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Tejas Shah
Eshan Kapoor
Gourab Ray


NMIMS Mumbai

Table of Contents


Page No.

Executive Summary


The Divergent Schools of Thought about the future of


Themes and Trends transforming the automotive industry

Intelligent Transport and the Connected Vehicle

Transport and Smart Mobility in the Digital Age

Is ICT disrupting the traditional thresholds of the industry

Filling up or Plugging in - The story of alternative fuel and

powertrain in India

Role of OEMs in the context of these paradigms: Adapt or Hold


The Way Ahead for Hero MotoCorp: A few recommendations



Summary of Recommendations



Conclusions and Endnotes


Executive Summary:
In the last decade, automotive companies and leaders have witnessed a pattern of
slow growth on a global scale. Although the developed nations were believed to be
the drivers of the overall automobile sales globally, a declining global economy and a
dynamic shift in consumer preferences have seen sales going down in most markets.
However, significant advancements in this sector have not materialized to boost the
demand. Today, developments have made vehicles safer, fuel efficient and more
technologically advanced. Automotive businesses have now become synonymous with
skills, advanced technology and paradigm shifting changes.
The next decade will see such profound transformations continuing in the context of
how cars are built and the way it is purchased by the consumers. Leading the change
in this context will be shaped by the following four themes that form an important
constituent of our report.
Reason: The
consumer base
and regulatory
bodies are
getting aware
of the CO2

Reason: The increase in
urbanization has led to
people consider
convenience as an
important part of
mobility. Increasing Total
Cost of Ownership also
plays an important role.

Reason: Increase in
the number of
congestion has
resulted in higher
road accidents. This
has triggered a
need for safer
automobile and

Reason: Smaller
rate of increase in
income in the
economies will
force people to
look for cheaper

The aforementioned themes will be the subject to the transformations in the industry
that will be defined by six key trends that will change how competition gets shaped
Alternative fuel
Vehicular weight
Self-driving cars
Mobility Preferences
Digitization and IoT

Key reasons
Concerns with pollution to create efficient and
affordable fuels
Need for efficiency has led to create durable and
lighter parts
Concerns of safety, increasing traffic and mobility
Increase in pay per use mobility solutions that are
Technology companies entering into the space of
Need for better connectivity services in automobiles

The transformative nature of this industry in the next decade and beyond will aim to
make mobility better for consumers. The role of technology can destroy the existing
value chain and create new competitive entrants. In such changing industry
dynamics, adapting quickly and early will give OEMs the competitive edge. This can
be done through investing in R&D heavily, induce demand in the market and catering
to the consumer demand set. Additionally, to create a revamped value chain and
getting the right skills through workforce flexibility and embrace new approaches to
talent management. Finally, OEMs need to align, analyze and differentiate themselves
with global programs with focus on regional markets.

Although the number and the kinds of disruptions occurring across the spectrum is
diverse and many, we have restricted our research and findings to the three core
areas of transformations which include discussion on the connected vehicle, the
importance of penetration of smartphones and mobility into automotive and the role
played by the ICT and software technologies in disrupting the thresholds of the
already exsiting industrial setups and norms across the entire competitive spectrum.
In light of the foreseen and already existing paradigm changes in automotive and the
years ahead, this report is targeted at providing a perspective of succeeding in the
changing times derived from empirical support from consumer patterns and rapidly
evolving technologies.
The automobile industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The forward and
backward linkages that it forms with other industries makes it a dominant contributor
in causing a multiplier effect in the overall development and growth of an economy.
Some of the key components of the extended value chain include assemblers,
suppliers, dealers in the backward linkage while financial and insurance services,
aftermarket services, fuel companies form the forward linkage to this massive
The Global Automobile Industry and the extended industry revenue has several
Industry Category
Revenues in USD billion
Auto Finance
Oil and Gas
Legal and Medical
The Indian automobile industry is on a massive growth trajectory which has seen a
3.8X growth in volumes and a 6X growth in turnover. It has grown at a CAGR of more
than 15% over the last decade and has an installed capacity of in excess of 20 million
units annually with a total investment of INR 80,000 crores by virtually all global OEMs
surpassing some of the developed countries with its manufacturing capabilities. It also
employs more than 15 million people across the value chain.
The Future volume projections:
The global demand for passenger vehicles was 73 million units in 2010 which is slated
to grow to 108 million units. India is forecasted to demand 10 million units (8% of
global demand) in 2020 and is slated to become the third largest vehicle market in the
world with a total market potential of more than USD 160 billion. The largest volume
will come from the two and three wheeler segment mostly driven by emerging

