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Project Mgmt

Paper 1
4. For each of the five PMLC models, identify the specific points
where client involvement is needed. What specific actions would
you take as project manager to ensure that involvement?
For all of them: Scope and close to map out what is needed
Linear none during
Incremental each increment
Iterative Each iteration
Adaptive each adaptation
Extreme all phases all the time
5. Where in each of the five PMLC models would you expect the
most failures occur? Defend your answer.
Linear at Close Because of not allowing for changes the client may
end up unhappy
Incremental team and client may get unhappy not seeing wins
Iterative needs a team to meet regularly and be on the same page for
each iteration
Extreme - Too many changes (pivots) may mean no progress, failure to
6. Where in each of the five PMLC models would you expect the
greatest risk? What mitigation strategies would you consider?
Defend your choices. Wysocki, Robert K. (2013-12-02). Effective
Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme (Kindle Locations
1561-1564). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
Linear change in scope and restarting could mean never leaving
design stage
- process for change orders
Incremental constant increments could also drag on
- strict timeline with deliverables
Iterative High need for client involvement regularly, each iteration
- Clear lines of communication and accountability
Adaptive - High need for client involvement regularly as well, each
- Communication and accountability
Extreme May never reach market or profitability
- Clear understandings of risk and possible outcomes (startup

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