Sj-20141110151550-011-Zxsdr Uniran Tdd-Lte (v3.20.50) License Operation Guide

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TD-LTE Base Station

General Operation Guide

Version: V3.20.50

No. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Tel: +86-755-26771900
Fax: +86-755-26770801

Copyright 2015 ZTE CORPORATION.
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Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by

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All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE
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This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions
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Users may visit the ZTE technical support website to inquire for related information.
The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History
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Those topics have been modified:



2.2 Logging In to the EMS Client

All the topics in 3 Base Station Management

All the topics in 4 Alarm Management

All the topics in 5 Performance Management

First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20141110151550-013

Publishing Date: 2015-04-30 (R2.0)

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 NetNumen U31 System Overview............................................ 1-1
Chapter 2 Logging In to NetNumen U31................................................... 2-1
2.1 Logging In to the EMS Server Console ................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Logging In to the EMS Client............................................................................... 2-3

Chapter 3 Base Station Management ....................................................... 3-1

3.1 Starting NE Configuration Management ............................................................... 3-1
3.2 Configuring Neighboring Cells in Batches ............................................................ 3-3
3.3 Configuring Network Optimization Parameters in Batches ..................................... 3-7
3.4 Configuring Base Station Parameters in Batches................................................ 3-10
3.5 Backing Up Configuration Data ..........................................................................3-11
3.6 Common Dynamic Management Operations ...................................................... 3-13

Chapter 4 Alarm Management................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Querying Active Alarms ...................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Querying Historical Alarms.................................................................................. 4-5
4.3 Monitoring Alarms .............................................................................................. 4-6
4.4 Setting A Scheduled Statistical Task .................................................................... 4-7

Chapter 5 Performance Management ....................................................... 5-1

5.1 Querying Counters and Indexes .......................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Creating an Indicator Query Template.................................................................. 5-2

Glossary .......................................................................................................... I

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About This Manual

This manual describes general operations of the ZXSDR UniRAN.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:

Software debugging engineers

Network planning engineers
Base station maintenance engineers

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters.
Chapter 1, NetNumen U31

Describes the position of the NetNumen U31 system in a network

System Overview

and its basic functions.

Chapter 2, Logging In to

Describes how to start the NetNumen U31 server console and

NetNumen U31

how to access the console from the client.

Chapter 3, Base Station

Describes how to configure neighboring cells, network


optimization parameters, and base stations in batches, how to

back up configuration data, and how to manage the dynamic data
of a base station.

Chapter 4, Alarm Management

Describes how to query and monitor alarms, and how to create

alarm templates.

Chapter 5, Performance

Describes how to query counters and how to create indicator


query templates.

Related Documentation

NetNumen U31 R18 (V12.14.52) Unified Element Management System Product

NetNumen U31 R18 (V12.14.52) Unified Element Management System Integrated
Configuration Management Guide
ZXSDR UniRAN TD-LTE (V3.20.50) Base Station Dynamic Data Management
NetNumen U31 R18 (V12.14.52) Unified Element Management System Alarm
Management Guide
NetNumen U31 R18 (V12.14.52) Unified Element Management System Performance
Management Guide

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This manual uses the following conventions.
Note: provides additional information about a topic.

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Chapter 1

NetNumen U31 System

The NetNumen U31 system operates and maintains ZTE mobile radio products and
radio network elements of various systems in a centralized way, and provides standard
northbound interfaces for the superior Network Management System (NMS). All the
general operations on the ZXSDR UniRAN are performed through the NetNumen U31
The NetNumen U31 system provides the following network management functions
through GUI: configuration management, topology management, alarm management,
performance management, security management, system management, task
management, integrated configuration, a command line tool, and tools for maintenance.
Table 1-1 lists basic functions of the NetNumen U31 system.
Table 1-1 Basic Functions of NetNumen U31



Displays the distribution and architecture of all radio NEs in a network in the


topology window, including topology display, operation, and monitoring.


Collects alarm data in real time, monitors alarms, and queries alarm information


for you to find and locate the faults in the system.