Figure-1: Vehicle production projections 2020 (numbers in million)

Source: SIAM, EY Projections

The Divergent Schools of Thought about the future of automotive:

Against the backdrop of the future projections for the automotive industry, there
exists 2 schools of thought that are highly divergent from each other. Our research
indicates that auto manufacturers are focused on the conventional view in
making fuel combustion efficient and targeting emergent markets for driving growth.
The alternate school of thought, what we call as the disrupter view believes that a
change is coming in the form of technological advances with self-driven cars, entrants
of technology companies into automotive and development of accessible and
affordable alternative power trains.
Natural evolution of the industry The
transformative change challenging
conventional areas of automotive
the conventional growth of the sector.
Newer unconventional entrants will
Key stakeholders in the current
drive momentum in their favor by
environment will thrive, and progress
becoming catalysts of transformation.
will happen in a gradual manner.
Focus is targeted at addressing latent
Sustainability remains the key focus.
Themes and Trends transforming the automotive industry:
Enhancing mobility continues to remain a huge challenge for major cities and
government bodies. These evolutions are driven by the next generation consumer
expectations and demands of a seamless and well connected solutions in the
automotive sector. We believe that there exist core themes that when combined with
technology will shape how change will occur in the upcoming decade.

Our analysis and interviews with key people in the automobile industry in India has
lead us to identify the key forces and mega-trends that will drive the future of the
industry. Although the conventional automakers are not focusing their resources to

these agendas for the coming decade but they see these converging forces as critical
to how the landscape gets shaped.
Key Elements
Alternative fuel
Development of fuel cells for higher efficiency and
better cars
Vehicular weight
Stronger and sturdy materials that result in higher
Self-driving cars
Adoption of autonomous drives and its acceptance
Mobility Preferences
Increase in pay per use mobility solutions that are
Emerging competition
Unconventional entrants into the competitive
Digitization and IoT
communication features
Intelligent Transport and the Connected Vehicle:
Connected vehicle is an important component of how vehicles of the near future will
behave and will subsequently shape the industry at large. Although a lot of pilot
projects have been undertaken by key global OEMs but the key questions of who
bears the cost and who reaps the benefits still remain unanswered. Our analysis of
this subject has been derived from a key research conducted by McKinsey and
Company that has quantified the value chain dynamics through a proprietary model.
In our scope of the analysis we have considered all manifolds where processed
information can be leveraged to connect between a vehicles and the external
Consumers needs and wants have sent the growth trajectory in the connected
features upwards. Car connectivity primarily includes a range of capabilities that inter
connects the vehicle with drivers, other vehicles and essential services. Connectivity
has applications in virtually all automobile segments. In this report, we have
considered passenger vehicles as the subject and have identified 4 key functional
groups with reference to connectivity.

1. Vehicle Relationship Management (VRM): VRM systems in the automobile sector will
disrupt the way vehicles are protected by systems within the car. Continuous
monitoring contributes efficient maintenance. One of the key features that we foresee
coming up in the future is the GPS tracking of your vehicle as a standard feature in the
VRM. This feature is a huge opportunity that the OEMs and service providers can
leverage on in the coming age.
2. In-Car Content and Services: These include the uninterrupted delivery of content
over various platforms at any given time. Some of the key contemporary systems that
are most common include integrated navigation systems, mobile device integration
and Bluetooth connectivity. Developments in the coming years in the space of content
and services will become extended and developed versions of the current
technologies. Predictive navigation systems, self-decision making transport, and
augmented reality will grow hugely in this space and provide real world information to
the driver making travel convenient and safe.

