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the hot, topical freezine

|  Volume 1  |  Issue 1  | |  09 September 2009 

Oceans just as warm 1000 years ago- study on the

NEW YORK, SEP 2 - A new 2,000-year-long recon-
NZPA/Ross Setford
struction of sea surface temperatures (SST) from
the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP) suggests that
temperatures in the region may have been as warm
during the Medieval Warm Period as they are today.
The IPWP is the largest body of warm water in
the world, and, as a result, it is the largest source of
heat and moisture to the global atmosphere, and an
important component of the planet’s climate. Cli-
mate models suggest that global mean temperatures VAN CRASHES
are particularly sensitive to sea surface tempera- Obama czar pinged
tures in the IPWP. Understanding the past history
of the region is of great importance for placing cur- Page 5
rent warming trends in a global context.
The study is published in the journal Nature.
In a joint project with the Indonesian Ministry
of Science and Technology (BPPT), the study’s
authors, Delia Oppo, a paleo–oceanographer with
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and her
colleaguesYair Rosenthal of Rutgers State Univer-
sity and Braddock K. Linsley of the University
at Albany-State University of New York, collected
sediment cores along the continental margin of ICE PICKS
the Indonesian Seas and used chemical analyses Forecasters wrong
to estimate water past temperatures and date the Page 3
sediment.The cruise included 13 US and 14 Indo-

CO2 effect overrated - study

nesian scientists.
“This is the first record from the region that has
really modern sediments and a record of the last
two millennia, allowing us to place recent trends
in a larger framework,”notes Oppo. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, AUG, - A new peer-reviewed scien- years only, a figure far short of that used by the UNIPCC.
Global temperature records are predominantly tific study has blown apart UNIPCC claims about the length The UNIPCC has published conflicting figures, with its
reconstructed from tree rings and ice cores.  Very of time CO2 remains in the atmosphere. most widely-read documents suggesting as residence time
little ocean data are used to generate temperature Global warming action sites are claiming the humble mol- in the atmosphere of between 50 and 200 years. However,
reconstructions, and very little data from the trop- ecule stays present in the air for up to 1,000 years, meaning the buried in the fine print of the first IPCC report is scientific
ics.“As palaeoclimatologists, we work to generate GHG emissions this past century would have massive ongoing data suggesting only a four year residence time, which NOT BRIGHT
information from multiple sources to improve climate impacts.Yet a study just published in the American is much more closely in agreement with the new study.. Germans loathe CFLs
confidence in the global temperature reconstruc- Chemical Society’s peer-reviewed journal, Energy & Fuels, “This further supports the conclusion that global warm- Page 5
tions, and our study contributes to scientists’efforts suggests claims of a long CO2 active life are rubbish. ing is not anthropogenically driven as an outcome of com-
towards that goal,”adds Oppo. Professor Robert Essenhigh’s study reveals the various iso- bustion. The economic and political significance of that
Story continues here topes of CO2 linger in the atmosphere for between five and 15 conclusion will be self-evident,”reports Essenhigh

Global warming ‘much less certain’ now

LONDON, New Scientist, Sep 4 - Britain’s New because it’s written by journalist Fred Pearce, one of of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at Kiel the latest climate data is simply not supporting
Scientist magazine has thrown the global warm- the most prominent and vocal advocates of human- University, Germany.“However, we have to ask the claims of current catastrophic warming. Instead,
ing cat amongst the pigeons, with a major article caused global warming theory in the British media. nasty questions ourselves or other people will do it.” there are clear signs of a cooling trend - naturally
suggesting “Forecasts of climate change are about “People will say this is global warming disappear- The New Scientist report calls the latest devastat- caused - that appears to be overriding any impact
to go seriously out of kilter. One of the world’s top ing,” New Scientist quoted a top researcher’s address ing announcement “bad timing - the UN’s World from greenhouse gas emissions.
climate modellers said Thursday we could be about to 1500 of his senior climate colleagues gathered Meteorological Organization called the conference The computer models had all predicted increas-
to enter one or even two decades during which tem- in Geneva for a major UN climate conference this in order to draft a global plan for providing“climate ing temperatures as a result of rising CO2 levels, but
peratures cool.” month. services”to the world”. they have not eventuated.
The article has greater credibility in this case “I am not one of the sceptics,”insisted Mojib Latif The problem is, regardless of “bad timing”, that
Continued on P2
09 September  2009

the UN wants up to US$1.2 trillion a year

GENEVA (DPA) - Calling the currently allocated the Indian Ocean, is largely considered one of the would be challenging, as foreign aid already lags
funds“woefully inadequate”, a new United Nations prime examples of how the climate has shifted. behind promises of the developed economies.
report released Tuesday says rich countries should The government there is already considering “Governments can mobilize huge resources.We’ve
send US$500 to 600 billion dollars a year, and pos- moving populations out of the country, which could seen it in the financial crisis,” said Kozul-Wright,
sibly up to double that, to poorer nations for mitiga- find itself under water within several decades due estimating that 11 trillion dollars were spent so far
LONDON, Sep. 9 (dpa) - The European Union (EU) is to
offer 15 billion euros (21.7 billion dollars) in aid a year tion and adaptation to climate change. to rising sea levels. “to stop the bankers from going out of extinction.”
to help poorer countries cope with the effects of climate The World Economic and Social Survey for 2009 The islands’tourism industry, the main economic In his mind, governments should not hesitate to
change, the Financial Times said in a report published says a global investment programme is needed to sector, would find it next to impossible to cope with allocate large funds quickly to save the planet from
Wednesday balance economic growth with envi- serious damage. He also compares
The newspaper described the amount as “modest” ronmentally sustainable development the dangers of climate change to fas-
and said it could set “the stage for a fight” before a plans reliant on clean energies. cism, saying that if the greatly pricey
crucial international conference on climate change in “Developing countries will have to Marshall Plan was meant to ensure a
Copenhagen in December. adapt without it damaging their growth,” peaceful and prosperous Europe after
Rich and poor nations have traded recriminations said Richard Kozul-Wright, the head World War II,similar thinking should
over the key question of how much money developed of development strategy at the UN,who define the climate debate.
countries should contribute to developing nations such was in Geneva to launch the report. The question of the funding goes
as China and India to help them adapt to and limit In an interview with the German deeper than just whether poor countries
global warming. The paper said British Foreign Secretary Press Agency dpa, he said markets will be able to cope with the changes.
David Miliband had warned that there was “real danger” alone cannot pull off the feat required Without allocating the resources,
that the Copenhagen talks would “not reach a positive and governmental - and inter- gov- say observers of the lead-up to the
outcome,” the paper said. ernmental - plans are the only policy Copenhagen meeting in December
“There is an equal danger that in the run-up to shifting mechanisms that can ensure on striking a deal to cut emissions,
Copenhagen people don’t wake up to the danger of economic success while reducing developing nations would likely not
failure until it’s too late,” he said. greenhouse gas emissions. sign on to an agreement.
The paper also quoted Connie Hedegaard, the Danish Part of the plan,says Kozul-Wright, Kozul-Wright said the poor cannot
minister hosting the Copenhagen conference, as saying would include steps emerging coun- make massive and expensive changes
that the negotiations were “definitely moving too slow.” tries should be making no matter the climate situa- the water levels. without help.While renewable energy saves money in
“People are ducking themselves down and arguing tion,including branching out their markets to become The funding for the up to 600 billion dollars - the long run, the initial costs would be unaffordable.
still the same way they have been for three or five or more diversified and also less reliant on exports. dubbed a Marshall Plan for the climate- would have The new report was launched in middle of a five
seven or 10 years,” she said. “For some of the most affected by climate change, to come from rich countries.The UN is asking for 1 day World Climate Conference in Geneva focused on
According to the Financial Times, the Commission’s it would be very difficult to diversify,” admitted per cent of the global gross domestic product to be cooperation and information sharing, being hosted
proposal, overseen by Stavros Dimas, the European Kozul-Wright. put into adaptation. by the World Meteorological organization, a scien-
environment commissioner, aims to break an impasse The Maldives, a range of nearly 2,000 islands in However, UN officials say getting the money tific arm of the UN.
between developed and developing countries.
It pegs developing countries’ total climate change
needs at about 100 billion euros per year by 2020.
Up to half of that would be covered by governments, “Some of the climate scientists gathered in
according to the proposal, with EU member states Geneva,”writes Pearce in New Scientist,“admitted
covering up to 30 per cent, or 15 billion euros, and the that... natural variability is at least as important as The UK Hadley
the long-term climate changes from global warm- Centre’s Vicky
US contributing up to 24 per cent, or 12 billion euros.
Pope: ‘ice loss in
ing.“In many ways we know more about what will recent summers...a
happen in the 2050s than next year,”said Vicky Pope product of natural
from the UK Met Office. cycles rather than
“Latif predicted that in the next few years a natu- global warming’.
ral cooling trend would dominate over warming
caused by humans. The cooling would be down to
cyclical changes to ocean currents and tempera-
tures in the North Atlantic, a feature known as the
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).”
The article signalled a major “break”with what
it calls “climate-change orthodoxy”by highlighting
Latif’s comments that ocean oscillations“were prob-
ably responsible for some of the strong global warm-
ing seen in the past three decades”. phase.” dramatic Arctic ice loss in past full New Scientist report, follow
“But how much?”,Latif is quoted asking.“The jury The article also has the UK years may have nothing to do the link below.
is still out...The NAO is now moving into a colder Met’s Vicky Pope admitting with global warming. For the Story continues here