Monitors and analyzes network performance. By analyzing the performance


data collected from the NEs, you can obtain detailed information about network
operation, which helps you to plan and adjust network deployment to improve the
quality of network operation.


Ensures legal operation of users on the NetNumen U31 system. This function


controls the operations of operators by properly organizing the relationship

between users and roles and prevents illegal users from accessing the system
by login authentication.

Log management

Helps you to trace system operation and usage and locate system faults. A
common user can also review historical operations and obtain information about
system operation through log management.

NE management

Implements NE management functions on the NetNumen U31 client.

For details about the NetNumen U31 system, refer to the NetNumen U31 R18 (V12.14.52)
Unified Element Management System Product Description.
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Chapter 2

Logging In to NetNumen U31

Table of Contents
Logging In to the EMS Server Console.......................................................................2-1
Logging In to the EMS Client ......................................................................................2-3

2.1 Logging In to the EMS Server Console

This procedure describes how to enter the Element Management System (EMS) server
console in the Solaris operating system.


The Oracle database is operating properly.

A GUI tool is installed.

1. Log in to the EMS server through the GUI tool with the default user name and password
2. Open the command terminal on the EMS server and perform the following commands.
The EMS server console window is displayed, see Figure 2-1.
cd $HOME/ums-server
nohup ./ &

$HOME represents the installation directory of the EMS server console software.
Replace $HOME here with the actual installation directory.

3. Observe the startup window of the EMS server console.

indicates that the process is running properly.

before every process

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Figure 2-1 Unified Management System - Console Window

The processes displayed on the console correspond to the products installed on the
EMS server.
You should select the products when installing the EMS server console. The processes
can be started and displayed on the console only when the server console is started.

4. (Optional) Perform the following operations as required.

To ...

Do ...

Close the EMS server console when it is

Select one of the following ways:

operating properly

In the console window, click

, select

the Close button, and then select Close

the Interface Only from the Select the
Operation drop-down list.
Display the EMS server console window during

Press Alt+F4 to close the GUI tool directly.

Log in to the EMS server through GUI, open the

command terminal, and perform the following
commands to start the EMS server console.
cd $HOME/ums-server

End of Steps
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Chapter 2 Logging In to NetNumen U31

2.2 Logging In to the EMS Client

This procedure describes how to log in to the client in the Windows XP operating system.

1. Start the EMS client in one of the following ways. The Login dialog box is displayed,
see Figure 2-2.
l Double-click client.exe in the client installation directory (netnumen\ems\umsclient).
l On the desktop of the Windows operating system, select Start > All Programs >
NetNumen U31 Unified Management System > U31 Client.
Figure 2-2 Login - NetNumen U31 Dialog Box

For a description of the parameters for logging in to the EMS client, refer to Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Login Parameter Description


Value Range



User account

Range: 130 characters


assigned by

default when a

the system

user logs in to the


system for the

"admin" by

first time

Name of the
account that
last logs in
to the system

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Value Range



Password of a user

The system administrator can change



the password length by selecting


Security > Set User Account Rule

and then setting Minimum length
and Maximum length in the Set User
Account Rule dialog box.
The password consists of a maximum
of 20 characters by default.


IP address of the


EMS server to be

default when a



user logs in to the

Valid IP address by

system for the

first time

Actual IP address
of the account
that last logs in
to the system

2. Enter the user name, password, and IP address, and then click OK. The Topology
Management view is displayed by default in the main client window, see Figure 2-3.

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Chapter 2 Logging In to NetNumen U31

Figure 2-3 Topology Management View

The user name and password for the first login are "admin" and null respectively
by default. For the sake of account security, the password of the default user must
be modified after the successful login for the first time by selecting System > User
Password Setting and then setting the user account and password in the User
Password Setting dialog box.
For routine maintenance, it is recommended that the system administrator with the
highest permission level instead of maintenance personnel log in to the client with the
account "admin".
If the password of a user account expires, a dialog box is displayed, requiring the user
to modify the password before entering the client.