3. Insurance: Connected vehicles by virtue of the immense number of telemetries on

board is a huge repository of all data critical to the cars performance. Feedback loops
of the installed systems on board reduce the time spent on the average transaction
time for an insurance claim. The data available can also be used to create tailor fit
packages depending on your driving attributes.
4. Driving Assistance: Driving assistance is of the most critical and crucial
technological advancements that has gone into a car with the aim of making travel
safer. Some of the key components that form the ADAS are: pedestrian detection,
cruise control radar, lane assist and roadside computing services in the form of traffic
management services, toll and taxes collection, e-commerce support.
Transport and Smart Mobility in the Digital Age:
The digital age has dawned upon the entire gamut of operations in transportation and
mobility. More than ever, today passengers and drivers have more access to
information with regards to planning, traffic data, and safety information allowing
them the advantage of choice in all aspects. On the flipside, this has created an
opportunity which till a few years back was believed to be non-existent in the form of
new entrants, disruptive business models. As OEMs and service providers, we believe
this is the key lookout that must be addressed. Our analysis and research indicates
that role of information and communication technology (ICT) and digitization will
disrupt trends in user centric models in mobility, integrated transportation, payments,
safety and public partnerships

Figure 2: Disruptions due to digitization in mobility

User Centric Mobility: Digitization has created systems for mobility

that have given users and passengers more control. Newer business
models especially with ride sharing enabled by technology have
challenged long established business players significantly. The
immense growth in the volume of smartphones and change in
consumer preferences has resulted in the car becoming an information
hub. User centric solutions have the potential to provide a unique and
personalized experience and customization.

Integrated Transport: Integrated networks have changed mobility from a mere

concept of moving goods and people from one place to the other to becoming what
we call a system of systems to connect multiple modes, services and mobility
technologies. Furthermore, open data sources have caused intelligent passenger
journeys. Sensors and telemetry when integrated with everyday mobility can be have
exponential possibilities and redefine how the Internet of Things can leverage
connectedness to transform mobility in the future years.
Payments: Rise in digitization and the Internet of Things will
significantly change the way pricing and payment mechanisms work in
light of mobility. We believe that this may have been inconceivable at
an earlier timeline but we foresee this as an element of change. Our
research also indicates that this will not have a bearing effect on the
OEMs with regards to their conventional business but will be a
considerably important factor in the forward linkages of the value chain, thus defining
or motivating how purchases are made and preferences get altered in light of latent
Safety: Technological advancements have resulted in the opening up of
varying degrees of automation in the area of mobility. Our research
shows that urban mobility has been the recipient of these technologies,
however personal mobility automation remains a challenge. We believe
that there exists great potential how this dimension improves with the
aid of cognitive technology which can be a potential differentiator how
vehicles of tomorrow are designed and produced by the OEMs.
Public Partnerships: Public sector will play an important role in the
policy formulation, simulation and propagation of these technologies.
Public-private partnerships form the core of building for the future
and our research indicates that capital intensive programs will be
required to deliver the goods to the consumers. As OEMs it is
imperative to be an active member of these associations, and policy
formulation exercises to be abreast about the competition that will
emerge. It is also important that production capabilities are revisited regularly to
continuously evolve as the mature markets undergo wide scale disruption.
According to our understanding on how technology is disrupting and changing the
automobile sector in terms of manufacturing and the ancillary linkages, we have
devised an application canvas:

alerts and routing
Weather info
Optimized journey
Parking management


Cloud access to
Personalization of
Social media access

Vehicle Management


Car theft
Car tracking



notifications (G2C)
troubleshooting and
Breakdown call and

Spare parts
Business systems
Vehicle life
Alternate fuels and


Figure3: Application Canvas

Analysis, McKinsey Report, 2014

methods of
Pre-paid toll
Banking and
Source: Team

Is ICT disrupting the traditional thresholds of the industry?

