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Praise to Allah the Most Gracious again Most Merciful, because thanks
His grace and guidance, I can prepares and presents paper contains computer
networks as one a college assignment method Research. The author also thanked
Mrs. Sulizah Wulandari as a teacher of Research Methods course that has
provided guidance to the author in the process of preparation of this paper. Not to
forget the author would like to thank various parties who have provided
encouragement and motivation.
The author realizes that in the preparation of this paper there are many
deficiencies and far from perfection. Therefore, the authors expect criticism as
well as constructive suggestions to improve this paper and can be a reference in
preparing papers or his later work.
The author also apologizes when in the writing of this paper are typing
errors and mistakes that confuse the reader in understanding the author's intent.

Jakarta, April 2015




1.1. Background
Nowadays, the human needs of data access is increasing, this due to the
shifting patterns of human life towards a more evolved. With computer utilization
this can be facilitated quickly. The result will be the efficiency of time, cost and
resource, so that it will generate optimal output.
On the other hand the need for access to the data was hampered by their
distance and time, sometimes we need information access our brothers who are in
the country different.
With the computer network, it can be resolved. Not only will the distance
but the difference time can always be accessed. Suppose that when we want
information that has past. Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) is very popular
all over world. Many people who need Internet based applications, such as Email
and Web access via the internet. So that more and more business apps developing
walking on the internet.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

In preparing this paper, the authors formulate some problems associated with :
1. Definition of Computer Network
2. Types of Computer Networks
3. Characteristic different type of Network
4. Device for Computer Networks
5. Software needed to build a Computer Network
6. Example applications Computer Networks


7. Advantages of Computer Network

1.3. Writing purpose

The purpose of the preparation of this paper are as follows:
1. To complete the final semester.
2. To increase knowledge and knowledge about the issues raised in
3. To provide new skills in the field of IT

1.4. Writing method

In preparing this paper, the author uses the method of literature is to reviewing the
book as a reference in accordance with the discussion and browsing data Internet.

1.5. Writing system

Systematics of writing in the preparation of this paper, is as follows:

In this chapter, the background, problem formulation, purpose writing, writing and
writing systematic meteode.

In this chapter, the definition of computer networks, network type computer,
computer network topology, equipment needed build a network of computers,
software is needed in building computer network, computer network application
examples as well as the benefits of the network computer.



This chapter contains the conclusions and suggestions.



2.1. Definition of Computer Networks

The computer network is a collection of computers, printers and
equipment others are connected in one unit. Information and data moving through
a wired or wireless computer network that allows users to exchange documents
and data, print on the same printer and together using hardware / software
connected to the network. Each computer, printer or peripherals connected to the
network are called nodes. A computer network can have two, tens, thousands, or
even millions of nodes.

2.2. Types of Computer Networks

In studying the various computer networks, there are two classifications
Very important is the transmission technology and distance. Broadly speaking,
there are two type of transmission technology that is network broadcast and pointto-point.
Broadcast networks have a single communication channel that is used
together by all the machines on the network. Messages are small, so-called
package, which is delivered by a machine will be accepted by other machines. The
address field of a packet containing information about to whom the package
addressed. When receiving the packet, the machine will check the address field.
When the package devoted to him, then the machine will process the package, if
the package is intended to other machines, the machine will ignore it.
Point-to-point connection consists of several individual pairs of machines.
To send a packet from a source to a destination, a packet on This type of network
may have to go through one or more intermediate machines. Often must go
through many different possible routes that distance. Because the algorithm route
plays an important role in the network of point-to-point. In general, smaller

networks and geographically localized tend to use broadcasting, whereas larger

networks use point-to-point.