End of Steps

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Chapter 3

Base Station Management

Table of Contents
Starting NE Configuration Management .....................................................................3-1
Configuring Neighboring Cells in Batches...................................................................3-3
Configuring Network Optimization Parameters in Batches ..........................................3-7
Configuring Base Station Parameters in Batches .....................................................3-10
Backing Up Configuration Data ................................................................................3-11
Common Dynamic Management Operations ............................................................3-13

3.1 Starting NE Configuration Management

Before using the configuration management function of the ZXSDR UniRAN, you must
start configuration management first. This procedure describes how to start configuration
management for NEs.

An NE agent is created.

1. Select Configuration > NE Management from the main menu, see Figure 3-1. The
NE Management page is displayed.
Figure 3-1 NE Management Menu Item

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2. Right-click the NE agent under the OMC server, and select Start NE Management,
see Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 Starting NE Management

3. Wait for about one minute. The NE is started successfully and a green check mark
appears before the NE name, see Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3 NE Management Started Successfully

4. Right-click the NE for which NE management is started, and select Configuration

Management, see Figure 3-4. The Configuration Management is displayed in the
right pane, see Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-4 Configuration Management Menu Item

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Chapter 3 Base Station Management

Figure 3-5 Configuration Management Tab

End of Steps

3.2 Configuring Neighboring Cells in Batches

During the configuration of neighboring cells, you need to export template files, fill them
with data, and then import data for batch configuration. This procedure describes how to
configure neighboring cells in batches.


A planned attribute file for neighboring cells is ready.

The connections between the EMS system and OMMs and between OMMs and NEs
are proper.

1. In the upper left part of the Configuration Management page, click the Configuration
Management menu and select Planning Data Export. and the Planning Data
Export dialog box is displayed.
2. Select one or more NEs of which the neighboring cell relationship is to be configured,
set the template type, managed objects, and file path, and then click the Export button,
see Figure 3-6. A Confirm message box is displayed.

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Figure 3-6 Planning Data Export Dialog Box

3. Select Yes. The directory of the exported file is opened.

4. Extract the exported planning data packet and open the extracted Excel file. On
the ExternalEUtranCellTDD sheet, fill column 4 (MEID, source cells) and column 5
(srcENBId, combined by column 8 (eNBId) and column 9 (cellLocalId)) according to
the planning attributes of neighboring cells. Other columns are configured according
to the planning parameters. Type "A" in column 2, save and close the modified file,
see Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 Excel File of Planning Data

5. In the upper left part of the Configuration Management page, click the Configuration
Management menu and select Planning Data Import, and the Planning Data Import
dialog box is displayed.
6. Click the Add button, see Figure 3-8. The Open dialog box is displayed.
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Chapter 3 Base Station Management

Figure 3-8 Adding a Planning Data Import Task

7. Select the saved Excel file for the planning data and click the Open button, see Figure
Figure 3-9 Selecting a File to be Imported

8. Check Back up data before performing the operation in the Planning Data Import
dialog box and click the Import button, and the Data Backup dialog box is displayed.

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9. Select the backup path for saving the backup data and the NE whose data is to be
backed up, and click the Back Up button, see Figure 3-10. The Important Operation
dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-10 Data Backup Dialog Box

Figure 3-11 Important Operation Dialog Box

10. Enter the verification code displayed and click OK. A Confirm message box is
displayed after data is imported successfully.
11. Click No.
12. Click the Close button in the Planning Data Import dialog box.
13. In the upper left part of the Configuration Management page, click the Configuration
Management menu and select Special Function of Standard > Neighbor Cell
Management. The Neighbor Cell Management window is displayed.
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Chapter 3 Base Station Management

14. On the Query Neighbor Relation tab, select the cell whose neighboring cell relation is
to be queried, and click
. All the neighboring cell relations of the cell are displayed
in the result area, see Figure 3-12. If the result is consistent with the planned result,
the neighboring cells are configured successfully.
Figure 3-12 Query Neighbor Relation Tab

End of Steps

3.3 Configuring Network Optimization Parameters in

During network optimization or batch modification of radio parameters after initial
configuration, some parameters of part or all NEs are modified and then all the
modified data are synchronized to the NEs. In this case, the batch modification function
for configuration data is used. This procedure describes how to configure network
optimization parameters in batches.