The conventional automobile industry is based on what we believe are industry wide
thresholds that allows it to function in a well-organized way. The rapid change in the
technologies that are getting adopted and evolved is forcing these thresholds to be
crossed. We believe that existing actors will have to strategize to control the scope
and scale getting created. To explain the phenomenon that is currently underway by
virtue of the interaction between digital and ICT technologies and automobile industry
we have identified traditional thresholds like Demand, Fuel, Regulation, Financing and
Environmental trends as basis for our explanation:

Demand is set
to increase
dramatically in
many urban

Volatile fuel
prices and
supply will lead
to alternate and

changes are set
to be critically
effect the entire
industry globally

Financing of
will change with
PPPs and policy

concerns along
with health
concerns will
alter the

Filling up or Plugging in - The story of alternative fuel and powertrain in

Powertrains have been conventionally propelled by fossil fuels through ICE units for a
good whole century. It is only in the past 2 decades that global automobile OEMs have
started realizing the need to look out for potential and business viable alternatives for
fuel. In India, OEMs have been looking at developments majorly driven by the
following factors:
1. Depleting resources, volatility, and increase in costs of fossil fuels.
2. Increasing gap in the production and consumption volume.
3. Increasing levels of carbon emissions by virtue of transportation.
Alternatives to conventional powertrain technologies are plenty. Some of the key ones
are hybrid electric vehicles, battery electrical vehicles and plug in hybrid electric
vehicle. Several OEMs in India have entered the markets with alternate fuel systems
but have low adoption levels due to lack of charging infrastructure, costlier total cost
of ownership, low reliability. In the space of two-wheelers, Hero Electric and TVS are
front runners in this category. Low levels of adoption amongst consumers have led to
underutilization of capacities for most OEMs.

Due to the rise in incentivized programmes and schemes and the range of the
governmental support along with OEMs in India, the alternate powertrain market sees
an immense potential till 2020 constantly due to the rise in environmental needs and
concerns. We have estimated such demand in the following table :
Powertrain Technology
Battery Electric Vehicle (2W)
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (4W, Bus,
Battery Electric Vehicle (3W, 4W,
Bus, LCV)

Estimated potential (million units)


Table 1: Alternate powertrain demand till 2020

Source: Report on NEMMP 2020, 2014

Barriers to adoption of alternate powertrains: Although alternate fuel and electric

powertrains is the way to the future, there exist significant obstacles in their faster
adoption. For the scope of this report we have tried to address the barriers pertaining
to 2-wheeler EVs in India and have categorized the barriers under four major areas:
Market: Consumer acceptability and price- Policy: Limited manufacturing
performance gap
Technical: Low levels of technology and R&D Infra:
Our research indicates that globally, the
adoption of electric vehicles has been slow. It
has been levered by a strong network of
support between the government and the
industry which we have tried to highlight
through the grid.
Global economies, OEMs and all relevant
stakeholders must understand the way to
promote alternate fuel is by limiting the
barriers to adoption by intervening at both
the supply as well as the demand side.
Government initiatives for promoting electric mobility: The government of India has
gone on to supporting electrical mobility through the Department of Heavy Industries
(DHI) so as to promote research and development. It has also incentivized both the
supply and demand through a program called the Alternate Fuels for Surface Transport
Program (AFSTP) besides providing tax waivers. With the aim of bringing in a multi
stakeholder approach to achieve the target, GOI created the NEMMP 2020 (National
Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020) in participation with Indian OEMs to drive
initiatives and policies to shape future priorities and also set up investment funds to
achieve the goal in 2020.
Role of OEMs in the context of these paradigms: Adapt or Hold?
The global automobile industry has been characterized by stable growth for more than
the last 50 years. In sharp context however, during the first decade of the 21 st century
the automobile market grew at a rate of only 2% p.a. when the global GDP was
growing at a higher 2.5% p.a. particularly triggered by the loss in sales from the
developed economies. These are clear indicators that the auto industry is changing

and it is imperative for the OEMs to revamp their business models at the very core.
Technological advancements have changed paradigms. The conventional hierarchical
relations of an OEM and supplier is fading. Competition in the space will not be about
market share but also involve key elements that were earlier alien to the industry.