1. Local Area Network (LAN)

Local Area Network (LAN), a privately owned network in a building or
campus-sized to several kilometers. LANs are often used to connect personal
computers and workstations in the office of an Companies or factories to use
shared resources (resouce, eg printers) and exchange information.
LANs often use a single cable transmission technology. Traditional LAN
operates at speeds from 10 to 100 Mbps (mega bits / sec) with delay low (tens
micro second) and has a small error factor. LAN-LAN Modern can operate at
higher speeds, up to hundreds of megabits / sec. There are several types of
topology that can be used on a LAN broadcast.
On the bus network (Ie cable liner), at one time a machine acts as a master
and permitted to send packets. Other machines need to refrain from sending any.
So to prevent conflicts, when two or more machines want transmit simultaneously,
then the necessary regulatory mechanism. Mechanism regulator can take the form
centralized or distributed. IEEE 802.3 is popularly called Ethernet is a broadcast
network bus with decentralized controllers operates at a speed of 10 s.d. 100
Mbps. The computers on the Ethernet can sent whenever they want, when two or
more packets collide, then each computer simply wait with random waiting time
before repeated delivery.
Another broadcast system is the ring, on this topology every bit sent to the
surrounding area without waiting for the complete package is received. Usually
every bit surround ring in the time required to transmit a few bits, often before the
packages were shipped complete. As with other broadcast systems, some rules
must be met in order to control the simultaneous access to the ring. IEEE 802.5
(token ring) is a popular ring LAN that operates at speeds between 4 s.d 16 Mbps.
Based on the allocation channel, broadcast networks can be divided into
two, namely static and dynamic. Static allocation types can be divided based on

time interval discrete and round robin algorithm, allowing each machine to do
broadcast only when its time slot has been received. Static allocation is often
wasted channel capacity when a machine has no more needs to be done at the time
slot allocations received. Therefore most systems tend to allocate his channel
dynamically (ie based on need).
Dynamic allocation method for a channel can be centralized or
decentralized. In the centralized channel allocation method there is an entity
single, for example buses regulator, which determines who the next turn. Delivery
This package can be done after receiving the turn and make decisions related an
internal algorithm. In the decentralized channel allocation method, there are
The central entity, each machine must be able to determine themselves
when can or whether or not to send.
LAN Network Advantages:
1. Exchange files can be easily (File Sharing).
2. The use of the printer can be done by any client (Printer Sharing).
3. The data files can be stored on the server, so that data can be accessed from all
client authorization according to the securities of all employees, which can be
made based on the company's organizational structure so that data security is
4. The data file exit / entrance from / to the server can be in control.
5. The process of data backup becomes easier and faster.
6. The risk of data loss by computer viruses become very small.
7. Communication among employees can be done by using the E-Mail and Chat.
8. When one client / server connected to the modem, then all or part computer on
the LAN can access to the Internet or send fax via one modem.


2. Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wide Area Network (WAN) covers a wide geographical area, often
includes a state or continent. WAN consists of a collection of machines that aim to
run application programs.
We will follow traditional usage and call these machines as host. The term
End System is sometimes also used in the literature. Host connected with a
communication subnet, or simply called subnets. Task subnet is carry messages
from host to the other, as well as phone systems that bring the content talks from
speaker to listener. By separating the pure communication aspects a network
(subnet) on aspects of the application (host), a complete network design becomes
much simpler. In most WANs, subnet consists of two components, namely cable
transmission and switching elements. Transmission cable (also called circuits,
channels, or trunk) move bits from one machine to another.
Switching element is a specialized computer that is used to connect two or more
transmission cables. When the data cable to the receiver, the switching element
must choose a wired sender to forward these messages. Unfortunately no standard
terminology in calling a computer like this. His name is very varied called packet
switching node, intermidiate systems, data switching exchange and etc.
As a generic term for computer switching, we will use the term router. We need to
know first that there is no consensus in the use This terminology. Each host
connected to the LAN where there is a router, although in some certain
circumstances a host can be connected directly to a router. Set communication
channels and routers (but not the host) will form the subnet.
The term is very important subnet, subnet means the collection was set
routerrouter and channels of communication that move packets from the host
destination host. Will however, a few years later subnet get another meaning in
connection with network addressing.
In most WANs, the network consists of a number of lots of cables or ducts phone
connecting a pair of routers. If two routers that do not contain the same cable will
communicate, both must communicate not directly through other routers. when a


packet is sent from a router to other routers via the router intermediary or more,
then the package will be accepted in the router a state of complete, kept up the
output channel to be free, and then forwarded. Subnet containing the principle is
called subnet point-to-point, store-and-forward, or packet-switched. Almost all
WAN (except those using Satellite) has the subnet store-and-forward.
In the subnet using point-to-point, important design issues is the choice of
interconnection topology router.
LAN is usually shaped symmetrical topology, WAN otherwise generally
erratically shaped topology.
Advantages WAN networks.
a. Central office server can function as a data bank of branch offices.
b. Access between computers quick and easy.
c. Document / File is usually delivered via fax or postal packet, can be sent via Email and transfer files from / to the central office and branch offices at a cost
relatively cheap and in a very quick period of time.
d. Data Pooling and Updating Data between offices can be done every day at a
time which is determined.
e. Can Back up data on another computer without having to disassemble the hard