The connections between the EMS system and OMMs and between OMMs and NEs are

1. In the upper left part of the Configuration Management page, click the Configuration
Management menu and select Data Batch Configuration Management, and the
Data Batch Configuration Management tab is displayed.
2. Click

. The NE Filter dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-13.


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Figure 3-13 NE Filter Dialog Box


Select one or more filters for batch configuration (NE Type in this example), and click

4. Select the NEs to be configured in batches from the NE tree in the left pane, see Figure
Figure 3-14 Selecting the NEs to be Configured in Batches

5. Click
and select the parameters to be configured (measurement parameters
in this example). All the parameters of the NEs are displayed in the right pane, see
Figure 3-15.

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Chapter 3 Base Station Management

Figure 3-15 Selecting the Parameters to be Modified

6. Modify the parameters in batches in the right pane and then click

7. Repeat the above steps to modify all the parameters.

8. In the upper left part of the Configuration Management page, click the
Configuration Management menu and select Data Synchronization, and the Data
Synchronization dialog box is displayed.
9. Select the NEs whose data needs to be synchronized, and set Synchronization mode
and Radio standard.
10. Click the Synchronize button, see Figure 3-16.

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Figure 3-16 Data Synchronization Dialog Box

End of Steps

3.4 Configuring Base Station Parameters in Batches

During batch modification of equipment parameters after initial configuration, some
parameters of part or all NEs are modified and then all the modified data are synchronized
to NEs. In this case, the batch modification function for configuration data is used. This
procedure describes how to configure base station parameters in batches.

The connections between the EMS system and OMMs and between OMMs and NEs are

1. Configure the base station parameters in the same way as described in 3.3 Configuring
Network Optimization Parameters in Batches. In Step 4, select Device parameters,
see Figure 3-17.

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Chapter 3 Base Station Management

Figure 3-17 Selecting the Parameters to be Modified

End of Steps

3.5 Backing Up Configuration Data

Configuration data backup is to copy the existing configuration data file to a specified path
in the server. You can back up data in the planning area to a file any time during data
modification. If you want to discard the data changes made in the planning area, you can
restore data to the planning area by using the backup data file. This procedure describes
how to back up configuration data.

The connections between the EMS system and OMMs and between OMMs and NEs are

1. In the upper left part of the Configuration Management page, click the Configuration
Management menu and select Data Backup.
2. Select a backup path for saving the backup data, set a prefix of the file name, select
the NEs whose data is to be backed up, and then click the Back Up button, see Figure
3-18. The Back Up Data dialog box is displayed and then a Confirm message box is
displayed, see Figure 3-19.

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Figure 3-18 Back Up Data Dialog Box

Figure 3-19 Confirm Message Box

3. Perform the following operations as required after data backup.

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If ...

Then ...

Click Yes

The directory where the backup file is saved is

opened and you can view the backup file.

Click No

The Confirm message box is closed.

Click Show Details

The details about the backup file, for example,

file saving address, are displayed.

4. Click the Close button in the Back Up Data dialog box.

End of Steps

3.6 Common Dynamic Management Operations

Dynamic management provides man-machine interaction commands between the EMS
platform and the base station for you to manage the dynamic data of a base station. You
can manage the system resources by selecting NEs and the specified resource objects
and executing the related dynamic commands. This procedure describes how to execute
common dynamic management commands.

The resource objects of the NEs concerned are configured on the Configuration
Management page.

1. Right-click the NE for which the NE management is started successfully, and select
Dynamic Management, see Figure 3-20. The Dynamic Management page is

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Figure 3-20 Dynamic Management Menu Item

2. Click

. The NE Filter dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-21.