India not impressed at warming claims

By Willie Soon and David Legates increase its per-capita energy consumption to pro- lakes. The lack of refrigeration and safe drinking NAP concluded. The report also noted that aver-
vide a minimally acceptable level of wellbeing to its water means millions suffer from severe diarrhoea, age Indian temperatures have increased only 0.4
WHAT DOES the Bill and Melinda Gates Foun- people,” the Indian government’s National Action and countless thousands die annually. Open heat- °C over the past century, while cooling trends can
dation think about carbon dioxide (CO2)-induced Plan on Climate Change (NAP) declared. Moreover, ing and cooking fires cause lung infections that kill be found in northwestern India and parts of south
global warming? “We don’t think about it,” Bill a stronger economy and increased living standards thousands of infants, children and mothers, year India. Himalayan glaciers grew to their maximum
Gates said during last year’s Engineers Without will reduce the vulnerability of poor families to after year. Poverty is rampant, education minimal. ice accumulation about 260 years ago, according
Borders International Conference. On another extreme weather events and climate change, natural Given these realities, can you explain why certain to the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, and
occasion, he told Newsweek magazine:“The angle or man-made. rich and famous people and media outlets are fix- their well-known retreats began as Earth warmed
I’ll look at most is …What about the 4 billion Over 400 million Indians remain energy- ated on“preventing”CO2-induced global warming? following the 500-year-long Little Ice Age---not
poorest people? What about energy and environ- deprived, impoverished, and reliant on wood, grass Why they obsess over computer-generated scenarios because of human CO2 emissions.
mental issues for them?” and animal dung for heating and cooking. When of climate disasters a century from now? Why they Even the computer-generated “threat” of sea
The question, however, is not simply a matter the sun goes down, their lives shut down. India’s blame every weather incident and disease outbreak level rise does not match reality. Researchers from
of re-prioritising limited resources. More funda- per-capita CO2 emissions are roughly one twentieth today on global warming, when the Earth has been the National Institute of Oceanography at Goa
mentally, the scientific case for catastrophic global of the United States, one-tenth of the EU, Japan cooling for at least five years? observed that sea levels in the north Indian Ocean
climate change from increased atmospheric CO2 and Russia, and a quarter of the world average. Can you understand why, in the next breath, they rose an average 1.1 to 1.8 millimetres per year (4.3-
is substantially flawed. Even under rosy economic growth scenarios, India’s oppose the construction of natural gas and coal- 7.1 inches per century).That is slightly lower than
The Indian government also recognises the need future per-capita CO2 emissions will remain far fired power plants that could generate enough elec- the 7 inches per century global average---and way
to put real, immediate, life-and-death problems below those in most developed countries. tricity to reduce the poverty and disease? And then below Al Gore’s scary“prediction”of 20 feet by 2100.
ahead of speculative risks 50-100 years from now- Without electricity, people must live at subsist- oppose nuclear and hydroelectric facilities, as well?
--and base the country’s health and prosperity ence levels.What little they can manufacture must As to climate science, there are no clear indica- Story continues here
on energy, economic and infrastructure develop- be done by day, by kerosene lamp and by hand. tions that rising CO2 levels are changing the weather Willie Soon is an astrophysicist at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
ment, full employment, and diseases and poverty Women and children spend hours every day collect- in ways or degrees that haven’t been observed in past David Legates is a climatologist at the University of Delaware.
eradication. ing firewood, squatting in filth to make dung patties, centuries and cycles. There has been no change in
“It is obvious that India needs to substantially and carrying infected water from distant rivers and trends for large-scale droughts, floods, or rain, the Copyright 2009, Pragati
NEWS 2009
09 September  3

Sun has big climate influence

BOULDER, COLO., SEPT. 1 (UPI) -- U.S.-led sci- cycle, how can it drive major changes in weather
entists say the solar cycle, Earth’s stratosphere and patterns on Earth?
oceans work in sync to produce global weather pat- The answer, the study fond, has to do with the
terns. sun’s impact on two seemingly unrelated factors
The researchers, headed by the U.S. National -- chemicals in the stratosphere and the Pacific
Center for Atmospheric Research, said their find- Ocean’s surface temperatures. The interaction,
ings will help in predicting the intensity of certain said the scientists, can intensify winds and rainfall,
climate phenomena, such as the Indian monsoon change sea surface temperatures and ultimately
and tropical Pacific rainfall, years in advance. influence global weather.
An international team led by the National Center With the help of increased computing power and
for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., used improved models, as well as observational discover-
more than a century of weather observations and ies, we are uncovering more of how the mechanisms
three powerful computer models to tackle one of the combine to connect solar variability to our weather
more difficult questions in meteorology: if the total and climate, Gerald Meehl, a NCAR scientist and
energy reaching Earth from the sun varies by only the study’s lead author, said.
0.1 percent during the approximately 11-year solar The research appears in the journal Science.

Eurocrat calls for

global CO2 tracking
of individuals
ALERT: German Climate Advisor ‘proposes cre- the models’)
ation of a CO2 budget for every person on planet!’ Climate Depot Editor’s Note: Schellnhuber is
Climate Reparations: ‘West would give back part of the not alone advocating these types of CO2 proposals.
wealth it has taken from the South in the past centuries’ The movement to control personal CO2 “budgets”
By Marc Morano  –  Climate Depot is growing internationally. Here are a few recent
EXCERPTED FROM a September 4, 2009 article 1) Flashback May 2009:‘He who controls carbon
in the German newspaper Der Spiegel. The inter- controls life. It is a bureaucrat’s dream to control
view was conducted by Christian Schwägerl and carbon dioxide’

Ice melt predictions not

the article was titled: ‘Industrialized Nations Are 2) Flashback 2008: ‘Personal carbon trading
Facing CO2 Insolvency’ scheme’:‘Every adult in UK should be forced to use
Der Spiegel Excerpts: Hans Joachim Schellnhu- ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs - Excerpt: Everyone

so hot in Arctic
ber, the German government’s climate protection would be given an annual carbon allowance to use
adviser, argues that drastic measures must be taken when buying oil, gas, electricity and flights -- Anyone
in order to prevent a catastrophe. Schellnhuber is who exceeds their entitlement would have to buy
proposing the creation of a CO2 budget for every top-up credits from individuals who haven’t used up
person on the planet, regardless whether they live their allowance. [...] The influential Environmental
in Berlin or Beijing. [...] Audit Committee says a personal carbon trading By Anthony Watts
Schellnhuber: Humankind has to limit itself to scheme is the best and fairest way of cutting Brit-
emit only fixed amount of carbon into the atmos- ain’s CO2 emissions without penalizing the poor. McIntyre made his own prediction two weeks
phere until 2050. [...] Because the industrialized 3) Flashback Jan. 2009: NYT: California Seeks STEVE MCINTYRE on Climate Audit brings our before this report was published saying:
nations have already exceeded their quotas if you Home Thermostat Control - Excerpt: The conceit attention to an interesting sea ice extent forecasting 2009 is now slightly behind 2008. My pre-
take into account past emissions. [...] With the cur- in the 1960s show“The Outer Limits”was that out- “contest”conducted by the Study of Environmental diction is that 2009 will end up over 500,000
rent output you see that Germany, the US and other side forces had taken control of your television set. ARctic CHange (SEARCH). With the end of the sq km behind 2008.
industrialized nations have either already used up California, state regulators are likely to have the Arctic melt season likely just a few days away, it His wording is a bit confusing, but what he means
their permissible quota, or will do so within the next emergency power to control individual thermostats, appears that the experts have a lack of forecasting is that the final number will likely be about 5.15
few years. [...] The industrialized nations are facing sending temperatures up or down through a radio- skill for the subject they are experts in. million square kilometers.
CO2 insolvency.This means that they have to notch controlled device. SEARCH writes: As Steve McIntyre writes:
up their efforts to reduce climate change, otherwise 4) Flashback May 2009: Eco-Nanny Pelosi:‘Every We received 13 responses for the Septem- That prediction didn’t look all that great
they will use up the CO2 budget actually designated aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory’ ber Outlook based on July data (Figure 1). a couple of weeks later, but right now it looks
to poorer countries and future generations. 5) Flashback Jan. 2009: Princeton Physicist Dr. Estimates for September sea ice extent are pretty much right on the money.As of today,
Question: So industrialized nations would have to Will Happer invokes Orwell’s ‘1984’ novel in Sen- in a narrow range (4.2 to 5.0 million square 2009 is 470,000 sq km behind 2008 and the
pay massive sums of money? - Schellnhuber:Yes. Up ate testimony: Excerpt:“This brings to mind an kilometers), as were the Outlooks based on chances of 500,000 seem pretty realistic.
to €100 billion ($142 billion) annually. If the rich- Orwellian pronouncement that is worth pondering: May and June data.As the submitted uncer- That my guess was so close was due more to
est sixth of the world’s population were to pay this ‘But if thought corrupts language, language can tainty standard deviations are about 0.4 good luck than acumen, but there were some rea-
amount, each person would have to pay €100 per also corrupt thought.’ CO2 is not a pollutant...we million square kilometers, most of these Out- sons for it. Canada has some exposure to northern
year.The West would give back part of the wealth it should not corrupt English language by depriving look expected value estimates overlap. All weather and it has been a cool summer here and
has taken from the South in the past centuries and ‘pollutant’ and ‘poison’ of their original meaning” sea ice extent estimates for September 2009 very cool in northern Ontario. 2008 had not been
be indebted to countries that are now amongst the 6) Sept. 2009:‘Only way to seriously reduce the are much lower than the past climatological as big a melt as 2007 and presumably there was
poorest in the world. It would, however, have to be human contribution of CO2 is utilizing full extent of 6.7 million square kilometers. presumably a bit more two-year ice in 2009 than
ensured that the poorer nations use the money for coercive power of each nation state and UN to Here’s the SEARCH graph (Figure1 PDF in 2008. While 2008 and 2009 were about even at
the proposes it is intended -- namely to help them enforce Draconian laws and regulations on lifestyles available here) showing forecasts from several the time, the trajectories looked different and it
to develop a greener economy. [End article excerpt] of every human being on this planet’ well known Arctic experts and organizations. seemed to me that 2009 might stabilize at a higher
Czech physicist Dr. Lubos Motl, formerly of 7) Flashback July 2009: Gore: U.S. Climate Bill I’ve added the most recent available data, the level than 2008.
Harvard University, reacted to Schellnhuber’s Will Help Bring About ‘Global Governance’ September 6th ice extent from IARC-JAXA of And yet in early/mid August, these factors didn’t
Co2 personal “budget”proposal by citing tyranni- Related Links: 5,345,156 square kilometers in magenta for a cur- seem to be on the minds of the official agencies
cal movements of the past.“What Schellnhuber’s UN Scientist:African Nations Rebelling at ‘meas- rent reference. since, as noted above, EVERY official agency sub-
has just said in the interview with Der Spiegel, is ures to use climate change to maintain colonialist While we can’t be certain what nature will reveal stantially over-estimated the melt.
just breathtaking and it helps me to understand master-servant relationship’ – August 27, 2009 as the final number, it is likely that the end number Back in early March 2009, I asked WUWT read-
how crazy political movements such as the Nazis Reparations:Africa seeks climate change cash... will end up somewhere between 5.1 and 5.25 million ers what they thought the 2009 Arctic sea ice extent
or communists could have so easily taken over a demands billions in compensation for ‘damage square kilometers.What is most interesting is that it would be....
nation that is as sensible as Germany,” Motl wrote caused by global warming’ - August 24, 2009 appears that all of the Arctic experts overestimated
on September 6, 2009. (Also see: Schellnhuber ‘once Climate ‘Reparations’: ‘Should Global Warming the amount of melt back in August, using July data Story continues here
co-authored paper saying climate models are flawed ‘Rogue’States Pay Reparations For Climate Change as a forecast basis.
and that ‘global warming is also overestimated by Caused?’ - June 12, 2009
A devastating exposé of the global warming
industry, and its plans to raid your wallet

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warming” was not, is not, and will not
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“The new religion is merely an

excuse for world government. World
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democratic government. The “global
warming” debate is not really a debate
about climatology - it is a debate about

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“This book is brilliant...the best I have seen”

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09 September  2009 ANALYSIS 5

Obama’s radical Green ‘czar’ scalped

LOUDON: When Jones was appointed “Green jobs Czar”in
March 2009 at the White House Council on Environ-
“JONES’ mental Quality,Trevor got serious. His first article
RESIGNATION about Jones’ communist connections appeared on
April 6, prompting me to file a series of Freedom
IS A BLOW FOR of Information Act requests into the question of
THE LEFT AND who recommended and hired Jones. I reported the
A VICTORY FOR results, which amounted to Obama Administration
stonewalling, in an August 25 column.
FREEDOM, BUT Loudon explains how relatively easy it was to
IT IS ONLY THE ascertain the basic facts about Jones:“It didn’t take
more than a few keystrokes to realize that STORM
BEGINNING IN was very influential in the San Francisco Bay Area
UNMASKING A and had ties to both the Cuban and South African
Communist Parties. Jones’ group-and particularly
WHOLE SERIES Jones himself-had ties to two former Weather
OF WHITE HOUSE Underground supporters-Jon and Nancy Frap-
RADICALS pier and the Bay Area branch of the Committees
of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.
HAPPY NEW YEAR sPEciAl gifts WitH subscRiPtioNs

Jones was the keynote speaker at a CCDS fundraiser

in Berkeley as late as February 2006.”
Saint or Sinner? This Bay Area branch of the CCDS is basically the

January 2009:
the unauthorised
biography of Barack
same“alliance”of former Weathermen, 60s Maoists
Hussein Obama: and modern communists who supported Obama in
Who is he, really?

