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Sarah Fadness

Lesson Plan Three: Mini Lesson into a Workshop

Taught: 4.29.15
Topic: Predictions in series
School: Brookfield Elementary
Cooperating Teacher: Jodi Erickson


The range of literacy spans level B to N which are emergent/early to self-exceeding. There is a wide
spectrum of students in the class and all are at different levels. Teaching this lesson to the students comes
during their Series Unit when they have been looking at characters over multiple books. For example,
students have looked at Henry and Mudge books and they notice the characters traits. In this case, Mudge
usually goes along with what Henry says and students know that because of multiple Henry and Mudge
books they have read. I will be teaching to the CCSS.RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond
to major events and challenges. This will help students to critically think about the characters in the
series. They can think about traits that the character possesses such as Mudge being obedient to Henry.
This will help students to see that they do not need to only rely on pictures, they can use what they know
about the series to help them when reading the book. This will help them to focus less on pictures and
emphasize more on text and what is occurring in the story.

For the Students: CCSS.RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and
For the Teacher: The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of
subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals.
Performance: The teacher creates lessons and activities that operate at multiple levels to meet
the developmental and individual needs of diverse learners and help each progress.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The students will be able to use what they know about characters, the series,
and text in the book to make predictions about what is going to happen in the story
Function Word: Predict
Vocabulary Related to Function Word: Problem Solve, Solution, Background Knowledge, Main
Character, Book in a Series
Vocabulary Related to Text: Aquarium

Sarah Fadness
My assessment to see if the students have learned the objective of using what they know about the
character in a series to make predictions will be their turn and talks and one on one conferences. When
reading, I have preselected a spot in the book to have the students turn and talk with their partner about
predictions they can make regarding what is in store for Iris and Walter. When they are talking, I will
listen in on their conversations and work with students who I see need more assistance. During
independent reading time, I will walk around and confer with students about the books they are reading
from a series. Through my conferences, I will gather information from the students. I will be looking for
them to make predictions based off of what they know about the characters from multiple books that they
read. I want them to use evidence from the texts to make predictions. For example, a student may say in
regards to Henry and Mudge, I know that Mudge really loves Henry, so Im thinking that since Henry
got stung by a bee, Mudge is going to try to do something to make Henry feel better. Conferring with
students will help me to see the thought process students are making and the predictions that they are
creating. I will take anecdotal notes on a chart with all of their names and will mention the evidence they
are using when predicting the book. On my chart, I will write under their names, so I know who I have
talked with and will observe for my look fors. When I gather students after independent reading, I will
separate students into groups based off of books they have read. With their group, they will talk about
predictions they made based off of what they know about the character. During this time, I will talk
around and speak with groups to see their thinking. I will take notes to see their thinking and those will
help guide me to their understanding about making predictions how stories will unfold based off of the
character. My main look fors will be: logical predictions, explain why you made that prediction using
text evidence from the book and what you know about the character, and how the series tends to go.


When it comes to range of literacy, there is a wide range of student developmental levels. For
this lesson, students will be reading books at lower levels because they are in a series. During
my mini lesson I will read aloud, Iris and Walter and the Field Trip. I have allotted time for turn
and talks while I read. During turn and talks, I will walk around the carpet, seeing student
understanding and can assist them. If I see a student is struggling during turn and talks, I will
step in to help clear any gray areas by demonstrating how I predict what may happen in the book.
During independent reading time students may read from the series: Franklin, Henry and Mudge,
Fly Guy, of Clifford. These series are below their reading levels, so students will be successful
when reading. I will walk around while they are reading and will confer with students about the
characters over the span of their three books in the series. When conferring, I am able to give
more assistance and scaffold the students to slowly do more on their own. I will listen to the
students read and listen to them talk about the characters in their series. I will have them explain
to me character traits that they see in the texts. Students will be reading individually, but if they
need help, they can get help from a peer who is reading the same series as them. That way they
are able to ask their peers about the characters in the book and they will all be on the same page.

Sarah Fadness

Iris and Walter

Iris and Walter and the Birthday Party
Iris and Walter and the Field Trip
Books in series
Anchor charts
Post-it notes


Gather the students on the carpet by playing their transition song that the students are used to
when switching in between subjects
I will set behavior expectations by saying that they need to face forward and be elbow to elbow
next to their partner, eyes and eyes forward, and be on their best behavior
You have recently started a new unit and are now reading books in series
I know you have read multiple books in the same series and have seen the same characters
throughout by noticing patterns about characters in a series and how they tend to act
Reading books in a series allows us to see the characters in many different situations
When can use our knowledge about the characters to predict what is in store for them
Today our goal is to go beyond looking at pictures to predict and to use everything you know
about how stories and the characters tend to go together
This will help us to become stronger readers because predicting what may happen in the story can
help us to better understand the story, the characters, and the series
We will be using what we already know about the characters and the series and connect that to the
clues in the book you will be reading to make a really good prediction or guess about what is
going to happen in the story
Today we will be reading Iris and Walter and the Field Trip, I will refer to my CTs anchor chart
of: The character always____ or usually ____ as a prompt for students continue to think about
that as we read
I will use big post it notes to stick on the board prompting students with the language to make
predictions, I think this will happen because and use evidence about the characters, series,
and the text to help you in your thinking


