ME5506 Make-Up Quiz 2

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ME5506 Make-Up Quiz 2

1. An assemblyman did not fasten the two iron-based components appropriately. As a result, a gap
of about 1-mm was created. The intended use of the two components was in a pond containing
fresh water. Answer the following questions using this information:
a. What type of corrosion this assembly would be susceptible to due to the fault made by
(5 Marks)
Crevice Corrosion. There is a gap and stagnant water, which are the starting conditions for crevice
b. Describe the mechanism of the corrosion that you have identified in part (a).

(5 Marks)

Uniform Corrosion
Depletion of oxygen in crevice It becomes an anode
Outside area becomes cathode
Dissolution proceeds in crevice

2. Metal A and Metal B are joined in an engineering application. Metal A is more cathodic when
compared with Metal B. Both these metals corrode uniformly in wet atmospheric conditions and
at the same rate. Will Metal B corrode much faster when it is joined with A or when it is used
alone? Briefly justify your answer. Assume that the area of their exposure is the same.
(10 Marks)
By joining the two metals together, we are changing the mode of corrosion from uniform corrosion to
galvanic corrosion.
As per the fundamentals of Galvanic Corrosion, Metal A will stop corroding while Metal B will start
corroding faster. This is because of the higher cathode area in form of Metal A.

3. Look at the schematic diagram below carefully that shows a manhole cover located in the
middle of a road in Singapore. The manhole cover is normally made of Iron (Cast Iron) and is
used for the inspection of underground pipes. The manhole cover in the present case is
galvanized. What type(s) of corrosion would you expect for the manhole cover? Differentiate
the corrosion types between predominant and not-so-predominant type. Provide very brief
justification to support your answer.
(20 Marks)

Predominant Type of Corrosion:


Justification: Due to presence of dust and debris and the movement of vehicles
NOT-so-predominant Type of Corrosion:

Uniform corrosion

Mechanical wear will be more damaging than uniform corrosion as the dust particles are ceramics and

4. In an application, Iron and Aluminum are joined together by welding and cathodically protected
(Sacrificial Anode Protection) as shown in the diagram below.

One engineer commented that we should separate Iron and Aluminum using plastic material to avoid
Galvanic Corrosion between the two. Accordingly, the assembly was modified as shown below:

Comment on the implication of this change on the corrosion rate of

(a) Iron,
(b) Aluminum and
(c) Functionality of the whole assembly.

(20 Marks)

( = 1.662)



( = 0.44)

( = 2.36)

Corrosion rate of:

a. Iron:

No change as it is still protected by Mg.

b. Aluminum:

Not galvanically protected by Mg and hence will undergo wet corrosion

c. Functionality of the whole assembly:

structure will start corroding.

Adversely affected as Aluminum which is a part of the

5. Assume that cementite phase is nobler than -Fe phase. Comment on whether an increase in
the amount of cementite phase in the microstructure will increase or decrease the rate of
corrosion of the material. Reanalyze the situation assuming cementite to be a more reactive
(10 Marks)
Situation 1:






Increasing cementite will increase the cathodic area and the corrosion will increase.
Situation 2:






Increasing cementite will increase anodic area and reduce the corresponding cathodic area.
Consequently, the corrosion will decrease.

6. Differentiate between a grey cast iron and ductile (nodular) cast iron. Which one of them will
corrode faster in freshwater assuming they have an identical amount of carbon? Briefly justify
your answer.
(10 Marks)
Grey cast iron has flakes while nodular cast iron contains nodules.

Graphite is more inert than Iron and hence will serve as a cathode.
Grey cast iron will corrode faster as graphite flakes have more surface area and hence cathodic area
will be larger, leading to a higher rate of corrosion.

7. Look at the picture below carefully that is taken from Engineering Block, NUS. This keyhole was
in a corridor that was not air-conditioned and open to the outside atmosphere. The arrowed
part of the keyhole assembly is corroding.

Identify the category of corrosion that you are seeing. If it is a dry corrosion, then identify the type. If it
is a wet corrosion then comment on the anodic and cathodic sites. Justify your answer briefly in each
(10 Marks)
Dry Corrosion:
Wet Corrosion:

Humidity levels in Singapore are often higher than 60%. Hence, the corrosion is Wet

Anodic / Cathodic Sites:

Two options: If we focus only on the arrow part then the anodic sites may be the grain boundaries or
second phases.
If you include the part outside the corroded part then the arrowed part is the anode while the noncorroded part will be the cathode.

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