Preliminary Task Evaluation

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My task was to produce a opening where a character opens a door and crosses a room and
sits down using different camerawork and editing techniques like match on action, the 180
degree rule and shot/reverse/shot.
To complete this task I teamed with George, Noah and Ben for the filming and planning. We
created a storyboard to have a rough idea of what type of shots we wanted to use and how
we would incorporate the different techniques into the task. We decided to use the genre of
a crime thriller as we thought this would be able to have the different aspects of the criteria
incorporated well with an interview. Although this
was our original idea, we had issues on how to
film this interview scene as we wouldnt be able to
use a location that would resemble an
interviewing room in time for our filming so we
altered our idea to fit around using a setting of a
home and so we did a home interview instead of
using an official interview room such as one at a
police station.
This genre is usually depicted as having strong protagonist police
characters that are predominantly male which is stereotypical so I
decided to use this within my opening and also as countertypical
female characters are increasing in all genres I decided that the
main villainous antagonist would be female as usually the bad
characters within films are mostly male so I decided to go against
one of the usual constructs of this genre. This helped to give me an
extra part to my work as even though I was following the different
aspects of the genre, I changed it slightly so I could incorporate a
countertypical aspect as well as the usual components.
Throughout the opening we used different
shot types to make it interesting such as the
close up of the feet walking up to the door
and the hand knocking. The range of shots
we used helps to make keep the audience
engaged and it also allowed me to show off
my knowledge of different shot types. I
added these into the opening and edited it all
together so I could have different editing
techniques within it which was requested by
the brief and so I made sure my work fitted the success criteria. I also added some
background music to my work which helped to put the piece together and also add some
comedy to the piece. The non diegetic sound helps to engage the audience more as the
music matches the mood created by what happens in the scene.

I think two strengths of my preliminary task are that I used different camera shots using
features such as the depth of field, and using different levels with the camera shots which
helps to make the piece more appealing to an audience as it includes focusing on different
aspects.Two weaknesses in my task were the non diegetic music and continuity in the
filming. This is because some shots from the same angle moved slightly which made the
editing harder and less seamless. For the non diegetic music, it fits with some parts of the
piece however as I didnt want to use copyrighted music I was limited on the music I was
able to use so some parts have no non diegetic music in the background which I would have
liked to change.

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