Mak307 Chapter 1

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MAK 307 : Design and Production

Learning Engineering Design Principles
and Production Methods

Course Outline

Engineering Design


Product Development Process

Materials Selection


Design with Materials, Design for Manufacturing

Part 1

Design : A General Overview

What is design ?
- to pull together something new (synthesis)
- to arrange existing things in a new way
- to satisfy a recognized need of society

Design : A General Overview

What is design ?
Definition by Dieter & Schmidt (2013)
- to establish and to define solutions for problems not
solved before
- or new solutions to problems which have previously
been solved in a different way

Design : A General Overview

What is design ?
Design is science : Learn techniques and
methods, use the book !!

Design is art : Learn doing design: do project

work and have experience !!
Design is the product of planning and work

Design : A General Overview

What is good design ?

Analysis and Synthesis

Analysis : decompose the complex problem into parts,

understand how each part works, functions

Synthesis : identification of design elements, decomposition

into parts, combination of part solutions into a total workable


Design : Challanges
Four Cs of Design
Creativity : Requires creation of something new
Complexity : Requires decisions on many
variables and parameters

Choice Requires making choices between many

possible solutions at all levels
Compromise : Requires balancing and sometimes
conflicting requirements

Engineering Design Process

Engineering design process several outcomes
- Design of products (dvd player, missile system..)
- Complex engineered systems (petrochemical plant,
electrical power generating station, )
In the course emphasis is only on Product Design

Engineering Design Process

Design process is only, 5 % of the total cost ,
95 % is materials, capital, and labor cost
BUT, decisions of design commitments effect
70-80% manufactured cost product
Decisions made in the design process have a

major effect on the cost of the product

Fig. Product cost commitment during phases of the design process

Engineering Design Process Quality and Cycle time

Quality of a product largely depends on design
Defects introduced in the design phase cannot
be compensated in manufacturing
Engineering design effects product cycle time
The design process should be conducted so as to

develop quality, cost-competitive products in the

shortest possible time

Four Types of Design

Original design or innovative design,

- innovative concept to achieve a need,

involves invention,e.g. design of microprocessor
Adaptive design different need for novel
e.g. ink-jet printing to rapid prototyping

Redesign improvement in exisiting design

e.g., shape change to lower stress concentration,
new material to reduce weight or cost

Selection design selecting the parts from vendors

e.g. Using different suppliers to improve quality,cost

Engineering Design Process (Pathways)

System : combination of hardware, information, and
people necessary to accomplish some specified
task. e.g. aircraft jet engine, production steps for
Systems subsystems components (parts)

Design is an iteration process to reach near optimal

values within the constraints of the system

Engineering Design Process Iteration and Optimization

Feedback loop

Fig. Basic module in the design process (1962, Asimow)

Engineering Design Process

Iteration and Optimization
Iteration in design process leads to the search for best

possible technical solution

Use technically interesting and intellectually pleasent

optimization methods, BUT be aware of their limitations

especially in complex design situations

Design Method versus Scientific Method

Scientific method : a logical regression of events that leads
to the solution of scientific problems
- Scientific method is driven by curiosity
Design method : a logical regression of events that leads to
the solution of the needs of society
- Design method is driven by the needs of market

Existing knowledge



Scientific method

State of the art



Design method

Fig. Comparison scientific method vs design method (1970, Hill)

Science and Design

Science : concerned with creating knowledge about
naturally occurring phenomena and objects
Science is based on the studies observed
Design : concerned with creating knowledge about
phenomena and objects of the artificial
Design is based on artificial concepts characterized in
terms of functions, goals, and adaptation

Problem Solving Methodology

Steps :
- Define the problem
- Gather the information
- Generate alternative solutions

- Evaluate and make decision

- Communicate the results

Definition of the Problem (analysis of the needs)

as proposed by
project sponsor

as produced by

as specified in the
project request

as installed at the
users site

as designed by the
senior designer

What the user wanted

Fig. Design depends on the viewpoint of the individual

who defines the problem

Definition of the Problem

Most critical step in solving a problem,

also called analysis of the needs

Write problem statement as simple as possible,

including objectives, goals, constraints and
definition of technical problems.
Needs experience, and capability of using

computer-based design tools

Gathering Information

Two extremes : no previous background &

enormous amount of information
Identify the needed pieces of information &
find or develop the information