3. Campus Area Network (CAN)

Definition - What does Campus Area Network (CAN) mean?
A campus area network (CAN) is a network of multiple interconnected local area
networks (LAN) in a limited geographical area. A CAN is smaller than a wide
area network (WAN) or metropolitan area network (MAN).


A CAN is also known as a corporate area network (CAN). In most cases, CANs
own shared network devices and data exchange media.

CAN benefits are as follows:

Wireless, versus cable
Multidepartmental network access
Single shared data transfer rate (DTR)

The following are examples of CAN implementations:

Stanford University's SUNet network
Massachusetts Institute of Technologys (MIT) Project Athena

4. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Definition - What does Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) mean?
A metropolitan area network (MAN) is similar to a local area network (LAN) but
spans an entire city or campus. MANs are formed by connecting multiple LANs.
Thus, MANs are larger than LANs but smaller than wide area networks (WAN).
MANs are extremely efficient and provide fast communication via high-speed
carriers, such as fiber optic cables.

5. Home Area Network (HAN)

Definition - What does Home Area Network (HAN) mean?


A home area network (HAN) is a network that is deployed and operated within a
small boundary, typically a house or small office/home office (SOHO). It enables
the communication and sharing of resources (like the Internet) between
computers, mobile and other devices over a network connection.
As a type of IP-based local area network (LAN), a HAN may be wired or
wireless. In a typical implementation, a HAN consists of a broadband Internet
connection that is shared between multiple users through a vendor/third party
wired or wireless modem.
User host devices may be standard computers, laptops, mobiles and tablets. The
modem generally has network switch capabilities that provide wired LAN ports or
wireless connectivity to host users.
A HAN also may include other devices, such as a fax, printer, scanner or small
network attached storage that is shared by all host devices.

2.3. Characteristics Different Type Of Network

1. Topology
Topology is a way of connecting computers to each computer the other to form a
network. How that is currently widely used is the bus, token-ring, star and peer-topeer network. Each of these topologies has a characteristic, with advantages and
BUS Topology
Definition - What does Bus Topology mean?
Bus topology is a specific kind of network topology in which all of the various
devices in the network are connected to a single cable or line. In general, the term
refers to how various devices are set up in a network.
1. Save cable


2. Layout simple cable

3. Easy developed
1. Detection and isolation of error is very small
2. Traffic density
3. When one client is damaged, then the network can not function.
4. Required repeater for long distance topology

Token Ring
Token-ring method (often called ring only) is a way of connecting
computers so that the ring shaped (circular). Each node has the same level.
The network will be referred to as a loop, data is transmitted through every
node and every information received node address is checked whether the
data were for him or not.
Advantages: Save cables
1. Sensitive error
2. Development of a network of more rigid topology

Centralized control, all links must pass through the center of the data
channel everyone node or client chooses. Central node called primary
statsion or server and the other is called the secondary station or client
server. after the relationship network initiated by the server, each client
server at any time using the The network connection without waiting for
orders from the server.

1. Most flexible
2. Installation / change of station is very easy and does not interfere with
parts of the network other
3. Centralized control
4. Ease of detection and fault isolation / damage
5. ease of network management
1. More use of cable
2. Need special handling
3. Centralized control (HUB) so the critical element
Extended STAR
Developing STAR topology developed. In the form of individual links
which are connected to the hubs / switches are concentrated.

Similar Created with Extended Star, but the system is linked to a computer
control the traffic in the topology mesh
Used in a condition where there is no communication links severed absolute
inter-node computer. An example is the control systems of a nuclear power
plant. This topology also reflects how the design of the Internet, which has
multipath to various locations.
2. Protocol
Definition - What does Protocol mean?


