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Evaluation of prelim

What have I learnt during this exercise?

During this activity I have learnt how to appropriately use music
effectively in a sequence this would be for example how to create
tension. I found that learning this essential to a video as it helps to
keep the audience intrigued whether then having music that does not
fit correctly because if the music does not fit with the sequence it can
make the whole scene bad. I also learnt that camera angles and shots
are essential to scenes, as I found that a scene could not be fully
appreciated if the camera work is not done properly, for example in my
filming we found that some of our shots were blurred and not fully
focused bringing down our scenes. I also learnt how to plan a media
production more efficiently such as knowing what we are capable of
filming and what we are not, this meaning we did not have the time to
film a detailed scene. So for next time after having a practise I will be
able to know before if it is out of our reach or not.
What skills have I developed?
I have developed a keen eye for camera shots. Some of our shots can
be improved, such as knowing when it is appropriate for certain shots,
this would be such as when to use a hand held shot or just stay with
the tripod, this was one of our improvements to work on in the future. I
have developed a further skill in editing as in this prelim I was able to
experiment with the music and cuts which will help when it comes to
the real thing.
We received a mixture of what went wells and what to improve on. For
our filming itself we were told that our camera shots used were very
imaginative and flowed well with the filming in most cases however
there were some falters. Our lighting could have been improved as at
one stage the actor could not be seen properly and therefore ruined a
scene but apart from that suited. Unfortunately, we were cut short for
time and were not able to re shoot scenes and therefore left us with a
poor composition because there is lots of dialogue in the background
which was unplanned. Our location was good as it sets the scene
properly and you can tell what the production is about by the setting.
We were told the pace of our film was fast paced and keeps the
audience engaged, we used edits such as fades when it comes to the
end but some of our cuts did not fully follow and which made the
sound not flow correctly at certain times. Our use of music flowed well
as it added the tension to the scene which could not have been
achieved without it.

Improving prelim task

I would plan my production a little better as I found we had to go away
from the script and shot list slightly. I would also put more time into my
shots, by doing this it would perfect the focus and i would be able to
see what looked right and wrong. In our video I found some shots were
not great but we didn't have any alternative, so we had to settle for a
poor shot but we didnt have any time to re-take them. By having
multiple shots for the same scene it would allow us to look through
properly and establish which ones the best therefore giving us a better
scene. In summary if i were to do this again i would space my time out
as mcuh as possible which would mean planning better and therefore
giving me a better overall video.

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