Textbooks, articles, technical reports, patents,

catologs, handbooks, databases and INTERNET

Important factors : Experience, Critical

knowledge, Reliability of the sources,

Generation of Alternative Solutions

or Design Concepts

- Use of creativity-stimulation methods,

- The application of physical principles,

- Qualitative reasoning,
- The ability to find and use information (!!)
For successful design generate high-quality
alternative solutions or design concepts

Evaluation of Alternatives & Decision Making

For valid, realistic evaluations :

- need to make engineering analysis which help to
make decisions about service performance,
- need to make manufacturing and cost analysis,

Simulation of performance with models,

Simulated service testing, Testing of full-sized

prototypes, all provide critical data

Communication of the Results

Purpose of the design is to satisfy the needs of customer

or client

Final design should be properly communicated :

oral presentation and a written design report

Deliverables : detailed engineering drawings, computer

programs, 3-D computer models and working models

Paradox inherent in design process : accumulation of

problem knowledge, & freedom to improve design

Description of Design Process

Phase I, Conceptual Design : needs the greatest creativity,

involves the most uncertainty, needs coordination

Phase II, Embodiment Design : decisions are made on
materials selection, size, shape
Phase III, Detail Design : missing information is added on
the arrangement, form,dimensions, tolerances, surface

properties, materials and manufacturing processes of each


Three Phases of Engineering Design

Fig. Design activities of engineering design process

Good Design
A good engineering design should consider :
- Achievement of performance requirements
- Life-cycle issues

- Social and regulatory issues

Performance Requirements
Performance measures both the function and the
behavior of the design. Performance requirements ;
1. Primary performance requirements :
Functional requirements related to force, strength,
deflection, energy or power consumtion

2. Complementary performance requirements :

Related to useful life, robustness, reliability, safety of


Life-Cycle, Social and Regulatory Issues

- Legal requirements

- Environmental requirements, service and

environmental regulations

- Aesthetic requirements
- COST requirements (v. important design rqrmnt)

- Product development costs, initial product costs,

life-cycle product cost, tooling cost, return on


Total Life Cycle

Fig. Total materials cycle

Regulatory and Social Issues

During design, use standards produced by ASTM,ASME,

DIN and others

For good design you may need to develop your own


The designer has the obligation to foresee unintended

uses, should get the preventive measures

Safe operation is a must in design

Efficient and safe use by humans : human factors


Computer-aided Engineering (CAE)

The use of computers by designers help:
- organizing and handling time-consuming operations

- analyzing complex problems faster

- sharing information with the people in rapid way

e.g. Boeing 777, developed in between1990 1994,

CATIA 3-D CAD System, at its peak 7000 workstations
17 time zones, 130,000 parts fit better

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

In design, CAE developed in two major domains :
- Computer graphics and modeling,

- Mathematical analysis and simulation

Computer modeling software packages :
- AutoCAD, ProE and Solid Works
- MatLAB (excellent graphic features , excellent
ability to solve differential equations)
- Other software packages in finite-element modeling,
manufacturing process modeling, statistical modeling

Design Review
Design review provides identification of problems
with design and determines future courses of action

to solve these problems

Design reviews should be held three to six times in
the life of the project (minimum 3, conceptual,
embodiment, and after final designs)
Design reviews should look two main aspects :

- technical elements of design

- business aspects of the product

Two categories of redesigns : fixes and updates
Fix : design modification for achieving acceptable

performance after the product has been introduced

in the market

Update : adding new features and improve

performance of product during its life cycle

Redesign (eg. Update)

Fig. Design update example. Old design of railcar wheel versus

improved design

Societal Considerations in Engineering Design

Abed Code of Ethics :
Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and
welfare of the public in the performance of their profession

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