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Jun Isaac M.


Mr. Gerardo Lucena


Art Stud 2 (2:30-4:00 PM)

The Ideal Body

On our last meeting in Art Stud 2 before the Holy Week, we were assigned to
watch a documentary film. It was called "How Art Made The World". Well, it was comprised
with a lot of segment, so the only one shown to us was "More Human Than Human". The
figures and images on the shown video was widely exaggerated. In these exaggerations, one
can feel an emotion, one can create an idea, and one can fulfill his own satisfaction.
Well, first of all, these are only the things that I recall from the video so I can't list and
react on all the things that were mentioned there. So here I
go. First was about the Venus of Willendorf. From what I
learned from my class in Anthropology, the Venus of
Willendorf was the ideal woman body. Hunters from that
time were the ones that mostly used this figure. Because
they have no women in their side when they go hunting and
this figure can fit inside a pocket, they use the Venus of
Willendorf instead to satisfy their sexual needs. The
exaggeration of the hips and sexual organs can infer an idea about fertility or motherhood.
Because of exaggeration, we can see the main point of a figure or an image.

The next one that I can remember was

about the Pharaoh in Egypt thousands of
years ago. All I can say is that they only
emphasize their best part and what they want
the people to see on them. Or like in our
current era, we only find the best angle when taking a picture so we can look beautiful. We
will find our best asset to show to the rest of the world.
And the last one was about the sculpture found in Italy. It
was the perfect body of a man. It was cleanly symmetrical. It was
a body that every man want to have and become. But of course it
was unrealistic, because one can't achieve a body like that in
normal ways. It is beautiful because we don't see it in our daily
lives. It is beautiful because every ideal look of a part of a body
was put in that statue. It is beautiful because it is something new
and almost nearly impossible to achieve that's why we are
mesmerized. Humans always sought the things in the fantasy
realm. Because nothing can be perfect in the physical realm.
Humans will never be contented and will continue to pursue "perfection". But once
attained, they will find a new image that will satisfy the definition of "perfection". Because
when something became a normal occurrence, its not unique anymore and will its beauty
degraded. Having an exaggerated form can cause an exaggerated feeling and interest.

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