Figure 3-21 NE Filter Dialog Box

3. Select one or more filters for dynamic management (NE Type in this example).
4. On the Dynamic Management page, select the filtered NEs from the upper part of the
left pane, and double-click a dynamic command from the lower part of the left pane

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(Query Cell Status in this example). The information about the cells to be queried is
displayed in the right pane, see Figure 3-22.
Figure 3-22 Cell List

Table 3-1 lists the operation paths of common dynamic commands.

Table 3-1 Common Dynamic Commands and Their Paths


Query Cell Status

Dynamic Command > SDR > SCTP > Query SCTP

Query SCTP

Dynamic Command > TD LTE > E-UTRAN TDD Cell > Query Cell Status

Block Cell

Dynamic Command > TD LTE > E-UTRAN TDD Cell > Immediate Shut
Down Cell

Unblock Cell

Dynamic Command > TD LTE > E-UTRAN TDD Cell > Start Up Cell

Reset NE

Dynamic Command > SDR > Managed Network Element > Reset NE

Reset Board

Dynamic Command > SDR > Device Group > Board Reset

5. Click
. The information about the cells to be queried is displayed in the lower part
of the right pane.
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Chapter 4

Alarm Management
Table of Contents
Querying Active Alarms ..............................................................................................4-1
Querying Historical Alarms .........................................................................................4-5
Monitoring Alarms ......................................................................................................4-6
Setting A Scheduled Statistical Task...........................................................................4-7

4.1 Querying Active Alarms

You can view and monitor the active alarms occurred on the managed NEs through the
EMS client in real time and handle the alarms. This procedure describes how to query the
active alarms.

1. Select Fault > Query Active Alarms from the main menu, and the Query Active
Alarms dialog box is displayed.
2. Query the active alarms in the following ways in the Query Active Alarms dialog box.
The query result is displayed on the Alarm Monitoring tab, see Figure 4-5.
To ...

Do ...

Query by alarm generation location

Perform the following steps, see Figure 4-1.


Select the Location tab.


Select an NE type from the NE Type

drop-down list.

iii. Select the NEs to be queried from the NE tree

and click

iv. Click OK.

Query by alarm code

Perform the following steps, see Figure 4-2.


Select the Alarm Code tab.


Select Specific Codes.

iii. Select the alarm codes to be queried from the

alarm code tree and click

iv. Click OK.

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To ...

Do ...

Query by alarm time

Perform the following steps, see Figure 4-3.


Select the Time tab.


Set the alarm time period to be queried.

iii. Click OK.

Query by other conditions

Perform the following steps, see Figure 4-4.


Select the Others tab.

Select one or more alarm types in the Alarm
Type area.

iii. Select one or more alarm levels in the

Severity area.
iv. Select one or two ACK states in the ACK
State area.

Click OK.

Figure 4-1 Query Active Alarms Dialog BoxLocation Tab

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Figure 4-2 Query Active Alarms Dialog BoxAlarm Code Tab

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Figure 4-3 Query Active Alarms Dialog BoxTime Tab

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Figure 4-4 Query Active Alarms Dialog BoxOthers Tab

Figure 4-5 Alarm Query Result

End of Steps

4.2 Querying Historical Alarms

You can view the historical alarms through the EMS client for your reference during alarm
handling. This procedure describes how to query the historical alarms.

1. Select Fault > Query History Alarms from the main menu, and the Query History
Alarms dialog box is displayed.
2. Perform the same operations as active alarm query. Refer to 4.1 Querying Active
End of Steps
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4.3 Monitoring Alarms

Alarm monitoring is to monitor the active alarms/notifications and historical alarms and to
collect statistics on the alarm information about the network based on alarm level. This
procedure describes how to monitor alarms.

1. Select Fault > Alarm Monitoring by NE or Fault > Alarm Monitoring by NE Type
from the main menu. The Alarm Monitoring by NE tab or Alarm Monitoring by NE
Type tab is displayed depending on your selection.
If ...

Then ...

Alarm Monitoring by NE is selected

The Alarm Monitoring by NE tab is displayed,

see Figure 4-6.

