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References in classic literature?

And of state interest to some extent," said Prince Andrew.

View in context
Abbott's office contends that a same-sex marriage ban meets the Equal Protection Clause's prescription
that laws "be rationally related to a legitimate state interest.
Abbott's Office Files Brief Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Ban
4) Without the City Council's approval, however, the law could only survive under the New York State
Constitution's Home Rule Clause if it served a "substantial" state interest.
New York City taxis and the New York State Legislature: what is left of the state Constitution's Home Rule
Clause after the Court of Appeals decision in the HAIL Act case?
Therefore they fail to outdo themselves and put the state interest before the partisan and personal
The present's future
State interest should be protected at every cost but sometimes, media organizations go beyond limits
and cause irreparable loss to the state interest, she observed.
China to extend support for setting up media university

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