Chapter-4 Met Rocks

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Metamorphic Rocks

How Formed
Classification of Metamorphism
Agents of Metamorphism
Metamorphic Zones
Some Metamorphic Rocks
Uses of Metamorphic Rocks
Rock Cycle

Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphism means transformation of rocks into
new types by re-crystallization of their constituent.
The original rocks may be igneous, sedimentary or
already metamorphosed.
The changes occur due to high temperature and
pressure generally at greater depths.

Classification of Metamorphism
Dynamic or Dislocation Metamorphism; where
dominant control is stress or pressure.
Thermal or Contact Metamorphism; where rise of
temperature is dominant factor.
Regional Metamorphism; where both temperature
and pressure have operated.

Changing of Rocks
As a result of metamorphism already existing rocks
take new form e.g.
Sandstone changes to quartzite
Limestone changes to marble
Clay changes to slate
Sedimentary and igneous rocks change to schist.

Agents of Metamorphism
The agents of metamorphism which bring about
metamorphism of rocks are as follows:
Physical Agents
Heat, uniform Pressure,
and Directed Pressure.
Chemical Agents
Chemically Active water
and gases.
In sedimentary or igneous rocks these agents
produce changes that are either physical, chemical
or both. Physical changes produce new texture
where as chemical changes cause the formation of
new minerals.

Metamorphic Zones
The degree or intensity of metamorphism increases
with depth because temperature and pressure increase
with increasing depth. From the earth
s surface
downwards, there are three metamorphic zones:
(i) Epizone or upper zone:Near surface where
temperature is low , i.e. 3000 C and directed pressure is
high. Alteration is weak. Phyllites are the typical rocks.
(ii) Mesozone or Intermediate zone:- In this zone
temperature is 3000C to 5000C. Directed pressure is
high. Schists are typical rocks of this zone.
(iii) Keta zone:It is bottom most zone, where
directed pressure is absent, but uniform pressure is
high. Temperature is 5000 C to 8000 C. Even grained
rocks are produced.

Some Common Metamorphic Rocks

--------------Metamorphism of
Slate, Phyllites -------------Metamorphism of shale
----------Metamorphism of Igneous
and sedimentary Rocks
---------Composed of feldspar and

with biotite
------Metamorphism of dolomite
and Limestone

Uses of Metamorphic Rocks

- Slate for roofing, marble for decoration, counter tops,
paving, sculpture, construction, migmatite for
- Special minerals found in metamorphic rocks are
asbestos, graphite, talc, porcelain.
-Gemstones like Sapphire, Ruby and diamond are
found in igneous rocks and used in jewelry.

Slate Used for Roofing

Rock Cycle

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