Obama – the unauthorised biography • Youth Crime • Bond of Brothers

Chicago, Loudon explains.
Explaining more of the connections, Loudon goes
PHOTO: Jane Tyska/Oakland Tribune/MCT on,“Two of Jones’Bay Area radical friends, Betita
Martinez (a former Maoist and CCDS member) and
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (a former Maoist and one-
The Blogger Who Nailed Jones Loudon blogs at  A time Weatherman supporter), served on the board
AIM Column  |  By Cliff Kincaid  |  compilation of his most important articles on Jones of Movement for a Democratic Society, along with
September 7, 2009 can be found here. Youth Crime
What does it say about our society? Weather underground leaders Mark Rudd and Ber-
Loudon tells me,“I began to investigate Van Jones $7.99 January 2009
nardine Dohrn.”
A Bond Of Brothers
Issue 96

IF THE VAN JONES RESIGNATION is blamed on after seeing several separate pieces of information. Two men, separated by destiny
He adds, “Obama’s old friend Bill Ayers was
his statements about Republicans and 9/11, a great I first came across the name in the mid 1990s in also involved, as were leaders of CCDS, including
lesson will have been lost.As we argued in a previous a New Zealand socialist publication which had a Click on the magazine cover to read Angela Davis, who works with several Bay Area
column,“It’s the communism, stupid.”If people don’t small clip about Van Jones-a Yale educated lawyer Loudon’s Investigate story STORM alumni, leaders of the Communist Party
recognize the dangers of having a communist in the involved in STORM-Standing Together to Organize USA, Democratic Socialists of America and several
White House, then the nature of the scandal will a Revolutionary Movement.The name stuck.” fellow leftists’concerns at some of Obama’s so-called Institute for Policy Studies trustees and personnel,
not have been understood. Blogger Trevor Loudon While researching the far-left think Institute for “moderate”or“conservative”appointments, mostly including E. Ethelbert Miller, Barbara Ehrenreich
of New Zealand broke the story on April 6 and has Policy Studies (IPS), which Loudon considers the in the economic realm. Rudd declared: and Bill Fletcher Jr. The last two are members of
some thoughts on what happened and where this Obama administration’s“ideas bank,”Loudon found “Obama plays basketball. I’m not much of an Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and found-
story is heading. a piece by IPS staffer Chuck Collins recommending athlete, barely know the game, but one thing I do ers in 2008 of Progressives for Obama.”
His main point is that Van Jones and Barack Van Jones for a top government job. A September know is that you have to be able to look like you’re Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to
Obama share the same Marxist ideology and back- 26, 2008 article, posted on the IPS website by Chuck doing one thing but do another.That’s why all these 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chi-
ground. Obama, however, is more careful and clever. Collins, offered 22 names they thought would make conservative appointments are important: the strat- cago branch of the DSA. Our February 14, 2008,
There’s an old saying,“If you don’t know where suitable appointments for an Obama administra- egy is feint to the right, move left.Any other strategy AIM Column,“Obama’s International Socialist Con-
you’re going, it doesn’t matter which road you take.” tion. He included,“Van Jones, of the Ella Baker invites sure defeat. It would be stupid to do other- nections,”explains all of this.
As Trevor Loudon argues, Jones and Obama know Center, to direct the Commerce Department’s new wise in this environment. Now that Jones has resigned, Loudon says that
precisely where they’re going.And the Jones resig- ‘green jobs initiative.’” “Look to the second level appointments.There’s a “the focus needs to go on who hired him and why an
nation doesn’t mean that Obama will take a detour Remember that this was before the election. whole govt. in waiting that [John] Podesta has at the easily identifiable communist revolutionary with a
from the road that he wants to take the country “I researched Jones again at that point and found Center for American Progress.They’re mostly pro- police record could serve as a presidential adviser.”
on. Indeed, as Loudon explains, they are both on he was a fellow at the Center for American Progress,” gressives, I’m told (except in military and foreign He explains,“The Obama administration boasted
the same road. Loudon says, referring to the George Soros-funded policy). Cheney was extremely effective at control- of its extreme vetting procedures, so I find it
The development of the scandal, which was seized entity. ling policy by putting his people in at second-level unlikely that if a blogger from New Zealand could
upon by World Net Daily, Glenn Beck and other Then a few days after the election he found a positions.” identify Jones as a communist militant that the
media outlets and personalities, began in Loudon’s statement from former Weather Underground ter- Podesta was co-chair of the Obama-Biden Transi- White House didn’t know.”
research into the existence of communist networks. rorist leader Mark Rudd, who was trying to ease tion Team. Story continues here

Germans stockpile incandescent lightbulbs

HAMBURG (DPA)- With a ban on energy-wasting told the Die Welt newspaper. She said customers “Elderly people in particular are worried about the sumed being used for light production. The rest is
incandescent light bulbs in the European Union were opting for king- sized packages of 60 or more changes.” given off as heat.
taking effect this month, anxious German consum- bulbs which would probably last them for years. The EU ban adopted in March is seen by many Writing in the left-leaning taz daily newspaper,
ers have stocked up on the traditional lamps. Ironically, Max Bahr has just finished refurbish- German consumers as a trick by the manufacturers columnist Bernward Janzing criticised the appar-
Hardware stores up and down the country are ing its lighting department in time for the low- to boost their profits by replacing the universally- ent German loathing for energy- saving light bulbs:
reporting a massive increase in sales of the electric energy light bulb era but it seems many customers cheap incandescent bulbs with more expensive “The whole thing is very emotive. People who stock
light bulb perfected by American scientist Thomas are not interested:“My eyes are not as good as they energy- saving ones. up on these light bulbs feel as if they are rebelling
Edison 130 years ago. used to be and I find these energy-saving lamps are Critics say the newer fluorescent (CFL) bulbs against authority but actually they are displaying
There are numerous instances of hoarding, or useless for reading,” said one man in his early 50s, are not bright enough and give off a colder, less- an inability to cope with change.”
what the Germans call “hamster buying,” by wor- browsing the shelves. comforting light.They claim the CFLs are slow to European consumer sales statistics meanwhile
ried consumers as retailers gear up to stop selling The phasing out of traditional light bulbs is set power up and flicker more often, causing headaches. indicate that enthusiasm for the old-fashioned light
the old lamps in favour of greener, energy-saving to take place in stages: First to go from September There are worries too about possible radiation bulb may be a purely German phenomemon.
fluorescent bulbs.The move is in line with EU plans 1, 2009 are the 100-watt bulbs followed by all kinds and the correct disposal of the small amounts of Overall light bulbs sales in Germany shot up by
to save energy. of frosted glass incandescent bulbs, high- powered mercury which the bulbs contain. 17 per cent in the first quarter of 2009 compared
Some customers have been buying supermarket halogen lamps and low-efficiency fluorescents. The EU says energy-saving lamps will cut annual to the Netherlands where they sank by 34.5 per
trolleyloads of the regular 100-watt light bulbs By the end of 2012 all the 75 watt and 60 watt CO2 emissions in Europe by 15 million tons and cent. Sales of light bulbs were down in Britain over
which will soon no longer be available. incandescent bulbs will have vanished from the experts agree that consumers who switch to energy- the same period too (minus 22.5 per cent) and in
“It really is amazing. Sales of 100-watt bulbs in shops too. saving lamps stand to save hundreds of euros (dol- France where 8.6 per cent fewer citizens invested
our Hamburg stores have gone up by 337 per cent,” “We’ve seen a lot of hoarding,”Ulrike Neugebeuer lars) a year in electricity costs. in new light sources.
Simone Naujoks, a spokeswoman for the Max Bahr who runs a electrical retailers in the town of Bad After all, the incandescent lamp is a proven cli- Click here to read more on the mercury dan-
chain of hardware stores in the northern port city Schwalmbach near Wiesbaden, told ZDF television. mate-killer, with only 5 per cent of the power con- gers posed by broken energy-saver bulbs
ANALYSIS 6 U.S.: 202-383-6064
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09 September  2009
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By Eric Rosten
Fredericksburg (Va.) Free Lance-Star
is.Carbon is the story of life (itself!):what science over
the past couple of centuries has revealed about it.
CO2 emissions past and present Today, Earth’s
Global warming theory suggests increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere atmospheric CO2
About 20 percent of you is carbon.About 80 percent enhance the greenhouse effect and contributes to global warming. In addition to natural CO2 sources, concentration is
modern society has increased CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. estimated to be
WASHINGTON - Alfred Hitchcock filled his movies of your DNA is carbon. Life on Earth is a great story, around 37% above
with suspense by picking some object of life-or- even though we’re uncertain how it begins and ends. Pre-industrial Today the pre-industrial
time Deforestation More CO2 escapes into the
death consequence - microfilm, documents, ura- The carbon atom, the most“sociable”of the elements, Decomposition
atmosphere instead of being converted into
nium-filled wine bottles - and setting his characters is the fastest way to learn the most about everything Volcanic
oxygen through plant photosynthesis

in pursuit. The great director had a nickname for larger than a nucleus and smaller than a planet. eruptions Burning/ Burning of
forest fire fossil fuels
this plot-driver: the MacGuffin. The funny thing Think about this the next time you skip past an Coal, petroleum
is, as long as his characters found the MacGuffin article about“carbon emissions,”“carbon footprints,” Respiration (industrial)
Animal, people,
something to kill for, Hitchcock never particularly or“carbon regulations.”Have you ever wondered why vegetation breath
in oxygen and
cared what the consequences were. leaves are green, why cars go and airplanes fly, how breath out CO2 Exhaust
Too often the media treat topics of great national pharmaceuticals work or don’t,and what makes dia- fumes

import as MacGuffins, the things that politicians monds sparkle? If you’ve ever wondered about how
are fighting over this week - though it never seems most anything works, carbon is a valuable point of
to matter what thing or what week. Our national entry into the conversation,a lowest common denom- animal
storytellers never particularly care what the con- inator for organizing much scientific knowledge. agriculture
sequences of“it”are. In the last 150 years or so, but mostly in the last
CO2 particles, per million particles
Case in point: Senators will return from their sum- few decades, scientists have identified nearly 50 mil- ripping “carbon”from the context of life on Earth becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible
Global atmospheric CO2 concentration
mer recess and are expected to consider a climate- lion different kinds of stuff (molecules). This stuff and humanity’s
rise, then we are both leaving our- for a human creature to become.The torpor of his
Dramatic change coincides with the start of the industrial revolution (mid 1800s), when burning
change bill similar to the one the House narrowly is made up of combinations of atoms. And there selves ofignorant andofmissing
large quantities fossil fuelsabecame
terrific yarn. Primo
a prominent mind
feature in global renders him not only incapable of relishing or

