Connection: at The Heart of Sabbath

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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

Vol. 2 No. 23 June 10, 2010

At the Heart of Sabbath

by Rev. Dr. Jerry W. Black, Associate Minister
I went on my first my mouth shut for 36 hours. But what a
Spiritual Renewal refreshing surprise—the silence was golden.
journey with more I didn’t want it to end.
than a bit of skepti-
cism. But, wow— In their book Time Away: A Guide for
was I ever in for a Personal Retreat, Ben Campbell Johnson
powerful surprise. and Paul H. Lang capture the essence of
I had been on my experience this way:
many a retreat but
had not experienced anything this refresh- “To be with God, we must learn the power
ing—this restorative—this renewing. There of silence … If we are to hear the silent Join us for
were no long psychosocial or theological voice of God, we must learn to turn down
diatribes, and no boring hours of endless, the noise in our lives. The silence of the
small group, navel gazing. Instead, the place does us little good unless we are able
Summer Sunday
time was spent relaxing, reading, sharing, to match it with the silence of our souls.”
caring, and praying. At the heart of the
School for Adults
experience, was some 36 hours in silence. When Jesus had finished feeding the 5,000, Sunday mornings at 10 in the Chapel
The ten of us participating still ate meals to- “… he made his disciples get in a boat and Our theme this year is story telling
gether, passed each other on walking trails, go on ahead … After saying farewell to through the ages. We will explore
sat next to each other on the veranda of the them, he went up on the mountain to pray” many stories from scripture and how
Retreat Center, listened, and communed, (Mark 6:46). Let us join Chris this Sunday they affect our lives and our theology.
but did not speak. We ate, slept, walked, in learning the profound importance of time Is God for all people or just those
read, prayed, and pondered the mystery away from the noise of life for rest, prayer, who are Christian (or Jewish)? We
that is God. At first, I thought—how am and listening to the voice of God. Such have special guests and storytellers, as
I going to get through this? I can’t keep retreating is at the heart of Sabbath well as some of our own youth telling
their story of discovery. We will meet
in the chapel from 10-11:00 every
Sunday during the summer.
It’s Time for On tap this Sunday, June 13
Va c a t i o n B i b l e S c ho o l 2 0 1 0 Rev. Chris Shorow presents a look at
June 14 -17 6:00 to 8:30pm Sabbath and how Jesus used time to
pray, retreat and renew himself for
ministry and how we do (or do not)
Register at or complete a
do that today. Also, Chris’ Pastoral
form at the VBS table in the rotunda. Relations Committee will present
Questions? Contact VBS directors Julie Bunton at 330-9230 some information on a grant proposal
or Anna Lisa Stanley at 471-6161. geared to helping the church discover
creative avenues of Sabbath.
May We Borrow? If you have wooden ladders that we could use to deco-
rate - please bring to the church rotunda by 9 AM on Saturday the 12th. If you need
us to pick it up, please call Julie at 317-4180! You can pick them back up Thursday
evening at the close of Bible School at 8:15 PM or Friday morning. Thank you!
In conjunction with the Edmond Liberty Fest Parade on the 3rd of
July, we will continue our FCC tradition of Freedom Fest—the free
distribution of hot dogs, chips, water, and watermelon to parade
attendees. Then, on Independence Day itself, we will gather for one
9:30 a.m., shared Sunday School hour (individual classes and Sum-
mer Sunday School as preferred) followed by a Combined Worship
at 10:30 a.m. and a church wide indoor/outdoor picnic at 11:30 a.m.
Worship will feature a blend of praise, thanksgiving, and patriotic

