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It's very natural to be slightly embarrassed or

uncomfortable in the face of this issue but we have to
admit that sex is a natural part of our existance. Also,
teens and adolescents will be curious and they will search
for answers. If they have nowhere or no one reliable to go
to because of embarrassment, they will go to more readily
available but unreliable or unIslamic sources. This might
end doing more harm than good. I hope providing this
information will benefit everyone - parents and kids alike.

Basic bedroom fiqh

Turning Sex Into Sadaqa

Sexual Relations Between Husband & Wife

Sex - a means of keeping the heart pure

Human Sexuality and the Shariah

Sex Is Good For You

More about Sex & Islam

Is your Ghusl Correct?

Sex Education for Kids

Circumcision may prevent AIDS

Medical benefits from circumcision (male)

Female Circumcision

Taking pictures whilst naked or having intercourse

Reading sexual advice in books on Internet

Learning about abortion and veneral diseases

Abortion of babies with genetic diseases

Is In Vitro Fertilization Allowed?

Masturbation: Halal or Haram?

Mutual Masturbation between spouses

Advice for one who wakes up masturbating

Masturbating to avoid pornography

Drinking one's wife's milk during foreplay

Oral Sex

Family Planning

Pornography: How to Deal with it

Date Rape

Reproductive Issues

Flirtation and Love Affairs

Lowering our Gaze

Islamic Perspective on Homosexuality

Private Schools Promoting Homosexuality

A Divorced Woman Using a Vibrator (Artificial Penis)

Qaradawi on Free-Mixing of Men and Women

Anal Sex



Transplanting Testicles

Sterility Operations

MTV's VJ Says NO to Sex!

Cool story about Abstaining

Tesco pill will 'increase' teen sex

Tesco pill will 'increase' teen sex
BBC UK News, 16 March 2002

A move by supermarkets to offer the morning-after pill to young women will increase the
risk of teenage pregnancies, a pro-life campaigner claims.
Tesco stores in Weston-super-Mare and Clevedon taking part in a pilot scheme aimed at
cutting the number of teenage pregnancies are giving the pills out free to teenagers.
Nuala Scarisbrick, of Life charity, said: "We all want to prevent teenage pregnancies - but
this is giving the green light to teenage sex.
"We need to give them the message they need which is that sex is precious and not just a
one-night fling."
Ms Scarisbrick said she was "astonished that a family company like Tesco would seek to
enter this very sensitive area".
The company said that everyone asking for the morning-after pill had to undergo a detailed
interview before being given the pill.
Other shops in the area, including Boots and Sainsbury's, are also believed to be taking part
in the project.
Simon Bilous, of North Somerset Teenage Pregnancy Group which is coordinating the
scheme, told the BBC's Today programme: "This is a small part of a range of initiatives we
have developed to tackle teenage pregnancy.
Sexual activities
"All our work is in the context of encouraging young people to say no if they do not want to
have sex and only to engage in sexual activity if they feel ready for it.
"However, we do know that young people do engage in sexual activities, as we can tell by
the number of teenage pregnancies in the UK, which is the highest in western Europe.
"In other countries in western Europe, where they have much more liberal approaches to
these issues, the numbers have dropped, so it is not right to say that by making services
unavailable it has the desired effect."
Mr Bilous confirmed that teenagers were not required to provide proof of age when
obtaining the pill, but added that the stores' pharmacists had the same duty as any other
pharmacist to use their judgment.

Oppression faced by American Working Women

Oppression faced by American Working Women

Indian Express (New Delhi), August 3rd, 1986

They sound like experiences in a Delhi bus. Lewd gestures, offensive language, attacks on
your person - the American workplace is for its women workers what public transport is for
women in Delhi. A bank teller, Michelle Vinson, suffered physical abuse and alleged rape by

the bank's Vice-president Sidney Taylor for four years until finally, assisted by a women's
organisation, she went to court.
The district court rejected her appeal, largely because she had remained silent for 4 years
and had not used the bank's complaint procedure to ask for help. It held that any
relationship between the two was voluntary. The higher court of appeal rejected every
finding of the district court and the matter finally found its way to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that sexual harassment is a direct
infringement of a woman's right to employment. It creates a hostile and abusive work
environment in which she may be forced to leave her job or in which she cannot function to
her full potential, even if such unwelcome sexual demands are not directly linked to
concrete employment benefits. In other words, the courts ruled that it violates U.S. civil
laws against sex discrimination in the work place.
Sexual harassment of working women is endemic, said friends-of-the-court brief filed by
numerous women's organisation for this case. In the last 5 years, about half the American
female working force has suffered this type of harassment at work. This does not just
happen to women in factories or at blue-collar workplaces. Within the fibreglass, multistoried skyscrapers, the American office is not as pleasant for its women secretaries,
lawyers and other professionals as its air-conditioning, carpeted and muted decor makes it
About 42% of federally employed women were harassed in their jobs, stated a recent 2
year survey done by the Official Merits Protection Board. Another 60% of the members of
the American Federation of State, Country and Municipal Employees said that sexual
harassment was a frequent problem for them. And between 1981 and 1985, the number
of such complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, established to
monitor employment practices, shot up by 70%.
The complaints vary from the physical violence of rape and assault to the insidious
harassment of unwanted pushing and touching, persistent sexual demands, offensive sexual
comments, constant conversations containing sexual innuendoes and coarse language.
The offender usually makes his moves swiftly and silently, when there are no witnesses
around. He is usually confident that fear, embarrassment, and often the hopelessness of the
situation will keep the victim from making public complaints. And when complaints are
made, he can use every defense that this grey area of social attitudes and innuendoes
provide. When it is so hard for a rape victim to prove she has been violated, one can
imagine how much harder it is for a victim of the less dramatic forms of violence to prove
her case.
In such instances, if the offenders are their supervisors, women who resist of complain find
themselves burdened with an increased workload, scathing work evaluation, unwarranted
reprimands and sheer hostility. So many quit their jobs rather than go to court. When
neither alternative seems feasible, they give in, quietly.

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