passed in June.The policy would gradually reduce are just 92 kinds of naturally occurring atoms: the Levi wrote,“The number of (carbon) atoms is so bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of
U.S. carbon emissions by adding a price to polluting chemical elements. A reasonable guess would be great that
300 one could always be found whose story conceiving any generous, noble, or tender
Data derived from ice cores Present sentiment.
day ”
that commodifies its potential social cost. Judged by that these atoms mix and match pretty evenly to coincides with any capriciously invented story.” As proprietors and employees we thrive by hon-
the steady ticker of news headlines this year - Wall produce those 50 million kinds of stuff. But they Consequence No. 2 demands attention because ing high-demand skills for our own benefit. As
Year 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
Street bonuses! Health care! Climate change! - it don’t: Of those 50 million molecules, all but 100,000 the gee-whiz, science-is-neat, nature-is-beautiful citizens, we thrive together by substantively con-
Source: The Visual Guide to Understanding Climate and Environment, Mauna Loa Observatory, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Earth System Research Laboratory
would be reasonable to conclude that “carbon” is or so contain carbon. argument doesn’t work for everyone. So we turn to fronting present and future threats to the Republic.
Graphic: Elsebeth Nielsen, Morten Lyhne © 2007 MCT

just another in a series of media MacGuffins. This The story of carbon has fallen through the yawn- economics, the heart of the neoclassical paradigm, But because we’re overspecialized - and busy, to
is to our universal impoverishment. ing cracks between scientists, who see it as so mun- Adam Smith himself. boot - we have too little context for framing these
Never mind the serious risks posed by climate dane and obvious that, well, they don’t even see it, By treating carbon as a policy-debate MacGuf- complicated civic risks.
change, and the difficulties we have in addressing and everyone else, who are made uneasy by thoughts fin, rather than as a central character itself, we are To adapt a line from a non-Hitchcock thriller:
them. Instead, think about this:What are the con- of high school chemistry or who write it off as the coming close to tripping Smith’s admonishment “Follow the carbon.”As the Master of Suspense
sequences of narrowly depicting “carbon”as “trou- “Star Trek”cliche of human beings as“carbon units.” that an economy of atomized people may lose sight might agree, it makes a heck of a story.
blemaker,”as the MacGuffin we chase to move the Or who tragically think it’s just the ephemeral rea- of the big picture. Division of labor, he wrote, drives
climate-change story forward? son we need an ephemeral climate bill. economic growth by encouraging skills develop- ABOUT THE WRITER
There are two main consequences here.The first is Instead of being a policy-world boogeyman, car- ment and efficiency. But too much specialization Eric Roston is author of “The Carbon Age: How Life’s Core Element
that we have become blind to something much bigger, bon is the most important word that people under- erodes the system’s overall health. Has Become Civilization’s Greatest Threat.” He writes
the greatest detective story of all time. It’s not a tale stand the least, a portal into how life persists and He wrote:“The man whose whole life is spent in for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke
of murder - not yet - but whatever the reverse of that empires rise. If we conduct the climate conversation performing a few simple operations ... generally University. Readers may send him e-mail at .

Forecasting Earth’s temperature

By David Whitehouse factors together into a time series is quite simple natural. However, looking at the observed range of check for well over a decade - in fact forcing a tem-
Via CCNet (indeed there is nothing complicated about any of natural variants, and their uncertainties, one could perature standstill of duration comparable to the
the papers looking at future temperature trends) make a case that the AGW component, which has recent warming spell.
THE RECENT SPATE of scientific papers that are though in the actual research paper there is not only possibly shown itself between 1980 - 98, is not At least the predictions from the various papers
attempting to predict what the earth’s temperature enough information to follow through their cal- a required part of the dataset. Indeed, if one did not are testable. Lean and Rind (2009) predict rapid
might be in the coming decades, and also explain culations completely. have in the back of one’s mind the rising CO2 con- warming. Looking at the other forecasts for near-
the current global temperature standstill, are very El Nino typically produces 0.2 deg C warm- centration and the physics of the greenhouse effect, future temperature changes we have Smith et al
interesting because of the methods used to analyse ing, volcanic aerosols 0.3 deg C cooling on short one could make out a good case for reproducing (2007) predicting warming, and Keenlyside et al
temperature variations, and because they illustrate timescales, solar irradiance 0.1 deg C (I will come the post 1980 temperature dataset with no AGW! (2008) predicting cooling.
the limitations of our knowledge. back to this figure in a subsequent post) and the Natural variations dominate any supposed AGW At this point I am reminded that James Hansen
Recall that only one or two annual data points IPCC estimate of AGW is 0.1 deg C per decade. component over timescales of 3 - 4 decades. If that ‘raised the alarm’ about global warming in 1988
ago many scientists, as well as the most vocal ‘cam- It should also be noted that natural forces are is so then how should be regard 18 years of warming when he had less than a decade of noisy global
paigners,’ dismissed the very idea that the world’s able to produce a 0.5 deg C increase, although over and decades of standstills or cooling in an AGW con- warming data on which to base his concern. The
average annual temperature had not changed in the a longer period.The 0.5 deg C warming observed text? At what point do we question the hypothesis amount of warming he observed between 1980 and
past decade. Today it is an observational fact that between say 1850 and 1940 is not due to AGW. of CO2 induced warming? 1988 was far smaller than known natural variations
can no longer be ignored.We should also not forget The temperature increase since 1980 is in fact Lean and Rind (2009) look at the various fac- and far larger than the IPCC would go on to say
that nobody anticipated it. Now, post facto, scientists smaller than the rise seen between 1850 - 1940, tors known to cause variability in the earth’s was due to AGW during that period. So whatever
are looking for an explanation, and in doing so we approx 0.4 deg C.This took place in less than two temperature over decadal timescales. They come the eventual outcome of the AGW debate, logically
are seeing AGW in a new light. decades and was followed by the current stand- to the conclusion that between 2009-14 global Hansen had no scientific case.
The main conclusion, and perhaps it’s no surprise, still. A fact often overlooked is that this recent temperatures will rise quickly by 0.15 deg C - faster There are considerable uncertainties in our
to be drawn about what will happen to global tem- temperature increase was much greater than that than the 0.1 deg C per decade deduced as AGW understanding of natural factors that affect the
peratures is that nobody knows. due to the postulated AGW effect (0.1 deg C per by the IPCC. Then, in the period 2014-19, there earth’s temperature record. Given the IPCC’s
The other conclusion to be drawn is that without decade). It must have included natural increases will be only a 0.03 deg C increase. They believe estimate of the strength of the postulated AGW
exception the papers assume a constantly increasing of a greater magnitude. this will be chiefly because of the effect of solar warming, it is clear that those uncertainties are
AGW in line with the increase of CO2.This means This is curious. If the recent temperature stand- irradiance changes over the solar cycle. Lean and larger than the AGW effect that may have been
that any forecast will ultimately lead to rising tem- still, 2002-2008, is due to natural factors counter- Rind see the 2014-19 period as being similar to observed.
peratures as AGW is forever upward and natural acting AGW, and AGW was only a minor com- the 2002-8 temperature standstill which they say
variations have their limits. But there is another ponent of the 1980 -1998 temperature rise, then has been caused by a decline in solar irradiance References:
way of looking at the data. Instead of assuming an one could logically take the viewpoint that the counteracting AGW. Lean and Rind 2009, Geophys Res Lett 36, L15708
increasing AGW why not look for evidence of it in increase could be due to a conspiracy of natural This should case some of the more strident com- Smith et al Science 2007, 317, 796 - 799
the actual data. In other words let the data have factors forcing the temperature up rather than mentators to reflect. Many papers have been pub- Keenlyside et al 2008, Nature 453, 84 - 88
primacy over the theory. keeping the temperature down post 2002. One lished dismissing the sun as a significant factor in
Lean and Ride try to isolate and analyse the cannot have one rule for the period 2002 - 2008 AGW. The gist of them is that solar effects domi- CCNet is a science policy network edited by Benny Peiser. To
various factors that affect decadal changes in the and another for 1980 -1998! nated up to 1950, but recently it has been swamped subscribe, send an e-mail to <>
temperature record; El Nino, volcanic aerosols, solar Lean and Rind estimate that 73% of the tem- by AGW. Now however, we see that the previously (“subscribe CCNet-News”)
irradiance and AGW.Their formula that links these perature variability observed in recent decades is dismissed tiny solar effect is able to hold AGW in
09 September  2009 WORLD 7


Sea just as warm 1000 years ago

Temperature reconstructions suggest that the warming during the late twentieth century, are also -- approximately 3 cm/yr -- which makes it hard to The overall similarity in trend between the
Northern Hemisphere may have been slightly cooler observed in the IPWP. overlap sediment record with instrumental record Northern Hemisphere and the IPWP reconstruc-
(by about 0.5 degrees Celsius) during the ‘Medieval  “The more interesting and potentially contro- and compare that record to modern temperature tions suggests that that Indonesian SST is well cor-
Warm Period’(~AD 800-1300) than during the late- versial result is that our data indicate surface water records,”says Oppo.“That’s what is different about related to global SST and air temperature. On the
20th century. However, these temperature recon- temperatures during a part of the Medieval Warm this study. The sediment accumulates fast enough other hand, the finding that IPWP SSTs seem to
structions are based on, in large part, data compiled Period that are similar to today’s,”says Oppo. NH in this region to give us enough material to sample have been approximately the same as today in the
from high latitude or high altitude terrestrial proxy temperature reconstructions also suggest that tem- and date to modern times.” past, at a time when average Northern Hemisphere
records, such as tree rings and ice cores, from the peratures warmed during this time period between The team generated a composite 2000-year temperature appear to have been cooler than today,
Northern Hemisphere (NH). Little pre-historical A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1250, but they were not as warm record by combining published data from a pis- suggests changes in the coupling between IPWP
temperature data from tropical regions like the as modern temperatures. Oppo emphasizes,“Our ton core in the area with the data they collected and Northern Hemisphere or global temperatures
IPWP has been incorporated into these analyses, results for this time period are really in stark con- using a gravity corer and a multi-corer.  Tubes on have occurred in the past, for reasons that are not
and the global extent of warm temperatures dur- trast to the Northern Hemisphere reconstructions.” the bottom of the multi-corer collected the most yet understood.“This work points in the direction
ing this interval is unclear.As a result, conclusions Reconstructing Historical Temperatures recently deposited sediment, therefore enabling the of questions that we have to ask,”Oppo says.“This
regarding past global temperatures still have some Records of water temperature from instruments comparison of sea surface temperature information is only the first word, not the last word.”
uncertainties. like thermometers are only available back to the recorded in the plankton shells to direct measure- The US National Science Foundation and the
Oppo comments,“Although there are significant 1850s. In order to reconstruct temperatures over ments from thermometers. WHOI Ocean and Climate Change Institute pro-
uncertainties with our own reconstruction, our the last 2,000 years, Oppo and her colleagues used a Oppo cautions that the reconstruction contains vided funding for this work.
work raises the idea that perhaps even the North- proxy for temperature collected from the skeletons some uncertainties. Information from three dif-
ern Hemisphere temperature reconstructions need of marine plankton in sediments in the Indo-Pacific ferent cores was compiled in order to reconstruct The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a private, independ-
to be looked at more closely.” Ocean. The ratio of magnesium to calcium in the a 2,000-year-long record. In addition sediment ent organization in Falmouth, Mass., dedicated to marine research,
Comparisons hard outer shells of the planktonic foraminifera Glo- data have an inherent uncertainty associated with engineering, and higher education. Established in 1930 on a recom-
The marine-based IPWP temperature recon- bigerinoides ruber varies depending on the surface accurately dating samples.The SST variations they mendation from the National Academy of Sciences, its primary mission
struction is in many ways similar to land tempera- temperature of the water in which it grows.When have reconstructed are very small, near the limit of is to understand the oceans and their interaction with the Earth as a
ture reconstructions from the Northern Hemisphere the phytoplankton dies, it falls to the bottom of the the Mg/Ca dating method.  Even in light of these whole, and to communicate a basic understanding of the oceans’ role
(NH). Major trends observed in NH temperature ocean and accumulates in sediments, recording the issues, the results from the reconstruction are of fun- in the changing global environment.
reconstructions, including the cooling during the sea surface temperature in which it lived. damental importance to the scientific community.
Little Ice Age (~1500-1850 AD) and the marked  “Marine sediments accumulate slowly in general More Questions to Answer Back to the front page
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09 September  2009 SPORT 9

