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75th Ghost Platoon

SOP Cheat Sheet

Ground Call Signs

Aviation Call Signs

Ghost 6 = Platoon Leader

Ghost 7 = Platoon Sergeant
Squad Leaders = Ghost (and the
corresponding squad #)
Ghost 6 Romeo = Platoon RTO (Radio
Telephone Operator)

Stalker 1-# MH-6 little bird
Stalker 2-# MH-60 Blackhawk
Stalker 3-# MH-47 Chinook
Close Air Support (CAS)
Prowler 1-# AH-6 little bird
Prowler 2-# AH-64 Apache
Fixed Wing
Hunter 1-# A-10
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Poacher 1-# Darter / RQ -11 Raven UAV
Poacher 2-# Predator / Reaper

Occasionally there may be elements,

such as a recon team, that have
unique call signs and they will be
designated during mission briefs.

Radio Nets


Ghost Platoon Net (Long Range)

70.0 (Command Net)
75.1 (Air to Ground Net)
Squad Nets (Short Range)
30.0 1st Squad
30.1 Alpha Team
30.2 Bravo Team
40.0 2nd Squad
40.1 Alpha Team
40.2 Bravo Team
50.0 3rd Squad

(S)ize of unit
(A)ctivity training, deploying
(L)ocation - grid
(E)quipment what do they

60.0 Air to Air channels

Rotary Close Combat Attack 5-LINE

Controller: {Aircraft Call Sign}, this is {Controller Call Sign} Fire Mission.
1.) TARGET LOCATION: (Grid, checkpoint, Reference, relation to terrain feature)
2.) TARGET MARK: (smoke color, IR pointer, tracer color, laser designation)
3.) FRIENDLY POSITION: (Grid, Checkpoint, Reference, relation to terrain feature)
4.) FRIENDLY MARK: (if friendlies are marked) (Strobe, IR Beacon, smoke)
5.) REMARKS: (Threats, danger close, restrictions, At My Command)

Airframe Risk Matrix





AH-6 Little bird

MH-6 Little bird
UH-60 Blackhawk
AH-64 Apache
UH-47 Chinook
A-10 Warthog

Landing Zone Brief

It is paramount that the Ground Lead does everything in their power to ensure
the Safety of Flight of supporting Air Assets.

With this in mind the Ground Lead MUST aid friendly rotary wing aircraft with
terminal guidance. (Landing the airframe)

The pilot is flying blind without someone on the ground relaying crucial

The Ground Lead will use the LZ Brief to communicate the overall picture on
the ground to the aircraft.
1.) LOCATION: (Grid, Checkpoint, Reference, Relation to terrain feature.)
2.) MARK: (Chem lights, IR Strobe, Smoke -do not say color.)
3.) FRIENDLIES: (Direction and distance from LZ.)
4.) ENEMY: (Dir / Dist. from LZ, Time and Type of fire, Clear Helo Hot to engage.)
5.) REMARKS: ( Obstacles, Dimensions, where to land from mark, # of PAX, Time on
Target, Enemy Dir / Dist. from LZ, Time and Type of fire, Clear Helo Hot to engage )

I= Infantry
T Technical
LA Light Armor
HA = Heavy Armor
AA Anti=Aircraft

Green No Risk
Yellow Moderate
Red Heavy Risk

Night LZ Marking
During hours of darkness all LZs will be marked with chemlights and IR strobes.
The NATO T will be employed with an IR Strobe/ IR Grenade at
its center.
Yellow will mark highest slope; Red will mark rocks, etc.

Controller: {Aircraft Call Sign}, this is {Controller Call Sign} standby for MEDEVAC Brief.
1.) LOCATION: (Grid, Checkpoint, Reference, Relation to terrain feature.)
2.) NUMBER OF PATIENTS: (State urgency (Urgent, Priority, Convenience)
3.) SECURTIY: (No enemy, enemy in the area, armed escort required)
4.) MARK: (Chem lights, IR Strobe, Smoke -do not say color.)
5.) REMARKS: (Dimensions, where to land from mark, # of PAX, Time on Target.)


Custom Notes

Rangers Lead The Way!

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