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Singapore, 3 June 2008

Singapore Equity Strategy

Equity Research
Kum Soek Ching, CFA, +65 6212 6065

Research Flash

Investment Ideas
Singapore Property: Focus on S-REITs and large diversified
property developers
Private Banking

Even as some market pessimists are projecting a precipitous Highlights

drop in the Singapore property market, a luxury condominium
project- Nassim Park Residences- developed by United ƒ Mid-cycle correction on uncertain global
Overseas Land has turned in strong preview sales, with 38 of
the 100-units development priced at more than SGD 3,000
economy and increased supply likely to be
psf sold. With a size of at least 3,000 sf each, each unit cost more pronounced at the luxury housing
SGD 10 m or more. segment; we expect prices at mid-to-mass
In Q1 2008, prices of private residential, office, retail and
industrial properties continued to rise, with a QoQ gain of
market properties to be more resilient
3.7%, 1.1%, 2.6% and 3.4%. Rentals also increased QoQ by
6%, 7.3%, 1% and 5.7% respectively for these segments. ƒ Sound macro fundamentals, an expanding
Given a more uncertain global economy and prospect of higher population from a liberal immigration policy,
supply of property from 2009 onwards, prices and rentals are and on-going transformation of Singapore
at risk of receding from their peaks, especially after a strong
price appreciation in 2007 of 31% and 32.6% YoY for the into a more cosmopolitan city to support
housing and office sector respectively. However, we continue long-term demand for real estate
to believe that the risk will only be more pronounced at the
high end segment of the housing market, given that it is more ƒ We see strong investment case for S-
dependent on investment demand. We expect prices at mid- REITs, and diversified and financially strong
to-mass market properties to be more resilient, with demand
firmly supported by genuine owner-occupiers. developers

Healthy economic picture does not support worst-case


In any case, we do not subscribe to a doomsday scenario of a Top investment ideas

broad-based 30-40% price declines as in previous down-
cycles such as in 1997-98 and 2000-01. Firstly, the current Capitaland (CAPL SP)
economic backdrop does not warrant such pessimism. After Geographically diversified earnings stream and well-
the Asian financial crisis hit in 1997, Singapore's GDP executed asset recycling business model
declined by 1.44% in 1998. In 2001, the economy headed
CapitaMall Trust (CT SP)
into a recession with the GDP contracting 2.2%, before
Strong mall management franchise and organic growth
recovering in 2002 (fig 2). CS IB is projecting GDP growth of
from asset enhancement
5.5% in 2008 and 5.2% in 2009. While there is downside risk
to the forecast even with a stronger than expected 6.7% YoY Suntec REIT (SUN SP)
economic growth in Q1, the Singapore economy is highly Strong rental renewal ; trading at below net asset value
unlikely to be anywhere near recession in the next 2 years, in
view of strong investments from the private and government
According to Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority,
6,068 units of private residential properties are under
construction in 2008, of which 5,032 units have been sold.
Between 2009 - 2010, some 17,392 units are estimated to
be under construction, of which 9,484 were already sold (fig

Important disclosures are found in the Disclosure appendix

Singapore, 3 June 2008

Figure 1 Figure 2
Composition of residential pipeline Whole Island Supply & Demand