Time for Silver Ferns to step up: Taumaunu

By Cathy Walshe of NZPA court combination,”she told NZPA. posal tomorrow, with perhaps the most likely involv-
She conceded there could be “consequences” if ing more court time for Bowden.
Wellington,Aug 28 NZPA - There will be no back- the game plan didn’t work, but said the long-term The Tactics midcourter, who stepped up her
ward step from the Silver Ferns as they front up for benefits of getting it right outweighed any disad- game a notch over the trans-Tasman league after
tomorrow’s final game in Auckland against a World vantages. an uncertain international season last year, could
7 netball team that have already comprehensively Taumaunu wouldn’t be drawn on names, but said earn a start at wing attack tomorrow.
outplayed them twice. in terms of strategy, the Silver Ferns would try to With George at centre and Langman back at
Beaten 44-48 in the first test on Monday against keep ball speed up and move away from a holding wing defence, the combination could provide the
the composite team of current internationals midcourt game. Silver Ferns with enough drive to prevent a series
and former stars, the Silver Ferns’ first-quarter In the first test in Wellington, Liana Barrett- whitewash.
disintegration in the second test in Rotorua on Chase started at wing attack,Temepara George at Taumaunu said the mood in the New Zealand
Wednesday left them with no chance of levelling centre while Laura Langman reverted to her more camp had picked up over the last day.
the series. favoured wing defence position. “It’s not nice to lose -- no-one sets out to lose
Trailing 7-15 after 15 minutes, the New Zealand- The combination struggled to find any sort of like that. But we’ve done our analysis, watched the
ers regrouped and managed to stem the haemor- rhythm, but was given plenty of time to gel before videos, talked about it and the girls look a little
rhage of goals to eventually concede the match Maree Bowden replaced Barrett-Chase for the final happier now.”
44-53. quarter. She said one positive aspect of Wednesday’s
Silver Ferns coach Ruth Aitken and assistant In Rotorua, Aitken started with the same mid- game was the improvement in New Zealand’s circle Silver Ferns are playing for a lot more than just
Waimarama Taumaunu acknowledge that a lack of court which opened two days earlier but was forced defence, as new captain Casey Williams and Joline pride at Waitakere’s Trust Stadium.
consistency, poor communication and a high error into wholesale changes after 15 minutes. Henry lifted their game noticeably. There are five matches next month against
rate have meant their team have performed nowhere Barrett-Chase was benched, George moved from Retention of turnover ball was also better than world champions Australia, followed by the inau-
near potential. centre to wing attack and Langman shifted from on Monday,Taumaunu added, but problems with the gural world series in Manchester in October.A test
But Taumaunu said today that now was not the wing defence to add drive at centre, and replaced Silver Ferns’ centre pass had not improved, which against England, and two against Jamaica soon
time ease back and play conservatively. by new cap Larrissa Willcox. was a concern. after, conclude a hectic international calendar for
“We’re going to persevere with trying a new mid- Aitken has a range of combinations at her dis- While the World 7 series is beyond salvage, the the Silver Ferns.

Hunter-Galvan denies intent, banned for 2 years

By Daniel Gilhooly of NZPA With New Zealand still basking in the glow of to do this but we’re not naive,”he said. 2008 Games in Beijing. On both occasions she suc-
another world championships gold medal to shot “We don’t imagine that our athletes aren’t cessfully appealed her omission, basing her case
WELLINGTON, AUG 28 NZPA - A positive drugs putter Valerie Vili last week,Athletics New Zealand exposed to this at most major international com- last year on a personal best time of two hours 30
test for New Zealand Olympic marathon runner (ANZ) chief executive Scott Newman dreaded the petitions and I guess some will be tempted for some minutes 39 seconds set in Amsterdam.
Liza Hunter-Galvan has brought opprobrium from negative news that was always coming after Hunter- reason. She placed 51st at Athens and 35th at Beijing.
the athletics community but provided an important Galvan’s B-sample tested positive in June. “In this case Liza was tempted and we’re incred- The six-time San Antonio marathon champion
reality check, according to the sport’s boss. “The only feeling really is disappointment, ibly disappointed about that.” was 39th at the 2005 world championships and did
United States-based Hunter-Galvan was handed because she’s let so many people down,” Newman Newman admitted it came as a major surprise to not finish at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in
a two-year suspension after becoming the first New told NZPA. he and his organisation when informed that Hunter- Melbourne.
Zealander to test positive to the use of banned sub- “Everybody is incredibly annoyed. Some of the Galvan’s A-sample had returned positive at a Los In February 2007 she earned headlines for
stance erythropoietin (EPO). chat groups I’ve seen already, there are athletes say- Angeles lab in May. another reason. She was involved in a motor acci-
The Sports Tribunal of New Zealand announced ing how disappointed they are. So she’s let the sport “Particularly that is was EPO, it’s quite signifi- dent that left her eldest daughter,Amber, 11 at the
the ruling today, at the completion of a five-month down in this country.” cant. time, in a coma with a serious head injury from
process that began with an out-of-competition test New Zealand’s robust reputation will be tarnished “It seems to be one of the `in’ drugs around the which she recovered.
conducted at her San Antonio home on March 23. but Newman hopes an excellent drug-free record world at the moment and for one of our athletes to Hunter-Galvan’s suspension begins on May 29,
The 40-year-old teacher and mother of four will still be acknowledged internationally. be taking EPO came out of the blue. the date of her provisional suspension following
admitted to taking EPO three times, in February It is 11 years since the last positive test for an elite “Usually it’s marijuana or your asthma-type the failed B-sample test.
and March this year, the last dose just three days New Zealand athlete. Russian-born pole vaulter drugs, there’s a slip-up now and then. S he and her lawyer yesterday contended in a
before her positive test. Denis Petouchinski was found to have used banned “But EPO isn’t something you take by chance.” phone teleconference with the Sports Tribunal that
She told the Sports Tribunal she then stopped steroid stanozolol and was stripped of his Kuala Controversy has followed Hunter-Galvan, who her suspension should begin on her testing date, two
taking the drug, which promotes the growth of red Lumper Commonwealth Games silver medal shifted from Auckland to the United States as a months earlier.
blood cells to improve endurance, because of side Newman said the Hunter-Galvan outcome would teenager to take up an athletics scholarship. However, Drug Free Sport NZ successfully argued
effects such as headaches and stomach and chest send a crucial message to New Zealand athletes. She was left out of the initial athletics squad for that she had not shown the “prompt”admission of
pains. “It’s very sad that one of our elite would choose both the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and the her guilt needed to backdate the ban until then.

Sharapova’s US open seeding hit by ASB winner

NEW YORK (DPA) - The three-year Grand Slam
seeding dominance of Roger Federer and Rafael
Nadal has been broken by Andy Murray as the new
British world number two takes the second spot at
the US Open starting Monday.
With top seed Federer back on his number one
ranking and Nadal down to third, the pair has still
been drawn into the same half at Flushing Meadows.
“I played great in Cincinnati,”said Federer, who won
that title last weekend handily over Murray.“I hope
things can go well at the Open.”
Federer begins his campaign for a sixth consecu-
tive title at the event, where he last lost in 2003,
playing unknown American wild card Devin Brit-
ton after today’s draw.
Murray starts with Latvian Ernests Gulbis, billed
as a name to watch a few seasons ago but still to
fulfill potential.
Nadal will provide a huge opening test for return-
ing Frenchman Richard Gasquet, who will be play-
ing on the Tour for the first time since April 30 after pencilled in for a possible quarter-final with Nikolay 167 teenager who won her lone Grand Slam match from nearly a year of shoulder worries, and a loss last
proving his innocence in a suspected doping case. Davydenko, while Murray could renew his rivalry in the Paris first round last spring. week to ASB Classic winner Elena Dementieva .
Gasquet crashed out of qualifying last weekend with Argentine Juan Del Potro in the last eight. Holder Serena Williams starts with compatriot Belgian Kim Clijsters, who lifted the trophy in
in New Haven, denying himself match play before In women’s play, Russian Dinara Safin takes the Alexa Glatch, while third-seeded sister Venus plays 2005 a year before Sharapova, continues her come-
the year’s final major. top seeding and opens against a wild card in the Vera Dushevina. Former champion Maria Shara- back to tennis that began this month as she plays
Federer, bidding for a 16th Grand Slam title, is shape of Australian Olivia Rogowska, the number pova has a modest 29th seeding as she comes back Viktoriya Kutuzova of Ukraine.
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09 September  2009 WEEKEND 11

  TV & Film 

District 9
nCast: Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope,
Vanessa Haywood
nDirector: Neill Blomkamp
nLength: 112 min.
nRated: R (bloody violence, pervasive
strong language)

This might go down as the year that science-fiction cinema,

despite the deafening crash and clangor of sparring robots,
began to rediscover its brains, heart and soul.

The way WWII might have ended...

