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Middle test materials

Grade 11/ Semester I
1) Grammar Focus:
Indirect question
Qualifying comparison
Participle clauses (present and perfect)
Neednt have/ didnt need to
2) Vocabulary
Music (Unit 11)
Travel verbs - Geographical features (Unit 12)
Health & medicine - Feelings (Unit 13)
3) Expression
Giving opinion/ suggestion
A. Indirect questions
Rewrite into indirect questions.
1. What will you study next year? Can you tell me
2. Where has the secretary been? I wanted to know
3. What sport have you been practicing? I wonder
4. What food do you like? May I know
5. When is the flight to Los Angeles? Lets find out
6. When will Peter arrive? Can you tell me
7. How old are you? Im curious
8. Why is Sally crying? I wanted to know
9. Why do you study English? Would you explain us

10. What is your fathers favorite music?

11. Are they going to close down the factory?
12. Did they sell their old car?
13. Were you tired last night?
14. How much does this coat cost?
15. Can you play the guitar?
16. What kind of music do you play at the studio? (She wanted
to know)
17. What time does it start getting busy again? (lets find out)
18. How many complaints have you had about the music you
play? (I dont know)
19. Does Jolie like classical music? (I cant remember)
20. Has she reached the decision?(Has she told you )
21. What are you doing? (Do you have any idea)
B. Qualifying Comparison
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.




1. I find jazz music much ____ relaxing than any other genre.
2. Nowadays music isnt ____ as imaginative as it was 10 years

3. We think electronic music is a ____ more exciting than the

70s dance music.
4. Coldplay is ____ better than Keane. We cant compare them.
5. Folk music is ____ as boring as country music. We dont like
6. The cover version of this song is even ____ than the original
7. Classical music is ____ like as good as jazz.
C. Participle Clauses
Join the sentences using participle clause.
1. I watched the late-night film on TV. I fell asleep.
2. Rio knew no one in the house. So he invited his friends
to have a party there.
3. I was reading a book while I was listening to music.
4. We heard a strange noise outside our house. We went to
5. Id arrived too early at cafe. I had to wait my friends for a
long time.
6. Bernard was holding a comb in his left hand and writing
a letter with his right hand.
7. After I had washed my hair, I reached for the pink hairdryer.
D. Neednt have/ didnt need to
Complete the sentences with the phrase didnt need to or
neednt have.
1. Thanks for this dress. You _______ (give)me anything, though.
2. I spent hours doing it and then they told me I _______
3. When I joined,I had been working as a secretary to the
company so I _________ (waste) time to do the new project
4. I included the Excorp figures in my report, but I __________
(do) this as John had already posted them to the Forum.

E. Music
Underline the correct word.
1. Its a shame when my brother sings along/ though/ on to
songs on the radio.
2. Karen love alive/ life/ live music. She goes to at least a
concert in a month.
3. I used to work in a shopping centre but the tinned/ frozen/
canned=muzak music they played all day drove me crazy.
4. MYMP is a band that mainly plays cover/ copy/ fake versions
of popular songs.
5. She thinks she doesnt have a nice voice so she tends not
to sing but muzak/ hum/ recorded along.
6. I want to be a famous sell=flog/ composer/ label. I love to
arrange music.

F. Feelings and Health medicine

Underline the correct word.
1. She always gets the best. I envy / irritable her.
2. John looks so pale. Maybe he is a bit uptight / uneasy facing
the test.
3. Jane gets a car from her parents as her birthday gift. She
must be over the moon / jealous.
4. I cant stay away from my parents because I get inattentive /
homesick easily.
5. He was so absent minded / inattentive that he didnt bring
the project on the submission day
6. I feel unwell lately I think Id better go to the doctor to
consult about the symptom / diagnosis
7. Nicks father is a professional surgeon / operating theatre in
the hospital
8. She suffers / recovers from very bad flu recently. She even
cant breathe easily

9. Before I get the diagnosis / check-up, the doctor asks me to

have diagnosis / check-up first.
10. The doctor injects the painkiller / anaesthetic to make the
patient sleep during the operation

G. Travel
1. Theyve left for/gone out/gone away for Edinburgh for few
2. My cousins really love De Ranch where they could
go/leave/ride off the horses
3. We drove off / go/ on by a car along the sea last week.
4. We were standing near the glacier/desert/ bay watching the
sunset while playing the wave
5. My dad went fishing at the canyon/ lake/coral reef
6. The bay / island / lake is surrounded by nothing but sea
7. My brother really loves go for / go on /go away a ride every
8. We will leave for/ drive of/ go away Jogjakarta to have study
tour this month.
9. High mountain rise above the plain / desert/ glacier
10. We love spending the evening by going for/ going away /
riding off a walk

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