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a) The Research Title

Issue in Safety Problems and Solution to Improve Safety Management at Construction Site
Three keywords:


2. Improve
3. Safety Management

b) Introduction
Construction Industry is the one of the most dangerous and hazardous workplace, due to the
activities that taking place in the construction sites. The construction workers are one of the
most vulnerable members that faced with a wide variety of hazards during their work.
Malaysia was ranked as a second industry that contributes to highest percentage of
accidents at the worksite and those accidents does not only cause delays in operations at
sites and project of construction but also give the negative effect and bad implications to the
financial, humanitarian and others term. According to Paringga (2010), education and
training are designed to prevent human error that may cause the accidents and to enable
workers to perform a repetitive task with skill. Lai et al., (2011) stated that safety training is
the most effective tool to mitigate hazard since training helps to improve workers skills and
abilities to identify hazards.
Safety problems can be divided by two factors which is human factors and physical
factors. Lubega et al (2000) mentioned that the cause if the accident in construction site is
directly relatedto inadequate safety regulation, no force to use the regulation in site, no
safety consideration by personnel on site, no encourage professional people to work in site,
mechanical problem of construction machinery and equipment, and chemical or physical
Therefore, to improve safety management at the site is a safe work habits include
awareness, good communication, personal attitude, safety culture, positive group and
personal competency. Safety management is also concerned with influencing human
behaviours and with limiting the opportunities for mistakes to be made which would result in
harm or loss. Workers must be alerted about the risk exists regarding their work.

c) Problem Statement
There are three issues that arise while we conduct this research. Firstly, we want to identify
the safety problems in construction site. This is because we have been informed that the
construction site is unsafe place to visit.
Second issues that arise while we conduct this research are how to improve the
safety management at construction site. Based on the first issue that arise, we start to think
either there are any ways that can be use to improve the safety problem that arise.
The last issue is to identify the safety management that related to the safety
problems in construction site. We want to know either the safety management that is
conducted have the relationship with safety problems that arise.

d) Aim of Research
Our aim for this research is to establish the right safety management that can be conducted
to improve the safety problems that arise in construction site.

e) Research Questions
1. Construction site is the most dangerous activity that lead to the death, identify
the problem that cause an accident among worker in site?
2. Safety management is a program that help to reduce an accident in construction site
and there are many ways to improve safety management. State the ways how to
improve safety management in term of construction site?
3. Either the safety management that provided related to the safety problems that arise
in construction site?

f) Research Objectives
1. To identify the safety problems in construction site.
2. To identify the ways can be conducted to improve the safety management in
construction site.
3. To identify the relationship between safety management and safety problems that

g) Scope of Research
This research is focused on the safety management in construction site within Malaysia.
Among the scope and limitations of this study are as follows:

1) The study undertakes to study the safety awareness between the employer and
employee in a construction project with reference to the research within Malaysia
construction industry.
2) The study also focuses on management failure, unsafe condition and unsafe act and
several ways for improvement in construction site.
3) The study is based from the selected research between years 2005 to 2015 to
ensure relevant data is obtained.

h) Research Methodology
A systematic search of academic literature was conducted, including studies of
an empirical research design that evaluated the problems rise in construction site
and solution to improve the safety management. The data collection phase of the
literature review involved search in multiple electronic databases (GoogleScholar,
ScienceDirect and Emerald) for published peer-reviewed articles evaluating the
problem and solution to improve safety management at construction site.
Search were conducted using selected keywords, safety management,
problems at construction site, construction training, accident prevention,
improvement plan, human act in construction site and occupational hazards. The
selected keywords were in fact chosen from some of the keywords supplied by
the authors in the same relevant studies. The focus of this review was the
academic literature from 2005 to the present. The rationale behind this was
because the research before 2005 may outdated and the latest research was
necessary to take into consideration because it reflected the most current
situation in today. The methods sections and the lists of references of the
resulting publications were read to identify instruments for potential inclusion in
this review. Subsequent literature searches were carried out with the title of each
instrument entered into the search were carried out with the title of each
instrument entered into the search field. The resulting instruments were screened
for inclusion in this review.

Figure 1: Data collection process

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