In “Moon,” Sam Rockwell gives a stellar performance as
a lonely lunar worker sinking ever deeper into despair and
possible delusion. Now comes “District 9,” an impressively
eye-popping yet cannily intelligent blast of social commen-
tary from first-time features director Neill Blomkamp that
Inglourious Basterds Tarantino frequently seems to be testing how In fact, he plays himself in the big movie produced may be remembered as a classic of the form.
nCast: Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Daniel much he can get away with.The answer: a lot. by propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels (Sylvester When aliens arrive in a derelict ship that hovers over
Bruhl, Melanie Laurent Pitt plays Raine as a caricature, a fast-talking, Groth). Johannesburg, seemingly blotting out half the sky, neither
nDirector: Quentin Tarantino slow-chewing, unsophisticated Tennessee hillbilly. A famous German actress (Diane Kruger) the heady promise of beneficial first contact nor the har-
nRated: R for strong graphic violence, Likewise, Martin Wuttke is all sputtering and over- works undercover with the Americans. A Brit rowing prospect of ruthless invasion are realized. Instead,
language and brief sexuality; some dia- acting as the Fuhrer himself. officer (Michael Fassbender) is assigned to work it’s discovered that those on board are not diplomats or
logue in French and German with subtitles Odder still, there’s virtually no character devel- with Raine’s scalp-takers. Eli Roth (the director of soldiers but refugees of sorts, malnourished, frightened
nLength: 2:33 opment. The various personalities don’t grow or “Hostel”) is “the Bear Jew,”particularly feared for and confused.
n change - they’re as frozen as flies in amber. his practice of using the heads of captured Nazis Not knowing what to do with them, the government
Yet it works. The scenery chewing is offset by for batting practice (his colleagues carry guns; he (through an organization called Multi-National United or
Quentin Tarantino’s“Inglourious Basterds”may be several solidly grounded performances.The incon- has a Louisville Slugger). Pay attention and you MNU) brings the aliens - who look like bipedal crustaceans
the most inventive, outrageous film of the year, a gruous musical choices and unusual casting - Mike may even hear over a radio the voice of Tarantino - into the city yet separate them from humans by forcing
Hebrew revenge fantasy in which Jewish comman- Myers in a straight role as a stuffy British intelli- regular Harvey Keitel. them to live in District 9, which soon turns into a sordid
dos bring WWII to an abrupt end by targeting the gence officer - are countered by the realism of many So effective is Tarantino’s high-wire act that 2.5 shantytown. However, distrust and disgust seem to be the
German high command. of the scenes. For every excess, an element grounds hours fly by.There may be little that’s profound or only feelings humans and aliens have for each other, so
That isn’t the way the history books tell it, but the story in the plausible. meaningful in “Inglourious Basterds,” but as pure MNU builds a new, more remote facility, District 10.
after seeing this overripe wonder you may prefer To the extent it has a plot, the film centers on entertainment it has few peers. Enter Wikus Van de Merwe (Sharlto Copley), a good-
Tarantino’s take. the efforts of the Basterds to wipe out the entire WHAT’S IN A NAME? natured yet middling MNU corporate hack who nabs a
Though it features among its players Brad Pitt Nazi hierarchy at the premiere of a new propaganda Though he borrowed the title, Quentin Tarantino high-level promotion, no doubt thanks to his well-placed
and several excellent European actors,“Inglourious” film at a Paris cinema. Their plan is to infiltrate did not base his“Inglourious Basterds”on the 1978 father-in-law. His new job: overseeing the eviction and relo-
hasn’t any real stars. as members of an Italian film making crew with Italian war film“The Inglorious Bastards,”a sort of cation of aliens from District 9 to District 10.
Or rather, the only star that matters is the man explosives beneath their tuxedos. In other words, “Dirty Dozen”clone. But Wikus is in way over his officious head. The day turns
behind the camera. Jewish suicide bombers. What’s with the peculiar spelling? In one brief into an orgy of ineptitude and violence. To make matters worse,
From the very first frame with its crashing spa- Unbeknown to the Americans, the cinema’s shot we see “Inglourious Basterds”carved into the he has accidentally ingested an alien substance, an action that
ghetti Western music and opening words - “Once blonde owner (Melanie Laurent), a Jew passing as stock of the rifle carried by backwoods Tennessean leads him to see the world through the eyes of his captives.
upon a time in Nazi-occupied France ...”- this movie gentile, is working on her own plot and has filled Aldo Raines (Brad Pitt).Apparently Raines is spell- Although analagous to the real-life events of apartheid-
is about a filmmaker strutting his stuff. the building with highly flammable reels of aging ing challenged. era District 6 in Cape Town - in which 60,000 people
Tarantino daringly sets the tone from the outset celluloid. “Bastard,”Tarantino told the New York Times, were forcibly removed from the city centre and placed in
with a 20-minute scene at a kitchen table between Subplots swirl.The lady cinema-owner is wooed “sounds like it has an ‘e.’”As for “Inglourious”? “I the dusty Cape Flats - “District 9” speaks to contemporary
slickly affable SS officer Hans Landa (a scene-steal- by a German sniper (Daniel Bruhl) whose Sgt. can’t tell you stuff like that. It’s a movie thing.” times where much of the world, through war, famine, or
ing Christoph Waltz) and a nervous French farmer. York-like exploits have made him a national hero. - Robert W. Butler despotism, is on the move, seeking refuge.
Like a cat toying with a quivering rodent, Landa But “District 9” is no dry exercise in social studies. Pro-
politely asks for a glass of milk, makes small talk, duced by New Zealand’s Peter Jackson (“The Lord of the
lights his pipe and eases into the reason for his visit Rings” trilogy), the film turns into a full-blown action film,
- to track down a local Jewish family that has eluded perhaps too much so by the end. Yet, it’s savvy in its use
capture. of technology - the aliens feel as authentic as any of the
“Inglourious Basterds”is being sold as an action humans - without being overwhelmed by it.
film (and there is some truly horrifying yet weirdly South African-reared/Canadian-based Blomkamp,
comical violence here ... remember“Pulp Fiction”?), whose 2005 “Alive in Joburg” short subject provided the
but most of it is like this opening sequence - long basic premise for this film, veers between documentary
conversations that unfold in real time. and narrative styles in “District 9” without ever being jarring.
In the hands of almost any other filmmaker we’d Though the movie could’ve been set anywhere and made
grow weary of all this talk, talk, talk. But Tarantino its same points, that it takes place wholly in urban Africa
fashions each encounter like a one-act play filled and is peopled solely with black and white South Africans
with subtle shifts in emphasis and packed with - unusual for a movie aimed at a mainstream global market
ever-changing dynamics. Even when the topic is - make “District 9” completely original.
benign, something sinister always lurks just below But what keeps the film anchored most in reality is Cop-
the surface. ley who, in what is his first feature as well, turns in a per-
The misspelled “basterds” of the title are a unit formance that is both riveting and moving. Like Rockwell’s
of Jewish GIs recruited by taskmaster Aldo Raine character in “Moon,” Wikus discovers a depth of humanity
(Pitt) for a special job.They’ll parachute into Europe he never knew he had precisely at the time when humanity
and terrorize the enemy by killing without mercy may be turning its back on him.
and scalping the dead. “District 9” is not without its flaws. Still, Blomkamp has
Raine hates the “NAT-zees” and proclaims:“We created a unique universe that, like the best science fiction,
will be cruel to the Germans.” takes us to a world we’ve never seen while reflecting a world
And cruel they are, becoming the bogeymen of we all know too well. 
every schnitzel-eater’s nightmares. By Cary Darling
REVIEWS 12 09 September  2009


God’s rocker
Ex-Korn guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch brings his
newfound love for God to concerts

By Sue Nowicki
McClatchy Newspapers

MODESTO, CALIF. - Brian “Head”Welch was rid-

ing high as a founding member and lead guitarist
of Korn - raking in millions of dollars each year,
partying with the rich and famous, travelling the
world on tour, married to a beautiful wife with a
precious daughter.
But there was the pit beneath the literal high,
a daily addiction to crystal meth, including see-
ing his wife also get hooked and running off with a
two-strike felon, hearing his bandmates bickering
over music and personalities, and becoming a single
dad with a young daughter who began singing the
band’s lyrics,“All day I dream about sex.”
“I put those words there, and my angel was sing-
ing it,”Welch said.
He tried rehab, but said he couldn’t kick the habit.
Then a friend took him to a church where he heard
about the redeeming power of a life with Jesus. He
said that power helped him kick his drug habit and
become a better dad.
In 2005,Welch shocked the music world and his
Korn bandmates when he walked away from the
multiple platinum and two-time Grammy-winning
group. For the next few years, he lived on money
socked away from his years with Korn and the roy-
alties that followed. In 2007,Welch came out with
a book, followed in 2008 with a new album, both
titled “Save Me From Myself.”This year, he hit the
road with a new band.
Expect the kind of heavy-metal rock music that
put Korn on top of the charts, but with lyrics that
showcase Welch’s change in values. The music and
TOP: Les Paul is transported from Mitchell International Airport on the Gibson Bus to the Downer Theater where the PBS
message won’t be soft, he said, but it will be real. documentary Les Paul Chasing Sound is premiering. Paul arrived for two days and nights of activities, including a concert at
The 39-year-old Bakersfield, Calif., native spoke the age of 92. The legendary Les Paul invented the solid body electric guitar which has become the Gibson Les Paul. May 9,
recently from Phoenix, where he lives with his 11- 2007. GARY PORTER/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/PSG). BOTTOM: 93-year-old guitarist Les Paul responds to a rousing greet-
year-old daughter, Jennea. Here’s what he had to ing from the audience prior to playing a benefit concert Saturday, June 21, 2008 at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, Wis. Mark
Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/PSG
say about his life, his faith and his music:
Q:What was it like growing up in Bakersfield?
A: I was kind of a quiet kid.When I was younger,
I was pretty close with my parents. But my mom
and dad had some problems, so I liked to go in my
room and do music. I got picked on a lot when I
was in junior high school. I was chubby, and I just
couldn’t fight. I poured myself into my music with
all that stuff going on.
Q:When did you start playing the guitar?
A: I was 10 years old. I remember listening to my
parents’eight-track tapes - Queen and Billy Joel. I
wanted to play drums because I liked the beat. But
my dad talked me into playing the guitar because it
was quieter. I started with beginner lessons, then I
figured stuff out on my own. I guess I was born with
a good ear. I took more advanced lessons when I got
to the electric guitar later on. Q: How did you rediscover God? Q:You have a whole bunch of tattoos.Are they all Q:What have you learned about God in the past
Q: Korn started with your Bakersfield friends, A:After my wife got hooked on drugs and took Christian images and words? four years?
didn’t it? off with those scary guys, I said I wouldn’t do A: I’ve got a Korn album cover on my left arm. A: So much. His mercy and grace - I make mis-
A:We started jamming in little odd bands around drugs any more. But after a couple of years, I I’ve got my daughter’s portrait on my arm. I’ve got takes all the time. I’ve got anger problems still, after
town when we were about 16.We would start bands started drinking with friends, and one of them some pictures of Jesus. I’ve got some Scripture on all these years. Sometimes the potty mouth comes
and break up and do that again until we graduated said he knew a dealer, and it happened so quick. there, too. I wasn’t hurting myself any other way, so out. It doesn’t matter what we do; it’s all about what
from high school.A few of the guys moved to L.A.and Once I started using crystal meth, I became an I was going to get some tattoos. I’m stopping for a God did with Jesus.You just try your best and he
started a new band.I moved there and they asked me everyday user. I took it when touring and used while because it hurts. takes care of the rest.
to join them.The band was called Creep.Then we got it at home. I tried to go to rehab and get clean. Q:Your music is still very heavy metal.What has Q:What has surprised you the most about God?
our lead vocalist,changed the name to Korn and it took As a last resort, I went to church with friends. changed from your years with Korn? A: How awesome he can communicate through
off about a year later. I was 22 when Korn started. The pastor said (God could help me). I thought, A:The lyrics are definitely different.There’s a pos- things. If you ask God to show you how to recognize
Q:When did you start doing drugs? I’ll just try it. I was at home in Bakersfield, and itive message in the songs. I get to share my heart. how he communicates, he will. He does it different to
A: I tried smoking marijuana when I was 8 years I felt like my heart was just changing. A couple I think I’m evolving to a certain sound. I think my everyone, so I don’t like to talk about it.A lot of peo-
old. One of my friend’s older brother smoked weed. of weeks later, I had the strength to throw away next album will be sort of different, but still on that ple don’t believe in it.They’re really missing out.
My friend stole a roach from him. Then I tried it my drugs. I felt so much love from God that I heavy edge. I kind of have a desire to have a different Q: Do you have a message for your old Korn fans?
again in high school, but I didn’t like it. So I started wanted it all the time. band name.We’ll see how it happens. A: I’m starting out new right now. My crowds are
drinking beer.Around 21, I tried meth one night and Q:What did you learn from your Korn years? Q:What’s the most important thing in your life? 200-600 people, so it’s nowhere near what we used
got pretty bad hooked with it.Three of the guys in A: A lot. I learned about the touring business. A: Relationship with God all the way, and my to have with Korn. I wouldn’t mind them coming
the band were doing it pretty bad.We quit when we About the music business. Life lessons. I learned that daughter.That’s it. Everything falls into place after to check me out. I still love them, and I’m just glad
got signed. It crept back into my life for the next everything comes with a price and (the rich, famous that. It’s a personal relationship; I’m not some sort I’m alive. I was heading down fast.You can’t do those
10, 11 years. I got into cocaine a little bit.Vicodin. I life) is not what everyone thinks.True happiness for of wing nut. People thought I was a nut for a long type of drugs every day and not eat properly. I would
stayed away from heroin and things people die from. me can only come from God and realizing how much time. My (Korn) fans hated me, but I didn’t care. I have been dead by now if I hadn’t stopped.
But drinking beer was my main thing. he loves me and everyone else on the earth. was in la-la land over here with God.
09 September  2009 REVIEWS 13