Celebrate All Weekend! music. Dress for the day is casual red, white, and blue.
The intent of Freedom Fest is to promote First Christian Church as a
July 3 and 4, 2010 caring, serving, giving people of faith. The intent for the combined
worship is to promote an experience and celebration of our three
Saturday Freedom Fest worship communities together. The picnic will take place indoors with
the church providing hot dogs, chicken, drinks, chips, and watermel-
Sunday Combined Worship and Picnic ons, and members providing side dishes (plan to bring your favorite).
Watermelons will be served outdoors.
Few things are more exciting than Independence Day. Celebrating the
4th of July and the Declaration of Independence is one of the hallmark Join us in this weekend of national patriotism, corporate worship, and
events of any year. Firework displays, musical concerts, parades, and faith in action (and remember your side dish on Sunday).
family gatherings typify our cherished, patriotic, and national spirit.
And our church family is no exception. Sign-up to volunteer or donate, this Sunday at church or online at
Your Membership, Worship, and Evangelism Teams

Did you
FCC Edmond
offers great programs
for children to get
plugged In at church!

These include:
l Sprouts Worship
(3-5 year olds)
l Acolytes l Cherub Choir (3–5 year olds)
l Children’s Message l Vacation Bible School
This summer, during Sunday School, our children will
l Kid’s Music (K–5th Grade) l Sunday School
be learning about the story of Joseph and also about l Nursery Care (3 and Under)
God’s Creative, Powerful Presence! l UNITE (Wednesday nights during school year)
Sunday School is held from 10 – 10:50am
Please meet on the playground (weather permitting) or
in the classrooms for inclement weather. Did you know…
Parents, please pick up your children from these classrooms:
Story Tent or Journey Post for 3’s, Pre-K, and K The success of these programs is due to the plugged in
Gospel Studio or Work Place for 1st – 4th volunteers that make things happen!
(5th Graders will continue their “Believer’s Class”) Volunteers:
Questions? Contact Erin Robertson, Interim Director of Children’s l Bring in supplies and donations
Ministry l Help behind the scenes on the Children’s Committee, or by
setting up and/or cleaning up
l Work directly with the kids as a Sunday School teacher, Sprouts
leader, VBS helper, or by doing a Children’s Message
Nursery Workers Needed! I would love to help children and adults get plugged in to
To apply, pick up an application from the Nursery Coordinator’s
Children’s Ministry here at FCC! I have created a survey of
Mailbox in our workroom or log on to and
interest, and invite you to complete it online at
download the application. Questions? Contact Jennifer Getts,
Nursery Coordinator at
Erin Robertson, Interim Director of Children’s Ministry
Prayers of the People Happy Birthday!
OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL 6/13 Brody Bunton, Jacob Fine-Thomas,
Rita Ward, Mercy Kyle Maxwell, Linda Quade
6/14 Carla Clark
OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Adam Jewell, Bob McKibbin, 6/15 Michelle Hoppe, John Meadows,
Chuck Racster, Garry Sloan (former FCC minister of mu- 6/16 Ken Kysar, Sherry Parks, Judy
sic), Joyce McNickle, Jim Hays, Teddi Owen, Ann Crandall, Jennifer Rodr, Jeff Stephens, Shaffstall
Marj Pizer, Teresa Finley, Lorelle Watts, Willa Hill, Pam Fraim, Virginia Hiebert, Sharon 6/17 Hub Caldwell, Don Hiebert
Luton (Susan Black’s cousin), Bart Rodr, Les Lee, Ed Berry, Taylor Wheeler, Hank Thomas 6/19 Hallie Ball, Josh Biby, Amy Booher,
(Randy Thomas’ brother) Mariah Danley, Andy Eischeid,
Marilyn Noles
OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS Dyke & Geri Moffatt and family in the death of Dyke’s 6/20 DeeAnn Flippin
mother, Ina Lavada Moffatt, who passed away June 4. Services will be Friday, June 11 at
FCC-Edmond AND Jerri Dillon in the death of her father, Jim Roberts, who passed away
June 4. Services were held on June 6 in OKC AND TO John & Dot Hammond in the
death of John’s sister, Jan Seaver, who passed away June 8 in Johnson City, TN. Grave-
side services will be June 12 in TN. AND TO Sharie Wilkins in the death of her grand-
mother, Hazell Habben, who passed away June 8. Services will be Saturday, June 12 at
FCCEdmond AND TO Steve & Judy Joy in the death of Judy’s former brother-in-law, Dave
Francis’ father-in-law, William Freeman of OKC, who passed June 1. Services were held June 25
June 4. New Registrants Are
Still Welcome!
CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFE Charlotte Bailey Gall, born June 1 to Randall & Sign up at church Sunday June 13 or 20 or
Meredith Gall. Grandfather is Larry Griffin AND Daisy Kate Payne, born June 6 to Trey online at
& Heidi Payne of Lubbock, TX. Grandparents are Don & Jenny Wiechmann AND Jet Rae If you were registered prior to our original
Wynn, born June 9 to Rachel & James Winn, Jr. Grandparents are James & Becky Wynn. May date, you remain on the list
unless you contact Bob Stafford at
UNITED IN CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Barrett Whitney, son of Jan and Billy Harrison, who 359-8900 or Karla Mahan at 341-3544
married Christian Szlichta in Hawaii on May 26.

