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An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of College of Education
Taguig City University

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Science

Bayote, Fedemer Joy V.
Figueroa, Mary Joyce S.
Gonzaga, Mark Paul V.
Locop Jeff C.
Malizon, Lady Joy M.
Nobleza John L.

In the progression of computers in 1950s up to the present time,
technology had been continuously developing in the past decades, and had
played many roles in the lives of people. Computer knowledge has now evolved
from a fad to an absolute necessity in the real world. The former Department of
Education Secretary Armin Luistro stated that Its not enough that we merely
continue building classrooms and utilities. The real revolution in education which
has long-term effects can only be done through technology. On the 26 th Annual
Convention of the Philippine Association for Teachers Education, Representative
Egmidio S. Tanjuatco Jr. stated that the youth will most likely depend on the
educators for the knowledge, expertise, and skills that will constitute to globally
competitive Filipinos. In todays educational setting, teachers must be prepared
to facilitate and guide the use of these tools, and todays workplace demands
expertise in these various technologies in order to compete in a 21st century
workplace (MacArthur Foundation, 2008).
The Philippines along with other developing countries in Asia, Africa, and
South America are generally interested in educational technology, particularly in
the use of computers, hoping that their educational systems reap the
pedagogical benefits associated with it. The 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article
XIV, Section 1, provides that the State shall protect and promote the right of all
citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make
such education accessible to all. This study puts into implementation the basic
law of the land, thus that the State shall "establish, maintain, and support a

complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the people

and society." (Sec. 2 [I], Art XIV, 1987 Constitution). Whereas, in this era of
advanced science, more and more countries rely on the usefulness of computer
technology in their respective developmental pursuits. Considering these
changing times towards the advancement of science and technology, there is an
imperative need for us to meet and adapt to these demands. With the Local
Government Code of 1991, a large portion of the functions of the national
government such as education was transferred to the local government; and
local colleges and universities were established and are being run by the local
government units. They can develop computer-based administrative systems for
local governance operation in their respective colleges and universities. It is
therefore worth knowing how technology, through E-governance, helps in making
local governments services more self-reliant, empowered, and participatory in
Taguig City University.
E-governance solutions in educational sector incorporates the technology
to bring a system that combines administrative and university management
functions that are necessary for successful handling of all issues and challenges
for smooth functioning of an educational institution. It helps the students to make
an accurate and reliable researches. It makes more meaningful that enhances
the knowledge in terms of making feasibility, thesis and research. It is also an
integrated solution that facilitates the processing and volumes of information
web facilities, time schedule, student flow, web support staff, instruction,
research, and extension services. It is beyond doubt that for the quantity and

quality of output of education system for substantially improve, there is no option

but to introduce E-governance in this sphere. One of the basic policies for good
governance around the globe is to decrease the administrative size and costs
and to increase the functionality of government body. This is the motivation
behind research activities within governments for utilizing them to new methods
and technology.
This study prompted the researchers to deeply analyse the E- governance
in Taguig City University that will bolster the university in promoting quality
education which the university offers through research, planning and extension.
The Researchers believed that the quality education must be provided by the
government to all citizens, and must likewise put in place a system of education
geared towards a path that leads to an E-Governance that creates more valuable
and meaningful services through interoperability and maximization of resources.
There should be proper use of information and communication technology in
public administrations combined with an organizational change and new skills in
order to improve public services and strengthen support to public policies.
Whereas, in this era of advanced science, more and more countries rely on the
usefulness of computer technology in their respective developmental pursuits. In
every profession or business center, demands for computer-proficient personnel
have been increasing in tremendous proportions. Considering these changing
times, there is an imperative need for us to cope with the advancement of


technology for a



development of teachers, as well as the students.

preparedness and

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