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Teachers job is not only about teaching students but teacher is also responsible
for his/her self improvement, class improvement, teaching improvement, and
relationship with other teachers.
A. Reflection paths
Improving teachers self, there are several aspects to be paid attention to.
1. Keeping journals
In order to reflect on ourselves, it is recommended to make self-journal
as a reminder for our teaching experiences so in the next teaching we
know what to do.
2. Negative and positive
To know what is negative and positive for our teaching development, we
can make a list of what to do or what to attend so we can manage the
professional priority.
3. Recording ourselves
Do a recording on our teaching so we can know what has been done by
us in the classroom. This is a good reflection since it really reflects what
and who we are in the classroom.
4. Professional literature
Read as much literature as possible to gain our knowledge of teaching
(even beyond) and also to bring us to the world of teaching
B. Action research
Teacher does action research to develop their teaching and classroom
activity. In conducting action research, there are some points to be known;
1. Action research cycles
Similar to common research, the cycle of action research starts from
identifying problem and then form appropriates questions after that
collect the data and analyze it. Finally decide what kind of action should
be implemented in the future after knowing the result of the research.
2. Gathering data
There are several ways in collecting data for action research;
- Observation tasks, here we observe the classroom by looking at what

problems encountered by students.

Interviews can be done to colleagues and students in order to know
their opinion towards teaching-learning activity. Remember, arrange
the questions in a good order and be implicit so the interviewee will
not be confused of our questions.



Written questionnaire is more effective than interview since it can get

the respondents to simple questions like open answer questions and

yes/no questions.
Breaking rules and changing environment can develop our way of
teaching, for example the problem arise when we start the lesson by
diving class into groups and then giving exercises after that giving
explanation of materials, then, we can change the order vice versa

and see what happens.

C. Developing with others
Our teaching development can be supported by others, here, colleagues.
1. Cooperative/collaboration development
In this case, there are two participants involved, the speaker and the
understander. The speaker will share their belief and feeling towards
teaching and the understander will listen to the story and further, give
the speaker advices.
2. Peer teaching, peer observation
Peer teaching and peer observation, of course, need others in
implementing the activity. Here, teacher asks another teacher to check
his/her TLA and ask them their opinion and advice, vice versa. It
functions to know what is there and what is not between two teachers
who are doing the peer teaching as input for their future teaching.
3. Teachers groups
This is a bigger teacher sharing activity than peer teaching since it
involves more than two (if in one school there are more than two
teachers for English language) sharing and discussing teaching activity
experienced by every teacher, again, as input for their future teaching.
4. Teachers association
TEFLIN is one of the examples of teachers association in Indonesia. It
provides teachers in Indonesia of conferences and seminar function as a
tool for teachers awareness of teaching development and also for
teachers knowledge. Besides, teachers association provides teacher to
present paper or workshop, this is the fastest catalyst for teachers
reflection since it will be assessed by language experts.
5. The virtual community
Nowadays, the development of internet affected to teachers way in
sharing and discussing things with others. They can discuss and share
teaching things without meeting physically, so it will increase efficiency
since teachers do not have to go outside a room and spending time on



the way to the meeting, what teachers do is just sitting on the chair and
connecting their devices to the internet.
D. Moving outwards and sideways
To broaden our perspective about teaching, teachers can try other things
besides teaching, for example become learner, writer, or get more training.
1. Learning by learning
To be a good teacher, we should know how it feels to become a learner.
We will know how it feels to speak in front of the class, sharing our ideas
in a new environment with different language. From the learning,
teacher will know what to put in our teaching.
2. Supplementing teaching
Teacher can have more than one occupation, yet, still in one path with
teaching. For example become a writer or publisher. From those
circumstances, we will learn how to form ideas into a well-ordered text.
From that activity, teacher can develop their thinking ability and from
that experience, teacher can share how to form ideas into text, etc.
3. More training?
Yes, teachers need more training to be a good trainer. Here, trainer
means trainer for students. From the training, absolutely, we will get a
lot of knowledge and we can share the knowledge to the class.
E. Being well
Being well means your body is in a good condition to perform totally in the
classroom activity. Here, especially our voice, it is crucial to maintain our
voice since we extremely need to talk during the class (it does not mean to
talk nonstop).

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