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1) The ph value of human blood is__?

a) 7.40
b) 7.20
c) 0
d) 8.60
2) The rarest blood group is __.
a) O negative
b) B negative
c) AB positive
d) AB negative
3) The metal present in the haemoglobin is __ .
a) Copper
b) Calcium
c) Iron
d) Aluminium
4) Age of fishes was known as __.
a) Devonian
b) Ordovician
c) Crustaceous
d) Silurian
5) The metal present in the chlorophyll is __.
a) Calcium
b) Aluminium
c) Zinc
d) Magnesium
6) The important sugar in honey is __.
a) Lactose
b) Fructose
c) Maltose
d) Sucrose
7) The number of Chromosomes in the human gene is __.
a) 23
b) 48
c) 46
d) 24

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


8) Viticulture is related with __.
a) Grapes
b) Pine Apple
c) Orange
d) Strawberry
9) The acid present in Vinegar is
a) Citric Acid
b) Acetic Acid
c) Oxalic Acid
d) Malic Acid
10) The longest and largest bone in the human body is __.
a) Spinal Cord
b) Humerus
c) Fibula
d) Femur
11) The average weight of the human brain is __.
a) 1,500 grams
b) 1,200 grams
c) 1,400 grams
d) 1,300 grams
12) Which part of human brain is affected by alcohol?
a) Cerebrum
b) Cerebellum
c) Medulla Oblongata
d) Corpus Callosum
13) The first heart Transplantation in India was in the Year __.
a) 3rd August 1994
b) 13th August 1994
c) 3rd September 1994
d) 13th September 1994
14) The largest organ in the human body is __.
a) Gland
b) Bone
c) Skin
d) Liver

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


15) Which type of lens is used to correct myopia?
a) Convex lens
b) Concave lens
c) Biconcave lens
d) Biconvex lens
16) There are several levels of protein structure, the most complex of which is
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) quaternary
17) Animals store glucose in the form of
a) amylose
b) glycogen
c) glycerol
d) guanine
18) The globular shape of a protein is called the
a) primary structure
b) secondary structure
c) tertiary structure
d) quaternary structure
19) What happens during a hydrolysis reaction?
a) protein coils into its secondary structure
b) the bond between two subunits of a macromolecule is broken
c) saturated fats become unsaturated
d) a bond is formed between two subunits of a macromolecule
20) Molecules that have the same chemical formula but have different molecular structures are called
a) isotopes
b) ions
c) structural isotopes
d) isomers
21) Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda?
a) Potassium chloride
b) Potassium carbonate
c) Potassium hydroxide
d) Sodium bicarbonate
Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


22.Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
a) osmosis
b) active transport
c) diffusion
d) passive transport
23. Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into
a) free nitrogen
b) urea
c) ammonia
d) proteins
24. Nucleus, the genetic material containing rounded body in each cell, was first discovered in 1831 by
a) Robert Hooke
b) Robert Brown
c) Rudolf Virchow
d) Theodore Schwann
25. Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called
a) anthocyanin
b) carotene
c) chlorophyll
d) xanthophylls
26. Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the
a) salivary glands
b) pituitary glands
c) thyroid glands
d) pancreas
27. Plants are killed in winter by frost
a) because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues
b) because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature
c) because respiration ceases at such low temperature
d) because there is no transpiration
28. Organic Substances which, in very small amounts, control growth and development called
a) vitamins
b) hormones
c) enzymes
d) None of the above

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


29. On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment?
a) Gram
b) Maize
c) Pea
30. Poison glands of snakes are homologous to
a) electric organs of fishes
b) stings of rays
c) sebaceous glands of mammals
d) salivary glands of vertebrates
31) Part of eye used during eye donation is
a) Retina
b) Cornea
c) Eye hens
c) Complete eye
32. Amount of light entering into the eye is controlled by
a) Cornea
b) Choroid
c) Retina
d) Pupil
33. Image of object is formed on which part of eye
a) Cornea
b) Choroid
c) Retina
d) Iris
34. In the retina of eye cells present for colour differentiation
a) Cones
b) Rods
c) Cornea
d) Choroid
35. Function of Iris is
a) Formation of image
b) Protection of eye lens
c) To regulate the size of pupil
d) To make the image in inverted condition

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


36. In the cell the food (glucose) is broken down into
a) Oxygen, water and energy
b) Nitrogen and water
c) Carbon dioxide, water and energy
d) Carbon dioxide only
37. Thickest layer of skin is found on
a) Sole
b) Palm
c) Thigh
d) Head
38. Muscles cramps occur after heavy exercise this is because accumulation of
a) Amino acids
b) Fatty acids
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Lactic acid
39. Upper most layer of skin is called
a) Epidermis
b) Protodermis
c) Dermis
d) None of these
40. The hardest part of human body is
a) Bone
b) Palaque
c) Enamel
d) Skull
41. Which one of the following organ have the capacity of regeneration
a) Spleen
b) Kidney
c) Brain
d) Liver
42. Which of the following organ cannot be transplanted
a) Kidney
b) Heart
c) Lung
d) Brain

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


43. Which of the following is a vestigeal organ?
a) Diaphram
b) Centriole
c) Apendix
d) Molar teeth
44. Tear of man have an enzyme which kill the bacteria
a) Amylase
b) Urease
c) Lysozyme
d) Ptylin
45. Weight of an animal body is mostly the weight of
a) Water
b) Blood
c) Bone
d) Tissue
46. The number of essential amino acid found in mana) 15
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
47. Myoglobin contain the metal
a) Copper
b) Silver
c) Gold
d) Iron
48. Normal temperature of human body is
a) 40.5 degree Celsius
b) 37.0 degree Celsius
c) 9834 degree Celsius
d) 82.4 degree Celsius
49. Blood bank of human body is
a) Spleen
b) Pancrease
c) Gall bladder
d) None of these

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs


50. Bile is stored in
a) Mouth
b) Liver
c) Gall bladder
d) Stomach

Biology MCQs Capsule. This capsule consists of 50 questions which need to be solved in 20 minutes.
Keep on practicing different MCQs with Sehpaathi. We will be coming up with many more such MCQs

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