The Way Ahead for Hero MotoCorp: A few recommendations:

Hero Motor Corporation holds the highest market share of 39% in the Indian two
wheeler market that stood at a volume of 18 million units in 2015. The opportunity is
ripe for the development of the two wheeler segment as the market is forecasted to
grow to an enormous 55 million units till 2026. However, Hero needs to be wary of the
declining market share since its split with Honda and the constant gain of market
share that its Japanese counterpart has been getting. Our research indicates that the
automobile industry will see varied levels of disruption that requires an organization
wide strategy for the upcoming decade. We also believe that the transformative
nature of the industry will need a market leader like to be the adaptable, lean,
customer focused, data driven and unconventional in the way changes are
implemented. In this context, we see Hero Motor Corp. be the harbinger of change
and the first movers of industry changing paradigms. Our proposed organization wide
strategy is levered on the following key strategies:

1. Business Strategy Outline: At the forefront of the strategy is the business strategy
for Hero Motor Corp. With dynamically changing consumers and consumer
preferences, the traditional business models which incorporated just the product will
become a thing of the past. As the industry leader, it is highly important that the
customer life cycle is managed and the business is evolved with changing times.
Te c h n o lo g ic a l
a d d it io n s t o t h e
v e h ic le w ill a m o u n t
t o e ffi c ie n t
a ft e rm a r k e t
s e r v ic e s . O E M s n e e d
t o k e e p a b re a s t w it h
u p d a te s . C u sto m e rs
w ill n e e d t o h a v e
a c c e s s t o re m o t e
s e r v ic e s a n d O E M s
n e e d t o a t t a in
s k ills e t s t h a t a re n o t
com m on .

M a in t e n a n c e a n d
U p g ra d e s

Figure 3: Customer Life Cycle

Team Analysis

R e t a il e x p e r ie n c e s in
th e s c o p e o f
a u t o m o t iv e w ill
n e e d to b e
p e r s o n a lis e d , d a t a d r iv e n . C o n n e c t in g
t h e w a lk -in
c u sto m e rs,
c u s t o m is a t io n s c o p e
w ill d r iv e t h is s p a c e .
In t e g r a t e d s y s t e m s
w ill a llo w re t a ile r s t o
m a in t a in
re la t io n s h ip s w it h
t h e ir c u s t o m e r s

P u rch a se

A w a re n e ss a n d
D e c is io n

W it h g ro w in g
t e c h n o lo g y in
a u t o m o t iv e , b r a n d
e x p e r ie n c e s w ill b e
p o s s ib le w it h
c u s t o m e r s o n ly
t h ro u g h t h e H M I
( H u m a n m a c h in e
in t e r fa c e ) a n d fe n d
o ff c o m p e t it io n fro m
t h e t e c h n o lo g y
c o m p a n ie s o f t h e
w o r ld


As a business strategy, Hero Motor Corporation should aim at reducing the barriers to
the customer by reaching out to the customer, a phenomena that has not occurred in

the space of automobiles. For our recommendation

we have identified 4 core areas where barriers exist
and how OEMs can work to make the pre-sales,
sales and after-sales seamless with the use of
relevant data. OEMs must leverage relationships
with suppliers to offer valuable services to the
The potential of
Data: Our analyses and research indicates that
globally, data usage and associated applications
are in their nascent stage. As a recommended
strategy to Hero Motor Corporation, we propose the
usage of data analytics at every step of the
process. Data collected is recommended both
between the car and external environment
(upstream) and the customer related data
(downstream). The availability of such data will be
an enabler of posing stiff resistance to technology giants trying to enter the
automotive space.
2. Research and Development Strategy Outline: Globally OEMs have been able to
develop commercially viable alternatives for futuristic automobiles, however the same
has not been replicated in India. Electric vehicles require extensive R&D capabilities.
As a recommendation to Hero Motor Corporation, we propose a focused approach
dedicated towards electric motorcycles especially the development of better batteries
which comprises 50% of the cost. It is pertinent that flagship technologies are
developed and patented to reduce our reliability on global OEMs and hold a
formidable position in the market. It is our understanding that capabilities for R&D
within the country can be developed through multiple ways as illustrated below:



