugar thanks to the technology
many time ago they got it by fermenting granulated sugar with certain type of yeast in
this way you are able to get until 20% (40 degrees).
Something really interesting is that sugar is used in different kinds of cosmetics
that are necessary for people because it allows skin exfoliation, leaves it smooth, soft
and clean. The sugar is also used to extend the shelf life of lipstick. Once you put your
make up on, sprinkle a little bit of sugar on your lips and let it act a few seconds and
then remove it using a cloth or lick it. You'll see how this will make your make up to
keep longer and do not need to tweak it. The sugar is used to remove skin blemishes,
you just have to put some sugar in the foam produced by the soap.
Regard to the natural medicines the sugar is really useful. If you burned your
tongue with hot drinks or soups you should use it in order to alleviate the burn. It is
used to cure wounds because of the natural properties it has. Due to the amount of
calories it has, the sugar is also considered as an important source of quick energy for
people. Granulated sugar (table) and honey have been used before the Christian era
for wound healing in humans. Currently they used worldwide to treat contaminated
wounds and are slowly beginning to gain acceptance in veterinary medicine.
The sugar is an indispensable element to flavor many foods, such as in the
preparation of desserts, cakes and many items. Sugar is necessary for calories body
because this becomes an important source of quick energy for people. Its commercial
uses is more profitable industry of cosmetics. In sum, sugar is used in many aspects as
we saw before and I think that there are many other purposes for it and people do not
know yet but little by little we are going to be able to take advantage of this natural
resource to improve the human being life

Cookpad el gusto de cocinar. (2015). Obtenido de sugar:
EcuRed. (5 de 10 de 2016). ecured. Obtenido de the sugar:
mejor con salud. (2015). Obtenido de Usos alternativos para el azcar que
no conocas:

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