Alarm Monitoring by NE Type is selected

The Alarm Monitoring by NE Type tab is

displayed, see Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-6 Alarm Monitoring by NE Tab

Figure 4-7 Alarm Monitoring by NE Type Tab

2. Double-click the number of alarms (2 in this example). The detailed alarm information
is displayed, see Figure 4-8.
Figure 4-8 Detailed Alarm Information

End of Steps

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Chapter 4 Alarm Management

4.4 Setting A Scheduled Statistical Task

Information about active or historical alarms generated in the system is exported to a
file and saved in a specified path on the EMS server regularly for alarm analysis. This
procedure describes how to set a scheduled statistical task.

1. Select Fault > Timing Statistic Task Management from the main menu. The Timing
Statistic Task Management tab is displayed.
2. Click

. The Timing Statistic Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9 Timing Statistic Task Dialog Box

3. Set the following statistical task template attributes in the Timing Statistic Task dialog
box, see Figure 4-10.
a. Set a task name in the Task Name text box.
b. Select a template name from the Template Name drop-down list.

Set the start time and end time of the task.

d. Select a task status.

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e. Select a file type.


Select a task execution interval in the Task Execution Schedule area.

g. Click OK. The finished statistical task template is displayed on the Timing
Statistic Task Management tab, see Figure 4-11. You can modify, suspend, or
delete the template as required.
Figure 4-10 Setting a Statistical Task Template

Figure 4-11 Statistical Task Template

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Chapter 4 Alarm Management

To ...

Do ...

Modify the statistical task template

Suspend the statistical task template
Delete the statistical task template



Suspend the task template and then click

End of Steps

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN General Operation Guide

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SJ-20141110151550-013|2015-04-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5

Performance Management
Table of Contents
Querying Counters and Indexes .................................................................................5-1
Creating an Indicator Query Template ........................................................................5-2

5.1 Querying Counters and Indexes

Counters and indexes of the system are under the performance counter sub-nodes of
the measured objects. You can set performance measurement tasks by querying the
types and details of the counters and indexes. This procedure describes how to query
the existing counters and indexes of the system.

1. Select Performance > Counter and Index Management from the main menu. The
Counter and Index Management tab is displayed.
2. In the recourse tree of the left pane, right-click the NE to be queried, and select Show
Counter and Index, see Figure 5-1. All the counters and indexes of the NE are
displayed in the list in the right pane, see Figure 5-2.

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ZXSDR UniRAN General Operation Guide

Figure 5-1 Show Counter and Index Menu Item

Figure 5-2 Counter and Index List

End of Steps

5.2 Creating an Indicator Query Template

You can save query conditions to a template for subsequent query based on the same
conditions when necessary. This procedure describes how to create a query template and
how to query historical performance data based on the template.

SJ-20141110151550-013|2015-04-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Performance Management

1. Select Performance > Query Template Management from the main menu. The
Query Template Management tab is displayed.
2. Click

. The Add Common Template dialog box is displayed, see Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3 Add Common Template Dialog Box

3. On the Basic Info tab, set Name, Access type, NE type, and MO type, and select
KPIs, see Figure 5-4.

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN General Operation Guide

Figure 5-4 Setting Basic Information of a Template

4. On the Statistic Info tab, set Location group, Query Granularity, and Effective
time, see Figure 5-5.
The finished template is displayed on the Template
Management tab.
Figure 5-5 Setting Statistical Information of a Template

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Performance Management

5. Right-click the created template, and select Query by Template, see Figure 5-6. The
History Performance Data Query dialog box is displayed.
Figure 5-6 Querying Indicators by Template

6. On the Object Selection tab, select the NE locations to apply the template, and then
click OK, see Figure 5-7. The query result is displayed on the Query-KPI test tab.
Figure 5-7 Querying NE Locations by Template

End of Steps

SJ-20141110151550-013|2015-04-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN General Operation Guide

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Element Management System
- Graphical User Interface
- Internet Protocol
- Operation & Maintenance Center
- Operation and Maintenance Management
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol

SJ-20141110151550-013|2015-04-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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