Ursa Major The Kennedys
0Third Eye Blind
0Sony inspired eloquence
True Compass
Even after six years, it seems 0Edward M Kennedy
front man Stephan Jenkins 0Twelve (544 pages,)
hasn’t spent enough time away
from Third Eye Blind. Come- The words are what woos us. The words written such as “The Pleasure of His Company”(1966) by
back album “Ursa Major” is just about Ted Kennedy and the rest of the Kennedy family pal Paul B. Fay and “Johnny, We Hardly Smart retirement is
as much a product of his strug- family, and the words spoken and written by the Knew Ye” (1972) by Kennedy aides David F. Pow-
gles with writer’s block as were its repeated delays. family members themselves.The words that come ers and Lawrence O’Donnell launched a new genre: not an oxymoron
Retreads of his Californian trio’s sunny alt-rock from historians and hangers-on, from admirers and books that made dashing, debonair heroes out of the
tunes lack their predecessors’infectious hooks.Awk- skeptics, from novelists and songwriters, from cous- glamorous clan, casting them as American royalty. The Smartest Retirement Book
ward appeals to lesbians and rap stars abound.And ins and pundits and pals. But there were naysayers too, of course, and You’ll Ever Read
the instrumental closer“Carnival Barker”inexplica- The Kennedys are as much a literary phenom- those books also helped define the Kennedy legend. 0Daniel R Solin
bly aborts after less than 90 seconds, fading out just enon as a political one, a fact that President Barack Henry Fairlie’s eloquent, embittered“The Kennedy 0Penguin (272 pages)
as the pretty thing begins to coalesce. It’s hard to Obama seemed to acknowledge with his statement Promise” (1973) complained that the martyrdom
expect much from a band that was good only for its in the wake of Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. of John and Robert Kennedy had done neither “The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever
singles over a decade ago, but considering that“Ursa Kennedy’s death at 77 from brain cancer Tuesday: the Kennedys nor the country any favours. David Read” by Daniel R. Solin. Penguin Group. 272
Major’s” most salvageable song is the pleasantly “An important chapter in our history has come to Halberstam’s “The Best and the Brightest”(1972) pages.
modest“Monotov’s Private Opera,”maybe it’s time an end.” demonstrated how the most appealing elements I currently have no plans to retire. As long as I
for another break. Not scene. Not screen. Not moment. But “chap- of the Kennedys - radiant confidence, intelligence, still have most of my marbles, I’ll just keep working,
-Jakob Dorof ter.” self-assurance - could provoke the tragic conse- though I may eventually be forced to stop. This is
The Kennedy influence on our cultural life may quence of the Vietnam War. Even the criticism of highly unlikely (yeah right), but to be prudent I
Stefon Harris & Blackout have coincided with the rise of television and mod- the Kennedys by its fiercest detractors rings with ought to prepare for the possibility that my earn-
0UrbanUS ern media, but the essential narrative of this singu- a distinctive literary quality. ing days could end. I’ll need to look closely at what
0Concord lar American family has always made its way to us With Ted Kennedy’s death, a torch has been remains of my 401(k) and other savings so that the
in the form of literature. passed - and a page has been turned. funds will last at least as long as I do. Reading this
From the advent of what might be called the book is smart.
Vibraphonist Stefon Harris’ new CD is just the Kennedy era - the election of John F. Kennedy to the TED KENNEDY: THE LAST WORD Dan Solin’s previous entries in this series,“The
coolest Stevie Wonder album never made. It projects presidency in 1960 - it has come in a constant stream They can’t be separated. A book about any sin- Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read”and
a sly old-style funk and a gentle tunefulness that of words: the books and the magazine articles, the gle member of the fabled Kennedy family - most “The Smartest 401(k) BookYou’ll Ever Read,”were
intermixes electronic instruments with subtlety, as memoirs, the critiques, the shamelessly flattering notably Ted, John or Robert - always somehow ends clever, breezy guides to navigating through the
if Harris were cooking with just the right amount profiles and the vicious takedowns. up being about the rest of the family too. A group financial morass without getting hurt. Really, the
of herbs. And the words keep coming. The publisher of portrait seems inevitable. info contained therein would undoubtedly be suf-
“Gone,”Harris’riff on the Gershwins’“Gone, Gone Ted Kennedy’s memoir,“True Compass,”announced Some of these books are out of print, but readily ficient for anyone seeking to manage their finances
Gone”from“Porgy and Bess,”is a most relaxed meld- yesterday that publication will be moved up from available in libraries or through used-books sites through post-employment life. Still, the publishing
ing of pop and hip-hop, while“For October to Sept. 14. Earlier this year,“The Kennedy online. business being what it is, Solin was undoubtedly
You”finds Casey Benjamin sing- Legacy: Jack, Bobby and Ted and a Family Dream Non-fiction: encouraged to continue. And that’s fine. This new
ing 1970s style through the wavy Fulfilled”by Vincent Bzdek was published. -”Edward M. Kennedy: A Biography”(1999) by book gets into the basics of investment, stocks and
lines of a vocoder. Peter Frampton The Kennedys are a unique and astonishing US Adam Clymer. A solid, dependable chronicle of bonds in context with the present economic scene,
never sounded so good. family for many reasons - wealth, smarts, sky-high the man deflected from one grand destiny - the so reading the earlier volumes doesn’t mean that
The quintet, which occasion- ambition juxtaposed with lowdown scandal, a tradi- presidency - who settled for another one: master you won’t get anything out of this one.
ally is expanded with strings and woodwinds, tion of public service, good looks and breathtaking legislator. In fact, in addition to advice on retirement
unrolls a gentle take of Wonder’s 1974 tune tragedy - but what distinguishes them from other -Ted Kennedy:The Dream That Never Died (2009) accounts, Solin casts his wise eye and sharp pen on
“They Won’t Go (When I Go)” that doesn’t dis- remarkable families, what makes them resonate, by Edward Klein. Gossipy and shallow, but still other important subjects like reverse mortgages,
please. Jackie McLean’s“Minor March”juxtaposes are the words. For all the significance we ascribe to delivers an indelible picture of the senator’s late- age of social security distribution, prenuptial
a marchlike madness with a cooking jazz interlude. images, the real power resides in words. blooming, hard-won maturity. agreements for seniors, options and implications
Benjamin proves to be mean on alto here, too, and It was a lesson young John F. Kennedy under- -Last Lion: The Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy of delaying retirement, and the locally ubiquitous
the bandmates - keyboardist Marc Cary, bassist stood when he wrote his first book,“Why England (2009) by the Boston Globe staff.Written with clar- phenomenon of“senior seminars”involving a“free”
Ben Williams, and drummer Terreon Gully - are Slept”(1940), based on his undergraduate thesis at ity and balance, the definitive story of a legend by meal at a ritzy restaurant accompanied by a steam-
clean and pure. Harvard University. Later, as a senator, he wrote the hometown reporters who knew him best. ing side dish of potentially costly advice.
It’s rare for a top-flight jazz band to break it all “Profiles in Courage”(1955), which won the Pulitzer -Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye (1972) by David The best thing that Solin brings to the party is
down so amicably.The closing“Langston’s Lullaby,” Prize. Robert Kennedy also wrote books and sought F. Powers and Kenneth O’Donnell. An affection- his shrewd and skeptical approach to the art and
for Harris’son, sounds like Weather Report getting out authors as friends and mentors. ate, cheerfully biased memoir of the Kennedy science of investing. Have an account with a broker-
beautiful. The Kennedys understood the gravity and sig- presidency, including an engaging portrait of Ted age? Close it, he instructs.Those guys are just trying
-Karl Stark nificance of well-chosen words.As a clan, they were as a handsome, happy natural on the campaign to sell you stuff that you may or may not need in
often accused of embodying style over substance, trail. order to generate fees for themselves, not returns
Tito Puente but it was the substance of literature - the ability -The Lost Prince:Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy for you. And be sure to have a will that reflects
0Dance Mania of a phrase to go straight to the heart of an issue or (1969) by Hank Searls.Ted’s older brother Joe comes your current wishes so your heirs, not the state, get
0Sony historic moment in time, sealing it forever within alive in this poignant account of a patriot. whatever is left of your estate.You may not agree
a graceful cocoon of the perfect words - that they -The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys (1987) by with everything Solin writes (especially if you’re a
reached for, again and again, to make their mark Doris Kearns Goodwin. The author has admit- professional whose livelihood depends on fees), but
This reissue reintroduces us to on the world. ted that portions were swiped from other sources, there’s no question that his focus is on what’s best
percussionist Tito Puente’s best- At Robert Kennedy’s funeral in 1968, Ted but still a fascinating look at the complex family for individuals, not institutions.
selling recording. The two-disc Kennedy said, “My brother need not be ideal- tensions simmering inside Ted Kennedy and his Throughout, Solin writes clearly with style and
set from 1957 is full of the Latin ized or enlarged in death beyond what he was siblings. humour but stays on topic and doesn’t bloviate
dance craze that was coursing in life; to be remembered simply as a good and Fiction or pontificate excessively. He includes a number
through Manhattan’s Palladium decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, -Black Water (1992) by Joyce Carol Oates. Slen- of charts and other tools to figure out what to do
Ballroom at the time. saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and der but devastating dramatization of a handsome with your money so it grows into the amount you
Puente, who was born in Harlem of Puerto Rican tried to stop it.” senator and the pretty young woman doomed by will need to live on for the rest of your days. He also
parents and died in 2000 at 77, was an excellent And when his nephew, John F. Kennedy Jr., died in his negligence - and his appetites. includes a pretty clever bibliography that painlessly
leader who arranged well and played a plethora of 1999,Ted Kennedy said,“We dared to think, in that -American Adulterer (2009) by Jed Mecurio. presents his sources and offers options for further
instruments, from his signature timbales to piano, other Irish phrase, that this John Kennedy would Deliberately crafted to read like a psychiatrist’s case reading and investigation.
saxophone, and congas. live to comb gray hair. ... But like his father, he had study, the novel explores the sexual compulsions The only thing about this booked that bugged
The tempos here were likely a few clicks short every gift but length of years.” that bedevil a politician who very much resembles me was the brevity of each chapter - some about a
of his live performances. But they go down easily. To utter such words, one must understand how a John or a Ted Kennedy. page and a half. Seemed to me that in most cases,
The collection is full of great dance tunes as well much words matter. -America America (2008) by Ethan Canin. The several could have been neatly combined.This may
as muscular horn lines, ardent vocals, fierce solos, Many people grew up reading about the Kennedys, presidential hopes of“Sen. Bonwiller”are upended seem like nitpicking, but the narrative would have
and a consummately free spirit. Ray Barretto and and whether those readers loved them or resented by a drunken-driving accident in this saga about flowed a bit better and maybe a couple of trees could
Mongo Santamaria are two of the great musicians them, they kept on reading. social class, idealism and political expediency. have been spared in the process.
represented here. The hagiography started in the wake of President By Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune By Richard Pachter, The Miami Herald.
– Karl Stark Kennedy’s death in 1963, and never let up. Books
NEWSFOCUS 14 09 September  2009

