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Bahagian A

1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian : Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Kamu dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian ini.
3. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu
A, B, C dan D.Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.
4. Ceraikan Bahagian B daripada kertas soalan ini.


SECTION A ( 20 marks )

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat yang berikut.

1. The hikers stop walking because ____________ are tired.

A. she
B. he
C. it
D. they
2. These orchids are quite rare, ________________ they?
A. are
B. were
C. weren`t
D. aren`t
3. I went ____________ to the party ____________ the wedding.
A. neither, nor
B. neither, or
C. either, or
D. either, nor
4. My house is located ___________ Jalan Bukit Segar.It is ________ Mentakab.
A. at, in
B. in, at
C. on, in
D. in, on

5. My grandparents _____________ go for a walk as early as 6 a.m. and they are very
A. sometimes
B. usually
C. never
D. seldom

Choose the most suitable similies.

Pilih perumpamaan yang sesuai.

6. When the teacher found out the boy had been lying again, she was as angry
as a _______________.
A. horse
B. bull
C. lion
D. tiger

Choose the best answer for each blanks.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.
Last week, a group of pupils ____________ the Education Museum. As they
entered the museum, they saw a group of visitor looking __________ some museum
exhibits. The pupils were very happy to visit the section. They were given a brochure.
When the museum curator explained about the exhibits, they listened ___________.

A. visitB. visits

C. visited

D. visiting


A. for

B. on

C. at

D. after


A. silently

B. soundly

C. clumsily

D. attentively

Choose the words that has the similar meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang sama maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Zaheed is feeling miserable because his pet rabbit has died.
A. unhappy
B. calm
C. confused
D. relieved

Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.


A Stop or I`ll shoot! Shouted the policeman.

B " Stop or I`ll shoot!" , shouted the policeman.
C Stop or I`ll shoot! " shouted the policeman "
D "Stop or I`ll shoot! , shouted the policeman !

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.
Lihar gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Pak Aqil, an old man, has a herd of cows. Every morning, he takes his cows for
_________(12) at a field near a jungle. While waiting, Pak Aqil __________(13) a snap
under a big shady tree. The hot weather causes him to sleep __________(14) for hours.
In the evening, he brings the cows back to the ___________(15). His wife serves him
some food and drinks.


A. eating


A. loudly

B. grazing

B. fastly

C. chewing

C. slowly

D. swallowing

D. soundly

A. took
B. taking


A. shed
B. hut

C. takes

C. shelter

D. take

D. kennel

Question 16 to 20
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.
Long time ago, there was a dog called Bobby. It lived beside the jungle with its
master. It often followed its master to hunt in the jungle.Its master liked it very much
because it a was an excellent assistant when they went hunting. On the other hand, all
the animals in the jungle did not like it.
One day, Bobby went into the jungle alone. A bird saw it. It quickly informed its
friends. It said " Look! Bobby is coming. Today, let`s teach him a lesson." All its friends
agreed. First they hung a piece of bone on a branch of a tree that was low enough for
the dog to get it. Below the branch was a trap, which was a hole in the ground. Then,
they covered the hole with some dried leaves so that the dog could not to see it.
Then came the dog. It saw the bone. It was so happy that it forgot the saying "
Watch before you leap ". It quickly ran to get the bone. So, before it could get the
bone, it fell into the trap. In the end, it was trapped and could not get out of it no matter
how hard it tried.
When the master of the dog still did not see his dog that evening, he was very
worried. He went into the jungle to look for his dog. Finally he found his dog in the trap,

16. The animals in the jungle did not like Bobby most probably because it helped its
master to ___________________
A. eat the animals
B. trap the animals
C. tempt the animals
D. chase the animals

17. The saying " Watch before you leap" mean __________
A. careless
B. be careful
C. do not jump
D. look at the trap

18. What was the bait that the animals in the jungle used to trap Bobby?
A. The hole
B. The leaves
C. The tree branch
D. A piece of bone

19. A word that can replace the phrase `look for` in the last paragraph is _________
A. watch
B. hunt
C. find
D. see

20. In the end, Bobby was ___________

A. hurt
B. dead
C. starved to death
D. rescued by his master

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