10,000 10,000












2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 >2012

Sold units Under construction Planned New units sold New units Launched

Source: URA Source: Credit Suisse, URA

1). We reckon that only under the worst case scenario,

whereby all projects that are still in the planning stage will be Investment case for S-REITs remain strong
constructed, will there be an avalanche of up to 51,000 units
flooding the market between 2009-2011, as compared to an Sentiment towards developers could stay subdued in the near
average take-up of 11,534 units per year between 2005- term as investors assess the economic fall-out from the US
2007. sub-prime crisis. However, with property developer stocks
trading at close to parity to their revalued net asset values
Major property developers have strong financials and (RNAV), we see trading opportunity emerging in financially
holding power strong players if prices dip further. Our top pick is Capitaland
(CAPL SP, BUY) for its diversified property exposure and its
Major developers today are sitting on strong balance sheets. asset-light, capital recycling REIT management business
For example, City Developments, Capitaland, Wing Tai and model.
Keppel Land each have less than 50% net gearing as at their We remain positive on S-REITs given their defensive
last financial year-end, as compared to 88%- 143% during revenue stream as rentals are locked in for at least 2 years
the last down-cycle in 2001. The sector, meanwhile, is geared and rental reversions remain strong. The sector has delivered
at 62% on average. Hence, with developers' stronger holding strong Q1 2008 distribution per unit (DPU) growth averaging
power, and with the capacity in the construction sector 19.1%, on the back of reversionary rental growth and full
stretched in the next 3 years given the infrastructure boom on occupancy rates. Acquisitions at the financially strong trusts
the island, we believe some of the planned projects are likely such as Ascendas REIT and CapitaMall Trust are also picking
to be deferred. up momentum, and contrary to expectations, the REITs have
been able to raise funds for new acquisitions and debt
Mass market property underpinned by below-average refinancing at low financing costs. With some of the S-REITs
supply of public housing trading near to or below their net asset values, conditions for
M&As (merger & acquisition) could become conducive as the
Thirdly, during the previous property down-turn in 1997-98, credit market improves, a trend observed in more mature REIT
there were more than 30,000 HDB flats being built per year, markets. Our top picks are CapitaMall Trust (CT SP, BUY),
on top of the 12,000 private residential units completed each Suntec REIT (SUN SP, BUY), and Ascendas REIT (AREIT
year. Hence, home buyers had cheaper alternatives. Today, SP, HOLD).
only 6,000 new HDB flats are projected to be built each year
up to 2010. This will underpin demand and pricing for mass-
to-mid mid market private housing in the next few years.
Very often, the short term direction of the property market
is dictated by investors' sentiment. The Singapore economy
remains fundamentally sound, with the government having had
to further relax rules on the employment of foreign workers in
order to ease rapid wage inflation from the strong jobs creation
(68,400 new jobs created in Q1) and high labor participation.
In the long run, we see a structurally strong Singapore
economy with more diversified growth drivers supporting
genuine demand for property.

Research Flash 2
Singapore, 3 June 2008

Abbreviations frequently used in reports

Abb. Description Abb. Description Abb. Description
CAGR Compound annual growth rate EPS Earnings per share P/B Price-to-book value
CFO Cash from operations EV Enterprise value P/E Price-earnings ratio
CFROI Cash flow return on investment FCF Free cash flow PEG P/E ratio divided by growth in EPS
DCF Discounted cash flow FFO Funds from operations ROE Return on equity
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization IBD Interest-bearing debt ROIC Return on invested capital

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Overall Investment banking
The analyst(s) responsible for preparing this research report received compensation interests only
that is based upon various factors including Credit Suisse total revenues, a portion of
which are generated by Credit Suisse Investment Banking business. BUY 45.12% 45.05%
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Relative performance
Equity rating history as of 02/06/2008 At the stock level, the selection takes into account the relative attractiveness of
Company Rating Date individual shares versus the sector, market position, growth prospects, balance-sheet
structure and valuation. The sector and country recommendations are “overweight,”
“neutral”, and “underweight” and are assigned according to relative performance
INVESTMENT TRUST (AREIT SP) BUY since 24/04/2008 against the respective regional and global benchmark indices.
BUY since 27/03/2008
BUY since 26/03/2008 Absolute performance
The stock recommendations are BUY, HOLD and SELL and are dependent on the
BUY since 23/10/2007 expected absolute performance of the individual stocks, generally on a 6-12 months
HOLD since 09/05/2007 horizon based on the following criteria:
CAPITALAND LTD (CAPL SP) BUY since 21/05/2008
BUY: 10% or greater increase in absolute share price
BUY since 29/02/2008
HOLD: variation between -10% and +10% in absolute share price
BUY since 04/07/2007 SELL: 10% or more decrease in absolute share price
HOLD since 15/02/2007 RESTRICTED: In certain circumstances, internal and external regulations
CAPITAMALL TRUST (CT SP) BUY since 24/04/2008 exclude certain types of communications, including e.g. an
investment recommendation during the course of Credit Suisse
BUY since 05/02/2008
engagement in an investment banking transaction.
BUY since 08/06/2007 TERMINATED: Research coverage has been concluded.
BUY since 02/02/2007
SUNTEC REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT BUY since 13/05/2008 Corporate and emerging market bond recommendations
TRUST (SUN SP) The recommendations are based fundamentally on forecasts for total returns versus
BUY since 12/12/2007
the respective benchmark on a 3–6 month horizon and are defined as follows:
BUY since 14/06/2007
HOLD since 02/02/2007 BUY: Expectation that the bond issue will be a top performer in its
HOLD: Expectation that the bond issue will return average performance
The subject issuer (CAPITALAND LTD, CAPITAMALL TRUST, ASCENDAS REAL in its segment
ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST) currently is, or was during the 12-month period SELL: Expectation that the bond issue will be among the poor
preceding the date of distribution of this report, a client of Credit Suisse. performer in its segment
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Credit Suisse expects to receive or intends to seek investment banking related engagement in an investment banking transaction.
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INVESTMENT TRUST) within the next three months.

Research Flash 3
Singapore, 3 June 2008

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Singapore, 3 June 2008

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Research Flash 5

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