DEP Surety Bond 2/2008

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SURETY BOND For A Waste Management Facility Departmont Use Only Name of Fit ‘Sot Waste Permit No. eres: Date of Permit isuance Permit Acreage Munipaiy county “Type of Facility: Check one: Hazardous municipal 1D Resid Other ese) Purpose: Check one (1) Operation and Closure ofa Waste Management Facity BG) bia ona C0) Reparit of Exiting Facty (©) Adetiona Bond (Replacement Bond (change ot ownership 1th Appcaton fer Mobile Processing oily part (2) Closure ofa Waste Management Facity To be competed by Surety Company: Paget of WHEREAS, (1) 3 Corporat, TERT RS TT Incorporated underthe Laws nthe Stateof 0 TR TTT TE RTT OTTERS ht nea cet uses Ta ray. has (1) fled aplicaton permit or) enceuted ‘Wana or marvel aa nee 2 (rrenter "Agreement date TTT A EAT Sra we the Commanveath of Pennsyvans, Department of Envionmental Prteton (hereinafter refered to as the ‘Deparment, or (2) has been ordered by the Deparment, under the provisions ofthe "Pennsyvania Sold Waste Management At’ Actf uy 7, 1980, No. 67 a8 amended (herenater “Act 97 fr he pupse, as inscated above ot tier (1 the operation and closure or (2) closure a a waste management actly which wil et thet bet a el ay SETS. A lee ot rd comedy eee eee I (County, Pennsyvania (haar fered 8s’). Tamera NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, Tease RSaT pineal, and 8 corporation ofthe State of cans to do busines inthe Commonseats of Pennsylvania, and wihits prncpal pace ofbusmess at Se ea cay, ‘andintendng tobe legally Bound hereby, ar held an firmly bound ut the Department nthe jst ad il sum of “= ii, Tin Da RST a DTT {0 the payment whereof, wel and tly to be made, we do hereby bind ourselves, Ou hel, executrs, admistators, ‘assign and successor, iy by these presents: Page 2016 INOW THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION te such tat the operetor shal ful perform a of the requirement of (1) of he Act of Assembly approved Jy 7, 1980, PL. 380, known asthe “Sold Waste Management ‘Act: 2) the Act of Assembly approved June 22.1937, PL 1987, 28 amended, known a8 “The Clean Steams Law’ (9) the Act of Assembly approved January 8, 1960, PL. 2119, 9 amended, known ae he “Ar Polen Conta Act (4 the applicable provers ofthe Act of Assembly approved November 26,1978, PL. 1375, as amended Know as the ‘Dam ‘Safety and Encroachments Ac’ (8) he applicable provisions ofthe Act of Asombly approved May 31, 1048, PL. 1198, 3s amended, known as the "Surface ning Conseriaton and Reslamation Ac’ 6) he At of Assembly approved July 28, 1988, PL. 556, koown as the “Munipal Waste Planing, Reoysing and Waste Reducon Act’ (7) the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; (8) he provisions and candiion of he permis sued heeunder the designated a ths bond (@) any agreement wit of o¥er ofthe Deparment, and (10) such amendments or adstons to the acts, regultons, terms and condone ofthe part, and onete of the Department as may herein be avy made (al of ‘hen are neeinater referred toa the“), then tis obiption shall be na and vos, theres to be ang rem na force andes. LABILITY UPON THIS BOND stall be for the armountspecfed herein. Listy upon this bond shall be continuous fom te inition of operations atthe fait, and shal continue forthe duaion of te processing andr toposa of sold waste tte aoresai acy and fx period often (0) years afer approved nal osu of the sk, Unies released in whole o in pt by the Dapartmantn wring, pir hereto as provide bythe la. Inthe event any femironmental damage 's caused bythe pipal In wolation ofthe aforementioned law, then the bond shall nt be released, bu the Habity under ts bond shal continue ntl such environmental damage Is earected and the ste restored to canton of compllance with the aforementones aw. Ths bond shal bein default he Principal fas, ‘refuses ois unable to complete restoration wok a decd in wen, bythe Department. sity upon tis Bond shal ‘tend to he entre fact. Ite agreed and understood bythe Sucely an the Pricipa tat this bond covers and inches ‘any 2 al abies and obligations under he aforementioned aw which accrued on he pert te pl to the lesuance of Pert No ‘28 well a6 ary and al abies and obligations