JV and


Increasing Time Investment

Figure 4: R&D Capability routes

As a recommendation to Hero Motor

Corporation, we analyzed the various
technologies that can be developed
to maximize returns and give a
competitive edge. We plotted it basis
the capabilities available in India and
also the ease of procurement globally
through partnerships.
Components have also been listed on
the grid on the basis of their relative
importance in the entire assembly
structure of the electric vehicle. Low
developed through existing OEM

3. Talent Management Strategy: Primary issue of skills combined with flexibility in

workforce is one of key elements in a transformative industry such as the current
automotive sector. To be braced for the futuristic disruption, it is required that Hero
Motor Corp. has skilled workforce ranging from design to production. The need for
comprehensive approaches for talent management is borne out of changes in
technology, production techniques and the high R&D.
With evolving markets, Hero must focus on traditional and non-traditional
region specific workers motivated by function and scale. Global functions
such as design and engineering must be addressed with a diverse
geography in mind. Localized functions like assembly, sales and after sales
will on the other hand need a region specific operation focus.
Contemporary Approach to Labor: Changing needs and innovation trigger faster
response times and a unique way of labor force management. Reducing costs and
cutting on uncertainties are modern ways of reducing costs and improving margins in
a high cost area.
In view of these needs, we believe that Hero Motor Corporation can use these ideas:
Optimization of
Creating a mix
of temporary
efforts and
labor force and
concepts of
traditional core
Investments in Skill Development with long term focus: Modern plants and assembly
units require multiple skills and functions. In an environment of a global OEM as Hero
Motor Corporation, inability to find human resources and provide skilled training will
decide the competitiveness in the market.
Progressive companies that define the market dynamics look at training as an ongoing
venture for employee development. It is these capabilities that will enhance the
workforces capabilities of elevating from a narrow skillset to a flexible skillset thus
contributing largely to the business plans, addressing of performance gaps and
improving business models.
New Gen Workforce: The Gen-Y workforce is critical to the success of an OEM. At Hero
Corporation we believe, as the new generation workforce not just contributes to the
company but is also a representative set of all consumers in the market. It is
important that through their roles they are given a purpose and a sense of long term
careers in the organization.
Summary of Recommendations:
Data Driven


The changing nature of the industry warrants to be nimble,

future oriented and requires fostering of alliances for
production and advanced R&D.
Data derived at every point in the business will enable Hero
to know their customers and would be able to address their
It is highly important to revamp the strategies in terms of the
development cycle as the clockwork in the wake of
disruptions has diminshed majorly.
Traditional companies will have the need to adapt to newer
aspects of process and people management to be able to win
in the market.


Our research indicates that although the incumbent OEMs may not be able to predict
the future, but changes are happening at an amazingly rapid rate and the next
decade will be crucial. In view of some of the already existing changes that are
occurring and the threats that are posed for the existing automobile industry, OEMs
need to adapt through an offering of integrated solutions which may need one or
more of the following:
Preparation for the uncertain: Analysis of changing trends especially about
consumer and economic viability. Detailed focus on changing demographics, need
assessment and agility to adoption of newer business models, strategies and
scenario planning
Partnerships: All endeavors in the future will not happen in isolation. It is our
belief that partnerships both old and new at every level of the value chain will be
critical to be a victor in the circumstances.
Adaption: The transformation in the industry will call for just now newer business
strategies for growth but strategies to develop the requisite skill attributes to
address the requirements
Value Proposition: OEMs in the upcoming future will need to be differentiate and
augment their value proposition with added services in their portfolio to keep
brands attractive through the lifecycle.

Connected Car, automotive value

chain unbound, McKinsey, 2013
Accelerating toward 2020, Deloitte,
Whats Driving the connected car,
McKinsey, 2014
Exploring the Connected Car,
Cognizant, 2012
National Electric Mobility Mission
2020, DIH, 2012


The Future of Urban Mobility 2.0,

Arthur D. Little, 2014
Promoting Low Carbon transport in
India, IIMA-UNEP, 2014
Deloitte, 2012
Survey, KPMG, 2016
Me, my car, my life in the
interconnected age, KPMG, 2014

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