Photos of Nancy and Philip Garrido, arrested yesterday, and

(centre), an identikit from 1991 of the woman seen bailing

The darkest secrets

a screaming 11 year old Jaycee Dugard into a car. (Photo:
Sacramento Bee/California Dept of Corrections)

Sex offender, wife, arrested for 1991 kidnapping

By Sam Stanton, Kim Minugh, Bill Lindelof and and other charges and each was being held in lieu Midwest, said her former husband had been a musi- Robinson, 38.“That girl would have been back with
Ryan Lillis of $1 million bail. cian and drug abuser and that she divorced him her family, no doubt.”
McClatchy Newspapers Dugard had not surfaced since the abduction, after he committed the Nevada rape and kidnap. But the El Dorado County undersheriff said it
despite all the fliers distributed over the years and “Last I heard, he found God,” she said.“He was would not have been that simple.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Jaycee Lee Dugard was despite the fact that a drawing of a suspect seen marrying a Jehovah’s Witness lady, somebody he Kollar described a collection of two tents, two
only 11 when she was snatched off the street in El driving away with the girl is a close likeness to Gar- met who visited in Leavenworth.” sheds, a shower and an outhouse hidden from the
Dorado County, Calif. For the next 18 years, she was rido’s wife, Nancy. Garrido maintained a blog that featured reli- rest of the world by a fence lined with trees, garbage
confined in a shed or a tent. The day she was taken, Dugard set off from her gious-themed writings, and neighbors in Antioch cans and an old dishwasher.
She never went to school. She never saw a doctor. home in Meyers to walk to her school bus stop. Each described him today as a mysterious man who rarely The only access was through a narrow gap in the
She never got a first date or went to a prom, and morning, she would check the clock on the micro- interacted with them. fence with a tarp hanging over it.
she bathed in a makeshift, outdoor shower in an wave at 8:05 a.m., then head off. Even more rare, they said, were glimpses of an The largest shed was 10 feet by 10 feet, and none
Antioch, Calif., backyard. On that day, as her stepfather, Carl Probyn, older woman they assumed was his wife and Garri- of the structures was higher than 6 feet, Kollar said.
Her closest human contact, police say, was with watched from the house, a car made a sudden U- do’s young children, whom some neighbours believe One of the sheds was soundproofed and could only
the 58-year-old convicted rapist who they allege turn and cut the girl off. Someone reached out and were home-schooled. be opened from the outside. Electrical cords were
kidnapped her, then impregnated her twice starting dragged her inside as she screamed. Not one neighbour said they ever saw Dugard. all that powered the structures.
when she was 14. Then she was gone. A few said Garrido’s mother lived at the home, too, The tents were situated to “isolate the victims
This morning, the person last seen as a little fifth- The day of the abduction, Phillip Garrido was and suffered from dementia. Neighbours reported from outside contact,” Kollar said,“as if you were
grader in a windbreaker and pink stretch pants was on parole, subject to stop by any law officer and to ambulances responding to the home several times camping.”
reunited with her joyful mother. Now 29, she is in searches and surprise visits at his home. in recent months. Parked in the backyard was a vehicle matching
good health, police say, except for the horror of what He had been convicted of federal and Nevada Many said they were aware that Garrido was a the description of the one involved in Dugard’s
she has endured. state charges in connection with a Nov. 22, 1976, registered sex offender and that they kept their abduction.
“Living in a backyard for 18 years does take its incident when he was 25 and kidnapped a woman distance. There was no evidence that any of the alleged
toll,”El Dorado County Undersheriff Fred Kollar from the Tahoe Basin, drove her to a warehouse “That’s all you can do, is steer clear,” said Betty victims ever left the compound before the 15- and
said. in Reno and sexually assaulted her. His attorney Unpingco, 52, who lives a few doors down. 11-year-old girls were spotted Wednesday on the
Authorities say she was taken by an Antioch cou- blamed the crime on Garrido’s five-year abuse of the Haydee Perry, 35, moved into her boyfriend Berkeley campus. Both of the young girls were born
ple, Phillip Craig Garrido and his wife, Nancy.They hallucinogenic drug, LSD, according to McClatchy Damon Robinson’s house, next door to Garrido, a at the house, Kollar said.
allegedly kept her in isolation in their backyard Newspapers archives. couple months ago. She’s visited Robinson’s home Dugard was likely taken straight to the home
without detection, despite the fact that Garrido is Garrido was sentenced to 50 years in federal for a few years and said she only saw one little girl in Antioch after she was abducted, Kollar said. As
on lifetime parole for kidnap and rape and subject prison and five years to life in Nevada prisons. But, living there. Perry estimated she was 11. far as investigators know, she never tried to make
to home visits by a state parole agent. after stints in federal prisons in Leavenworth, Kan., She said the girl was nervous, uneasy and “not contact with the outside world.
No one knew she or her daughters - now 11 and and Lompoc, as well as a Nevada state prison, he right.” “None of the children had ever gone to school.
15 - were there until this week. was released on lifetime parole in 1988. “It was not normal behavior,” Perry said.“She They’d never been to a doctor. They were kept in
The break in the case came when a police officer He was under federal supervision from 1988 until wouldn’t smile. She would just give this blank complete isolation in this compound,”Kollar said
at University of California-Berkeley became suspi- 1999, when California parole agents took over his stare.” Authorities say they still have DNA testing to
cious. case. “He had no parole violations,” corrections Perry didn’t know the little girl’s name but said complete, but that they have no doubt the 29-year-
Authorities said the officer spotted Garrido with Undersecretary of Operations Scott Kernan said. she looked very similar to the pictures of Dugard on old woman is Dugard.And they were certain enough
two children on campus, where Garrido apparently “He was compliant with his conditions of parole.” television, with light skin and blonde hair. to break the news to the family before it became
had gone to distribute religious-themed literature, State corrections officials said Garrido had The little girl reportedly told Perry that she had public.
a frequent hobby of his. been on “passive”GPS monitoring since sometime two older sisters, one a young teen, the other 28. For Dugard’s family, the end to the nightmare
Upon questioning, she discovered Garrido was a between 2006 and 2008, meaning parole officers did Perry never saw either of them. came at about 4 p.m.Wednesday California time.
parolee and contacted his parole agent in Concord, not continually track him electronically. His move- Sometime around 2001 or 2002, the Unpingco The couple is separated and both live in Southern
Calif. That parole agent summoned Garrido to his ments could be traced, but there were no restrictions family hosted a high school graduation party for California, Carl Probyn in Orange County and Terry
office yesterday, where he arrived in the company on where he could go. one of their daughters. They borrowed speakers Probyn in Riverside.
of his wife, two girls and a woman identified as They said his home typically would have been from Garrido, their neighbor, and when they saw Their 19-year-old daughter Shayna called
“Allissa.” visited by his agent three times a month and that him loitering out in the street, they invited him in, Carl Probyn at about 4 p.m. Wednesday and said,
After some questioning, the agent became con- he would have been expected to make regular office said Monica Unpingco, now 33. “Mom has something to say to you.Are you sitting
cerned. visits, as well. That was before they knew Garrido was a con- down?”
“The parole agent had never seen these individu- However, spokesman Gordon Hinkle said officials victed sex offender. But they knew something wasn’t Then Terry got on the phone with the news.
als - Allissa and the two young children - during his could not provide the dates or frequency of actual right when he had too much to drink and began “They found Jaycee; she is alive,”she said as the
visits to the house and thought that the females in visits to the home Thursday because the records “acting really weird”around the teenage girls, she couple began to cry over the phone.
Garrido’s company were suspicious and contacted still were being reviewed. said,“eyeing them and saying things he shouldn’t Terry Probyn had been called by FBI agents at
the Concord Police Department,”Kollar said. Garrido apparently lived at the Antioch home, have been saying.” work and given the news, but she initially thought
When police arrived, the women were separated 180 miles from the site of Dugard’s abduction, from Neighbour Damon Robinson said a friend of his it was a cruel joke.
from Garrido. He eventually confessed to having the time he got out of prison. grew nervous after seeing tents in Garrido’s back- Then an agent put Jaycee on the phone.
kidnapped Dugard, police said, and in separate ques- Christine Murphy, Garrido’s high school sweet- yard and what she thought were people living in “My wife said that who she spoke to remembers
tioning“Allissa”confirmed that she was, in fact, the heart and first wife, said that Garrido had grown up them. She called the sheriff’s department, but Rob- everything,”Carl Probyn said.“My wife and Jaycee
girl kidnapped from Meyers, Calif., in 1991. in the Contra Costa County area and had graduated inson said Garrido managed to deter the deputies, were joined at the hip.”
The Garridos were booked into the El Dorado from Liberty Union High School in 1968 or 1969. and they left without searching the home.
County Jail today on rape, kidnapping, conspiracy Murphy, reached by telephone at her home in the “All they had to do is look over the fence,” said

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