A protocol is a set of rules and guidelines for communicating data. Rules are
defined for each step and process during communication between two or more
computers. Networks have to follow these rules to successfully transmit data.

3. Architecture
Peer-to-Peer Network
Peer meaning co-worker. Peer-to-peer network is a computer network consists of
multiple computers (usually no more than 10 computers with printers 1-2).
In this network system preferred is the use of programs, data and printer together.
Named Dona computer users can use the program that Dino is installed on your
computer, and they both can print to the same printer at the same time.
This network system can also be used at home. Computer users who have
computer 'old-fashioned', eg AT, and want to give a new computer, say a Pentium
II, no need to throw away old computers. He simply install the card in the second
network computer is then connected to a special cable used for system network.
Compared with the third way, a network system is much simpler making it easier
to learn and worn.

2.4. Device For Computer Network

The equipment used to create a network:
a. Unit for Server computer.
b. Multiple Units for Client computers.
c. HUB 16 Port, For a network that consists of 1 server and 15 Client.Ethernet
Card, For each computer, you need one Ethernet Card.
d. Jack RJ 45, for each computer takes 2 PCS Jack RJ 45.
e. UTP cable, length depending on the needs at the time of installation.


f. 56Kbps modem.
g. Phone Line.
h. UPS.

Network Protocols
Network protocols define a language of instructions and conventions for
communication between the network devices. It is essential that a networked
computer must have one or more protocol drivers. Usually, for two computers to
interconnect on a network, they must use identical protocols. At times, a computer
is designed to use multiple protocols. Network protocols like HTTP, TCP/IP offer
a basis on which much of the Internet stands.
System requirement:
The bus compatibility should be verified on installing an NIC into the system.
The commonly used bus system is Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
Memory I/O addresses and IRQ are needed.
Need of drivers if not already installed.

Network Card
Network cards also known as Network Interface Cards (NICs) are hardware
devices that connect a computer with the network. They are installed on the
mother board. They are responsible for developing a physical connection between
the network and the computer. Computer data is translated into electrical signals
send to the network via Network Interface Cards.


They can also manage some important data-conversion function. These days
network cards are software configured unlike in olden days when drivers were
needed to configure them. Even if the NIC doesnt come up with the software then
the latest drivers or the associated software can be downloaded from the internet
as well.

Definition - What does Repeater mean?
A repeater is a network device that retransmits a received signal with more power
and to an extended geographical or topological network boundary than what
would be capable with the original signal.
A repeater is implemented in computer networks to expand the coverage area of
the network, repropagate a weak or broken signal and or service remote nodes.
Repeaters amplify the received/input signal to a higher frequency domain so that
it is reusable, scalable and available.
Repeaters were introduced in wired data communication networks due to the
limitation of a signal in propagating over a longer distance and now are a common
installation in wireless networks for expanding cell size.
Repeaters are also known as signal boosters.



Hub is one of the basic icons of networking devices which works at physical layer
and hence connect networking devices physically together. Hubs are
fundamentally used in networks that use twisted pair cabling to connect devices.
They are designed to transmit the packets to the other appended devices without
altering any of the transmitted packets received. They act as pathways to direct
electrical signals to travel along. They transmit the information regardless of the
fact if data packet is destined for the device connected or not.
Hub falls in two categories:
Active Hub: They are smarter than the passive hubs. They not only provide the
path for the data signals infact they regenerate, concentrate and strengthen the
signals before sending them to their destinations. Active hubs are also termed
as repeaters.


Passive Hub: They are more like point contact for the wires to built in the
physical network. They have nothing to do with modifying the signals.

Routers are network layer devices and are particularly identified as Layer- 3
devices of the OSI Model. They process logical addressing information in the
Network header of a packet such as IP Addresses. Router is used to create larger
complex networks by complex traffic routing. It has the ability to connect
dissimilar LANs on the same protocol. It also has the ability to limit the flow of
broadcasts. A router primarily comprises of a hardware device or a system of the
computer which has more than one network interface and routing software.

