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Tutorial 6: CHM101 (2016)

Schrodinger's equation and particle in a box

1. Show that the frequency of the n = 3 to 2 particle-in-a-one-dimensional-box transition is
5/3 times the frequency of the 2 to 1 transition.

2. Calculate length of a one-dimensional box for which the difference between the lowest
energy levels of a molecule becomes comparable to its average kinetic energy at a room

3. Normalize the following wave functions (find the value of A).


a. = !! !
b. = (/) for = 0 to
= ( )/( ) for = to
where A, a, and b are constants.
4. Write the wave function of a particle in one-dimensional box of length L in state n=3.
What are the most likely locations of the particle?

An electron that has energy of approximately 6 eV moves between rigid walls 1 nm

apart. Find the quantum number n for the energy state that the electron occupies. [Hint:
Use particle in a box idea]

6. A particle is moving in a one-dimensional box (bounded by infinite potential) of width 10

. Calculate the probability of finding the particle within an interval of 1 at the center
of the box, when it is in its state of least energy.
7. Find the wavelength of the light emitted when a 10-30 Kg particle in a 3 onedimensional box goes from the n = 2 to the n = 1 level.

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