An Update from the Bats in the Belfry?

Finance Committee Fortunately, there were no bats in the bel-
fry, but there was a roof leak at the steeple.
Through May, General Fund Revenues are 94% of The leak has been repaired and
Year to Budget, which is down from April’s 96%. Year to Date Pledged Giving in upcoming weeks, wall board, paint and
remains at 93% of Year to date Budget. You have three more June Sundays to insulation above the baptistry will
reach your First Half of the Year giving plans. The Year to Date (YTD) Revenue be replaced. This will require plastic sheet-
ing to contain dust and scaffolding inside
and Expenses are shown below.
the baptistry. Work will begin Monday June
General Fund Building Fund
7 and take about 2 weeks. Our contractor,
YTD Actual YTD Actual Steve Hanson, assures us the construc-
Revenue $407,182.44 $107,358.65 tion will be complete before the wedding
Expenses $412,631.25 $113,646.40 scheduled for June 26. So this fall when the
Excess/(Shortfall) ($5,448.81) ($6,287.75) choir returns they will not hear the dripping
Please remember to note on your checks or envelopes to which church accounts you want when it rains.
your contribution credited. Terry Kerr, Moderator Property Committee

Summer Special Music

Would you like to share your talent
this summer in Sunday worship? Glenn
Sulley and Diane Ball would love all
ages, children through adults, to have
the opportunity to share your musical
talents with the congregation and experience this wonderful way to praise God.
To schedule a time or get questions answered, please contact Diane at 341-3544
ex.25 or e-mail her at June 13 - Challengers Class
Disciple-cise! Highlights of our 8th stop!
Disciple-cise is a new way to exercise weekly and learn about other Disciples of Christ

Worship Churches and Seminaries as our exercise journey takes us across the country. Visit our bul-
letin board in Fellowship Hall to see all of the places we have been and where we will go. 30
minutes of exercise equals 50 miles! This week - stop #8 is another 200 miles. We still have
at First Christian several stops to make so keep on traveling…
8:15, 9 & 11am
June 13, 2010
Stop #8– Wilson, North Carolina
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow 200 miles / 120 min of exercise!
Scripture: Mark 6:30-44 There are EIGHT Disciple of Christ churches in
Wilson, North Carolina!
June 20, 2010
Father’s Day It is also the home of Barton College.
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow
Scripture: I Kings 19:11-15 Barton College was founded in 1902 by the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) under the former name
of Atlantic Christian College. Barton College opened
eastern North Carolina’s first full-time Weekend
The Chalice CONNECTION College in the fall of 1990.
Shelley Regan, Editor The official college motto is Habebunt Lumen Vitae - “They shall have the light of life”.
Read News Online The namesake of the College is Barton Warren Stone, one of the founders of the Chris-
@ tian Church (Disciples of Christ). Amid some controversy, in 1990 Atlantic Christian
Submit Articles to College changed its name to Barton College.

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