Mod Pam

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Experiment Details and Output Snapshots:

To construct Pulse amplitude modulation using MATLAB and LABVIEW

Tool required:

Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), is a form of signal modulation where the message
information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses. It is an analog pulse
modulation scheme in which the amplitudes of a train of carrier pulses are varied according
to the sample value of the message signal. Demodulation is performed by detecting the
amplitude level of the carrier at every symbol period.

Figure 1: PAM signal representation

There are two types of pulse amplitude modulation:
1. Single polarity PAM: In this a suitable fixed DC bias is added to the signal to ensure
that all the pulses are positive.
2. Double polarity PAM: In this the pulses are both positive and negative.
Pulse-amplitude modulation is widely used in modulating signal transmission of digital
data, with non-baseband applications having been largely replaced by pulse-code
modulation, and, more recently, by pulse-position modulation.
In particular, all telephone modems faster than 300 bit/s use quadrature amplitude
modulation (QAM). (QAM uses a two-dimensional constellation).
The number of possible pulse amplitudes in analog PAM is theoretically infinite. Digital
PAM reduces the number of pulse amplitudes to some power of two. For example, in 4-level
PAM there are
possible discrete pulse amplitudes; in 8-level PAM there are
discrete pulse amplitudes; and in 16-level PAM there are possible discrete pulse
PAM is the simplest of all pulse modulation technique. In PAM the amplitude of the
message or modulating signal is mapped to a series of pulses with two possible variant :

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1) Flat Top PAM:- The amplitude of each pulse is directly proportional to

instantaneous modulating signal amplitude at the time of pulse occurrence and then keeps
2) Natural PAM:- The amplitude of each pulse is directly proportional to the
instantaneous modulating signal amplitude at the time of pulse occurrence and then follows
the amplitude of the modulating signal for the rest of the half cycle.
In Pulse modulation the unmodulated carrier is a periodic train of pulses.

Figure 2: Shows the Pulses Train used as Carrier

The pulse train may be described by:

Where A is the unmodulated pulse amplitude, is pulse width. The periodic time of the pulse
train is Ts

Figure 3: Circuit diagram for Pulse Amplitude Modulation.

In Pulse amplitude modulation the amplitudes of the pulses are varied in accordance
with the modulating signal. Denoting the modulating signal as m(t), pulse amplitude
modulation is achieved by multiplying the carrier with the m(t). The output is a series of
pulses, the amplitudes of which vary in proportion to the modulating signal. The particular
form of pulse amplitude modulation is referred to as natural PAM, because the tops of the

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The pulse train acts as a periodic switching signal to the modulator, which when switched
ON allows samples of the modulating signal to pass through to the output. The periodic time
of the pulse train is known as the sampling period. Note that Ts is the period from the
beginning of one sample to the next, not the pulse duration.

The equation describing natural PAM is found as :

The modulated pulse train is then :

The right hand side of this equation shows that the modulated wave consists of the
modulating signal, multiplied by the dc term a 0 and a series of DSBSC - type components
resulting from the harmonics in the pulse waveform.

Figure 4: Carrier pulse Train used for modulation

Figure 5: Analog Signal for Modulating.

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Figure 6: Pulse Amplitude Modulated Output

To be able to transmit the higher DSBSC components, it is clear that a widebandwidth transmission system is required. However in this case, there would be no point in
using PAM since the original baseband signal m (t) might Just as well be transmitted directly,
and in addition, the factor a0, which is always less than unity, can severely reduce the
To prevent the lower edge of the DSBSC spectrum from overlapping with the low- frequency
spectrum, the separation between these must not be less than zero. Hence

W + = fs W ,

with 0

It follows that
fs 2W
This condition imposed on the sampling frequency states that the sampling frequency
must be at least twice the highest frequency in the modulating signal. If the sampling
condition is not met, parts of the spectra overlap, and once such overlap is allowed to occur
the spectra can no longer be separated by filtering. Because the high frequency components
in the DSBSC spectrum appear in the low frequency part of the spectrum, the effect is
termed aliasing. To avoid aliasing, the modulation signal is first passed through an antialiasing filter, which cuts the signal spectrum off at some value W.
The sampling frequency ' fs = 2W ' is known as the Nyquist Frequency. Because of
its wideband nature, PAM has a very restricted range of application for direct transmission of
signals. It is used, for examples, in instrumentation systems and in analog - to digital
converters used for computer interfacing.

close all;
clear all;
a = input('Enter the amplitude = ');
f = input('Enter the frequency = ');
t = 0:0.02:2; % for a total of 20 samples
x1 = stem(t); %generation of impulse signal
x2 = sin(2*pi*f*t); %generation of sine wave
y = x1.*x2; %modulation step

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subplot(3,1,1); %for impulse signal plot

title('Impulse Signal');
ylabel('Amplitude ');
subplot(3,1,2) %for sine wave plot
title('Sine Wave');
xlabel('Time ');
ylabel('Amplitude ');
subplot(3,1,3) %for PAM wave plot
title('PAM Wave');
Sample Input At MATLAB Command Window:
Enter the amplitude = 4
Enter the frequency = 3
Output of PAM in MATLAB:

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Output of PAM in LABVIEW

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1. What are the advantages of PWM over PAM?

Noise is less in PWM as the amplitude is kept constant, the signal and noise
separation is easy, and PWM does not require synchronization between
transmitter and receiver.
2. What is pulse position modulation?
In this system, amplitude and width of carrier pulses are kept constant while
position of each pulse with respect to the position of a reference pulse is
varied in accordance to the message signal.
3. What is the advantage of PPM over PWM and PAM?
As amplitude is constant, it is less noisy, the signal and noise separation is
easy, due to constant pulse width and amplitude the transmitted power for
each pulse is same.
4. What are the applications of pulse position modulation?
Pulse position modulation is used in remote controlled aircraft, cars, boats,
and other vehicles and is responsible for conveying the controls of a
transmitter to a receiver. The position of each pulse may describe the physical
direction of an analogue controller while the number of pulses may describe
the number of possible commands that the device may receive.
5. What are the purposes of using differential pulse position modulation?
For a given bandwidth, DPPM requires significantly less average power than
pulse position modulation (PPM).
D-PPM offers efficient data transmission due to its highly compressed format.
The fact that it does not need a clock signal to synchronize with, means that the
circuit is very simple to implement. On the other hand, PPM is very sensitive to
eternal occurrences.

We have successfully constructed PAM by using MATLAB and LABVIEW

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