I know you have been acting as good readers and have been paying close attention to books in
Characters in series have many similar traits throughout the series
What do we know about Iris and Walter?
In the Iris and Walter series, Iris and Walter are best of friends who are always together

Sarah Fadness

At the end of the book they always work things out

For example, in Iris and Walter and Iris and Walter and the Birthday Party, things do not go as
In Iris and Walter and the Birthday Party, Walters horse has a baby and they cannot ride the
horse at his party, but they work it out and decide to sing Happy Birthday to the baby horse
Iris and Walter are both kind and I know this because of what they do when they look out for each
other and other people as well.
We will be reading Iris and Walter and the Field Trip, just by the book being from the Iris and
Walter series, I know they will be inseparable and Iris and Walter always have each others back
I know they have each others back when in Iris and Walter and the Birthday Party, Iris stayed
with Walter when his horse had a baby and sang Happy Birthday with him, so I know Iris is
thoughtful and thinks of others
As I read, I want you guys to think of the two previous Iris and Walter books you have read to see
what you can predict in this book based off their characters and what we know about them
Before I begin, I will demonstrate to the students how to make predictions from prior knowledge
I will use the title instead of the picture to make the prediction that Iris and Walter will be
inseparable on the field trip because I know they are best of friends from the other books we have
read and I predict that no matter what happens in the book, they look out for each other.
When I see the words field trip it makes me think of being Iris and Walters age and I
remember always having to have a buddy on class field trips and we always had to stick with
our buddy so we would not get lost
From my prior knowledge, I predict Iris and Walter will be buddies on their field trip because I
know how close they are and they will have to stick together
From my prior knowledge, I am predicting that Iris or Walter may get left behind, but the other
one will go find them because I know they look out for each other based off the other books I
have read in the series
I want you all to make those types predictions as we read to connect the characters, the series and
clues in the book
I will read the book aloud
On page thirteen, last page of the first chapter, I will have students turn and talk with their
partner about what they predict will happen in the book based off of what we know about the
characters, Iris and Walter, from other books in the series and clues in the text
I will listen in when they are talking to hear their thoughts and will listen to them explain their
thinking by what they already know with the characters, Iris and Walter, and how the stories tend
to go and clues in the text
I will take a volunteer to share their prediction and their thinking
I will continue to read aloud
I will stop once more on page 17 and will have students turn and talk with their partner about
what they predict will happen in the book based off of what we know about the characters, the
series, and clues in the text
I will listen in when they are talking to hear their thoughts and will listen to them explain their
thinking by what they already know with the characters, Iris and Walter, and how the stories tend
to go and book clues
I will stop reading at the end of chapter two (page 19)

Sarah Fadness

I will take a couple volunteers to share predictions they have based off of the text, characters, and
the series


Remember that we can looked beyond pictures and look to the characters to make predictions
We can take our knowledge about the characters in the series we are reading and how we know
the series goes and the clues in the book we are reading to predict what will happen next in the
This will help you to become stronger readers because predicting what may happen in the story
can help us to better understand the story, the characters, and the series
Today we will be reading three different books in a series (they will be divided up by series in the
way my CT does from their reading development levels)
You will read three books independently
Remember to stop and jot like you always do to write down predictions about what you think will
happen from what we know about the characters, the book you are reading, and the series
You all know how to explain your thought and have been doing it, so not only do I want you to
make a prediction, I want you to explain why using clues about the book, characters, and the


In Iris and Walter and the Field Trip we made predictions when we turned and talked to our
partners about what was going to happen next based off of what we know about Iris and Walter,
the series, and clues in the text
I want you all to practice doing that independently
You will pick three books form a book series and take them to your reading spot
When you stop and jot, look at the story, characters, and the series to help you make predictions
about what is to come in the story and use evidence about them and clues in the story to explain
I will be around to see how you are doing


Transition students back together by saying bump a bum bump to get their attention, like I have
seen them do in class
I want you all to bring your three books with post it notes in them to the carpet
I will have each series group sit in a particular spot
We are going to practice how I want you to speak with your group members
I will take a volunteer tell me about a prediction they made while reading the book based off of
what they know about the character in the series and how the stories tend to go together and what
text clues they used in the book
That is how I want you to speak with your group members

Sarah Fadness

Students will then talk in their group about predictions they made from the books they read and
the evidence about the character that they used when making those predictions
I will walk around speaking with groups to see their train of thought and how they are doing
I will take notes about their evidence and predictions when speaking with them
I will take a volunteer to see what they talked about with their group


I will do a quick recap about using knowledge about characters in a series and how the series goes
and connecting that to the clues in the book they are reading to help us predict what may happen
in the book because it helps us to better understand the book and the series.
For example, we know Curious George is curious and gets into messes, but gets out of them
We know that because it is a trend in the Curious George series
As you continue to read over the next few weeks, continue to look at the character and what you
know about them, your understanding of how stories tend to go together, and clues in the book to
help you predict what may happen in the book

Look for Checklist:


Make logical predictions about what may happen in the text

Explain why they made that prediction using evidence from the text and what they know about

the characters along with how the stories tend to go

Degree of independence

Sarah Fadness

Sarah Fadness




















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