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Education & Philosophy Classroom Management Plan

Democratic Educational Theory, is where the educational model is mirrored with

our fundamental societal values as students are no longer seen as passive
recipients of knowledge but in fact are involved as co-creators of their own
knowledge. They are no longer participants in the education system but rather
valued members in a vibrant learning community. (John Dewey 2001)
Democratic education starts with the notion that every student is unique and has
different learning styles, providing a platform for a more inclusive education by
supporting the individual students development in a supportive and caring
community. Helping students learn about themselves and the world around
them, and becoming positive contributing members to society. (Dewey, J., 1903)
Essentially following the set curriculum but allowing for democratic choice of how
that particular curriculum is learned via discussion and feedback.
A description of how you would develop and manage the classroom culture. This
will include setting out expectations of students. How will you develop or set the
classroom agreements, rules or code of conduct? How will you engage students
in the learning activities? How will you manage students who are not adhering to
the classroom agreements, rules or code of conduct? How will you manage
conflict if it occurs in the classroom? How will I develop this culture in the
As their teacher I will facilitate the students to develop a set of class morals or
values for their particular subject, they will also develop the rules and
punishments, these will be posted on the wall of the classroom easily visible to
everyone and a constant reminder of what was agreed upon, as long as they
adhere to the guidelines of safety and educational purpose, also every students
right to equal and safe education free from bullying or prejudice that way
everyone has fair and equitable say in the class management. My responsibility
is a facilitator and feedback giver to their education, seeking help from other
staff or mentors may be required when developing class values and rules to
determine a senate vote as modern democracy has come to expect.
In learning activities the students are the co -creators of their own learning
therefore the learning experience is better connected with their learning
intentions in their own minds
A classroom activity that illustrates my approach into democratic classroom
philosophy is all students are gathered together and the topic for the day is read
out and drawn up on the board this particular day and activity was on recycling.
The students are prompted to brainstorm ideas on recycling, and then they
decide on which the best medium or project would be to represent recycling,
some develop posters to hang in the classroom others develop cards to place
around the school and inform others about recycling and some students decide
to complete the activity verbally by round the topic of recycling. As this was on
teaching rounds I was able to team teach this with my mentor quite well but to
implement this on my own would serve up some challenges. This reflects my

classroom philosophy as the students have choice on how they complete the
activity best suited to them making them more engaged with the content.
The responsibilities I face as a teacher is to be firm but fair, I am their leader and
facilitator in their education, the only way my philosophy works is if I follow
through every step of the way, the resources I could draw upon, to help with
classroom management at my placement school are the school councillor, the
vice principal teachers from the leadership team. Places that are used for quiet
time to have conversation, time out areas, sports equipment for study breaks. If I
had a student that constantly ignored the rules or code of conduct, these are set
by the classroom so he would be violating the students democratic right to an
education, I would have to involve the principal and the students parents, and
allow that student some freedom to be able to set some own rules for himself
and follow his own code of conduct which is agreed upon by the students and

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