ofthe Principal o be accrued under the law rom he date of ssuance ofthe Permit uri such times 2 the Department shall ease, n wing, Such abies and cbgstons. Its acknowledged and agroed bythe partes thatthe ably upon thi bond ls @ nal sum, and a8 such the CCommoneath tans an interes in Suen guaran, which interest may not be afectes by bankrupt, ineolvency, ‘ther nail incapacty of te Principal on the bond unt less of uch ably as provided bythe aw Page sors Ful payment shal be made under the bond wih 30 cays of cet of he Departments declaration of frere bythe uray. ‘The surety may cance the bond by sanding writen note of cancelation othe Department and he pinion ‘he bond only under the fotowing canons: ‘The notice of cancoiaon shall be Sent by enses mai, retun recip requested. Cancelation may not tke ‘fect unt 120 days ater receipt of te notice of cancelation by the Deparment and the pina on the bond a6 levenced by return recip Wien 30 cays ater receipt of 9 notice of cancelation, the Pincpal shall provide the Deparment with 3 ‘placement bond 3s defined y he aw. if the Principal als to submit replacement bond acceptable to he Department within tn 80 day perio, tne Departnen wil sue a noe of voto tothe Pinal vequing hat the bond be replaced iin 30 day othe netic ef iaton. ihe bond snot replaced within te 30 day period, the Deparment may ese a ‘cessation order fr permits of he Principal an related parties, and hereter take action at maybe appropiate, Fale ofthe Principal to submit 2 replacement bond wihin 30 days alr the notice of volton const.tes rounds for otro the bond, an oer bonds submited bythe Pani under the law, Ihe Deparment declares the bond forte beore the expation fhe 120 day paid, he noice of cancelation i land vod Pages o6 FURTHER, te principal andthe surety agree hat hel ably hereunder shal nt be impr or alec by, (ajany renewal or estnson of he tine for perfomance ef ary ofthe pewslon, conten or obligations upon which this bond is conioned or (bjany forbearance or delay in declaring this bond to be fore orn enforcing payment cn this bond. The suey hereby walves any right to vero parorm the obgations ofthe pencil upon the principals def Provided however, thatthe Deparment may. 8 witing, authorize the suey fo cover such defaulted obigaions ithe Department determines thats a he Deparment interest to do, FURTHER, the Surety apres that any collateral held by Has security for ts eemnfleton wth expe to his bond is eld bythe Suey as a trust on behalf of he Deparment o assure the lables an edigatons secured by this bond wil be performed, fufled and compied with, The Suey hereby agrees that, upon it cassaton in business, insolvency or bankrupcy, al of ts gh, We anintrestin such colsterl shall mmc vest inthe Department such that ne Deparment has fl onership there. FURTHER, the Principal and the Surety agree that ther laity hereunder shall nat be impaired or acted by, (ajanyreneval or extension ofthe time for performance of any of the provisions, condtins rebgatens yp which bis bond is condoned or (bjany forbearance or delay in declan this bond to be free xn enforcing payment on bis FURTHER, te Deparment reserves the right to require addon bonding Kom the Pini, a prove bylaw hich shall bea supplement to and augment he bond aby provided herein, The Department may release ining, a potion ofthe ameunt of lebity proves oti bon fr paral completen ofthe provisions, conditions and obigations ‘sssumed by the Principal erin, a may be authorized by the law, an such amount released shal be crest upon the total amount ofthis bond. Nothing herein shal tor preclude the Department fom seeking to enforce any remedy, in sation ote free of is bond, which may be auhorzed o provided by la. Page sot IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the principal and suety have hereunto se he hands and seas, ntening tobe legaty bound hereby tis ay of Principat Fa TORT ‘te Corporate Sea Her: Ast or ness: SS Ta Fara TRT TSR T ET ™r aT Fa RoR ae rr sur Af Corporate Seat er: ‘ost or witness: Rata rena aaa ra RivaTType Name) - ‘Fri Type Name and They == ar Pennsylvania Resident Age ara “proved forthe Daparinen Ta TI Sa TAT Pages of

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