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BAIGALMAA Baljinnyam

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1011 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22209

T: +1-202-760-7506 (cell), E:
Objective: Position where I can utilize my 12 years of experience in translation skills.
Translator and PA (short term assistance as per request)
May 17- July 10, 2013
OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Mongolia
- Interpreted meetings and consultations with local interlocutors (authority of political parties, journalists
who work for human rights and media freedom.
- Translated all relevant documents and the observation mission reports
Translator of English and Russian languages
April, 2012-June, 2013
Concentrator department of Oyu Tolgoi mining project, Mongolia
- Translated HSE policies, MSDC and safety manuals, procedures, laws and reports for the operation.
- Interpreted meetings and consultations for the locals for efficient productivity.
Freelance translator and HR consultant
January, 2009April, 2012
- Translator at Sharyn Gol JSC, coal mining funded by NYC based Firebird Fund
- Mining Challenges a Civilization of Mongolia, Documentary film
- Business Council of Mongolia, daily summary of political, business news
- Mongolian Mining Journal, monthly periodical
- Sustainable Land Management project of UNDP and SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation)
- Presentations of Public Health Management from MOH (Ministry of Health)
- F.I.R.E. (Flagstaff International Relief Agency)
- Cameco field expedition of Uranium deposits in Mongolia
- Secretary-cum- receptionist for the Embassy of India in Mongolia
Field Administrator and Translator
October, 2007- January, 2009
RedPath, Mongolia in Gurvan Bulag Uranium Exploration project of Western Prospector
o Field office management, including organization of safety trainings for visitors
o Translation of meetings and consultations for the locals
Translator (field survey)
Summer 2007, 2008 and 2009
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Mongolia
o Translated conservation law enforcement materials, field survey, trainings
Translator (contractor)
October 18, 2004- March 2007
USAID/ USDA funded Ger Initiative Business Development Project in Dornod province of Mongolia
o Loan materials, consultations, trainings and meetings
Manager of Foreign Affairs and Translator
December, 2003- March, 2007
Diagnostic and Treatment Center for the Eastern Provinces, Mongolia
o Translated medical trainings an consultations
o Initiated and coordinated international aid projects for the hospital and several outpatients
Stated as of January 27, 2015

BAIGALMAA Baljinnyam

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o Acted as representative of French and American volunteers to help patients with special needs
Manager of Foreign Affairs and Translator
Peace Bridge Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
o Business center management

March 3- December 28, 2003

MBA (ongoing)
American College of Commerce and Technology, Falls Church, VA, USA.


MBA (1st year completion)

Strayer University, Arlington, VA, USA.


Bachelor in Linguistics
Rostov State University (now: University of Southern Federal Russia), Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Russian and English Language Study (1st year completion)
University of Humanitarian Sciences, Mongolia


Short courses
Legal English Course
National Legal Institute, Mongolia

May-June, 2011

Legal English Course

inlingua English Center, Arlington, VA, USA

Nov.-Dec., 2010

Strategic Performance Management in Enhancing Organizational&Industrial Achievements Sept. 2010

Intensive training on Human Resource Management (HRM)
June, 2010
HR Development Center of Japan, Mongolia
HRM (Intensive professional training)
Academy of HRM, Mongolia
Diploma course in English, IT and Networking
NIIT School, New Delhi, India

April- August, 2010

January March, 2010

Accounting course
February- March 2009
Institute of Trade and Production, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
French, German Language Courses
University of Humanitarian Sciences, Mongolia

Summer vacation of 1996, 1999 and 2000

o 12 years of translation in health, education, business and environment areas
o 5 years of community development project management
Stated as of January 27, 2015

BAIGALMAA Baljinnyam

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o 8 years of office management with strong work ethics

o 17 years of living in different cultural environments, interacting with international experts
Volunteer for Flagstaff International Relief Effort (F.I.R.E)
Coordinator of NAADAM, French volunteer association
Member of Brain Pool of Mongolian Liberal Women

Since 2005

Indian Government funded scholarship for DEITN course of NIIT School, New Delhi, India
Ministry of Education of Mongolia Scholarship for studying at RSU, Russia
Gold, silver and bronze medals in 1996, 1995 and 1994 from Young Designers Competition, Mongolia
Foreign languages, fine art, classical music and history.
Favorite topics include Positive and Peaceful Parenting: comparative study of the Western and Eastern
concepts, Project Management, Human Behavior from the perspective of Behavior Science.
Mr.Nef, President of Santis Film Production, Email: + 1-703-309-1979, E:,
Joe McKnight, Warranty and Reliability Manager, Oyu Tolgoi LLC (former)
Now: Reliability Engineer, SME, T: +1-229-702-6699, E:
Ivan Somlai, Director of ETHNOBUREAUCRATICA
Mr. Gilbert, M.R.C.V.S., B.V.M.S.
Wildlife Veterinarian, Associate Director - Asia, Global Health Program, WCS, E:

Stated as of January 27, 2015

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