When a router receives the data, it determines the destination address by reading
the header of the packet. Once the address is determined, it searches in its routing
table to get know how to reach the destination and then forwards the packet to the
higher hop on the route. The hop could be the final destination or another router.
Routing tables play a very pivotal role in letting the router makes a decision.
Thus a routing table is ought to be updated and complete. The two ways through
which a router can receive information are:


Static Routing: In static routing, the routing information is fed into the routing
tables manually. It does not only become a time-taking task but gets prone to
errors as well. The manual updating is also required in case of statically
configured routers when change in the topology of the network or in the layout
takes place. Thus static routing is feasible for tinniest environments with
minimum of one or two routers.
Dynamic Routing: For larger environment dynamic routing proves to be the
practical solution. The process involves use of peculiar routing protocols to hold
communication. The purpose of these protocols is to enable the other routers to
transfer information about to other routers, so that the other routers can build their
own routing tables.

2.5. Software
a. Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, for Operating Systems on Servers.
b. Microsoft Windows 95/98, for Operating Systems on Client.

2.6 Examples of computer network applications:

a. Client C, Client E being printed document to the printer at the Client A
b. Client F being printed document to the printer on the client B
c. Client A, B, C, D, E, F can communicate with each other.
d. G client to access data on the server at the office from their home.
e. High on Client D is active, Client A, B, C, E and F can use Internet facilities
that exist in Client D simultaneously / concurrently.
f. Modem on Client D can be used as a fax machine, Client A, B, C, E, F can
using the facility, the facility Fax Using the modem will save costs due to
unnecessary printing of documents on paper, but directly send to the fax number


that will be addressed, the document you are reading is one example of the

2.7. Benefits of Computer Networking

Generally, the network has several benefits more than with stand-alone computer
and business world have also acknowledged that access to Modern information
technology has always had a competitive advantage over competitors are limited
in the field of technology.
Network enables more efficient resource management. For example, many users
can share a single printer with high quality, compared wear low-quality printers at
each desk. In addition, software license network software can be cheaper than a
separate stand-alone license for a number of users alike.
The network helps retain the information in order to remain a reliable and up-todate. Centralized data storage system is managed properly allows many users to
access data from a variety of different locations, and restrict access to data while it
is being processed. The network helps speed up the process of sharing data (data
sharing). Transfer data on the network always faster than other means of data
sharing is not a network.
The network enables work groups to communicate more efficiently. Letter and
delivery of electronic messages is the substance most network systems, in addition
to the scheduling system, project monitoring, online conferencing and groupware,
which all help teams work more productively.
The network helps businesses to serve their clients more effectively. Remote
access centralized data to enable employees to serve clients in the field and clients
can directly communicate with suppliers.
With the construction of computer network systems in a company will provides
advantages - advantages include:


1. Can share (Sharing) the use of existing equipment, be it hard drive, printers,
modems, etc., without having to move such equipment to requiring. Thus an
increase in efficiency of time and cost hardware purchase.
2. Can share (Sharing) use files or data on the server or on each - each
workstation. Thus, to obtain a certain information can be done quickly. In this
case there was an increase time efficiency.
3. The application can be used together (multiuser)
4. Access to the network under the name, password and setting the right to the
data of data secret
5. Communication between users via E-Mail or Lan Conference.
6. Control of the users of the data or usage data is centrally and by certain people
7. The backup system is easy for centralized management
8. Do not depend on the person who stores the data (if one does not exist) for
centralized data storage
9. The data are always up to date because the server so the data is continuously
update the data when entering input (Data Entry)
10. A Supervisor / Administrator can control user by: Time Access, Access Points,
the use of hard disk capacity, Detect unauthorized use, monitor the work of
each user.
11. At this time with the development of software technology, allowing for the use
of Internet together simultaneously, although only one modem, one phone line
and one Internet account.



3.1 Conclusions
The computer network is a collection of a number of devices such as computers,
hubs, switches, routers, or other network devices that are connected using
communication media
3.2 Advice
So that we can describe the material that is the subject of this paper, of course,
there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because they lack the
knowledge and the lack of references or references that had to do with the title of
this paper.
We much hope that the dear reader to give criticism and constructive suggestions
to us in this paper and our perfect paper writers in subsequent occasions.
Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in



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