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1. The study of the nature of the universe


2. Philosophy is to be studied, not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions
since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake

of the questions themselves true

A question is philosophical when it is reflexive. true
For Indians, their philosophy is Egocentric; "What am I doing here"false
The study of science and art of correct inferential reasoning.-logic
Philosophy is a review of what is right and what is wrong and to determine the right

from the wrong and the wrong from reasoning.-false

7. For Greeks, their Philosophy is cosmo-centric; "from where does everything come"true
8. From the Greek word philosophia, Philosophy means:-love of wisdom
9. The study of the fundamental nature of existence as such, and the fundamental
questions of reality, both of man and of the world.-meta
10. Philosophy is the science by which the natural light of reason studies the first causes
or highest principles of all things.-true
1. It is the process by which the intellect strips the object of its nonessential qualities,
retains the essential ones, and forms them into one image, which is the idea.2.

It is the external manifestation or sign of an idea. It is a written or spoken

3. It is the beginning of knowledge. It is when we have an understanding or an idea of
things that we can say we know.-apprehension
4. As the comprehension of the idea increases, the extension decreases and vice
5. This discusses the conceptual patterns or structures needed for a valid and correct
argument or inference. It deals with the correct patterns of argumentation.=formal
6. Motion of the substance, commonly inducing a result in another thing. e.g. running,
sawing, baking.=action
7. It expresses only ONE meaning or sense when applied to several objects.=univocal
8. Self apprehension and comprehension are useful to put order in our universal
concepts by ways of classification and to assign the proper nature of things when we
try to understand and define them.=false
9. Modification of substance as regards the effect of having extended and measurable

10. It is a term that expresses a meaning that is partly different and partly the same, or
meanings that are related.=analogous
1. It is the act by which the intellect relates or combines ideas or concepts.=judgement
2. Which among the statements is a particular affirmative?=some tragedies
3. Which among the statements is a universal negative?=all of these people do not

belong here
All are categorical or attributive proposition EXCEPT:=some politicians
Which is not a proposition among the following statements?=tell the manager
Which among the statements is a particular negative?=some warriors are not winner
It is a pronouncement that is considered as the mental product of the act of

8. Which among the propositions is conjunctive?=a person cannot be both a friend
9. Which is NOT an example of Affirmative judgment?=a squash is not an eggplant
10. Which among the statements is a universal affirmative?=giraffes are all animals
1. In this kind of syllogism, the terms here are not identified as major, minor or middle.
2. One form of deductive argument which is a set of three propositions, the first two
being the premises and the last is the conclusion. The conclusion must always follow
and must be derived from the premises. SYLLOGISM
3. It is a process of reasoning which proceeds from specific or particular instances to
the formulation of general or universal principles or statements. INDUCTIVE
4. If each of two concepts agrees respectively with the same third concept, then they
also agree with each other. If A agrees with B, and B agrees with C, then A agrees
with C. TRUE
5. Two basic elements of syllogism. MATTER AND FORM
6. In categorical syllogism, what is the pattern that stands for major term? P
7. If one concept agrees with a third term and the other disagrees with the same third
term, then they disagree with each other. If A agrees with B, but C does not agree
with A, then B and C do not agree with each other. TRUE
8. This law states that whatever is affirmed universally, in a formal manner, of a logical
whole or class, should also be affirmed of its logical parts. DICTUM DE OMNI
9. This law states that whatever is denied universally, in a formal manner, of a logical
whole or class, should also be denied of its logical parts. DICTUM DE NULLO
10. No term may have a greater extension in the conclusion than in the premises - This
applies to the two terms in the conclusion namely the major and the minor terms. If
a term is used as a particular in the premise its must remain particular in the

conclusion, otherwise the same term would have a wider extension in the conclusion
and that may not be the same term used in the premise. TRUE

1. You support capital punishment just because you want an "eye for an eye," but I
have several good reasons to believe that capital punishment is fundamentally

2. But Doctor, surely your advice that I should not drink coffee is not sound advice since
you yourself often drink coffee. AD HOMINEM

3. You ought to try to study harder in school this year, Ron, because it will spare your
parents the embarrassment of a letter from the instructor telling them you're
slipping. AD BACULUM

4. But Mom, I don't see why I have to wear socks; Einstein never did wear socks. AD

5. Plagiarism is deceitful because it is dishonest. BEGGING THE QUESTION

6. No mathematician has ever been able to demonstrate the truth of the variants of the
Goldberg conjecture, so they cannot all be true. AD IGNORANTIAM

7. Everyone believes that men write the best novels; therefore, there is little doubt that
they do so.AD POPULUM
8. It is ridiculous to have spent thousands of dollars to rescue those two whales trapped
in the Arctic ice. Why look at all the people trapped in jobs they don't like. RED

9. Those who say that extra-sensory perception is not reliable are mistaken. The police,
Hollywood stars, and politicians have all relied on it. AD POPULUM

10. Mia Lei has really worked hard on his term project, and she will really be depressed if
she does not make an A. For these reasons, you just have to give him an A on her

1. Aristotle believed that man had a natural drive for society, being a political animal, as
well as for knowledge, God, and ultimately, happiness. TRUE

2. A Philosophical school of thought which believes in the superiority of the mind in

finding the truth and acquiring knowledge, but since pure reason tends to be very
formalistic, they tend to be dogmatic. RATIONALISM

3. According to Freud, which part of the mind is dominated by the pleasure principle?

4. This corresponds to nutrition and growth, as well as reproduction. VEGETATIVE

5. According to Freud, primitive instinctual motives and repressed memories are stored
in the __________UNCONSCIOUS MIND

6. According to Freud, which part of the mind is composed mainly of life and death
instincts? EGO

7. According to Hume, all our more complex ideas can be reducible to more
8. The ego's mechanism for suppressing and forgetting instinctual impulses.

9. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences,

i.e. make the unconscious conscious. TRUE

10. For Plato, the idealist, he presented the three parts of soul namely: THE APPETITIVE

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